Don't Believe in Happy Endings
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Don't Believe in Happy Endings: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,986 - Last Updated: Aug 23, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 37/37 - Created: Dec 06, 2012 - Updated: Aug 23, 2013
1,051 0 4 0 1

Author's Notes: *Serious mode activated*Right, serious. Okay.I won't be uploading chapters as often as I 'used to' anymore. Don't hate me, but it's just that when I write a chapter on three/four days, they get really short and uneventful and when I look back at few of the chapters I'm like embarrassed. 'Cause they're so short and there's nothing happening and yeah. Now, you guys probably don't notice this as much as I do, but..And school's back here now and we have something called 'National tests' here in Sweden, where I live (You know, that little country far up in the north where we talk really weird and have polar bears walking the streets? Yeah, there.) ('National tests' sounds really weird and I don't know how to translate it but from what I gather, it's like the finals that you have in the US, but still differen, or something.. I don't know. Sorry for being confusing..) now and it takes a lot of time and energy and stuff. (Especially for me 'cause I've barely been at school during all of 2012 so I'm kind of in some deep shit..) And also, I just feel like taking it a little easy with this and don't push it, 'cause then it'll just end up like shit and I really don't want that.. So yes. There you have it. Hope you understand what I'm saying, I'm feeling really weird today. Anyways, here's chapter 12 finally, hope you like it! (Wow that was a long A/N..)



“We’re going home. Now.”

“Okay…?” Quinn looked at Kurt with a slightly confused look on her face.

“Let’s find Santana and the others first–”

“Fuck them.” he groaned and pulled Quinn up by her left wrist.

“It’s Santana’s car, Kurt–“

“Fuck. Them.” he just repeated, a little clearer this time.

“Hey chill, what’s your problem all of a sudden?”

“Just get in the car.” the tall boy demanded and giving him a weird look, Quinn did as she was told.

“What’s up?” she asked, a little hesitantly, but got no answer. When they had to stop the car at a red light, Quinn looked over to the person sitting beside her in the old pick-up. He was trembling, hands knot into fists at his side, jaws clenching in anger.

“Hey…” she whispered. “What –happened?”

“Can we talk later? I –“

“Yeah.” Quinn nodded. “No problem.”

Driving home didn’t take long, and about fifteen or so minutes later Kurt was seated on the ‘kitchen’ floor, a plastic cup of water in his hands.

“What’s going on Kurt?” she asked again, leaning against the low sink.

“I…” she watched as the taller’s jaws started to clench again and that look coming back to his face and she held back a sigh. As much as she cared for Kurt, she really didn’t have the energy tonight.

“Don’t worry.” he said quietly, looking up at his friend. “Go to sleep instead, Quinn. You look like you need it.”

“No, tell me –“

“Quinn. I can see that you don’t have the energy to do this now. So just go to bed.”

“I –“



The girl gave up, since Kurt was right, and dragged herself into the bathroom. She took a quick shower, since showering in cold water wasn’t really anything she appreciated, then dried her body jerking with the shirt she’d been wearing.

Her belly was still flat, since she’d only been pregnant for about a month or so, but Quinn still felt fat. Not in a ‘oh my god I need to loose ten pounds to be able to go outside’ sort of way, she’d always been a little underweight. This was more like … it was hard to describe but, sort of like it was harder to move. Like she’d gained a ton during the past month. Of course this was only imagination, but it didn’t make it any less real to Quinn.

She was a little scared, if she was to be honest. And no one could blame her for it; she was eighteen. She lived under one of the worst circumcised for a teenager in a first world country, and she… She’d never really had a mother. So she didn’t know too much about how to take care of a baby. She did know some, of course, but she’d probably known a little more and better if she hadn’t grown up without a motherly figure to look up to.

Examining her face in the cracked mirror, Quinn let out a heavy, tired sigh.

“Okay.” she whispered to herself. “Stop this. You can do it. There’s nothing to worry about.”

After draping the wet shirt over the holder that should hold a shower curtain, the tired girl walked out of the little room, glancing at Kurt as she passed him, who was now lying in a fetal position on the floor. She dragged her body to her mattress, sliding her naked body in under the thin blanket. But sleep was pretty much completely out of the question, at least for a couple of long hours, her hair was still a little damp from the quick shower and the room was already cold as it was.

We really need to get some real blankets to this place this year. I don’t think it’ll be too good for the baby if I lie awake freezing all winter…


As Quinn left to the bathroom, Kurt sunk down to the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging himself in an attempt to close out the cold.

