May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
The next few weeks passed in a blur. After the talk they had with Sebastian things changed. Not over night by any means but they did change, for the better. Kurt and Sebastian had become really good friends as well as Sebastian and I. He was often found at their house hanging out, eating dinner and playing games. When he first started coming around he had been quiet and stand off ish, and Sebastian wouldn't be Sebastian without his nasty comments. Slowly and day by day the bad boy that we first met was slowly going away and the real Sebastian started to come out more. In their own little way they were all a family.
Since Sebastian had come into their lives they barely had any time to spend to themselves. If Sebastian wasn't past out on their couch he wouldn't leave until late and by than Kurt would be to exhausted to do anything and just sleep. He was in desperate need of some alone time with his boyfriend and asked Sebastian if he mind staying away for the night. He felt bad for even having to ask but he needed this and so did Kurt.
He had wanted to try something new for awhile now but hadn't had the chance to. Just before Kurt was scheduled to have lunch he headed over to the school. Because Blaine was technically his guardian when they are in Westerville it wasn't hard to ask the secretary to call Kurt out of class. Once the call had been made he waited for Kurt outside the office.
"Blaine? What are you doing here, is everything okay?" Kurt asked once he saw Blaine leaning against the door to the office.
"Hey, I'm good, I promise I just wanted to see you, I miss you."
"I miss you too."
They kept their distance at school, pretending they were just friends incase a student recognizes Blaine.
"Is there somewhere private we could go?"
Kurt checked his watch he had about twenty minutes before the bell for lunch went. He racked his brain trying to figure out a place where no one would see them.
"I've got the perfect place, but we have to hurry lunch is in twenty."
"Lead the way." Blaine smiled.
Kurt led them to where the Warblers rehearse. In the back of the room there is a separate door. Inside there was one single piano and nothing else.
"Nobody comes in here until after school. West usually comes in to compose the pieces he wants us to sing, even though we sing accapella. The best part is, is its sound proof."
Blaine made sure the door was locked and walked over to Kurt, grabbing both sides of his face and bringing him into a heated kiss. Knowing they didn't have much time he pulled away, "Pull your pants and underwear down and lean against the piano."
"Blaine we can't do this here."
"It's, Sir, and yes we can. Now do as your told before you get us caught."
"Yes Sir."
He pulled his pants and underwear down quickly and leaned over the piano like he was told. Blaine had come prepared. Before he even knew what was happening two wet fingers were entering him.
"Fuck Kurt, how are you always so tight." Blaine moaned.
"God feels so good, it's been too long."
Kurt pushed back onto Blaines fingers meeting him thrust for thrust. "Blaine fuck I need more."
He pulled his fingers out and without warning he put four in, slamming into his prostate. Kurt screamed in pure pleasure. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, so close Sir."
Blaine smirked, and pulled his fingers out. "Please don't stop.Sir," Kurt begged.
"You are not allowed to cum yet Pet," He said as he pushed the butt plug that he brought with him from home. "And if you're a good boy, I might just fuck you when you get home."
"I'm suppose to go the rest of the day with this in me? I don't think I'll last Sir."
Blaine kissed down Kurts neck and down his spine. He slapped Kurts ass as he whispered in Kurts ear, "You will wear the butt plug for the rest of the day. I want you nice and stretched and opened for me when you get home. And you will not cum until I tell you too. If you cum today sweetheart I will know."
"Fuck, Sir."
"Pull your pants up and let's go, you have a few minutes before your lunch starts. I'll see you at home, Mr.Hummel."
"Yes Mr.Anderson."
To say the last few hours of school went by slow would be an understatement. He spent the entire day trying to hide his massive boner that just wouldn't go away. Sitting was another chore in itself. Every time he sat down or just moved a little bit it would brush against his prostate. More than once he would have to fake cough to hide a moan that escaped his lips.
Finally after what seemed like hours the last bell of the day went, and he practically ran out of the classroom and to his car. He took his time driving though. As much as he wanted to he home fast he wasn't going to take the chance of breaking traffic laws and get stuck sitting in his car for longer waiting for the cops to give him a ticket.
He ran up the steps and into the house. He slammed the door shut but stopped dead in his tracks. There standing in the hallway was a naked Blaine, completely hard and slowly stroking himself. "Mr. Anderson, that is so hot."
"Did I tell you that you could speak Mr.Hummel?"
