Let Me Love You
New York Part Two Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Me Love You: New York Part Two

E - Words: 3,149 - Last Updated: May 27, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Created: Mar 19, 2013 - Updated: May 27, 2013
128 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I have a few special things planned for the next chapter, unfortunately it might not be up until Tuesday morning, but I'll try for tomorrow.

Blaine didn't have much planned for his time in New York, but there was a few places he wanted to take Kurt, and a few surprises he had up his sleeve. Because he didn't have much time to plan anything he was going to have to do it when Kurt was distracted.

When his parents pretty much dis-owned him he was left with his trust fund. He had enough money where he didn't have to work a day in his life and still live comfortably. He had used some of his money to attend school, but the rest just sits untouched in his account collecting interest.

He had plans to pull out all of the stops for Kurt, money was no issue, he just wanted to spoil the love of his life. His first surprise was where they would be staying while they were there. He pulled up infront of The Ritz-Carlton. Eyeing Kurt he waited for his reaction.

"Blaine...Blaine what are we doing here?"

"This is where we are staying while we are here," he grinned.

"This is crazy, it's too much money, it has to cost a fortune to stay here."

"Moneys not an issue sweetheart, let me spoil you a little bit this weekend," he said taking Kurts hand.

"Blaine--" Blaine cut him off.

"Kurt please don't argue with me on this. I really want to do this for you, just please let me okay."

Kurt hesitated for a second before he answered, "Okay," he said with a smile.

"Cmon, let's go check in, wait until you see our room," he said with a smirk.

Blaine got Kurt to wait in the lobby as he checked them in, wanting to talk to the hotel receptionist privately. He checked them in and gave her an extra tip for doing him a favor and helping him set up his plans for tonight.

He walked over to Kurt and laced his fingers through his, just because he could. They held hands the entire ride on the elevator and shared chase kisses. Once they got to the floor and stepped off he elevator he asked Kurt to close his eyes, and led them to their room.

Once inside, he stepped behind Kurt wrapping his arms around him, "Open your eyes sweetheart," he said whispering into his ear.

Kurt gasped at what he saw, "Oh my god Blaine this is beautiful."

As soon as you walk into the room there was a beautiful living room with a huge flat screen tv against the wall. There was ceiling to floor, wall to wall windows, he walked over to look out.

"Omg Blaine its Central Park!"

It was just the beginning of fall and all the leaves were changing color, it was breathtaking. He noticed to his right a set of doors, so he walked through to see what was on the other side. There he found a king sized canopy bed with once again floor to ceiling wall to wall windows over looking Central Park.

Next was the bathroom. There in the middle of the bathroom was an over sized jacuzzi tub, big enough for two people to easily fit. He couldn't wait to get in there and have a nice relaxing bath with Blaine. He turned around to find Blaine standing there leaning against the door frame.

"Blaine, I don't even know what to say, this is absolutely breathtaking. I can't believe you did all of this for me," he said walking into Blaines arms.

"I would do anything to see you happy sweetheart, I'm just glad you like it," he said as he kissed Kurts forehead.

"Blaine I don't like it, I love it and I love you, seriously thank you so much."

"Your very welcome sweetheart."

"So what are we doing today?" Kurt asked.

"Well we need to get some lunch, I'm starving, and you need to eat weather or not your too excited to eat," he said giving Kurt a knowing look.

"And after we are done, we can do whatever you would like, we don't have any plans until dinner. So maybe we can go shopping?"

Kurts eyes brightened up at the word shopping, but quickly diminished when he realized he didn't have the money to go shopping. He was saving up for school and couldn't afford to just blow his money.

Blaine picked up on the mood change quickly, "Whats wrong sweetheart?"

"Nothing, Sir." suddenly feeling embarrassed at the fact that he didn't have the money and clearly Blaine did.

"Kurt, no lying, I'll ask you one more time and I expect a truthful answer, what's wrong?"

