July 2, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 2, 2015, 7 p.m.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, nor do I own any of the characters! If I did, Klaine would have been married 100 years ago.
Triggers for: rape, self-harm, violence
I am SO, SO, SO, incredibly sorry that I abandoned this. I pinky promise (pinky promises are SUPER serious!) that I will NEVER do that again, and even if I have to get someone to force my hands to type out a chapter, IT WILL HAPPEN. I WILL FINISH THIS. I'm going to leave the original up just so I can see what I did originally, but I will no longer add new chapters to that.
I was on my Darren/Chris/Klaine blog (which you can find here), and I saw the link to my ff.net and Scarves and Coffee accounts, so I clicked on them and found this story and decided, hey what the heck, I'll give it a shot.
I'm hoping this is much better than the first version. The chapters will be longer and I'm changing the point of view to 3rd person instead of first, which will hopefully make it easier for me to write.
Thoughts and flashbacks are italicized. Whiteboard writing is in bold.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Glee characters, nor do I claim any right to them. If I did, Klaine would have been married 100 years ago.
Reviews are my life!!!!
Kurt sighs, throwing his bags onto his new bed. Kurt had recently transferred to Dalton Academy for Boys because his father had discovered information about Kurt being bullied at McKinley. After researching, Burt found that Dalton had a zero-tolerance bullying policy and knew it would be the perfect match for his son. He knew that Kurt was skeptical to go because he didn't trust the zero-tolerance policy. Kurt didn't trust anyone these days, and Burt was still trying to figure out why. He knew that being bullied had major effects on someone's self-esteem, but surely Kurt couldn't have let the bullying affect him as much as it seems. Burt doesn't understand how Kurt went from cool, calm, and confident, to shaky, jumpy, and silent in what seemed like a day. Burt hopes that Dalton will do his son some good and help him get over his past and hopefully start trusting people again, at least enough so that he can say a few words.
Kurt hasn't talked in almost four years. Ever since his freshman year of high school, Kurt hasn't been the same. His father knows that he should have been more astute to what Kurt was going through, but he thought Kurt's silence was just some form of teenage rebellion, never something as serious as the bullying Kurt was enduring. Burt blames himself everyday for what happened to Kurt at McKinley and knows that if only he was more observant he could have helped Kurt much more.
Kurt looks around his new living area, evaluating the quality of his dorm room. There are two beds on opposite sides from one another and two wardrobes next to each bed, along with two nightstands and lamps. Kurt is pleased to discover that an en suite bathroom is included in his new housing, even though he's not so enthused about having to share with his roommate. Kurt tried to convince Dalton's head of housing to let him have a single room, but they said he was required to share. He's pretty sure his dad told them not to let him have a single room; he probably thinks it will help Kurt ‘heal' or whatever. It will take a lot more than some roommate to help Kurt get over what happened to him. Kurt knows he can't get angry at his father, though. He knows how much Burt loves him and tries to be a part of his life; it's just that Kurt can't let anyone get close. He knows that he lets someone get close he'll end up saying too much and then he'll get hurt, or worse, the people he loves will get hurt.
Kurt knows he should probably tell his dad about what happened, but he can't. Kurt hasn't talked to anyone since… the incident, and he knows he can't start now. He feels tears come to his eyes just thinking about it, but quickly blinks them and the negative thoughts away before he feels even worse. It's a good thing, too, because just then, Kurt hears the door open and sees a boy around his age enter.
Kurt is stunned at how beautiful the boy looks. With his chocolate hair and his golden hazel eyes, strong jaw with a hint of stubble, warm enticing lips… “Oh, uh, hey… I'm Blaine Anderson,” the boy, Blaine, says, looking at Kurt warmly, holding out his hand for Kurt to shake, which he does. “You must be my new roommate.” Blaine smiles sincerely at Kurt, making him nervous, though he doesn't know why.
Kurt nods and pulls out his whiteboard, what he's been using to communicate with for four years. He writes I'm Kurt Hummel on the whiteboard, and Blaine furrows his eyebrows, confused. Kurt sighs, feeling awkward and put down. Now his new roommate probably thinks he's a freak. ‘Great way to start at a new school, Kurt,' he thinks sarcastically to himself. He turns to unpack some of his clothes before Blaine speaks again.
“I see you've found your side of the room,” he says with an amicable laugh. Kurt smiles a little, but his head is still clouded with self deprecating thoughts. “Um, forgive me for asking, but I'm guessing you don't, uh… talk?” Blaine says, with a questioning lilt in his voice.
Kurt nods and writes on his board, Sorry. He finishes putting all of this clothes in his dresser and takes out his laptop and books out of his bag, setting them on his bed. He picks up a picture of his mother, father, and him from when he was younger and fondly sets it on his nightstand, next to the lamp.
