May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Burt walked back into the living room once Blaine had called him back. One look at Kurt and he could tell he was on some sort of punishment. He sat across from the boys waiting for one of them to speak up.
Blaine looked up at Burt and rubbed the back of his head, "Okay so Umm this is kinda awkward to be telling you this...but, Kurt is being punished right now. One of his punishments is he isn't allowed to talk this week unless asked a direct question and that includes you. I expect him to follow the rule even if I'm not here. Kurt doesn't think before he speaks and I think this will teach him to do just that."
Burt nodded, "I think that's fair, Kurt what do you think?"
"It's fair, Sir."
Burt smirked, right now Kurt reminded him so much of his late wife. "Good, so let's get down to why we are here."
Blaine knew Kurt wouldn't handle the news good, he grabbed his hand and squeezed it, while wrapping his other arm around his back drawing small circles trying to relax him.
"So the detectives called over the weekend," Burt began, "and I'm sorry kiddo, but nobody would come forward and the jocks denied everything."
Kurt lowered his head and tried to control his breathing.
"Kurt its going to be okay, we will find a way to make them pay sweetheart."
Kurt was having a hard time following his no speaking rule. How the hell was he going to be okay? The jocks are still going to the school and now they know that he told, they were going to kill him.
"Kurt I need you to relax baby, let your dad finish talking he, well we have a plan. Just listen okay."
Kurt nodded as Burt continued. "Well I heard about this school over in Westerville, it's an all boys school called Dalton Academy and they have a zero tolerance for bullying. Well I looked into a bit more after I left you that message Blaine, and it's a lot more expensive than I originally thought."
"I'll pay for it, doesn't matter how much it costs, I'll pay."
"I can't ask you to do that, it's a lot of money Blaine, I haven't even told you the price."
"Price doesn't matter, Kurt needs to be safe, and this school offers him that. He's going to that school he can't go back to McKinley."
The entire time Burt and Blaine were deciding on Kurts future both failed to notice Kurt was about to have a panic attack. Change schools? I'm suppose to up and leave the few friends I do have left, Glee club, Blaine! He tried to follow the rule of no speaking but this was too much and neither of them even bothered to ask how I felt, they are just making decisions for me.
"BOTH OF YOU JUST STOP TALKING!" Kurt screamed immediately getting both guys attention.
"Kurt--" Blaine started.
"No! Screw your stupid rule for one minute, and listen to me, or have you both forgotten that im right here? You don't get to choose where I go to school. How do you even know I want to leave McKinley? Does my opinion even matter? And Blaine we just had a discussion about you spending your money on me, I DON'T WANT IT!"
"Kurt that's enough, now sit back down." Blaine demanded.
"No, I'll be in my room until you two decide that it's okay that I have some say about my life," he said as he stormed off to his room.
Burt and Blaine sat there in shock for a minute. "I'll go talk to him," Blaine said as he headed down to the room.
Kurt was laying there crying, his face to the wall. Blaine walked over and sat down and rubbed his back. "Sweetheart turn around so we can talk about this."
Kurt knew he was in enough trouble. He wasn't even ten minutes into his punishment and he already broke the rule, he didn't want to get in more trouble by not listening so he reluctantly turned and faced Blaine.
"Kurt I'm so sorry." Blaine said as he rubbed Kurts face.
"We should have asked you first if switching schools was okay with you. We are just worried sweetheart, we know how much tomorrow is going to suck for you if you go back there. We just want you safe, I want you safe. And as for the money I would spend every single penny of it if it meant you were safe. I'm in the position to help you, so please let me help," Blaine pleaded.
"Can I speak?"
"Of course baby."
"I'm sorry for freaking out and breaking a rule, but you guys acted like I wasn't even there. You made every decision for me without even running it by me....I...I don't think it's fair that I'm being run out of my school because of them. I'm going to miss my friends, Glee club...you."
"You will make new friends sweetheart, and the friends you have here you can still be friends with, Westerville is a two hour drive baby, your not that far. There's a club there as well that you could join. And as for me, ill always be here. We can text and call, Skype. We will have the weekends and I could always come and visit you during the week. It's not for long sweetheart, before you know it will will be in New York."
"Blaine...I can't leave you here...I...I need you. I don't know how I will go a week without seeing you." he cried.
"Baby its going to be just as hard for me, but we are strong and I know we will be okay."
"And what about our rules and punishments?"
"We will still have them, I'd expect you to be completely honest with me at all times if you break a rule, and we will come up with punishments as we go along, we will figure it out."
"Okay," Kurt whispered, "I'll go."
Blaine smiled at him, "Good choice sweetheart, I'm so proud of you. I'm going to let your out burst slide this time, because your dad and I were in the wrong. But it still stands okay baby."
"Yes, Sir."
Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt, "Let's go talk to your dad and let him know what your decision is, and you owe him an apology."
"I love you," Blaine said.
"I love you too, always."
They made their way upstairs and found Burt sitting in his chair watching a game, "Is everything okay now?"
"Yea we worked it out, and Kurt has something to say to you...Kurt you may speak."
"Dad I'm sorry for freaking out and yelling at you. I've made a decision and ill try out Dalton."
"I'm sorry too Kurt, we should have asked you your opinion. And I'm glad you said yes because we have a meeting tomorrow with the Head Master."
Kurt looked at Blaine, silently asking if he could speak, Blaine nodded his head.
"I thought you said we couldn't afford it, so how did you get an appointment so quickly?"
"I was still going to go, hoping they could give a discount or something given the circumstances, or see if here were scholarships or something you could apply for."
"Oh okay, Will you come with us tomorrow?" He said asking Blaine.
"Sweetheart I'm sorry I can't, I have to go back to school tomorrow. But you will have your dad, you will be fine. Ill be here as soon as I'm done work and you can tell me all about okay."
"Yes sir."
"Okay boys, I'm off to bed, I suggest you do the same, it's getting late and we all have to be up early." Burt said as he got up. He walked over to Kurt and pulled him into a hug, "I'm so happy your doing this, I know it's the right decision for you." With that he excused himself and headed to bed.
Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and led him downstairs, "Us too, it's late and it's already past your bedtime."
Once downstairs Blaine grabbed Kurt a pair of pajamas, "Here go take a quick shower, get ready for bed and meet me back in here okay?"
"Yes Sir," Kurt said before turning and walking to the bathroom.
Blaine changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed not needing a shower as he had one when he got home. Kurt going to a different school was going to break his heart, it already hurt just thinking about it. But to keep Kurt safe this was their only option. And his number one priority was to keep him safe. He was going to miss him like crazy. He had to be the strong one here, he couldn't break down because if he did, Kurt would too.
Kurt came back in the room. Blaine lifted up the blanket and patted beside him, "Come to bed sweetheart."
Kurt climbed in and snuggled right into Blaine. The one place he always felt safe. How was he going to sleep every night not having Blaines arms there to protect him? He knew it wouldn't always be like this and that's the one thing he had to remember, soon they would be in New York and together every night. He had to keep that thought in his head because if he didn't he felt like he would fall apart at any given second. He snuggled into Blaine further remembering the feeling of his strong arms around him, for when he was by himself at another school away from him. He fell into a restless sleep, nightmares plaguing his dreams for the first time since him and Blaine got together.
this kind of sucks. i mean im glad kurts going to be safe but hes goig to be away from blaine and what if he cant sleep? oh well guess well see what happens.