Kurt sighed," I can't go shopping Sir."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't have the money, the money I do have its being saved for school."

Blaine could tell Kurt was embarrassed.

"Kurt baby, don't be embarrassed. If anything I'm proud that your not blowing your money. And besides its on me."

"Blaine you can't do that."

"Your my boyfriend so my job is to spoil you, so yes I can and I will. This isn't up for discussion sweetheart. Why don't you get freshened up and than we can head out for lunch."

"Yes Sir."

Once they both had freshened up they decided to just have lunch at the hotel restaurant, before heading out and spending the day shopping. Kurt had picked out lots of outfits and with a little bit of arguing he would give in and allow Blaine to buy it for him, it's not like he had a choice he would have purchased it anyways.

No matter where they went they never let go of each others hands, both wanting to feel the contact. And taking advantage of the fact that they could do this here.

Around five Blaine decided that they should head back to the hotel and get ready for their dinner reservations. Kurt decided on the bath wanting to make use of the jacuzzi as much as he could while he was there. When he asked Blaine to join him he didn't hesitate to start stripping out of his clothes before Kurt could finish his sentence. He climbed in behind him and and wrapped his arms around him.

"Thank you so much for all of this, it's amazing." Kurt said to Blaine.

"Your more than welcome sweetheart, I'm glad your enjoying it."

"You know you didn't have to do all of this, I would have been happy staying in your house all weekend, as long as I get to spend time with you."

"I know, but I figured you could use sometime away. Back home you would have just sat around waiting for a phone call or worried about what's going to happen on Monday. At least here you are away from the situation, and hopefully we can do enough stuff to distract you, even if it's just for a few days."

"It's helped, I haven't thought about it all today. I'm actually really happy right now."

"I know, I don't think I've ever seen you this happy, it's a nice change," He said kissing Kurt on top of the head.

"You know this could be our future," he whispered into Kurts ear.

"I like the sound of that"

"Me too, but there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Is it bad?"

"Of course not sweetheart, I just wanted to talk about what happens after you graduate, I know you have plans of moving out here."

"I do."

"Well I know we still have time before it happens, but what do you think of me moving out here too?"

"You would do that for me? But what about your job at McKinley?"

"I can get a job anywhere, and of course I would. I don't think I'd be able to survive without you there."

"Oh Blaine, id love it for you to move here with me."

"Good, so how would you feel about getting a place together? You can always so no baby, I would understand if you wanted to live in the dorm and have the real college life experience."

Kurt turned around in Blaines arms, "I would love to move in with you, I don't need to live in the dorms to have the full college life experience. Besides it will be nice to come home after a long day of dance rehearsals to my boyfriend who will give me the best massages ever, and even better sex."

Blaine laughed, "So you will just be using me for my strong hands and sex."


"I could live with that."

"You know," Kurt said as he trailed his fingers down Blaines chest, "Your not the only one who is good with their hands."

Blaine shuttered.

"Yea? Maybe you should show me just how good your hands are."

"Do you mind if I take control again?"

"You liked that this morning did ya?"

"Yea it felt nice to be incontrol of something for once."

"As long as you don't forget who's in charge."

"I never could, Master," he said whispering into Blaines ear.

"Fuck Kurt." he said bucking his hips up.

"Hands on your knees Mr. Anderson, don't move them."

It was different allowing Kurt to take control, but listening to him sounding so sure of himself and confident made it worth it, and demanding Kurt was kinda hot too. He placed his hands on his knees like he was told.

"Good Boy," Kurt purred into his ear.

Kurt began kissing down Blaines neck until he reached his nipple. He blew over it first watching it stand to.attention before he gave it a tentative lick.

"Mmm fuck, Kurt feels so good." Blaine moaned.

He moved over to the other one and gave it he same attention, before biting down on it, making Blaine arch his back.

"Fuck, Kurt do something."

"What do you want, Sir?"

"Please touch me, God anything, please."