“No worries,” Blaine responds with a smile. Kurt feels slightly better about himself and sits on his bed, looking up at Blaine calculatingly.
Kurt wonders what type of person Blaine is like. Is he putting up a front so that Kurt feels like he can trust Blaine? Is he going to turn out exactly like all of Kurt's other friends when they learned that keeping up a relationship with him was just too difficult? Or is Blaine actually trustworthy? Kurt doesn't know, but decides not to focus on those thoughts for now.
“So, new school, huh?” Blaine asks, a little awkwardly. Kurt just nods, opening up his laptop and pulling up Youtube. “I'm not gonna get much out of you, am I?” Kurt smiles a little, albeit slightly mysteriously, at this question and puts his ear buds in his ears, drowning out the world with Sutton Foster and Sierra Boggess.
As soon as Blaine walks into his dorm room and sees Kurt, he knows there's something different about him. Maybe it's the way he tensed up as if frightened when Blaine first walked into the room, or the shadows under his eyes, or the way even though Blaine knows he's broken, Kurt is still the most beautiful boy he has ever seen.
When Kurt starts writing on his whiteboard, Blaine knows that it's going to be an interesting year. He's not judging Kurt at all, quite the contrary. Just from what Blaine has seen from Kurt he knows that he's been through a lot. Anyone would be able to see the walls Kurt has built up around himself.
Maybe it's the way Kurt looks hopeful every time Blaine says something nice to him, or the Broadway music Blaine can hear coming out of his ear buds, or the way he looked so lovingly at the picture he put on his nightstand, but Blaine knows that there's more to Kurt than meets the eye. Blaine doesn't know why, but he wants to get to know Kurt Hummel better. He wants to be able to help Kurt in any way he can, be that just help transitioning from school to school or more personal issues, Blaine knows that he wants to figure out the mystery of Kurt Hummel.
Kurt looks up from his laptop after about a half-hour of listening to music and sees that Blaine fell asleep reading some book called amazing, Grace. Kurt zones out thinking about the conversation he had with Blaine earlier.
It was almost like Blaine actually cared about him, actually liked him. Kurt knows he needs to stop thinking like this, no one cares about him. He's a worthless, unloved freak and the faster he gets that through his mind the better off he will be. This doesn't stop Kurt from imagining though, what it would be like, if he could actually let himself care for Blaine. Kurt can't stop himself from thinking about it, about what would happen if he cared about Blaine and Blaine cared about him. It's like he can almost see them cuddling and kissing and singing duets together.
Kurt is shocked out of his thoughts by a new voice in his head, one that is hard and cold and unforgiving. “You know that's never going to happen, fag. You're just some freak. No one will ever love you, homo.” Kurt knows the words he's hearing, imagining really, are true. And before Kurt knows it, before he can stop himself, he's spiralling into a flashback, unable to stop his rampaging mind.
“Don't push me!” the hulking jock screams at Kurt.
“And what if I do? What are you going to do? Hit me? Go ahead, you can't beat the gay out of me no more than I can't beat the ignoramus out of you!” Kurt immediately regrets his words as he sees the looming jock grow even angrier. What happens next is like slow motion to Kurt.
Karofsky moves closer. He licks his lips as if anticipating something, or preparing them for something. He grasps Kurt's head in his big, meaty hands and pushes forward. He kisses and unwilling Kurt with ferocity that even the frightened diva didn't know he had in him. He tries to slither his tongue into Kurt's mouth, but Kurt pushes away from him.
“Get the hell away from me!” Kurt yells, hugging himself protectively, even though he knows it will do nothing to get away from the jock before him. Kurt is confused and hurt and curious and devastated and traumatized and so caught up in the thoughts and emotions swirling like a storm up in his head that he didn't anticipate Karofsky's next move.
The beefy hands are back, pushing Kurt's face closer to Karofsky's. The unfamiliar tongue is forcing itself into Kurt's mouth. Kurt bites down, trying to make the enraged teen stop, but it just makes Karofsky angrier. He pushes Kurt down with a force Kurt was surprised he even had. Kurt's knees are digging into the locker room floor painfully, face pressed up against the dirty tiles.
Tears start streaming down Kurt's face, mixing in with the dirt and dust from the floor. ‘Please let this be a dream. Please, please, please let this be a dream,' Kurt prays to a god he doesn't believe in that this is a dream, that what's happening to him isn't real, that any second now he'll just wake up in his bed with this nasty world behind him.
As Karofsky's disgusting lips continue their assault on Kurt's neck, he knows that he's not dreaming. This is real life, and Kurt is living a nightmare.
