Let Me Love You
Family? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Family?

E - Words: 2,297 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
119 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Review :)

"Burt just give me a second I'm in bed I don't want to wake up Kurt."

He slowly made his way out of bed making sure not to wake Kurt, and snuck out of the room quietly closing the door.

"Okay, so what's going on? Why do I need a lawyer?"

"So I got my people to do some research on Sebastian. Both of his parents died when he was seven. He was tossed around from foster home to foster home his entire life. He's been in trouble with the law more times than I can count, everything from shop lifting to drug possession."

"Okay he's had a rough life that's horrible, but what does that have to do with Kurt and I?"

"How do you think a teenage boy with no family and no parents pay for Dalton? This is his third boarding school in three years. He's good at finding out people's secrets and threatening to air them. He is in it for the money. He's going to blackmail you guys."

"So we give him the money."

"It's not that simple. After he is given the money he takes off and leaves and not even a week later whoever he is black mailing, gets black mailed. It's like he wants everyone around him to suffer."

"So we are screwed either way, I give him the money and he still blackmails us."

"I'm sorry Blaine, but yes. I really think you should get a lawyer just in case."

"What if I talk to him? Maybe he just needs to know someone cares about him. He's been left alone his entire life."

"I don't know about that, but it's up to you. I'll support you in whatever decision you make."

"I'm going to sleep on it tonight and talk to Kurt in the morning, and we will go from there."

"Okay, keep me updated yea?"

"Of course, cya Friday."

"Bye Blaine."

"Bye Burt."

Blaine hung up the phone and sat there with his head in his hands. He felt horrible for this Sebastian kid. Nobody should ever grow up not feeling wanted and loved. He knew the feeling oh so well, but at least his parents were still around. He didn't know what he was going to do, but whatever his decision, it will always be in the best interest for Kurt. He has already gone through way too much to go through this too. He made his way back to bed and held Kurt extra tight that night.

Kurts alarm went off and he groaned wanting to stay in bed. He slapped his alarm clock to off.

"Morning," Blaine mumbled.

"Morning, don't wanna get up."

"I know sweetheart but you have school today, and you are going."

"Mmm, fine," he said as he stretched.

"Go get ready baby, I'll start breakfast, there is something that I want to talk to you about."


Kurt get ready for school and met Blaine in the kitchen.

"Just in time, just finished cooking."

"Smells good."

Blaine brought the food to the table, "You know how sexy you look in your uniform?"

"Maybe you do have a thing for your students, Mr.Anderson."

"Only you, sweetheart." He said as he leaned in and nibbled on Kurts ear.

Kurt moaned, "You know I've been a bad student Mr.Anderson, I think I should be taught a lesson." he said as he grazed Blaines now hard cock.

"Fuck Kurt you can't just say things like that."

"You like it though."

Blaine moved away and put as much distance as he could between them, "I do, but you have to go to school and I still have to discuss something with you."

Kurt pouted, "Fine....later?"

"Later," Blaine replied.

He started eating and tried to calm himself down. About half way through his breakfast he spoke up, "So I talked to your dad last night, he called when you were sleeping."

"Oh is everything okay?"

"Yes and no. Your dad is fine. I called him yesterday to see if he could get some information on Sebastian, and he called me back last night. We found out a lot of stuff. Sebastians had a hard life, and I would really like to talk to him."

"You want to talk to the guy that is holding something against us?"

"Do you remember when you felt alone and you felt like you had nobody?"

Kurt looked down not wanting to re live his past, "of course I do."

"Think about how Sebastian feels. He literally has nobody, no family no parents, nothing. I just want to talk to him and see if there is anything I could do to help."


"So I was wondering if and when you see Sebastian today if you could invite him over tonight for dinner."

"Sure, but what if he says no?"

"I doubt his answer will he no."

"Sure, I'll text you once I find out, I gotta get going though or I'm going to be late."

"Okay sweetheart, try and have a good day. Just remember to only talk to him somewhere where there's other people around."

"Yes, Sir. Love you."

"Love you to sweetheart, cya tonight."

Kurt pulled into the school parking lot and parked his car. Stepping out he noticed Sebastian leaning against the school, staring at him, with a smirk. He took a deep breath and walked up to him. "Sebastian."

"Hummel, looking sexy today."

"I wear this everyday, nothing's changed."

"And you look sexy everyday, when are you going to let me into your pants, I bet you look even sexier with nothing on."

"Cut the crap Sebastian. I know this isn't you. You may say that you just played me for the last month to try and get into my pants, but I feel like that was the real you. This bad boy act is just that an act."

"Fuck off Hummel, you know nothing about me so don't pretend that you do. Now let's finish the discussion we were having earlier."

"Blaine wants to know if you are interested in coming over for dinner tonight?"

"Kinky, three sum. Didn't know you guys were into that, could be fun."

"It's not for a three sum Sebastian, it's just dinner and it gives us privacy to talk, so are you in or not?"


"Good I'll see you at six, I'll text you my address." he said as he walked away.

He pulled out his phone and sent Sebastian a quick text giving him their address and one to Blaine letting him know he would be there for dinner. The day dragged on for him. At least Sebastian had left him alone, he wasn't hiding around any corners today, but he didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing.

As he was just getting into his car to get home there was a knock on the windows. "Yes Sebastian?"

"Was wondering if I could get a drive? Car is broken down."