"No,Sir, sorry."
"That's your warning Mr.Hummel, no speaking unless I allow you to."
"Yes Sir."
"You've been a naughty student, haven't you Mr.Hummel?"
"I...I don't know what you're talking about Mr.Anderson."
"No? How about I remind you." He said as he walked over to Kurt. "Do you know how inappropriate it is for you to sport an erection during class?"
"I couldn't help it Sir."
"And why is that Mr.Hummel?"
"Because, because I'm attracted to you."
"You know that's not allowed don't you Mr.Hummel?"
"Yes, Mr.Anderson."
"But what kind of person would I be if I didn't help you with your problem? This can be our little secret Mr.Hummel?"
"Yes, Sir. Please..."
"Tell me what you want Mr.Hummel."
"You, please fuck me, anything please, it hurts."
"You've been hard too long, my poor baby. I'll help you out. Strip for me Mr. Hummel."
Kurt took his clothes off in record time, throwing them anywhere not caring where they landed.
"Your so beautiful Mr.Hummel, so sexy. Turn around, hands against the door, legs spread."
Kurt followed his directions and waited. Blaine started to slowly kiss down Kurts back, he was teasing him, trying to drag this out for as long as possible. When he finally made it to the swell of his ass he spread his cheeks, staying in characters he played dumb, "Well well well, what do we have here Mr. Hummel?" He said as he pushed the plug in deeper.
"A butt plug Sir."
"I know what it is Mr.Hummel, I'm asking you why you have one in you?"
"I...I wanted to be prepared for you Sir."
"So you expected this to happen?"
"I was hoping it would, I need you Mr. Anderson, please do something."
Blaine slowly pulled out the plug, and dove right in. Plunging his tongue in as far as he could go.
Kurt tried to hold in his noises. "Let me hear you Kurt." Blaine said as he took his tongue out before plunging back in.
"Fuck Mr.Anderson so good, fuck."
Blaine continued to fuck into Kurts hole for a few minutes making sure he was wet enough for his dick. When he thought he was ready, he pulled out and stood up, turning Kurt around and pushing him against the door.
"You taste so fucking good Mr.Hummel. I've been imagining my dick inside your ass all day."
"Please fuck me, I need to feel you." Kurt begged.
Blaine picked him up and he wrapped his legs around his waste and backed him into the door to help with the support. He lined himself up and fucked into Kurt. Didn't give him time to adjust, just fucked into him.
"You feel so good around me, so fucking good."
"Yes Mr.Anderson, so good, harder."
Blaine grabbed onto Kurts ass and slammed into him as hard as he could hitting his prostate.
"FUCK, yes right there don't stop!"
Blaine fucked into Kurt, harder and faster than he has ever done before. And he was already ready to cum. And he knew Kurt was there too. "Cum with me Kurt," he growled as he bit into his neck.
Kurt screamed and came with Blaines names on his lips, and clenched around Blaine as he came too filling him up. When they were both spent, Blaine helped Kurt off of his dick and both fell to the floor. Blaines legs feeling like jelly.
"God that was so good," Blaine said in between breaths.
"It was, do you have any idea what I went through at school today? I should be mad at you, but I can't be because in the end it was worth it."
Blaine laughed, "It was hard for me too sweetheart. It took everything in me not to masturbate. Knowing you were at school with a plug inside of you and hard."
"Your the one who put it there, so if you were uncomfortable today its your own fault."
"Yes, but like you said the end result was worth it."
"We should get up and get cleaned before Sebastian shows up."
"Not going to happen, tonight is just about me and you," Blaine said.
"Really how did you convince him not to come over?"
"I told him the truth, I wanted to spend some time alone with you."
"Perfect, because I've missed you a lot too. I know we see each other everyday but I miss this, being intimate with you."
"Me too. And your punishment is almost up and once it is I will never see you anymore," Blaine pouted.
"You will always see me baby, it's about trust right? I told you I'm going to prove to you that you can trust me."
"I know, and I feel like I'm almost there."
Kurt smiled, "Good."
Blaine leaned in and gave Kurt a kiss, "Ready for round two?"
"Mmm, always...where do you want me?"
"Ride me, right here."
And that's how the rest of their night went. They fucked and made love over the entire house before finally passing out on in the living room floor unable to move anywhere else, completely exhausted and spent from their afternoon.