The hands are back and they're pulling at Kurt's shirt, lifting it above his head. He can feel the cold tile against his bare skin, digging into his stomach at the awkward angle he was pushed down at. “Please, Dave, stop. You don't have to do this,” Kurt pleads through his tears, trying to convince the jock to have some mercy.
“You brought this on yourself, bitch. I told you not to push me,” Karofsky pulls the rest of Kurt's clothes off roughly, leaving Kurt whimpering on the floor. “You're such a slut for my cock aren't you?” Kurt notices that Karofsky pulls his shirt off and tries to scurry away, but Karofsky kicks him in the ribs to get him to stay.
“Such a pretty little slut,” Karofsky says, placing unwanted kisses on Kurt's shoulders and back, retreating lower and lower with each word. He spreads Kurt's cheeks and unforgivingly thrusts a thick finger into Kurt, making him cry out in pain.
“Please, stop it! Stop, you're hurting me, please!” Kurt cries, whimpering as the jock gets rougher and faster, adding a second finger. Kurt knows it's no use pleading for the monster to stop, but he still knows he has to try. Kurt screams and yells his voice hoarse while Karofsky has his way with him.
After adding a third finger, Karofsky thrusts himself into Kurt's body, grunting and groaning like an animal getting off. “You feel so good, my little slut,” Karofsky whispers as he slams into Kurt's tiny body again and again.
Kurt feels like his entire body is being torn in two. He can't believe this is happening to him, but know that it's real because of how much it hurts. He doesn't think he'll ever forget the way Karofsky's fingers grasp his hips hard, no doubt leaving finger shaped bruises for later, the hard, unforgiving thrusts of the boy as he nears his climax, unsteady and rough, the way his breath smells as he leans in to whisper obscene things into Kurt's ear.
“You know you love this, fag. You've been begging me to fuck you like this all year,” Karofsky says, thrusts getting more sporadic. He thrusts harder and harder, faster and faster until he finally shouts into the empty locker room and fills Kurt with his climax. He pulls out of the smaller boy and pulls on his clothing, leaving a bruised and battered Kurt in a heaping mess of sweat, cum, and blood on the dirty locker room floor.
Kurt looks around and is surprised and scared when he sees Karofsky's face impending on his own. The last words Kurt remembers hearing him say are, “Tell anyone about this, and I will kill you.”
Kurt snaps out of his flashback with a gasp, running to his en suite bathroom with tears streaming down his face. He throws up in the toilet before looking up at himself in the mirror. His face is red and puffy from crying and his eyes look big and round and scared. “Pull yourself together, Kurt,” he internally tells himself, willing the tears to stop flowing from his eyes.
He pulls out his bag of toiletries and take out his razor. Quickly disassembling it, Kurt extracts the individual blades from the unused shaving tool. He lifts up his sleeve to see an arm littered with scars of all different shapes, sizes, and colors varying on age. He quickly brings the blade down to his arm, slicing with practiced ease. He pushes and pulls and tugs on the delicate skin of his left wrist and forearm many times before leaning back on the wall and exhaling.
Kurt watches the deep red blood flow from the self-inflicted wounds on his arm, feeling the blood cool as it drips down his arm over his hand and onto the sink. Kurt can feel his relief as he cuts, all of his troubles flowing away with the blood streaming out of his injuries. He wraps a piece of toilet paper over his cuts before assessing his wounds. He quickly examines them and decides that he doesn't need any more medical equipment than a few band-aids for his ‘deeper' cuts. He quickly cleans himself and the surrounding area before brushing his teeth and walking out of the bathroom.
Kurt notices Blaine is no longer in the room and after checking the clock, he sees that it's around dinner time and assumes that's where his roommate must be. He sits down on his bed, pressing his hand into the newly inflicted wounds, reveling in the slight pain it brings him. Kurt thinks about the first time he cut, around sophomore year. It was just with the blade from a pencil sharpener, and he didn't really think it would work. He'd heard about people cutting themselves to make themselves feel better from TV, and he'd never really known why until he'd done it himself. Ever since that first time, experimentally dragging weirdly angled blade onto his wrist, he was hooked. And it helps him, or at least Kurt thinks it helps him.
Kurt gets up and quickly changes into pajamas, deciding to turn in early because of the stressful day. He lays in bed and hopes he can get a nice, dreamless sleep.
Kurt wakes up the next day, surprisingly naturally and not from a nightmare. He sees that Blaine is already up and gives him a small smile. “Good morning, Kurt,” Blaine smiles brightly at Kurt, obviously a morning person. “Ready for your first day of classes?”
Kurt panics, remembering classes. “How could you have forgotten?! You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for school,” Kurt mentally reprimands himself. He rushes into the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.