"Yea sure, but keep your hands to yourself."

"No promises Hummel."

"Than you can walk."

"Fine, hands to myself got it."

The ride home felt like it took forever, it was nothing but uncomfortable. Surprisingly Sebastian stayed quiet for most of the ride, which was weird because he never shut up. Finally they made it to his house, "We are here."

"Hmph nice place."


He led Sebastian up the path and into the house. "Blaine I'm home, Sebastian is with me."

"In the kitchen," Blaine yelled.

"Follow me," he said to Sebastian.

"Hey Kurt, Sebastian, you're a little early dinner is still going to be a bit."

"His car wouldn't start so I gave him a ride."

Blaines head snapped to Kurt and gave him a look, the we will discuss this later look. Shit he forgot about the rule of not being alone with him. Before Kurt could say anything else, Sebastian spoke.

"So how do you want to do this? After dinner, before dinner, both?"

"Sebastian, your not here for a three sum."

"You sure because your boyfriend is sex on a stick, and I'd like to be on..."

Blaine cut him off, "Enough. We didn't invite you here to have sex with you. That would never happen. I just want to talk to you, how about we go into the living room and talk?"

"Yea fine whatever."

They made their way into the living room and sat down. "So you want to talk, let's talk. I know what's going on between you guys. I know that you were his teacher when you guys started fucking. Here's the deal I want one hundred thousand dollars put into my bank account by the end of the week and I'll keep your secret safe."

"That's not going to happen Sebastian. I'm not giving you a single cent. I did my research on you as well, and I know everything about you."

"You don't know shit."

"I know that you lost both your parents when you were young and you've been tossed from one foster care to another. I also know that you blackmail people into giving you money with the promise of keeping their secrets safe, for you to turn around and blackmail them anyways. "

"How...how did you find out?"

"It doesn't matter how I found out. What matters is I know and I'm not going to play into your game. If you choose to blackmail Kurt and I, go for it. We will get through it together, like we do everything else. But what's in it for you? You get nothing out of it, so why try and hurt us?"

"I...I need that money."

"Sebastian I'm sorry that you've had a such a shit life, I can relate on some level. Both my parents are still alive but I don't have a relationship with them."

Tears welled up in Sebastians eyes. He hated talking about his parents. His parents were his world and they were both taken away from him. He lost his family the day they died. He's been on his own for a very long time, and the only way he knew how to survive was to blackmail people. He needed the money to stay in these private schools. It was a roof over his head, and even if it was for a few months he felt like he finally fit in. His friends were his family, he had nothing else.

"Listen just give me the fucking money."

"I'm not giving you anything Sebastian. If you need help paying for school, I'll help you. I can help you get your car fixed, I'll help you with anything you need but I'm not going to just hand over a check."

"You....you would help me?"

"Of course I would, but I would expect stuff from you."

"Like what?"

"You need to drop this whole bad boy thing you have going on, I know it's not you. Secondly you need to stop hitting on Kurt. Third, I want your grades to stay up."

Kurt looked at Blaine, he had stayed silent through all of this. He knew Blaine had a big heart he just didn't realize how big. He couldn't believe that he was going to go out of his way to help Sebastian. He knew Sebastian could be nice, he had seen it with his own eyes, so Kurt prayed that he would accept the offer.

"I..I don't know. I don't even know what to say. Nobody has ever offered me anything like this, they just give me the money and send me on my way."

"Let us help Sebastian. We both want to. I know it's going to be hard for you but let us in. Accept the help. Let someone else take care of you for once."

Sebastian was crying, why would anyone wants to help him? If Blaine and Kurt actually knew half the shit he had done they wouldn't want to help.

"You won't want to help me once you find out the stuff I've done."

"I don't care what you've done Sebastian. That's your past. We all make mistakes. We just have to learn from them and move on."

"Do you know how many lives I ruined? How many guys I've fucked or let fuck me, just for the hell of it. I don't even remember any of their names." Sebastian said through his tears.

Blaine stood up and walked over to Sebastian and wrapped him in his arms. Kurt walked over to and rubbed circles into his back. "I just...just want someone to love me to care for me."

"We care Sebastian, let us in."

Sebastian just cried harder. He couldn't remember the last time he received a hug from someone, and it felt nice. He felt cared for. He has never trusted anybody his entire life or let anybody in or get close enough because he didn't want to feel the pain of being hurt again. He genuinely liked Kurt, he had become good friends with him over the past month, and he was probably the only one that ever seen the real him. Now he had Blaine holding him and comforting him and wanting to help. He didn't just give in and send him away. Maybe it was time to start letting people in. He's been on his own for so long it would be nice to actually have some friends.

Kurt felt bad for Sebastian. Heart broken that he had a shit life. Heart broken that he would just give himself to anybody like he didn't matter. He didn't know what he could do for Sebastian but sing, Singing always made him feel better. The only song that kept playing over and over again in his head is the song that Blaine had written him, Not Alone. He knew that song was meant for him but right now in this moment it was meant for Sebastian. Kurt started humming the song, and noticed Blaine smile when he realized what song he was humming. He looked at Kurt and nodded his head giving him permission to continue. They sang the song together, right to Sebastian, hoping he would understand exactly what that song meant.

Sebastian listened to them sing, and let the words sink in. And from the first time in his life he didn't feel so alone. Maybe he had finally found what he's been looking for his entire life...a family.


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