May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Kurts alarm startled both boys the next morning. Neither one wanting to get out of the comfortable bed, too content on staying wrapped in each others arms.
"Morning," Blaine mumbled stroking Kurts hair.
"Did last night really happen?"
"It was amazing, I never realized I would like being tied down."
"It was amazing, and I'm glad you liked it because that's just one of many things I would like to try."
"What else?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
Kurt smacked Blaines chest, "Your mean."
"I'm sure you won't think I'm mean when your screaming out my name," Blaine said.as he trailed his hand down Kurts back."
Kurt moaned, "Ok enough, your turning me on and there is nothing we will be able to do about it because.my dad is probably awake and upstairs."
"Ok ok, I'm stopping," Raising his hands in surrender.
Waking up in Blaines arms made him forget everything else in his life. It was like he was in a bubble when he was with him. But the minute he went to get out of bed to start getting ready for the day he remembered what was going to happen today.
He fell back into bed and threw the covers over his head, "I actually don't feel well, I think Im just going to stay home today."
"Kurt sweetheart, we both know that's not true, come out so we can talk about this."
"Kurt come out please."
"I said no."
Blaine was getting frustrated at how child-like Kurt was being. He understood his fear of what was going to happen today and he was trying to be sympathetic to the issue. All he wanted to do was talk through it with him and he can't do that when he was hiding.
"Kurt I'm going to give you to the count of three to come out."
"I'm not a child Blaine."
"Than stop acting like one. Whether you like it or not today's going to happen, so you either come out by the time I get to three or you can add a punishment to the list of things you have to do today."
Kurt didn't want to come out he didn't want to face the reality of the situation, he just wanted to stay there and forget the outside world.
Doesn't Blaine understand what's going to happen to me if I rat out David and the rest of the jocks? He already feared everyday of getting beat up he didn't want to add the fear of dying to the list. There was no way he was getting out of the bed, he would deal with the consequences.
Blaine climbed out of bed and pulled the blankets off of Kurt in one quick motion.
"You can either get up on your own or we can do this the hard way, your choice sweetheart."
Kurt layed in bed arms crossed and just stared at Blaine not even bothering giving him an answer.
"Fine," Blaine grunted.
He walked over to Kurt and grabbed him by the arms, easily lifting him out of bed, he noticed the shocked look all over Kurts face.
"Did I forget to mention, I took up boxing my entire life?"
Kurt still ignored him. He walked him to the bathroom and closed the door, putting him in the corner. He didn't want Burt to come down and see his son standing in a corner. He was just accepting their relationship who knows what he would think if he came downstairs and witnessed him punishing Kurt.
"Because we don't have much time for punishment right now, you will stand here for ten minutes. Don't move, don't speak. For the rest of the week you are not allowed to participate in Glee."
Kurt finally spoke up, "What! That's not fair!"
"No Kurt what isn't fair is that I tried speaking to you as an adult and you chose to act like a child. I had to go as low and count and you still disobeyed me. I decide on the punishments and that is my punishment. Corner for ten minutes, no glee for the rest of the week. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good ill be right back I'm going to go speak to your dad about what is going to be going on today. Hopefully by the time I get back you will have grown up a little bit and actually have a mature conversation with me."
Kurt was pissed, he couldn't believe he was being punished for being scared. He knew that he was acting like a child, but he couldn't help it. Although the death threat was one of his biggest fears, he was also embarrassed by the entire situation. He felt like in a way he brought it on himself. Maybe if he dressed differently they wouldn't have picked on him, maybe if he spoke differently, acted differently than maybe he wouldn't be in this situation. He felt like once the forced kiss by David was revealed, it would be put back on him, that he's the one who tried to kiss Dave and not the other way around. He was always being accused of staring at the guys in the locker room, even though that was further from the truth, he wouldn't touch any of them with a ten foot pole, and he definitely didn't take any looks.
When Blaine entered the bathroom ten minutes later, Kurt was still in his corner but was now crying.
"Kurt come here please."
Kurt turned around and walked over to Blaine but kept his head down.
"Are you ready to talk now sweetheart?"
"Blaine, I'm so sorry." He cried falling into Blaines arms.
"I know sweetheart, it's okay. Your okay."
"I'm just so scared of what's going to happen today. My life was threatened Blaine. He-He said he would kill me if I told anybody, and I did tell, and now we are going to the principal and the cops, what if he follows through."
"The chances of him following through once he knows the cops know about the threat are slim to none. He knows that he will be watched, him and his friends and they would be stupid to try something dumb. Plus you have your dad and I sweetheart. He won't be able to get near you."
"You guys can't be with me all the time though."
"Your right we can't be but we will always make sure your safe. You have to trust us baby."
"Kurt sweetheart talk to me, what else is going on in that beautiful head?"
"I'm feeling like all of this is my fault. If I dressed differently, spoke differently, didn't sing, than none of this would have happened."
"Oh baby, none of this is your fault. Do you hear me, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. There is nothing wrong with the way you dress, talk or sing. Your special Kurt and they just can't see that. You have dreams and goals where as they don't baby. They are going to be stuck here the rest of their lives while you are making a name for yourself. They have nothing on you Kurt. As for David, he will, hide the rest of his life in the closest, unhappy and angry. Where you will have a life full of love and happiness, and he probably knows that. He may be strong on the outside, but your strong on the inside sweetheart, and when this is all over and done you will have everything and he will have nothing."
"You really believe that?"
"I really do."
"And what happens when this gets out and everyone at school puts the blame on me?"
"It doesn't matter what they believe sweetheart, we know the truth and that's all that matters. They are high school students they live and breath off of gossip, give it a week and they will be moved on to the next big thing. You're better than them. Plus you will have me, I will always be in your corner, and I will be there every step of the way, I'm never leaving you Kurt."
"God I love you so much," Kurt cried into Blaine.
"I love you too sweetheart."
"Promise me you won't leave, you will stay with me through everything, because I can't do this without you."
"I promise sweetheart, I'll be there for you as much or as little as you want me to be, just give me the word."
"Okay, let's do this, I just want this day to be over with."
"I talked to your dad when you were having your punishment and we decided to go to the cops first. So when you're ready that's where we are going."
"What about school?"
"Neither of us are going in today. Your dad excused you from your classes and I called in sick."
"Okay I'm going to go shower and get ready than."
"I'm going to meet you and your dad at the police station okay sweetheart. I have to run home and shower and change my clothes."
Kurt clung to Blaine even tighter, "Blaine please don't go, your the only thing keeping me grounded right now and I'm afraid that if you go I'm just going to fall apart," He sobbed.
"Okay sweetheart, Shhh. I won't leave. I'll shower here and I'll see if your dad can stop on the way to the police station so I can change quickly okay? I'm not going anywhere baby, I promise."
"I'm sorry I just--"
"Don't apologize baby, I told you I'd be here for you, and if you need me to stay than ill stay, go jump in the shower okay sweetheart, I'll be right here when you get out, I promise."
"Okay," he whispered and walked into the bathroom.
Blaine sat on the bed and put his head in hands. Seeing Kurt like this broke his heart. He's already gone through so much, and this was just the beginning. No matter what happens and how hard it gets he will be there to help Kurt through everything. He loved him too much to just walk away. He grabbed his chain and held onto it. They made promises to each other and he would do everything his power to always keep his promises.