May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Once everyone had showered and eaten they had piled into Burts car and headed for the police station. Blaine decided not to go home and change. Ever since Kurt emerged from the bathroom he had yet to leave his side, always making sure there was some form of contact.
Blaine and Kurt sat in the back seat. The ride was relatively quiet. Kurt clung to him and held his hand so tight, that the closer they got to the police station the harder he held on. He whispered encouraging words the entire way trying to calm down the love of his life.
If Kurt was acting like this in the car he didn't even want to know how he was going to react once they got there. Blaine wouldn't be able to hold his hand, or rub his back. They had to go back being strictly student and teacher.
By the time they arrived at the police station, Kurt was pale and shaking. If he held onto Blaines hand any tighter he might break it.
"I'll give you guys a minute," Burt said as he climbed out of the car.
"Kurt sweetheart you need to relax. Nothing bad is going to happen in here okay. We are just going to go in your going to tell them your story and than we can go home."
"We won't have to go to the school after this?"
"I doubt it sweetheart, I'm sure the cops will want to talk to the principal on their own, and if for some reason we do have to go back to the school we can do it tomorrow okay, one thing at a time."
"Blaine I can't do this," he said as he clung to Blaine even tighter and started crying.
"Yes you can sweetheart, I know you can. You are so brave and so strong. This is you beating them Kurt, don't let them win. Just have a little courage baby."
"And--and you will stay in there with me?"
"There's something we have to talk about sweetheart."
"You promised Blaine, you promised you wouldn't leave," he said sobbing.
"Shhh baby, I fully intend on keeping my promise. Sorry I should have phrased that better. I'll be there, I won't leave your side. But once we leave this car we have to go back being strictly teacher and student. Which means I can't hold you hand, or hug you. But don't think that because I'm not doing those things that I don't care. Lean on your dad for support today sweetheart, and once we are done here ill make you feel better okay?"
"ugh I hate this, but I understand, lets go okay, I just want to get this over with."
Blaine leaned in and placed his forehead to Kurts and held his gaze, "I am so unbelievably proud of you sweetheart."
"I love you," Kurt whispered against Blaines lips.
"I love you too baby, always."
"Forever," Kurt replied before crashing his lips to Blaines. It was over faster than what they both wanted, but had to remember they were in public and sitting in front of a police station. Reluctantly they both pulled away and climbed out of the car.
"You ready son?" Burt asked walking up to the boys.
"No, I'll probably never be ready, let's just get this over with," he muttered.
All three guys walked in to this police station. Blaine and Kurt stood back by the door while Burt went up to the front desk.
"I can help you over here Sir," a police officer called out.
Burt walked over to the counter, "My son has been bullied at school for the past three years. Recently it has escalated to a sexual assult and a death threat, who do I speak to about pressing charges."
"If you just take a seat I will call an officer down from our Special Victims Unit, can I get your name please?"
"Burt, Burt Hummel."
"And your sons name?"
"Kurt Hummel."
"Is he here with you today?"
"Yes, he is."
"Okay perfect, just have a seat Mr. Hummel, someone will be down in a few minutes."
By the time Burt was done, Kurt and Blaine had made their way to some chairs. They were sitting beside each other but we're making sure to keep their distance. He could tell how much it was hurting both of them to.not being able to comfort each other. He felt horrible for them. He walked over and sat beside Kurt.
"It's just gonna be a few minutes, someone will be down soon to get us."
It probably took a whole five minutes for a police officer to approach them, but to Kurt it felt like an eternity. He just wanted to get this over with and the longer he was kept waiting the more anxious he became. He could feel the signs of a panic attack coming and he tried everything he could to not have one, he just wanted to be strong for Blaine and his dad but most importantly himself.
Blaine could.tell that the longer they sat there the more tense Kurt became. They were so in tuned with each others feelings that he knew Kurt was on the verge of a panic attack, and there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't pull him into his arms and comfort him like he would usually do, so he sat there helpless.
"Kurt sweetheart," he whispered looking around to make sure nobody could hear him, "you need to calm down baby. It's going to be okay."
