May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Blaine woke up before the alarm clock went off, which was unusual considering he had only gone to bed a few hours before. Something was off, something wasn't right. He remembered the events that had taken place. Kurt had came to him in the middle of the night. They cried, they had amazing make up sex and they went to bed....together.
Kurt had only slept over twice before, and both times Blaine had woken up to Kurt wrapped around him. This morning was different, that's what was so wrong. He didn't have the weight of Kurt on him. Blaine opened his eyes and searched the room for Kurt. He didn't have to look far, he was still there in bed with him but he was as close to the edge as he could be with his back turned away from him.
Kurt woke up not long after they had fallen asleep. He had a nightmare. He was used to all his nightmares and they usually didn't wake him. But this one was different. Usually in his nightmares there was a jock standing over him pinning him to a wall screaming at him. Only this time it wasn't a jock, it was Blaine.
Kurt layed there watching Blaine sleep. He was so beautiful; the way his long eye lashes fanned over his eyes. He looked so peaceful, so perfect. Up until yesterday he really believed that he was the most perfect guy. He was so gentle and kind. But it took one second, one lapse in judgment for his entire perception to change of him. He knew that Blaine was sorry and he had forgiven him, but clearly subconsciously he wasn't okay, why else would he have a nightmare about Blaine.
He tried everything he could to fall back to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes all he could see was Blaine standing over him, yelling at him. Maybe it was too early to have forgiven him, they didn't even really talk about how Blaine had lost his temper so easily. What if he did it again, what if it became a routine? He heard the stories about physical and emotional abuse. The abuser always asks for forgiveness and when given away to easily, it happens again, and a pattern begins. He didn't want to be in that type of relationship.
It petrified Kurt to think about what could happen if he were to mess up again, break one of the rules, Whether it was intentional or not, would Blaine get angry and flip out again. How many screw ups would it take for him to freak out?
Kurt didn't even realize that he began crying. He slowly moved out of Blaines arms making sure not to wake him and moved to the other side of the bed. He turned his back to him too, not wanting Blaine to see him crying if he woke up. Eventually Kurt stopped crying, and he just layed there, waiting for the alarm to go off so he could get to school. He needed time to think. He didn't want to leave Blaine, he had forgiven him but he needed to be able to trust him. That's it, he didn't trust him!
He could feel Blaine waking up, so he stayed as still as possible, pretending to be asleep. He didn't want him to know that he spent the last few hours crying, he didn't want him to know that he was now the tormentor in his dreams, he didn't want Blaine to know he didn't trust him. He knows he was deliberately breaking one of the rules by not being honest and he would deal with that later, he would just, make sure he followed every other rule, after all he didn't want to piss Blaine off.
Blaine couldn't figure out why Kurt had moved over so much, it wasn't like him. Everything had been fine when they had went to bed, so he just decided to brush it off, figuring Kurt had just rolled over in his sleep.
He rolled over onto his side, getting closer to Kurt. He wrapped one are around his slim waste and started to press gentle kisses to the back of his neck any exposed skin that he could reach. Kurt hummed, notifying him that he was awake.
"Morning sweetheart," he whispered into Kurts ear.
"Morning," Kurt replied, pretending to be sleepy.
Blaine had woken up hard and thought maybe him and Kurt could have a little bit of fun since they had a bit of time before the alarm clock would go off.
He rutted himself into Kurts ass. They both had fallen asleep naked, so his cock slipped right in between Kurts cheeks, he moaned at the feeling, "we still have a little time before the alarm goes off," he said as he nibbled on Kurts ear.
Kurt stiffened, he was not in the mood at all, he just had too much on his mind. "Not right now Blaine, I'm too tired."
"I could wake you up," Blaine replied still thrusting his hips.
Kurt rolled over and put his hand to Blaines chest, "Blaine stop, I really am too tired, I'm exhausted actually."
One look at Kurt and he believed him. Kurt had dark circles around his eyes, his face was slightly flushed and to be honest it looked like he hadn't slept at all.
"Hey, are you okay sweetheart?" Blaine asked cupping Kurts cheek.
"Yea I am, I'm just tired."
"Did you sleep okay, you were so far way when I woke up, usually your wrapped around me."
"Yea I slept good, and I must have just rolled over sometime in the middle of the night," he said lying to Blaine.
"It's okay sweetheart, I feel like it's my fault your so tired today."
"It's not, I'm the one who decided to come here in the middle of the night," he said.
