May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
The following week had been miserable for him. He tried everything to avoid Sebastian but every time he turned around Sebastian was there. He was just rounding the corner not paying attention to where he was going and bumped into someone...Sebastian.
"Shit, I'm sorry," Kurt said as he tried to walk around him.
"Hey where are you going? Why have you been avoiding me?"
"Sebastian not right now I'm going to be late for class."
"Well when is it a good time because you haven't spoken to me since we had coffee...oh I get it your boyfriend doesn't like me and doesn't want you around me."
"It's not that...Okay maybe a little bit. I told him about what happened."
"And what happened?"
"You kissed me Sebastian."
"If I remember correctly you seemed to enjoy it."
"That's bullshit and you know it, I pushed you off once I realized what was happening...Blaine was right about you, I should have never have trusted you. I thought we could be friends Sebastian, but I can't be friends with someone who has an ulterior motive."
"You don't want to be friends or your not allowed to be friends, that boyfriend of yours has you on a pretty tight leash don't you think?"
"Mine and Blaines relationship is none of your business. But just so you know he never once said I had to stop being friends with you, this decision is my own. I will always chose my relationship with Blaine over you. Now if you will excuse me I have to get to class." He said as he tried walking past Sebastian.
Sebastian grabbed his arm and held him in place and leaned in to whisper into Kurts ear, "I know yours and your boyfriends secret, don't fuck with me Hummel because I can take him down before you can even bat an eyelash."
"I have no idea what you are talking about so keep your threats to yourself."
"Does he liked to be called Mr.Anderson in the bedroom? Yes he probably does and I bet you love shouting it. I've been after you since the first day you got here, and even played a nice guy for a little bit, but clearly nice doesn't get into your pants."
"Like I said before I have no idea what you are talking about, so leave me the hell alone."
"Don't think for one second that I won't expose him, because unlike you I have everything to gain and nothing to lose."
Just than the bell rang letting both boys know they were late for class.
"Looks like I gotta go, we will finish this conversation later," Sebastian said as he winked and than walked away.
They had been caught, somehow Sebastian found out who Blaine really was. He had to talk to Blaine, it was his last period of the day and he hadn't missed any of his classes since beginning school there, so he decided at the last second to skip and head home.
Once home he ran into the house he yelled for Blaine, "BLAINE!"
Blaine walked out of the music room, "Hey, you're home early, is everything okay?"
Kurt walked over to Blaine and collapsed in his arms and started sobbing. "Sweetheart what's going on? What happened baby?"
"He...he knows Blaine, he knows."
"Sweetheart your not making any sense, slow down and start over okay? Who knows what?"
"Sebastian, he knows. He knows about us, about you being my teacher."
"I avoided him all week and today I accidentally bumped into him, and I told him that we can't be friends anymore, than he said...he said...he knows our secret and he has everything to gain and nothing to lose....you were right Blaine this entire time. He was just trying to get into my pants. I'm so sorry."
"Hey enough with the apologies. We've talked about this and you were forgiven. He never said that he knew I was your teacher right? So maybe he's just fishing. You just turned him down and he is pissed. He seems like the kind of guy that has never heard the word 'no'. If he does know the truth than let's see what he does with it. I'm no longer your teacher baby, hell I'm not even working right now, so I doubt there is much they could do. Just please don't stress over this."
"But what if they try and separate us Blaine. Or what if you go to jail I'm not eighteen yet. I don't even know how he knows, I swear I haven't said a word to anybody."
"No matter what happens they can't keep us apart, not ever. I'm not going to go to jail baby, we will fight this. Your turning eighteen in a few days. We will figure this out together okay. And besides we don't even know what Sebastian is talking about sweetheart, so let's not jump to any conclusions okay."
"Okay, I'll try not to...he said we weren't finished talking, what happens when I go to school tomorrow and he stops me."
"If he stops you, talk to him. But make sure you're some place safe with teachers or students around. Let him talk, see what information you can get out of him without making it obvious. And than we will go from there okay sweetheart."
"How about you get started on your homework, I'm just finishing up a piece I've been working on. Let me know what your done and we will start on dinner."
"Yes, Sir."
Blaine was panicking. He needed a moment to himself. How the hell did Sebastian find out? And what was he going to do what the information? Even though Blaine might not be a teacher right now doesn't men he still couldn't get into any trouble. Their relationship started when he was still a teacher. And not only that Kurt was still a minor by law. He had no idea what he was going to do, but he couldn't let Kurt know how much trouble he could be in. He had to stay calm in front of Kurt because he doesn't want him worrying any more than he has to. He grabbed his phone and called the first person he could think of.
"Burt hi, it's Blaine."
"I know, caller I.D remember."
"Right sorry."
"Is everything okay?"
"No not really, umm I need your help with something."
"Sure what's going on?"
Blaine explained everything that had happened since the first time Kurt met Sebastian, and everything leading up to now.
"You said his name was Sebastian Smythe?"
"Okay let me just make a few phone calls see what I can find about him. And don't worry about anything right now, you don't even know if he knows."
"Thanks Burt."
"No problem kid, I'll see you guys this weekend?"
"Of course, I'll talk to you soon, Bye Burt."
"Bye kid."
For the rest of the night Blaine kept Kurt occupied. They played some board games, watched some t.v and had a bath together. Now they were lying in bed and Blaine was holding Kurt close.listening to the sounds of his deep breathing. "I will never let anybody or anything come between us, ever, I love you." He said as he leaned in and gently kissed his forehead.
Just than his phone rang, he grabbed it quickly and pushed talk without even looking to see who called, just trying to shut the phone up so it didn't wake Kurt.
"Hello," he whispered.
"Hey kid its Burt."
"So I have some bad news, and your not going to like it. I think you should contact your lawyer in the morning."