Blaine looked at Burt silently pleading for him to do something. Burt caught on immediately and placed his hands on Kurts back, "Just breathe Kurt, we are both here okay, it's going to be okay."
"I'm okay," Kurt whispered, "I promise."
Just than a female and male officer approached them, "Mr.Hummel?"
Burt stood up to shake the officers hands.
The female spoke up first, "Hi, I'm Detective Burgess and this is my partner Detective Maidens," she said pointing to her partner.
"This is my son Kurt and his teacher Mr. Anderson," he gestured to the two boys still sitting.
"Okay why don't you guys come with us, we will go somewhere a bit more private.
They followed the officers up a flight of stairs and down a long hall way. Just before they reached the room, Blaine quickly gave Kurts hand a squeeze and whispered, "Courage."
Kurt was expecting to walk into a room with concrete walls, a table and a few chairs, maybe even a two sided glass, just like on tv. What he wasn't expecting was how cozy and warm it was.
The detective noticed Kurt looking around and spoke up, "We just want to make sure your comfortable Kurt, this is your safe zone, so why don't we all take a seat and get started."
Kurt sat in the middle of his dad and Blaine on the couch with the two detectives sitting across from them.
Detective Burgess spoke up, "Okay Kurt so we are going to be recording this entire conversation okay. Do you want your dad and Mr.Anderson to wait outside?"
Kurt shook his head so hard, "No I need them to stay, please don't make them leave," he whispered.
"Nobody's going to make them leave, they can stay if you want them here, whatever your comfortable with."
Mr. Maidens reached over and turned the recorder on, "So what brings you here today Kurt?"
"Umm I was being bullied at school."
Burt put a hand on Kurts knee, "Come on buddy you have to tell them everything."
Kurt looked up at his dad, tears forming in his eyes, "I, I can't."
"Yes you can Kurt, you are so strong."
Kurt took a deep breathe, once he was able to calm himself down a bit, he went through the story all over again. No matter how many times he told it, it never got easier.
"Do you have any proof that this has been going on?" Detective Maidens asked.
"I've been bullied for years, the entire school knows about it and have seen in it, they just never cared to stop it. As for the kiss and death threat no I don't have any proof, and I doubt David will come forward and admit to any of it," Kurt said angrily.
Blaine who had sat quietly thus far finally spoke up, "I found Kurt on the floor on Friday after school. They had beaten him up and just left him there."
"Did you see the assult take place?" asked Detective Burgess.
"No--but does that matter?"
"Right now we have no proof who did this to Kurt. It's his words against theirs, and what do you think they are going to tell us?"
Blaine was getting angry.
"I believe Kurt, he has no reason to lie. And what about the marks all over his body? He's littered in bruises, isn't that proof enough?"
"Mr. Anderson, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down, and if you can't you will have to step outside."
Detective Anderson turned to Kurt, "Is that true Kurt? You have bruises on you?"
"That works in our favor than, we will have physical proof, that's one step in the right direction. Would you allow us to take pictures?"
Kurt shook his head and wrapped his arms around himself, "No-no pictures."
Blaine sat beside Kurt, making sure to keep enough distance between them. "Kurt I really think you should let them take these pictures, it could help them, it will help you."
Kurt looked up at Blaine and could feel and see the love pouring out of this man, if anything, he would do this for him, to show him how strong he could be.
"okay," he whispered still looking at Blaine.
Blaine smiled at Kurt, more than anything he wanted to pull Kurt into his arms right there and tell him how proud of him he was. Thank God Burt spoke up when he did because they both forgot where they were for a second.
"Ok, so how are we going to do this."
"That's entirely up to Kurt," Detective Burgess said, "we can do it right here right now, and it's up to him if he wants you guys to stay or not."
"What do you want to do buddy?" Burt asked.
"Umm, can you guys leave? I need to do this on my own."
As much as Kurt wanted them to stay with him, he didn't want his dad to see the extent of his injuries. Blaine already seen every last bruise, but it would look suspicious if he asked if his teacher could stay.
"Are you sure buddy?" Burt asked.
"Yea, I'm sure, you guys will be right outside right you won't go anywhere?"
