May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
May 27, 2013, 2:24 a.m.
Blaine decided he would allow Kurt to sleep for a few hours. He knew Kurt had to have been exhausted to pass out as soon as he orgasmed. Besides the orgasm, he did have a very emotional day. And besides it gave him time to run out to grab a few things that he needed for their date tonight.
Incase you wake up while I'm gone, don't freak out. Just had to run out to grab few things for our date tonight. Help yourself to whatever, make yourself at home. I won't be long.
Love you always,
In typical Dom/Sub relationships, the Sub wears something indicating that they are claimed, usually a collar. Of course Kurt couldn't walk around school wearing a collar, people will talk. But he wanted to get Kurt something that he could wear, something that will remind him of Blaine whenever he couldn't be with him, something that would remind Kurt that he is Blaines and only Blaines.
Kurt was always wearing long sleeve shirts, it was rare to see him in a t-shirt, so he thought of the perfect gift. A bracelet. Blaine walked into the jewelry store and looked around for a little bit. Just as he was about to give up his search, he noticed a white gold bracelet that allowed charms to be added to it, and beside it was a matching necklace. 'Perfect' Blaine thought. He purchased both items and a few charms to go along with it.
Blaine finished his shopping, grabbing candles and flowers on the way back home. He was really hoping Kurt was still asleep when he got back because he wanted to set everything up.
He made it back to the apartment in record time. He quietly snuck in. Not seeing Kurt anywhere in the main area of the house, he went and checked the bedroom. Kurt was still asleep. It was about 5:30 now and he would need at least an hour to finish everything. So he wrote Kurt another note and placed it beside his head, and quietly left the room.
I'm out in the kitchen but I'm planning for our date. If you wake up before 6:30, you are not allowed to leave this room. I know you don't have any clothes here, but help yourself to mine. (the pants might be a bit short, but I'm sure you will manage) Wear pajamas I'll pick you up at 6:30.
Love you always,
Blaine went back to the kitchen, and immediately started on dinner. He told Kurt they would just order in, but while he was out he grabbed what he needed to make his famous pasta dish.
As the noodles were boiling, Blaine went around and put candles on every surface he could find. Lighting them was a hitch, but he knew Kurt loved romance, and he planned on romancing the he'll out of him tonight, he deserved it.
Next came the flowers. Blaine bought four dozen white roses and four dozen red roses. Blaine lined up tea light candles along the floor leading from the bedroom to the living room on both sides of the walk way. In the middle of the candles he scattered the rose petals in the same fashion, leading to the living room. He pushed the coffee table out of the way and laid down a bed of pillows and blankets. They could eat there tonight, kind of like a picnic. When he was done making sure they would have enough pillows and blankets he lit the fire place, and made sure he had Moulin Rouge was in the dvd player and ready to watch, he knew it was Kurts favorite movie, and tonight was all about him.
Kurt woke up feeling cold. Moving his hand around he realized that he was alone, and in his foggy state trying to wake up he almost forgot where he was. But where was Blaine? Kurt sat up, taking a minute to allow his eyes to adjust. Forgetting about his punishment earlier he forgot how sore his ass was and cried out in pain. Clearly laying down was his only option right now. When he layed down he noticed the note on Blaines pillow. Picking it up, he began to read it. How did he manage to find the perfect guy. Even though they couldn't go out on a real date he knew Blaine would find a way to make it special, and he would do that by picking him up at 6:30.
Kurt glanced at the clock, 6:12. "Shit" he said nearly falling off the bed from jumping up too quickly.
Thank god Blaine only asked him to wear pajamas because there wouldn't be enough time to pick out an outfit by 6:30 especially since the clothes weren't his.
Kurt felt kind of awkward going through Blaines items, but he was given permission to. He quickly found the pajama drawer, and looked for pants that would be close enough to his size. Blaine was shorter but jot by much so hopefully it wouldn't be hard.
At the bottom of the drawer Kurt found a pair of red and blue bottoms with the Dalton logo on it. Kurt knew Blaine went to Dalton Academy, he just didn't think he would find Dalton pajama pants in his drawer. Kurt thought it was cute that Blaine would hold onto something like that.
Being in his underwear all day Kurt wanted to feel really cozy so he opted for a sweater. He opened up Blaines closet, and had to cover his mouth for the giggles that came out. There inside Blaines closet was an entire shelf dedicated to just bow ties. There was well over a hundred of them. Who needs so many bow ties, Kurt thought getting his laughter under control.
Kurt grabbed the first sweater he seen, and once again started laughing. There on the front of the shirt was a picture of Katy Perry, and it said, 'I heart Katy Perry.' Ohh he was so going to wear this, he couldn't wait to see the look on Blaines face when he sees him in it.
Kurt went into the bathroom and styled his hair the best he could without the use of the normal products he used. When he was done he brushed his teeth quickly, and went back into the room, and sat on the bed. He had about two minutes before Blaine would be here to pick him up for their date. This is the first date he would be going on, and he couldn't be happier that it was with Blaine.
Blaine was just finishing the final touches of his pasta, dishing them out onto the plates. He grabbed two wine glasses and opted for sparkling cider to share with his boyfriend instead of wine, since Kurt was not of age to drink, so it was only fair that they drink the same thing.
He looked at the clock 6:28. Shit he only had two minutes before he had to pick up Kurt, and he still had to change. He ran into her guest room and grabbed the first pair of pajama bottoms he could find, and threw a sweater on. He ran back into the living room and double checked that everything was in place. The two jewelry boxes were hidden under the pillow. Everything was set, now all he needed was his beautiful boyfriend by his side.
