Let Me Love You
New York Part Three Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: New York Part Three

E - Words: 2,705 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
122 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Review, review, review

Kurt had woken up first, it was his last full day in New York and as much as he enjoyed being in bed with Blaine, he wanted to get up and explore everything New York had to offer. He was about to wake Blaine up when he moaned in his sleep, and when he looked down he could clearly see the visible tent happening between his legs.

Kurt smirked and gently untangle himself from Blaine and slowly lowered the blankets. He was still open from last night and still slick. He gently straddled Blaine and lowered himself onto him. He stopped when he was fully seated and took a minute to adjust. It was a mixture between pleasure and pain. He slowly lifted himself up before slowly sinking back down, looking for any signs that Blaine was waking up, there was none but he was moaning and he started to slowly thrust his hips, clearly still dreaming.

Kurt picked up his pace and began to fuck down on Blaines cock, moving over a little bit so that way it would hit his prostate every time. Blaine finally started to wake up his hands flying to Kurts hips, "Mmm fuck Kurt," He moaned still half asleep not realizing he wasn't dreaming.

Kurt lifted himself up until only Blaines head was breaching his entrance before he slammed back down as hard as he could, a scream erupting from him. Blaines eyes snapped open, "Oh my god Kurt, fuck what are you doing?" Blaine said as his brain tried to catch up.

"Fuck Sir, please fuck me."

Blaine grabbed onto his hips even harder, he would probably have finger mark bruises later on but neither cared, and started thrusting into Kurt hard and fast.

Blaine didn't know how long Kurt had been riding him but he was already so close. He fucked into Kurt like his life depended on it. He was determined to make Kurt cum with just his dick. "So close Kurt, so good baby, cum with me."

When Blaine thrust upwards, he would slam himself down. The pleasure over ruled the pain, and his dick was begging for release. Blaine slammed into his prostate repeatedly and with a scream he was cumming completely untouched. Blaine came a few seconds later filling him up. He collapsed on Blaine as they both tried.to catch their breath, slowing their heartbeats.

"Holy fuck sweetheart, that was amazing, literally the best way to ever wake up."

"Mmm glad you liked it. But I'm going to jump in the shower I feel disgusting and than can we please go, it's our last full day here and I really want to see as much as I can today."

"I'd say after that wakeup call you can have anything you like, but I have a few surprises for you today."

Kurt leaned down and gave him a lazy kiss, "Not going to tell me are you?"

Blaine smirked, "You know me all to well, but yes you can jump in the shower, we will grab some breakfast and head out. We have somewhere to be at eleven, than dinner tonight along with another surprise."

"Mmm okay," Kurt said as he slowly got off of Blaine, hissing at the feeling of being empty.

"What not going to argue with me today about your surprises?"

"I've learned pretty quickly your going to do what you want no matter how much I protest, so I'm just going with it."

"Good, now get in the shower ill order room service today."

Kurt left to go jump in the shower. He thought it was best if he didn't shower with Kurt today or they would never leave their hotel room and he had something really special planned for the day. He didn't plan on planning so many activities but after he got here he realized he just wanted to show Kurt what his life could be like.

He ordered them breakfast, and decided to check his email quickly while he had time to kill. He grabbed his phone and realized he had missed a call from Burt. He froze, the only reason why Burt would call was if he had heard something from the police, and it could either be bad or good news. He checked to make sure he could here the water running before checking his voicemail.

"Hey Blaine its Burt. I just got off the phone with Detective Burgess and she said that right now they don't have much to go on. They talked to teachers and students and none of them would admit they've witnessed Kurt being bullied. Of course David and the rest of the team denied everything. It's pretty much Kurts word against theirs because there really is no evidence. I'm going to leave what you tell Kurt up to you, I don't want this to ruin your weekend, so maybe you can hold of until you get back. I don't think it's going to be safe for Kurt to go back to McKinley, I've been checking out a school in Westerville, maybe you've heard of it? Anyways I'm going to set up a meeting next week and find out a bit more about it. I think our only option right now is for Kurt to transfer. Listen I gotta go, I just wanted to let you know. I'll talk to you soon."

Blaine hung up the phone, completely pissed off, that nobody would come forward and admit to the bullying. He was pissed off that Kurt was being pushed out of his school by a closeted jock. What the hell was he going to tell Kurt? This was going to crush him.