"We won't go anywhere okay, come and get us if you need us, we will just be on the other side of the door."
"Okay," He whispered.
Blaine gave him an encouraging smile as they walked out the door.
"Okay, Kurt, I'm just going to ask you to stand over here, and take your shirt off, I'll try and make this quick okay."
Kurt took his shirt off and stood where he was asked. He imagined he was anywhere but there. He imagined his life in New York, with Blaine. Getting into NYADA making it big on Broadway or in the fashion world. He imagined his wedding, and babies. He was so caught up in imagining his life he didn't realize that I was over.
"You can put your shirt back on Kurt, we are done here." Detective Anderson said, "I'm going to bring back in your dad and Mr.Anderson and discuss what will happen from here."
Kurt sat back down on the couch and waited for his dad and Blaine to come back in. Blaine walked over with concern all over his face, "Are you okay?"
"Yea I'm fine, it went by quick."
"Good, that's good." Blaine said.
"So what happens now?" Burt asked.
"Well I'm going to suggest that Kurt takes the rest of the week off of school. We are going to go down there today and talk to the principal, David, and some of the students, see what we can find out. So it would be best if Kurt stays home for a bit."
"We will keep in contact every step of the way." Detective Anderson said.
"Okay," Kurt whispered, can I go now?"
"Of course you can we are going to head down to the school now, just try and relax okay Kurt, we will do everything we can to convict him."
Blaine and Burt stood up, thanking them for everything with promises of keeping in contact, and left the room with Kurt.
The minute they made it to the car Kurt broke down in sobbs. Everything he had been holding in since that morning came rushing out and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He thought maybe he would feel better once he told the cops everything, but if anything he felt worse. He knew that by the end of the day the entire.school would know what happened, and it was just going to get worse before it got any better.
Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms, as Burt pulled away not wanting to take the risk of anybody seeing them. He kept quiet and allowed Blaine to comfort his son, he was probably the only one who could right now.
"Kurt I'm so proud of you sweetheart, you did amazing today, I'm so so proud," Blaine said kissing every inch of his face.
Kurt didn't respond, he just cried and allowed Blaine to comfort him, and soaked up all of his words of encouragement. Before he knew it he was already home and Blaine was helping him into the house.
"Before you guys go downstairs," Burt spoke up, "I need to speak with the both of you."
Blaine helped Kurt to the couch and sat down pulling him into his arms, Not wanting to let him go.
"Okay, so I have to go away this weekend. I actually just received the phone call this morning and there is no way that I can get out of it....and I have to leave tonight. So I'm going to give you two options buddy, you can come with me to D.C or you can stay here with Blaine for the weekend, if that's okay with him."
"I'll stay with Blaine," he spoke up immediately.
Burt chuckled, "I thought so, but you may want to make sure it's okay with him first."
Blaine smiled, "Of course it's okay. I do have to go back to school tomorrow, but I'm sure Kurt will be okay by himself for the day. He can stay at my place, no other students know where I live, so it would probably be safer for him there."
"I'm trusting you Blaine to take care of him. I don't even want to leave with all of his going on."
"Dad ill be okay, I have Blaine and I know he will take care of me, it's okay you have to leave I understand, I won't be alone, "He said smiling up at Blaine.
"Okay, my plane leaves in a few hours and I have to get ready, you guys can get ready to and head out whenever you want. Call me if anything happens, as soon as you get a phone call from the detectives call me....and guys I'm sorry I'm missing family night dinner, but maybe you guys can start your own tradition, do something fun take your mind off of everything."
Kurt got up and walked over to his dad and pulled him into a hug, "Thank you dad, for everything. I love you."
"I love you too son," he said pulling out of the hug.
For the first time in his life he didn't feel so alone. He had his dad and the man that he loved there with him. A smile took over his face, he knew that no matter what he would get through this as long as he had Blaine and his dad beside him, and he knew he always will, plus he got to spend the entire weekend with his boyfriend with his dad's seal of approval. He was going to take the good things, the happy things in his life and focus on that right now, and hopefully he could just have a nice and quiet weekend alone with his boyfriend, and forget about everything else.