Let Me Love You
Don't Speak Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: Don't Speak

E - Words: 1,746 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
125 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Reviews are always welcome :)

Burt held Kurt close and let him cry. After about fourty five minutes he had stopped crying and was trying to get his breathing under control. "So are you going to explain to me what happened?" Burt asked.

"I think I screwed everything up, I said something I shouldn't have and I really hurt him."

"What did you say?"

"I ummm...." He stuttered.

How was he suppose to tell his dad what he said without giving away how their relationship really was? He didn't want his dad to think of him any different or think it was wrong.

"It's okay Budd you can tell me."

"Dad I don't know how to explain to you without you thinking any different of me and Blaine."

"Could it possibly have anything to do with the list of rules he has for you guys?"

Kurts head shot up, "What...how did....how did you know?"

Burt chuckled, "I found it last week, you left in on your desk. I swear I wasn't snooping I was looking for a pen."

"And your not mad?"

"No of course not. You probably don't remember because you were so young, but your mother and I were in a Dom/Sub relationship."

"Your kidding."

"Nope not at all....but to be honest kid I thought you would be the Dom, you've always been so incontrol of your life and so strong willed, and let's be honest...kinda bossy."

"I'm not always like that. I dunno I guess it's nice to just let go of everything and let someone take care of me."

"I get it, you were just like your mom. She was always so strong but she wanted to just let go and have someone take care of her and make decisions for her. So what I'm saying is, I'm fine with yours and Blaines relationship as long as he doesn't hurt you or abuse the privilege."

"He's an amazing Dom dad, he takes care of me, and protects me. He calls me out when I'm wrong, and he...He punishes me." "Blush rose to Kurts cheeks, embarrassed that he was admitting to his dad that Blaine would punish him.

"Don't be embarrassed buddy, that's part of the relationship. You feel better after a punishment don't you?"

"Yea of course, I'm forgiven once it's done and we move on."

"So are you going to tell me what happened today?"

"We were on our way home and I realized that I hadn't heard anything from the detectives at all this weekend, so I asked him if he knew something, and he just kept saying we would talk when we got home. I yelled at him and he asked me to apologize and I wouldn't. So he pulled over and got out of the car and told me to get out and I said no. And he said I could either get on my own or he would help me out....and I may have implied that other people that were around would see it as abuse. I pretty much accused him of abusing me...and he never has dad and I know he never would. I was just so mad." Kurt said as tears began falling again.

"Oh Kurt, you made a huge mistake, why would you say that?"

"I don't know, I didn't mean to, I regretted it as soon as I said it. I was already tense about coming home because I knew what that entailed, and then I found out he was keeping something from me it just set me off. And you know I have no control over what comes out of my mouth."

"Kurt, he just wanted you to have an amazing weekend. The whole point of this trip was for you to relax and just forget about everything. He didn't tell you in New York because he knew it would just ruin your weekend. Now think about why he didn't tell you in the car."

"He said he wanted you there too."

"Well that's true, but it's not all of it. Kurt you are prone to panic attacks, how is he suppose to comfort you or help you through one if he's on the middle of the freeway?"

Kurt looked down. "Oh my god, I feel like shit now, I have to go see him dad."

"I think it's best you give him tonight, he's clearly really hurt."

"Please dad," Kurt started sobbing, "I need him, I need to apologize to make it better, I need him here when you tell me what's going on please dad I really need.him."

"Ok buddy, listen ill go call him okay. I'll see if I can get him here. Just try and relax, deep breaths okay."

Kurt nodded his head and whispered, "Thank you."

Burt left the room and quickly dialed Blaines number praying he would pick up. Thank god he did, and he didn't sound much better than Kurt. "Burt...is everything okay?"

"Hey kid, can you come back over?"

"I...I can't. I need to be away from him for awhile, I just...I need to think."

"Listen Blaine, Kurt told me everything that happened..."

"What exactly did he tell you?"