Blaine walked to he bedroom with one single rose in his hand, and took a deep breath before knocking on he door.
Kurt sat up and walked to the door, opening it. There on the other side was Blaine, holding out a rose with a big smile on his face.
"For you my kind Sir," Blaine said handing Kurt the rose.
"Blaine, it's beautiful," Kurt said taking the flower from Blaine, pulling it to his nose and smelling it.
Kurt was about to lean in for a kiss when Blaine started laughing his face going completely red, "Omg Kurt, i can't believe you're wearing that."
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaines neck, "I can't believe that my teacher is such a huge fan of Katy Perry, so big in fact that he would own a sweater declaring his love for her, I'm a little jealous Mr.Anderson."
Blaine laughed even harder, "Are you implying that I'm old, Mr Hummel?"
"Maybe I like a thing for older guys." Kurt said.
"As long as I'm the ONLY guy."
"Always," whispered Kurt, leaning into Blaine to kiss him.
Blaine pulled away and stroked Kurts cheek, "Are you ready for your date sweetheart?"
"More than ready, but don't think that I haven't forgotten about your weird obsession with Katy Perry," Kurt laughed.
"I'm never going to live this down am I?"
"Never, Mr Anderson."
Blaine laughed, "of course not, let's go."
Kurt gasped he minute he walked into the hallways. There was candles every where, along wih rose petals scattered along he floor, leading into he living room, it was breathtaking.
"Blaine--I don't even know what to say."
"Is it too much? It's to much isn't it, I just wanted--" Kurt cut him off with a heated kiss.
Pulling back, he looked at Blaine "Blaine its beautiful, I love it. I love you so much."
"I love you too sweetheart, but there's more, cmon," he said grabbing Kurts hand, leading him down he hallway.
Kurt entered he living room and his jaw hit the ground. He thought he hallway was beautiful, the living room was something else. There was hundreds of candles everywhere, the only light lighting up the room. Pillows were scattered all along the floor in front of the fire place. Food was set out on he coffee table that was pushed to the side to make room for the pillows.
"Blaine I don't even know what to say, this is so beautiful, I can't believe you did this all for me."
"Kurt I would do anything for you. I love you sweetheart with everything that I am, and you deserve all of this. I'm sorry I can't take you out on a real date, but I wanted to make this special for you. We've kinda done things a bit backwards."
"Blaine, this is a real date, this is amazing, and I wouldn't trade this night for anything else, it really is perfect, thank you."
"Your welcome baby, now let's eat." He led Kurt to the pillows and let him sit down. He knew his bottom was still sore, but hopefully the pillows would help relieve some of he pain.
"Now I know that I said I would order in food, but I decided to cook for you instead, I hope you like it." he said passing the plate to Kurt.
Kurt took a bite,"Oh my god Blaine this is amazing, seriously thank you, for all of this."
"Anything for you baby."
They spent dinner talking about anything and everything. Making flirty comments to one another, stealing kisses every once in awhile. Once dinner was done Blaine put the movie on, and him and Kurt snuggled into each other. When Come What May came on, Blaine turned his head and whispered into Kurts ear, "Dance with me."
Blaine pulled Kurt to his feet, and wrapped him in his arms, and slowly started to turn them. Kurt layed his head on Blaines shoulder. Kurt loved this song, he always dreamed that he would dance to this at his wedding with the man that he loved.
Blaine started singing, in hopes that Kurt would join in and he did. They slowly swayed together lost in each other and in the music.
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Seasons may change
Winter to Spring
But I love you
Until the end
Of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day
Suddenly the world
Seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide
But I love you
I love you
Until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you
I will love you
Once the song ended, Blaine leaned in and gave Kurt a soft gentle kiss. He knew right now that it was the perfect time to give Kurt his gift.
He leaned down and pulled the box out from under the pillow. Kurts eyes, lit up when he saw the box, "If this is an engagement ring, than yes!" Kurt said.
Blaine laughed, "Just--open the box Kurt."
Kurt opened the box, inside was the most beautiful bracelet he had ever seen. It was white gold, and had two pendants on it. The first pendant was Blaines initial, a beautiful 'B' all in diamonds, the second was a key.
He looked up at Blaine with tears in his eyes.
"I wanted to get you something that signifies our relationship as a Dom/Sub, typically I would put a leather collar on you, claiming you. But given our situation that wasn't a very good idea. So I opted for getting you a bracelet instead. The B is for you to remember that your mine, Kurt. The key is to remind you that you have the key to my heart, you will always have the key to my heart. And in general its a promise."
"What are you promising," asked Kurt.
"To always love you. To defend you, even if I know your wrong. To surprise you. To always pick up your call no matter what I'm doing. To bake you cookies at least twice a year and to kiss you whenever and wherever you want. To be the best Dom that I can be. To always protect you. Mostly to make sure that you always remember how perfectly imperfect you are."
"Blaine I love you so much, thank you. You are perfect, everything you've done tonight is perfect. I am so happy."
"I'm so glad you are happy, when your happy that makes me happy, can I help you put it on?"
Kurt handed Blaine the bracelet. Blaine snapped it in place, and kissed it whispering, "Mine."
"I got something for myself too, so that you know I belong to you just as much as you belong to me. Blaine kneeled down and pulled out a second box. Inside was a beautiful white gold chain. On it was Kurts initial, and instead of a key he had a heart that matched Kurts key. "You will always have my heart, Kurt."
Kurt took the necklace from Blaine, "Turn around."
Blaine turned around, and allowed Kurt to put on the chain. Kurt wrapped himself around Blaine from behind, and kissed the back of Blaines neck right over the chain and whispered, "Mine."