Kurt trailed his fingers down Blaines stomachs excruciatingly slow. When he reached Blaines hard member he gently stroked the head moving around the pre cum that had formed at the tip, getting a moan from Blaine.

"You like that master?"

"Fuck yes, I need more."

Kurt wrapped his hand around Blaine and slowly started stroking him, teasing him.

"Faster," Blaine moaned out.

Who was Kurt to deny him? He started stroking him faster running his nails along his vein. He was so hard and his cock was starting to feel painful for being neglected. He reached down and started stroking himself in time with his strokes to Blaine.

Blaine looked down and noticed Kurt had started touching himself, and it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. If this was hot he could only imagine what it would be like to watch him opening himself up.

"Kurt fuck baby that's so hot, I want you to turn around and finger yourself for me, open yourself up sweetheart, I need to feel you around me."

"Nope, no can do, I'm in charge here remember? And besides we don't have time or we will be late for dinner, but I promise after dinner ill do whatever you want me to do."

"Fuck baby, okay."

Kurt continued to stroke Blaine as well as himself, he could feel the familiar tightning in his stomach."

"God, Sir I'm going to cum."

"Me to sweetheart, cum with me."

Kurt sped up his movements, he watched as Blaine fell apart shooting cum right up his stomach. Watching Blaine sent him over the edge and he was cummimg just after him.

"Thank you for allowing me to do that."

"Your welcome sweetheart, as much as I enjoyed that I like telling you what to do."

"Me too, but it's nice to switch it up a little bit."

"Your right, okay, we have to get out or we are going to be late."

They got of getting bath and got ready, dressing in suits they had bought earlier in the day. Just as they were finishing putting on their shoes, the front desk called up letting them know their ride had arrived.

"So any hints on where you are taking me?" Kurt asked once they got into the car.

"Nope, it's a surprise."

"I don't know how many more surprises I can handle."

"Well get use to them sweetheart, because I plan on surprising you for the rest of our lives."

Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine, "How did I get so lucky?" He whispered against Blaines lips.

"I'm the lucky one."

Just than they arrived at their destination. Kurt looked out the window and immediately knew where he was. They were at Rockefeller Centre. It was beautiful. The driver held the door open and the boys climbed out. Blaine grabbed his hand and led him into the building.

"Mr.Anderson?" A guy in a tuxedo asked as he approached them.

"That would be me."

"Right this way Sir, everything has been set up the way you asked."

"Perfect," Blaine said as they followed him to a set of elevators.

Kurt walked off the elevators and gasped. They were on the roof of Rockefeller Center.There in the middle of the room was a table set for two with a candle in the middle, over looking the city. Just off to the side was an orchestra playing some classical music. And the best part of it all was that there was nobody else around, it was set up just for the two of them.

Kurt had some unshed tears in his eyes as he looked at Blaine, "You planned all of this?"

"Well I had some help with the receptionist back at the hotel but yes this was all my plan."

"Blaine, wow, you just keep out doing yourself."

"Just wait to see what I have planned for tomorrow,"he teased.

They walked over to the table and Blaine pulled his chair out for him. Once they were seated and sipping on some sparkling water Kurt spoke up.

"So I probably have no right to ask this, but are you like rich or something? Your not apart of a mafia or drug ring or something, because you've spent an awful lot of money on me."

Blaine laughed, "You have every right to ask sweetheart, I would never keep anything from you. I guess you could say I'm rich, I'm a trust fund baby. I've never really touched the money besides for school so it's just sitting in my bank account for years. I've never had anybody that I could spend it on. Now that I do, I can't help it, I just want to spoil you."

"Ok Umm wow--but you do know you don't have to spend money on me to make me happy right? You make me happy everyday without the money."

"I know that sweetheart, but I have it and I want to spend it on you, so let me."

"It just makes me feel bad because I can't do all these nice things for you."

Blaine reached across the table and grabbed Kurts hand.