"But you wouldn't have been here if I wasn't such an asshole yesterday."
"Blaine don't, I forgave you let's just drop it okay," he said. The last thing he wanted to do was discuss what happened. To be honest he just wanted to get to school.
"I'm going to go grab a shower," Kurt said moving off the bed.
Blaine was going to suggest showering together but decided against it. Kurt was clearly tired this morning and looked like he needed a little space.
"Okay baby, I'll go and start breakfast, any requests?"
"No whatever you decide is fine."
"Okay, enjoy your shower, and Kurt, I love you."
Kurt looked up at Blaine and gave him a small smile, "I love you too."
Kurt emerged from the bedroom about a half hour later, looking a little better than before his shower, but exhaustion clearly evident on his face.
He sat down at the table, he wasn't even really hungry but one of the rules was he had to eat all three meals. At least Blaine had made a light breakfast, eggs with some toast, so he dug in determined to finish all of it.
Blaine watched Kurt as he ate. He kept his head down and didn't say anything at all during his meal. About half way through he noticed Kurt was struggling to finish. He reached his hand over and placed it on top of Kurts, "Sweetheart, are you full?"
"I'm okay, I can finish it."
"Kurt sweetheart look at me."
Kurt looked up at Blaine. He wasn't sure what to expect, he didn't know if he was going to get into trouble or not for being full.
"Kurt if your full you don't have to finish, don't force yourself to eat, you will only make yourself sick."
"But the rule says--" Blaine cut him off.
"The rule says you have to eat three meals a day, Kurt you've eaten as much as you can. It doesn't say you have to finish everything on your plate."
"Your not mad?"
"Of course I'm not sweetheart, you ate, and your full that's all I care about."
"Okay," Kurt whispered, "I should go, don't want people to see us leaving together and I want to stop by The Lima Bean on my way to grab a coffee."
Something was definitely off with Kurt, and it wasn't just because he was tired. He really wasn't acting like himself. He was so closed off and distant this morning.
"You sure your okay baby?"
"Positive Blaine," Kurt answered not daring to look him in the eyes, "I'll see you at school," He said.
Blaine knew Kurt was lying, and he was deliberately breaking one of the rules. As much as it hurt him that Kurt would lie, he decided to let it go for now. He'd give Kurt to the end of day to let him in, so for now he would back off and give him his space.
"Okay sweetheart, drive safe, I'll see you soon." he leaned in and give Kurt a soft kiss, before he pulled away and leaned his head on Kurts and grabbed Kurts wrist rubbing the bracelet," You know I love you right."
Kurt closed his eyes begging himself not to cry, "I do know, and I love you too, I gotta go," He pulled away from Blaine and quickly walked out the door not giving Blaine the chance to respond.
Kurt walked to his car quickly, tears already falling down his face. The minute he was in the car he couldn't control the sob that came out. He couldn't stop crying. He had just lied to Blaine, if he found out he was going to be in so much trouble. He had to get himself together, he had an entire day to get through and he wasn't going to do it with puffy eyes. He checked himself in the mirror to make sure he looked okay. His eyes were red, hopefully by the time he got to the school the redness will have gone down. If not he could just pass it off as being tired, at least he wasn't lying about that. But first he needed coffee.
Blaine stood shocked for a few seconds after Kurt has just walked out so quickly. What just happened, he thought to himself. Just as he was about to close the door he noticed Kurts bag sitting there. He grabbed it quickly, and ran out the door to give him his bag.
By the time he had caught up with Kurt he was already climbing into his car. He was about to run over, before he drove off, but stopped in his tracks. He watched as Kurt broke down, he was sobbing in his car. He was frozen in his spot, he had no idea what to do. He knew something was wrong with him this morning, he had asked him more than once if everything was okay, and every time he said he was. He had broken a rule. He should have been pissed that Kurt lied, but watching him breakdown just broke his heart. He had already told himself that he would give Kurt some space today, in hopes that he would approach Blaine and tell him what was wrong. He didn't understand why Kurt was shutting him out.
He was determined to find out by the end of the day what was wrong. He was going to give Kurt until than to be honest with him, if not he was going to be in trouble.
He watched as Kurt stopped crying and fixed himself up as best as he could in the mirror. When Kurt finally drove away he turned around and headed back home to grab his things. He left for school, sad, heart broken and confused. He just hoped that Kurt wasn't regretting last night, the thought alone brought tears to his eyes.