Fucking hell. It’s just October, or the first of November, and it’s already this damn cold in here. Such a lovely winter it seems to be this year.

He heard the shower being turned on and a little shriek from Quinn as her body came in contact with the, what had to be, freezing water. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

    “I think Blaine is a beautiful name for a boy. And… Wendy if it’s a girl…”

Kurt sat up in the blink of a second, eyes wide as porcelain plates and heart hammering hard in his chest.

Fuck! Fuck, not this again! This wasn’t supposed to happen! That’s why he had gotten out of that place as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t have to deal with this shit!  

     “Kurt, honey, you know how me and daddy told you you were going to have a baby brother or sister? Well… Things didn’t exactly go as planned.”

He was done. He didn’t want to anymore. He didn’t want to relive his life in his head again. Nothing that had already happened to him years back in time mattered now. None of it. So there was no point thinking of it. It only made things hurt worse than they needed to.


“Heey, a’know you. You’re tha Frodoo guy Kurt’s always glrring at at s–chool!” a girl Blaine remembered as Santana, the one he’d seen practically having sex with her girlfriend not too long ago, beamed at him from the door.

“Uh, yeah, I guess?”

“Well –what’s the problem b’tween you two?” she asked, wiggling across the room, settling down on the bed, telling her tired looking girlfriend to lie down and rest for a while.

“I don’t know.” Blaine shrugged from where he was still sitting in the floor.

“C’mon… What’d you do? There‘as to be something. Gay boy doesn’t act like tha’ wiout a reeeason.”

“I dunno what’s up with him. So don’t ask me.” he muttered. “And you know what? You should probably go to sleep you too for a while, and maybe we can talk later.”

“You’re –sober?”

“Uhm, yeah. Seems like it.”

“Well you’re bor’ng. ‘night.”

Blaine shook his head, and after a moment he realized what the girl had said. He was still sober. Well that was another thing right there that wasn’t planned. Hell, nothing that had happened the past hours had been anywhere near planned.

Should he go back downstairs to get something that would help him clear his mind? Nah. It wasn’t worth it. But still, what was he supposed to do there?

Deciding that he would just try to keep on not giving a shit, Blaine lay down on the floor closing his eyes, the bed being occupied with lesbians. The music was still playing as loud as ever a floor down and when Blaine placed the side of his head down directly onto the floor, he could feel it vibrating to the quick beat.

Puckerman does know how to throw a good spectacle, I give him that. He thought to himself and closed his eyes, not to sleep, but to think. Not giving a shit really was something that Blaine had a lot troubles doing.
That Hummel guy… Oh, who am I kidding? Kurt. What’s up with him?

His mind went back in time.

“Stop reminding me of all I’ve lost!”

What had he meant by that? Blaine couldn’t understand. What had he lost that affected him like that? That made him… well, almost a little crazy, actually, what could it be?

A painful break up? No. That was ridiculous. Not just because the blue eyed boy obviously didn’t do romance, but because the breakdown Blaine had witnessed a while ago was way too serious for that.

Loss of family member?…Maybe. He didn’t know Kurt well enough to know if that could be it or not.

He sighed. He had to stop caring! It wasn’t like him. Not like this at least. He’d always been very fond of his mother, and of his former close friends as well. Maybe he even of Sebastian. At least a little. But those were all people who had been in his life for quite a while, that he knew. That made sense.

But almost caring for a guy that drove him completely crazy half of the time and that he didn’t really know, that made no sense at all. Almost a little creepy, maybe, that he gave so much thought to what had happened in Kurt’s life and so on.

Why do I care so much?


“What do you mean, mommy? Is the baby dead?”

“Oh, no. No worries. But, it’s… it’s twins.” his mother smiled at him kindly and he tilted his head slightly.

“What’s twins?” he asked, nipping on his ear with a little hand.

“It’s when two babies live inside mommy’s tummy instead of one.” she explained kindly to her son.

“You have two babies living inside you?”


“Wooow…” he mumbled in astonishment and his parents laughed quietly.

“Yuck, don’t to that, that’s gross!” the little boy whined when his parents shared a quick kiss, causing them to laugh again.

Still nipping his ear, Kurt looked at his mother’s growing belly.

I’m gonna be a big brother! He thought with a proud smile.

