March 9, 2013, 12:08 p.m.
March 9, 2013, 12:08 p.m.
Author's Note: I really really like writing proposals so I'm not even the least bit sorry for writing a proposal fic in this verse. It just had to be done.
By the way, this is the second to last one. The final part should be up in the next 24-48 hours.
Blaine spends weeks planning his proposal to Kurt. For years, really, he's been fantasizing about this moment. In his mind, the proposal had started as a giant overblown affair, but his imagination had eventually settled down over the years. He now knew that Kurt didn't need a huge public event or expensive romantic setting to be proposed to, he just needed Blaine and a ring.
This does not mean that Blaine is going to do it with zero planning or pomp and circumstance though. He wants to ensure a yes. He wants to make sure the moment is remembered, not just something to be glazed over in the years to come.
All of his careful planning and hard work goes to shit however as soon as the evening begins. Really, he should have assumed as much after the whole mess that occurred when he was marked, but he thought that, with careful planning, this moment would go perfectly to plan.
He had decided on a simple romantic dinner for the two of them in their apartment. It wasn't even on any of their relationship anniversaries. Blaine had chosen to propose on the day they had first met. He wasn't sure if Kurt remembered the exact date - neither one of them had ever mentioned it before - but he'd decided that it didn't matter whether Kurt realized or not. As long as Kurt said yes (which he would... right?), the date would hold special meaning to them both from then on.
The dinner goes downhill around 4 when Blaine receives a text from Kurt.
Kurt: Hey hon, I'm going to be about two hours late tonight. I'll probably be home around 7? If I'm lucky?
Blaine: =( Your boss being needy again?
Kurt: Yeah, apparently us getting out on time would personally offend the client we're currently working with.
Blaine: I'll see you later then, keep me updated. xoxo
Kurt: xoxoxo
Blaine had somehow forgotten that it was a Tuesday night. Kurt had a tendency to stay late at work on Tuesday's. Especially because Blaine hadn't even told him about the dinner, wanting it to be a surprise when he walked in the door.
He sighs, looking at the fancy place settings he had just put out and the food in the oven. Time to refurbish his plan.
Three Hours Later
Kurt enters their apartment, glancing around for signs of his boyfriend, as he still hasn't received a response to the text he'd sent him a half hour ago. He toes off his shoes, tossing his keys in the bowl by the door before glancing into the living room. It's there that he spots him. Kurt pauses in the doorway, running his eyes up and down Blaine's form with a soft smile on his face. Blaine is sprawled on the couch, snoring gently with an arm dangling over the edge.
Kurt pushes off the doorframe, approaching him slowly, settling down on the floor by his head before realizing that Blaine is dressed up. In-a-tuxedo dressed up.
"Blaine?" Kurt whispers, brushing a kiss over Blaine's forehead and lips while puzzling over the outfit.
"Mmm?" Blaine murmurs, stirring sleepily, head instinctively angling towards Kurt's. "Kurt?"
"Yeah sweetheart, it's me."
"I fell asleep didn't I?" Blaine pouts, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
Kurt chuckles "Yes you did. I'm not too surprised actually, although the tux is a bit of a mystery..."
Blaine glances down at himself, blinking as though he had only just realized what he was wearing. "I... I had to dress up for work?"
Kurt snorts, standing up and then settling on the couch next to Blaine. "I saw you this morning before you left for work. Pretty sure I would have noticed if you left wearing that."
"Yeah. ...What's in your hand?"
"What?" Blaine replies, panicking as he remembers what he's holding and hides his hand behind his back. "I don't have anything in my hand."
"Oh my god Blaine, you are such a terrible liar."
Blaine pouts. "I have no idea what you are talking about."
"If you say so..." Kurt trails off, silence falling between them as Blaine slowly relaxes and they snuggles up to each other. "So how was your day?" Kurt finally asks.
"It was good, nothing too crazy. I actually managed to escape a little early because there was a fire alarm right after the school day ended. The principal just cancelled our meeting and let us all go."
"Ah, getting out early, you're living the dream." Kurt replies with a far off look in his eyes, earning a chuckle from Blaine. "So when do I get to find out what's behind your back? You have to leave this couch sometime."
"Says who?"
"Hmmm" Kurt ponders, mock thoughtful. "Work, the need for food, the bathroom, me telling you that we're not having sex on this couch..."
Blaine sighs. "I guess I'll just have to be really creative when I get up then... or you might fall asleep first. You never know" Blaine shrugs, attempting to come across nonchalant. "I could definitely try to seduce you if all else fails."
"You're right" Kurt replies, as a smile crosses his face that worries Blaine. Suddenly, Kurt pounces on him, pinning him to the couch with his body as he tries to reach around for Blaine's hand. "I could always use force."
The two of them struggle for a few minutes, neither having much success - as they don't want to hurt each other - until Blaine finally calls Kurt to a stop.
"Kurt, Kurt, stop. Just. Here." Pulling the box out from underneath him, Blaine holds it out to Kurt.
"Is that-?" Kurt gasps, sitting up in shock.
Blaine nods, smiling nervously. "Kurt, will you marry me?"
"Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes." Kurt lets out excitedly, punctuating each word with a kiss. "Of course. I've only been wanting to since the day I met you."
Blaine beams. "I had this whole dinner planned out with candles and music and dancing, but you of course ruined that plan."
Kurt sticks his tongue out teasingly in response. "What can I say" he shrugs. "Care to go through the whole plan anyways?"
"Sure. Just as soon as I get this ring on your finger." Blaine slips the ring on Kurt's finger, both of them watching with wide grins on their faces, before they get up off the couch. Kurt goes to the bedroom to change into the suit Blaine had laid out for him, while Blaine touches up his hair and sets about putting dinner on the table.
They eat, they pull out a bottle of wine, they dance to a playlist Blaine made. And then, when Teenage Dream begin playing, Blaine whispers into Kurt's ear "this is the part where I was going to get down on one knee."
So, when so take a chance and never look back plays, Kurt gets down on one knee in front of Blaine, pulling a ring box out of his pocket, earning a gasp from Blaine. "I had a speech outlined, but I left it at the office so I could memorize it without fear of you finding it. Granted my speech has to be totally different now. But I just want you to know that I was making plans of my own." Blaine nods in response, a happy grin spreading across his face. "Blaine Anderson, you've been my best friend since the day we met. You've been by my side in tough times and the good. You are my soulmate. I know you already proposed to me, but we've never done things conventionally. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
Blaine pulls Kurt to his feet, tilting up to kiss him. "Of course I will. I couldn't dream of anything better."
"Perfect" Kurt replies, a grin spreading across his face. "Just what I wanted to hear."