Just than Kurt came out of the washroom, dressed and ready to go, "Hey, shower is all yours"

Blaine snapped out of his head pushing all his feelings aside and put on a fake smile. He wasn't going to let this ruin Kurts weekend, he would wait until they got home to talk about everything.

He stood up and walked over to Kurt pulling him into his arms, "I love you."

"I love you too," Kurt smiled against his neck.

"I'll be in the shower, food should be here any second, start without me."

Once Blaine was finished his shower and joined Kurt for breakfast, they headed out to start the day. Blaine had pulled a few favors and by making a hefty donation to NYADA he was able to score a private tour of the grounds. He wanted Kurt to see where he could end up, give him something to look forward too.

Once they got close to NYADA, Kurt immediately knew where he was, with the years of researching about the school he knew everything in a ten mile radius.

"Blaine....why are we headed to NYADA?"

"Because you are about to go on a private tour of the campus."

"Are you freaking kidding me?"

Blaine laughed, "No I'm not freaking kidding you, but we really have to go or we will be late for our tour, and we don't want to set a bad example before your even a student."

"Blaine I can't believe you do this, how did you even do this?" He said as they continued to walk toward the school.

"I have my ways, and I just really wanted to show you what your life will be like."

"I still have to audition to get in, and we don't even know if I will be good enough."

Blaine stopped him in his tracks, "Don't ever say your not good enough because you are.I've heard you sing sweetheart and your voice is beautiful and unique, they would be stupid not to accept you. As for your audition I know you will kill it, and hopefully by seeing where you could be next year will give you the motivation to try even harder, now let's go and see what your future school has to offer."

Before Kurt even had a chance to respond he was being pulled by Blaine to he entrance of the school.

"Oh my god," Kurt gasped, "It's even more beautiful in person."

Blaine chuckled,"Come on."

Blaine pulled Kurt into the school and headed for the office, never letting go of his hand. He was afraid that if he did he would lose Kurt. He was too caught up in looking at everything around him, taking everything in.

Blaine made it to the office with Kurt in tow and went right up to the secretary.

"Hi I'm Blaine Anderson and this is Kurt Hummel, I've arranged a tour for us to take."

"Yes, Mr. Anderson why don't you take a seat we've arranged for a special tour guide, I'll just let them know you're here, should only be a few minutes."

"Thank you," he said as he pulled Kurt to the chairs.

"This is amazing Blaine, thank you so much."

"Your welcome sweetheart."

Blaine had never mentioned that he was Kurts teacher when he arranged for the tour guide but he didn't want to take any chances.

"Kurt," he whispered making sure nobody could over hear them, "When we are here we have to just pretend that we are friends okay. They don't know I'm your teacher, but I don't want to take any chances."

"Blaine its okay, I understand."

Just than a woman walked into the room, Kurt looked up, "Oh my god your Carmen Tibideaux," he said as he stood up to grab her hand to shake it.

"That would be me, and you are..."

"Kurt, Kurt Hummel."

"And you must be Mr. Anderson," she said as she put her hand out to shake his.

"I am, thank you so much for doing this, it means so much to Kurt."

"Well I'm not about to say no with the donation you made to our school, impressive."

Kurt gave Blaine a look and he did everything he could not to look him,"Yes well, Kurt has dreamed about coming to this school since he was a child, I just wanted to give him the opportunity to see what his life could be like next year."

She turned to Kurt, "So you will be auditioning in April?"

"Yes m'am."

"And are you any good?"

"I believe so, m'am."

She raised her eyebrow at him and began to walk away, "Let's get to the tour gentleman."

Kurt followed her around the school listening to the different classes they offered, and the history of the building. He had already known everything she had talked about he pretty much had it memorized since he was a child. NYADA had always been his dream, and just walking through the halls here he could see himself there. Whenever they peaked into a classroom he pictured himself there. Blaine was right, this was definitely giving him the motivation to try even harder to get in.

The last room they entered was the the theater, where all the showcases and performance took place. Kurt imagined and dreamed of being on that stage a million times. Just seeing it brought tears to his eyes.

"Why don't you go up there Mr.Hummel and see what it will feel like to be on that stage, I can see how much it already means to you," Carmen said.

"Are you serious?"

"Mhmm, go ahead."

Kurt walked to the stage, legs a little bit unsteady. He couldn't believe that his dream was coming true. Even though he wasn't a student here, yet, he knew that one day he could be. He stood in the middle of the stage and looked around, letting everything sink in.