   Kurt snapped back to reality and looked around him in panic, making sure no one saw him. Once he found himself in the little bathroom in his and Quinn’s apartment, he let out a little sigh.

Fucking hell he was so damn tired of this. He didn’t want to know or think of anything that had happened to him in his past. He didn’t need it. It had nothing to do with the person he was today.

But yet, if it didn’t affect him, why was he so determent not to remember?

Because then it would. If he let his guard down, if he let his mind control his life instead of he, himself, then everything would fall.

Then everything would be too late and he wouldn’t be able to control himself. Then he wouldn’t survive.


“Britt wake up.” Blaine heard Santana mumble softly to her girlfriend and he sat back up, too. If Blaine wasn’t wrong, it had only about half an hour or so, but it certainly didn’t feel like it from the way his back screamed.

“What happened? Did the world end?” he heard another, slightly higher voice say in confusion, and Blaine realized that that was the first time he heard… Brittany’s, if he wasn’t wrong, voice.

“No don’t worry.”

“Hey, Frodo.”



“Name’s Blaine.”

“No.” Santana said, almost matter-of-factly. “Your name’s Frodo.”

“Whatever.” he muttered, rolling his eyes to himself. What was it with the McKinley kids and the Lord of the Rings?

“Hey, Frodo.” the Latino repeated, and all Blaine could think of was ‘The Annoying Orange’ from YouTube.


“What’re you doin’ here?”

“I… Don’t know. Just happened to stop by.”

“Right. Well, see ya’round I guess.”

Blaine just nodded and made a grunt in acknowledgement, not looking as the two girls left the room.

The music wasn’t nearly as loud anymore, Blaine noticed, in fact he couldn’t hear it at all. He stood up, getting a little dizzy from moving too quick, and dragged himself over to the little nightstand, sitting down on the bed for what felt like the hundredth time. Looking for some kind of watch to tell him the time, his phone being dead, Blaine somehow managed to knock down the reading lamp. To his defense, it had been placed way too close to the edge, so Blaine didn’t really take any blame in the incident. There was no watch, however, just countless school papers and sport magazines.

“Well fuck my life.” he grunted, standing up and walking out of the almost too blue room.

It was earlier than he’d expected it to be, that’s for sure. The kitchen watch had been knocked down so he didn’t know the exact time, but the sun had started rising and was now almost all the way up.

But the first thought that reached his mind when he reached the end of the stairs was ‘wow’ and the ‘chaos’.

Yup. It was pretty chaotic. Not that there was anyone really awake anymore, everyone had left or were now spread out on random places, passed out or just sleeping. Some places a litte more… wierd than others. There was one girl, for example, a short brunette wearing ridiculous clothes, passed out with her face in a huge flowerpot standing in the floor, and from the look at she’d… chewed on the little tree planted in it.

Well she’ll feel embarrassed when she wakes up. Blaine though with a little smile, shaking his head.

There were way more topless girls in the house for Blaine to be comfortable and quite a few poor people that had vomit in their hair and all over their clothes. He looked in surprise when he saw an empty wheelchair standing in a corner, a little boy with thin legs lying with his body over a gold haired girl that he actually knew was named Sugar.

He saw Puck passed out shirtless over a girl he’d never seen before, and he had to stop for a second to admire that guy’s abs. Because those were… not what he’d expected, to say the least. Making a grimace when he looked down to find his right shoe in a nice little puddle of vomit, Blaine almost fell from where he’d made the decision to wipe it off on a passed out Asian, who already had his shirt covered in… not very nice looking things, when he heard an angry scream from outside.

“That fucker drove away in my fucking car!” Blaine heard Santana scream and a few heads snapped up at the sudden sound.

He walked the last few steps through the living room, passing a giggling girl who seemed to be the only one still awake, and hissed when the sun hit his eyes, it hurt. And he wasn’t even hung over, so he shouldn’t be complaining.

“You.” she said, spinning around and pointed a slender finger at Blaine, who lifted his hands up to his shoulders of instinct.


 “D’you have a car?”

“No?” he groaned, stretching out his very sore back.

Did I fall asleep on the floor sober?

 “Fuck!” she stomped her booted foot in the ground. “Fuck!”

“What’s the matter?” he asked after watching her swear and punch the air for a couple of seconds, mostly to just shut her up.

“That fucker drove off in my fucking car!”

“…Right?” Blaine scratched the back of his neck. “How far do you guys have home?”