"Everything Blaine. I know about your relationship. I know you are his Dom and he's your Sub. I know he screwed up tonight and accused you of something awful, I know. But he needs you right now and by the sounds of it you need him too."

"Wait...your not mad?" Blaine asked shocked.

"No kid I'm not. Kurts mother and I had the same relationship, it's fine."

"Okay but I'm still not sure I should be there."

"Blaine you need to be here, he is sorry for what was said, and he didn't mean it. If you are truly his Dom than you need to take control of the situation and punish him, you can't let him get away with it, whether he meant it or not. And I have to tell him tonight what is going on, and I can't tell him anything with the state that he is in right now."

"I can't believe you just told me to punish your son," Blaine laughed.

"Ha yea...just don't tell Kurt I said that. Can you please come over?"

"Umm yea sure, when I get there though do you think I can have a few minutes alone with him, figure some stuff out...Umm set up some rules and the punishment thing."

"Yea yea of course kid, I'll see you soon."

Burt hung up and when back into the livingroom, Kurt had cried himself to sleep and was curled into a ball. He decided to just leave him, Blaine could deal with him when he got here.

About a half hour later Blaine was at the door carrying a bag, "Umm I hope you don't mind, I was just going to crash here tonight. It's probably going to be pretty late once we are done talking and I have school in the morning."

"Of course kid, it's fine. He's in the living room he cried himself to sleep, I'll just be upstairs, holler when your done."

Blaine walked to the livingroom and leaned on the frame and watched Kurt sleep for a few minutes, taking in his pale face streaked with dry tears. He realized on his way home tonight, that he had been to leanent on Kurt over the weekend. He was suppose to be punished the entire weekend, but both got caught up in the excitement, and his punishment was pretty much forgotten. If he had been more strict maybe none of this would have happened. He also had a pretty good idea of what his punishment would be this time. He walked over to Kurt and kneeled down beside him, pushing his fallen hair back.

Kurt began to stir and opened his eyes, "Bl--Blaine, your....your here."

Blaine sighed, "I'm here."

"I am so sorry Blaine--"

Blaine put his hand up officially cutting Kurt off.

"You clearly don't know how to handle your emotions when you get upset, which leads to you saying very hurtful and mean things. You did it a few days ago and again today. You were suppose to be punished the entire weekend and I let it go, and that is my fault. I should have been a better Dom to you whether we stayed in my apartment all weekend or been in New York....you broke my heart today Kurt. You made me question everything I have ever done to you. You made me think that I somehow abused you. I know you said it in the heat of the moment, and you didn't mean it, but it was said and it's out there and it made be doubt myself as a Dom and worst of all it made me doubt us."


"Do not speak Kurt."

"I know in my heart I have never abused you, I know you didn't mean what you said. But here's thing when you say something in the heat of the moment, you tend to say things that are mean and you end up regretting it as soon as it's said. But by the time it's too late, it's already out there. So starting right now, for the next week you are not allowed to speak, unless you are given a direct question. Whether it be here, at school or anyone else you come in contact with. You've lost your phone privileges as well as that's another way of communication. If you can't watch what you say when your upset, than maybe you shouldn't talk at all. This will give you the chance to actually think before you speak, and you will have a lot to think about, especially after your dad and I talk to you. If you have something important to say, you ask if you can speak first. Every night this week you will be in bed by eight. You will spend one hour everyday this week standing in the corner. Clearly tonight you are already past your bedtime and I won't make you stand in the corner because we have to talk to your dad still, but it will start tomorrow. Your no talking rule starts right now, do you understand?"

Kurt kept his head down and nodded, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. This was going to be a long and slow week, but he knew he deserved the punishment.

"When given a question you may answer Kurt, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," Kurt whispered.

Blaine leaned and kissed Kurts forehead, "I love you."

Kurt nodded.

"I'm going to call your dad in now, we have a lot to talk about. And I will tell him about the punishment, it applies even if I'm not here, I'll be right back."

Kurt kept his head down and waited for his dad and Blaine to get back.


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