"Sing," Carmen said again.

"But I..."

"Look Mr. Hummel, clearly Mr. Anderson here believes that you can sing considering the amount of money he donated to this school just for a tour. Part of being on Broadway is the pressure that comes a long with it. I want to hear you sing, right here right now. Let's see how you can handle the pressure. And besides we are both here now, it will save me a trip in April."

Blaine stood their in shock, not expecting for this to happen. He honestly just wanted to give Kurt the opportunity to scope out the school, give him some motivation, but not this. He looked up at Kurt and watched him go from shocked to trembling. He would give anything to run up there and pull him into his arms and encourage him. He believed with every fiber of his being that Kurt could do this and could kill it. He gave him a smile, hoping that it would give him enough encouragement to do it.

Kurt was trembling, he wasn't prepared for this at all. He didn't even have a song picked and the last thing he wanted to do was chock. He knew Carmen was testing him, seeing what he could come up with on the spot. Just than he looked over at Blaine and he had the biggest smile on his face. He knew that given different circumstances Blaine would be holding him in his arms encouraging him. Just knowing that he was there supporting him and believing in him gave him enough courage to calm down, and he knew what song he was going to sing, it's one that he could sing forward and backwards in his sleep.

"Whenever you're ready Mr.Hummel."

Kurt took center stage and closed his eyes inhaling deeply before opening his mouth and began singing.

Someone to hold you too close,

Someone to hurt you too deep,

Someone to sit in your chair,

To ruin your sleep.

Someone to need you too much,

Someone to know you too well,

Someone to pull you up short

And put you through hell.

Someone you have to let in,

Someone whose feelings you spare,

Someone who, like it or not,

Will want you to share

A little, a lot.

Someone to crowd you with love,

Someone to force you to care,

Someone to make you come through,

Who'll always be there,

As frightened as you

Of being alive,

Being alive,

Being alive,

Being alive.

Somebody, hold me too close,

Somebody, hurt me too deep,

Somebody, sit in my chair

And ruin my sleep

And make me aware

Of being alive,

Being alive.

Somebody, need me too much,

Somebody, know me too well,

Somebody, pull me up short

And put me through hell

And give me support

For being alive,

Make me alive,

Make me alive,

Make me confused,

Mock me with praise,

Let me be used,

Vary my days.

But alone is alone, not alive.

Somebody, crowd me with love,

Somebody, force me to care,

Somebody, let me come through,

I'll always be there,

As frightened as you,

To help us survive

Being alive,

Being alive,

Being alive!

Blaine rose out of his seat the minute Kurt finished his last note cheering and clapping. He had never heard Kurt sound so beautiful before, he had never been so proud.

Carmen stood up, "It was nice to meet you Mr.Hummel, Mr.Anderson, you will be hearing from me soon. I'm sure you can find your way out," she stood up and walked out the door before Kurt or Blaine even had the chance to thank her for everything.

Once the door to the auditorium was closed Blaine was running to the stage pulling Kurt into a bone crushing hug, lifting him off the ground and spinning him.

"Oh my god Kurt, that was amazing, you were amazing. I have never been so proud of you," he said.peppering his face with kisses.

"Blaine...what just happened? Pinch me, is this even real?" he said clearly still in shock and trying to wrap his head around what just happened.

Blaine smirked before he pinched Kurts arm.

"Ow, Blaine, what the hell," Kurt said rubbing his arm.

Blaine just laughed, "You told me to pinch you."

"Figuratively," you ass.

Blaine just laughed even harder, "At least you know now all of this is real it wasn't a dream."

Kurt smiled, "I can't believe you do all of this....for me."

"That was all you sweetheart, I just arranged for you to take a tour, nothing else." As he pulled Kurt back into his arms.

"Yea...about that. How much did you donate exactly?"

Blaine looked down at his watch, "Oh look at the time, time to go sweetheart."


Blaine cut him off, "No time for talking, lunch reservations, let's go."

Kurt stood there for another minute, soaking in everything that just happened. Mesmerizing everything and locking it up in head so he could always remember a possible defining moment of his life. Singing on this stage had always been his dream, now that he finally got to he didn't want it to be his only performance. Hopefully by this time next year he will be here, starting the next chapter of his life.

"Are you coming?" Blaine asked poking his head back in the door.

"Yea," he said as he took one last look at the stage, hoping it wouldn't be the last time he would see it.


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