“I’m not goin’ home. I’m gonna get my damn car back before I go anywhere.”

“Okay. So where is it?”

Why am I doing this again?

“At Hummel and Fabray’s place. It’s like forever to walk there.”

“I could –I live like five minutes away from here. I could borrow my mom’s car. She doesn’t mind.”

Santana stopped in the middle of another stomp and looked at him like he was an alien.


Exactly, what the fuck?

“Sure, that’d be awesome.” she said then, standing back up properly. “But you’d have to come along so the car can come back to your place and stuff.”

After agreeing on the girls staying there, apparently having to find a few more people that should’ve been driven him in Santana’s car; Blaine started a slow walk home again. To get his mother’s car so he could help our Santana. Who he didn’t know. Whose car was at Hummel and Fabray’s place. He had no idea who this Fabray was, he just knew he’d head the name before, but he knew far too well who Hummel was.

And what the fuck was he even doing?

It didn’t matter how many times he thought that, because suddenly he was back at Puck’s place again, the lawn and trees in it beautifully decorated with toilet paper and something that looked like… spaghetti…

“Okay so thank you I guess.” Santana grumbled when she and her girlfriend hoped into the front seat, Brittany placing herself in the Latino’s lap without a question. When he started the car again, the rest of the ‘Skanks’ sitting in the back seat, reeking with alcohol and vomit and god knows what, he realized that he had no idea where he was going.

“Turn left here, then left again.” Santana informed quietly, not looking at him and Blaine nodded and did as he was told. She continued guiding him the whole way there and when they entered the shaggiest neighborhood in town, Blaine’s brain started working at way too quick of a phase.

This is where he lives? Why is he living here? What happened? Is his family that poor? Well I guess that explains his clothes… But still, really?

Blaine clenched his jaws as he tried to force the thoughts out of his head. They shouldn’t be there. They shouldn’t exist. But yet they did, and it pissed him off.

“There.” she said and pointed, but she wouldn’t have had to. Because the big black car sort of stood out a lot from the environment.

He slowed down and stopped just outside a little… house, he guessed. But it was so run down and just… damaged, he doubted anyone could even live there. There were two windows, one taped closed with duct tape and someone had put up to half rotten planks over the other carelessly. On the little drive way looking thing stood the old weirdly multicolored pick-up that he’d seen at school a couple of times and on the dead and muddy lawn stood Santana’s big Volvo. It really didn’t belong there. Not that it was anything particular, it was quite a normal car, but in that neighborhood it looked really… expensive and special and stuff.
“That idiot’s gonna get it now.” Santana muttered and Blaine snapped back a little to reality, and of some reason he stepped out of the car with the rest of the girls.

“Hey, Quinn!” she jelled, stomping towards the door, which looked like it’d fall from its hinges if Blaine did as much as touch it. “I know you’re in there and I know you hear me so come out here so I can slap your pretty face!”

Quinn. Oh, so that’s who Fabray was. But why did Kurt live with her? And why here?

“Sure go ahead, wake up all of Ohio, go ahead.” Quinn muttered as he slender body appeared in the door opening.

“I thought we agreed on you driving my car so you could get me and the girls home?” Santana said through gritted teeth.

“I –yeah. But Kurt –“

“Fuck Kurt! You drove away with my car when you know I live on the other side of town!”

“Kurt freaked out again so I drove him home. And if you had been a little smarter you would’ve kept your keys instead of leaving them with me. So stop your fucking complying.” Quinn yawned and ran a hand through her pink hair, looking more than a little bored.

“You know I would’ve lost the keys if I kept them.”
“I know.” she nodded.

“But you drove off in my car and if it wasn’t for Frodo here,” She pointed at Blaine, who almost felt a little awkward. “I’d be forced to walk here to get it back.”

Quinn turned her attention to the short boy and raised a thin eyebrow.

“What’re you doin’ helping Santana?”

He shrugged. “Just thought I’d do something nice, you know, it’s good to do that every now and then.” he smiled at her sweetly.

“Good for you.” she said, smiling herself. “Hope you didn’t ruin someone's life this time too?”

“Oh no, I don't think so.” Blaine turned to the three girls, two pretty short and big, one of them a lot darker than the others, and the third both much thinner and taller than the other two, who stood practically sleeping just by the car they’d arrived in.

“So don’t worry. And saying I ruined your life is going a little overboard, isn’t it?”

“Wait –you –?”

