March 9, 2013, 12:08 p.m.
March 9, 2013, 12:08 p.m.
To everyone's immense surprise, especially Rachel's, they don't move in together until their Junior year of college. When Blaine got into Columbia and Kurt got accepted to NYADA, the immediate assumption that their classmates had made was that they would be getting an apartment together. It's true that the two of them had spent a while discussing it, but ultimately they had decided that the dorms would be a smarter option.
They both knew that they would end up living together one day. They were in love, they rarely fought, they frequently talked about kids, they were best friends and they were soulmates. Getting their own dorms may have seemed as though they weren't investing in their relationship, but really it was cheaper than most apartments they could find and it would allow them to live as more separate people at first. Bonus? Their parents were helping fund their dorm rooms but would not fund an apartment ("we approve of your relationship Blaine, it's just that getting an apartment with Kurt would be a big step towards adulthood, and with that step would have to come the responsibilities of paying for it yourselves"). Living in the dorms would allow them both to make their own friends and end up with a wider circle of people. It also meant that neither of them would have to trek through the city to get to class.
All in all the two of them, as well as their parents, agreed that it was for the best. Maybe not (definitely not) for the entirety of their college years, but for the first couple it they decided it was best. They could form a base for their lives in New York and then meld them together.
As it turned out, to no one's surprise really, Kurt and Blaine spent most of their nights in each other's dorm rooms. They'd purposely restricted their time together the first month they had been at school (not banning themselves from seeing each other, but capping their text messages, phone calls and visits) in order to ensure that they didn't miss out on experiencing the beginning of freshman year at their own schools. After that however, they fell into a habit of appearing at each other's dorms at night and sleeping there. For example, Blaine had somehow managed to pull off a schedule with no Friday classes, while Kurt had an 8am on Fridays. This meant that Blaine would get off work at the library at 11pm on Thursdays, and then head straight to Kurt's dorm, letting himself in if Kurt was already asleep, and then crawling under the covers next to him.
The first time this had happened, Kurt's roommate had been a bit shocked. Kurt had told him that he'd found his soulmate and that they were both going to school in New York, but his roommate, Rob, hadn't really believed him. Well, he hadn't thought he was lying exactly, just that Kurt had maybe just met him or something, because why weren't they living together then? After the initial surprise had worn off however, Rob and Blaine had become semi-friends, just from the sheer number of times that Blaine woke up in Kurt's bed and it was only him and Rob in the room.
Eventually, Kurt and Blaine got the bright idea to get Rob and Blaine's roommate, Josh, to meet. As much as they both hated to admit it, getting an opportunity for sex was even more difficult to come by while at school than it was at home. And while they both insisted that sex wasn't essential for their relationship, they really, really, really wanted it. And they weren't keen on the idea of Rob or Josh walking in on them. The two of them might be cool with their relationship but no one ever wanted to walk in on their roommate having sex, or even almost walk in on their roommate having sex.
When Rob and Mark finally met (the New Directions members that were in New York got together for karaoke every other week and they tended to bring friends with them), they immediately hit it off. Admittedly, they had spent the first half an hour teasing Kurt and Blaine about their relationship, but eventually they had shifted into new topics. By the end of the night, they presented Kurt and Blaine with the offer that every once in while they could crash at the other one's dorm if the two of them wanted a night alone together. The second they were out of sight, Kurt and Blaine had high fived each other in delight. Asking for the room might be somewhat awkward because hello giant "I'm going to have sex all night with my boyfriend!" sign, but it was ten times better than the rushed moments they had thus far managed to have. Nevertheless, the day when they moved into their own apartment was a glorious day.
Their lease started in June at the end of their sophomore year, meaning that they had both moved back home for two weeks before they started moving into their apartment. They had found a beautiful little one bedroom apartment approximately halfway between their schools. It was tiny and expensive, but it somehow managed to be in their price range, it wasn't rundown, and, most importantly, it was theirs.
"Ok, this is the last box" Blaine huffs, almost falling through the door in his attempt to make it inside. "I'm not sure what's in it though because while it's labeled 'scarves,' it weighs about forty pounds, and I don't remember you having a scarf made out of bricks."
Kurt laughs as he takes the box from Blaine. "Why thank you good sir. I think these are actually my scrapbooks. There's a different label on the other side."
"Oh." Blaine heads towards the kitchen sink "that would make more sense." He turns on the water and then automatically opens a cabinet to grab a glass only to find it empty. "Your dad said he was going to return the U-Haul and that him and Finn probably won't be back for three hours." After looking in four more empty cabinets, Blaine's eyes land on a box that reads "dishware." Carefully digging through it for a minute he pulls out a glass, promptly filling it with water.
"Oh good! We can get a good deal of unpacking done before they're back!" Kurt exclaims, clapping his hands together excitedly.
"Kurrrt" Blaine whines from the countertop he is leaning against, "can't we do that later? Beautiful apartment? All ours? No supervision..." he trails off, walking his fingers up Kurt's arm teasingly.
Kurt folds his arms across his chest "Blaine Devon Anderson. If we don't unpack now it will take us months."
Blaine walks around the counter at Kurt's words. "Fine, but can I at least kiss you in our new apartment first?" Kurt's stern expression begins to fade into a smile as Blaine shifts onto his tiptoes, leaning in to kiss him. "Maybe we can break in the bed before the family gets back?" he asks hopefully.
Kurt gasps in mock offense. "Why Blaine Warbler, are you trying to seduce me?"
Blaine huffs in annoyance when Kurt leans away from him, pulling out of the kiss "I was trying to but apparently it's not working." He pauses a moment, and then: "it doesn't have to be the bed we break in, I'm not particularly picky… I've always fantasized about you fucking me on the counter…" he trails off teasingly.
"Blaine" Kurt whines in response. "We have to unpack, just, ugh" he pulls Blaine to him by the collar, kissing him roughly for a moment before pulling away. "Later. I promise, once dad and Finn leave for good, we can soil any surface you want."
"Oh goodie!" Blaine replies, a wide grin spreading across his face.
Two hours later finds them both sprawled on the floor, boxes scattered around them and sweat all over.
"That was intense" Blaine pants, reaching an arm out to grab Kurt's hand in his.
"I told you to slow down" Kurt replies, rolling his head to the side to smile at Blaine.
"I can't believe you actually caved."
Kurt scoffs, hitting Blaine in the shoulder as he says "I cave sometimes. Besides, it's not my fault you pulled out the puppy dog eyes and looked so damn earnest about it."
Blaine rolls over, grinning, to place a kiss on Kurt's forehead before standing up. "I think my robot collection provides a proud guard for your trophy." Blaine reaches down to pull Kurt to his feet. "Come on, let's go shower before your dad and Finn get here. They'll be pleased to see we finished unpacking without their help."
"Told you we could get it done if we didn't have sex until afterwards."
"Yeah, yeah. Does that mean we get sex now? As a reward?" Blaine gives Kurt a hopeful look as they both stripped down to shower.
"Maybe if you're good and promise to give me a massage later."
"I think I can handle that. You might have to give me one first though."
"What, too much time setting up your robots?"
"Maybe." Blaine tickles at Kurt's sides "Maybe you should shut up about the robots now and kiss me.
"Mmm now that, I can do."