"I don't care that you don't have a lot of money, that will never bother me. Just you being with me is all I ever need okay. And I'll tell you what, when you make it big on Broadway ill let you spend your millions on me okay with no complaints."

Kurt chuckled, "You got a deal."

They spent the rest of their dinner talking about things they would like to do with the rest of their time in New York, their future and just random things.

"Dance with me," Blaine asked.

"Of course."

Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms and they slowly danced to the sound of the orchestra playing in the background. It was beautiful. Dancing on a rooftop in the middle of New York, with an orchestra in the background was beyond romantic.

"I want to take you home now and make love to you," Blaine whispered trying not to ruin the moment.

"I'd love that," Kurt whispered back.

The entire drive home they couldn't keep their hands off of each other in the back seat. They took their time exploring each others mouths, and body, but always staying north of the equator. By the time they made it back to the hotel they were both equally hard and needed more.

Once in side the room Blaine pushed Kurt up against the door and grinded himself into Kurt, both moaning at the contact that they both desperately needed, but it wasn't enough.

"Fuck baby, I want you so bad," Blaine said inbetween kisses.

"Strip, I want you naked and on all fours by the time I get back there," he said to Kurt as he pushed him to the bedroom.

Kurt all but scrambled to the room undressing himself along the way. Blaine waited until Kurt was out of sight before he stripped himself.

He walked into the bedroom to find Kurt on the bed, ass towards him, waiting for more instructions.

Blaine stood at he door, "Fuck baby you are so beautiful like this. I want you to finger yourself open for me," he said as he started stroking himself.

Kurt reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some on his fingers.

"Start with one sweetheart," Blaine demanded.

Kurt moved his finger over his hole, teasing himself and Blaine for that matter, before he slowly entered himself, shuttering at the sensation.

Blaine stayed by the door stroking himself watching Kurt intently, he looked amazing like this, so hot.

"Add another sweetheart."

Kurt pulled out and added a second finger, and slammed into himself this time. Imaging it was Blaine filling him up.

"Mmm Fuck Master feels soo good."

"What are you thinking about sweetheart, tell me."

"You..." he gasped out as he hit his prostate.

"You fucking me Sir."

"You would like that wouldn't you, my hard cock filing you up."

"Yes...please Sir."

"Add another."

Kurt added another and began to fuck down onto his fingers.

"Please, Sir I need you"

Blaine walked over to him and leaned over letting his dick rub against Kurts ass, "Stand up sweetheart."

Kurt pulled out of himself and stood up. Blaine grabbed him and pulled him into a desperate and passionate kiss. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Kurt too him.

"I want you to ride me sweetheart."

Kurt moaned, "Yes sir."

He climbed ontop of Blaine and straddled him wrapping his legs around his back, and his arms around his neck. Blaine lined himself up with Kurt.

"You ready love?"

"Mmm please."

They stared into each others eyes and Blaine helped Kurt lower himself down onto him. Once he was fully seated they just stayed there looking into each others eyes, letting Kurt adjust, and just taking know how perfect this moment was.

"I love you so much," Kurt whispered his gaze never faltering.

"I love you too sweetheart, always."

"Forever," Kurt whispered.

Blaine slowly started thrusting into Kurt, both wanting to take their time never wanting it to end. Neither took their eyes off of each other.

Blaine shifted a little bit resulting in hitting Kurts prostate every time.

"I'm so close baby," Kurt moaned out.

"Me to sweetheart, cum with me."

Blaine wrapped his hand around Kurt and stroked him in time with his thrusts. A half dozen thrusts more and Kurt was coming with Blaines name on his lips. Watching Kurts cum sent him over the edge and he was cummimg hard and fast inside of him.

Blaine fell back onto the bed pulling Kurt with him, wrapped in each others arms.

"God Kurt that was amazing, we should get up and clean."

"Can we just stay like this for now?"

"Of course baby," he said pulling a blanket over top of them.

And that's how they fell asleep. Kurt wrapped in Blaines arms and connected as close as they could possibly be.


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