“Don’t worry about that, San.” Quinn said, shooting a last bitch look towards Blaine. “And here’s your keys. You can go home now.”

She tossed the car keys to Santana and closed the door. The Latino turned around with a shrug, apparently forgetting that she was supposed to ‘slap Quinn’s pretty face’, and grabbed her girlfriends hand, starting to walk to her car. But just as she was about the close the car door, she turned to Blaine.

“You have anything planned for today?”


“Do you have any plans? Are you doing anything today or are you just going home to be boring?”

“No I guess I don’t, and I guess I am. But why d’you care?” he asked, eyebrows sitting high on his forehead.

“Me an’ the girls are going swimming, thought if you wanted to come?”

What? Swimming? In November? Where? Me? What?

“Okay?” he said, but made it sound like a question.

“’Okay?’ Maybe I shouldn’t have asked, you seem boring.”

“No, I’ll come.” Blaine said, not really knowing what he was doing.

“Awesome. Just follow my car?”

“Actually… Mine is almost entirely out of gas, so would it fit in yours?”


Not really having any idea whatsoever of what was going on, Blaine drove his mother’s old, not ever used anymore, vehicle and after fighting with the garage door for a minute he locked it behind him, hoping into the waiting car, having to sit in the trunk.

His brain must’ve been somewhere else that day, because otherwise he’d never agree to do something like this. Not because it was ‘adventurous’ or whatever, going swimming didn’t really sound that dramatic, but because his mother was in the hospital and he didn’t have a cellphone on him, not one with charged batteries at least. He wouldn’t have done it because he was tired as hell and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Because he hardly knew them, even though that wasn’t that big of a deal when he thought about it, and because he was now going to spend the day with five teenage girls. Hung over teenage girls.

Jippey. But still, he didn’t really have anything else to do and he’d probably be unable to sleep anyways. So fuck it.

“Let’s go then!” Santana cried, a little over-dramatically, Blaine thought, and drove off to he had no idea where.

End Notes: Iknowthatwassortofafilleraswellsorry. *Caugh, what?* Anyways, there'll be more stuff going on in chapter 13, promise. Thank you all so so so so much for reading and revewing and adding to favorite and making my life brighter and thank you all and I'm just gonna go now.


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Hey! Sorry for not revewing the previous chapters, school happened D: but I feel really bad about it 'cause I think this story really deserves lots of compliments and praises and whatever and I think I'll just stop ranting ;). Anyway, if this hasn't scared you away... Wow! This story is amazing! I really love it, and you write beautifully. I really like it. I was really surprised, when I read this chapter's notes, that you're not from an English speaking country, because this story's really really really good. By now I think you've guessed English's not my first language, huh? I'm Italian, so please forgive my mistakes :). Ok, so, can I have (another) little moment of insanity? Oh my gods, you're from Sweden! That's like my favourite country in the world. Not kidding, I want to learn Swedish and maybe, one day, to live in Sweden... Yes, i know, this was a little (a lot) out-topic. Sorry! Ok, let's go back to your story: I really love it, it's stunning really, and I just want to hug poor Kurtie forever, ya know? Yes, I'm insane. ;)Thank you for being such an amazing writer and for sharing this beautiful story!

Aaw, you're so sweet! Thank you! And of course you didn't scare me away, you'd need to try a lot harder if so ;) (Anything that has any relation to ranting or freaking out over something, anything connected fangirling, I'm more than used to living with myself for fifteen years..)Really? Like, serious? You thought? astfkjlsr that's like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! C': (No but it really means a lot 'cause I love english and stuff) Italy! I'm like the only one of my friends who hasn't been there.. But now I've (sort of) talked with one over the internet instead! Yay! (.....) Haha oh yeah? That's amazing ^^ I've never really understood what's so special about this country.. More than like it's a lot of nice nature places and so on, which is awesome. And don't worry about going off topic, I do that all the time. ;3 Than you so much! And Oh if you feel that way now, you're not goin' to survie what I'm gonna do to him later on... *evil grin* *cough* What? Oh nothing. I didn't say anything. Don't worry.Thank you for being amazing and leaving your review! It made me feel happy inside. So thank you ^^(And don't worry about being insane, we all are! Or at least that's what I tell myself so I won't feel as weird myself (y) )

so happy you update this is my fav fic ever its amazing and sooo good i just love this book so much i can not wait tell you update when you update it makes my day :)

Thank you so much! It means so much that you like it as much as you do!