Kurt hates how he looks. Believing himself to be hideous because of what Karofsky and his goons used to tell him everyday, Kurt is very self-conscious about his looks and his body. “God, I'm barely even a guy. Just look at me. My nose is too thin, my lips are too feminine, my eyes are too far apart, my hips are too wide, my hair is too girly, my stomach is too thin, but my thighs are too fat. I just can't win,” Kurt breaks out of his detrimental thoughts to worry his lower lip with his teeth and think about just what to do with his hair.
He hadn't bothered doing anything with his hair yesterday, which Kurt is not regretting as his hair is limp and lifeless. He decides to go for an understated look but still gives his hair a little coif to it. He dabs some concealer under his eyes to make himself look like a healthy, happy teen and practices his fake smile in the mirror before going out and greeting Blaine.
As Kurt walks out of the bathroom, Blaine smiles at him and says, “You're a senior, right?” Kurt nods, which makes Blaine smile even bigger and brighter. “I am, too. Let me see your schedule so we can compare classes.”
Kurt hands Blaine his schedule, Blaine gives it a quick once-over and says, “We have two classes together. English and Music Composition. English is first period so I can walk you there, if you want.” Kurt nods, glad to be offered help on his first day. “I'll get one of my friends in the rest of your classes to walk you around and show you the rest of the building, if that's okay with you.” Kurt quickly nods again, feeling uncomfortable about meeting new people but not wanting to get on Blaine's bad side so quickly. “Great!” Blaine says with a smile.
Blaine leads Kurt to their English class, which is taught by an elderly woman who looks rather stern. Blaine sits down in a desk in the front row of the classroom. Kurt awkwardly stands by the teacher, Mrs. Cameron, waiting for her to notice him and tell him what to do. Kurt's anxiety grows as more and more boys pile into the classroom, sitting down and creating a loud din of constant noise before class starts.
Sensing Kurt's anxiety, Blaine stands up and winks at Kurt before addressing Mrs. Cameron. “Excuse us, Mrs. Cameron,” Blaine says, charmingly. “This is Kurt, a new student. He… uh, he doesn't talk.”
“Ah, yes… Kurt,” Mrs. Cameron looks Kurt over before going on. “I am aware of his… circumstances.” Mrs. Cameron scowls at the last word, making Kurt feel humiliated and terrible.
“Great,” he thinks. “Already one teacher hates me because I'm such a freak.”
Mrs. Cameron gets the class' attention quickly and easily before introducing Kurt. “Everyone,” she says in a grating, sand-papery voice, “This is Kurt Hummel, a new transfer student from…”
She looks at Kurt expectantly, making everyone else focus their attention on Kurt and making him feel extremely awkward. He quickly writes out McKinley and Mrs. Cameron finishes her introduction. Kurt notices a few odd looks he gets from students, but not too many, which surprises him. Mrs. Cameron tells him he can sit next to Blaine, so he does.
Blaine quickly starts talking to Kurt again, introducing him to the boy sitting next to him. “Hi, I'm Trent,” the boy says, holding out his hand for Kurt to shake, much like Blaine did yesterday. Kurt writes his name in introduction on his whiteboard and Trent moves on. “I'm in the Warblers with Blaine.”
“That's our school's a cappella singing group. We go to competitions and stuff. We might even make it to Nationals this year,” Blaine says, smiling widely and excitedly. Kurt is reminded of when he used to do glee club at McKinley, before the bullying got too bad and he had to quit.
Trent then takes Kurt's schedule and declares the he and Kurt have all of their classes together except music comp. Kurt can live with that. So far Trent seems like a nice guy, and if Blaine likes him, Kurt can too, right?
The rest of the day passes by uneventfully until Blaine asks Kurt if he would like to have dinner with him. Kurt agrees and both he and Blaine are soon seated at a table full of boys who introduce themselves as the Warblers, Wes, Nick, Jeff, Thad, David, and Sebastian. Trent, who had led Kurt around all day, is there as well.
Kurt waves as Blaine introduces him and Thad says, “You're that kid that doesn't talk.” Kurt tenses up a little, but figure the boy meant no harm by it and was just trying to understand. Kurt shrugs and takes a bite of his spaghetti and meatballs, even though he isn't really all that hungry.
The one that Kurt is pretty sure is Sebastian pipes up next. “Why don't you talk?” Kurt lowers his eyes and blushes, trying to shrink in on himself and make himself as small as possible, not saying anything.
“Sebastian, don't you think that was a little personal?” Blaine asks from next to Kurt, a hint of anger in his voice. Kurt smiles a little and feels better that Blaine is on his side. He really hopes that Blaine is someone he can trust, and not someone who will just devastate and hurt him like everyone else has.
“No. If the freak doesn't wanna talk, then he should at least have the decency to tell us why,” Sebastian says, glaring at Kurt, venom spewing out of his mouth through his words. “I mean, you really can't just not say anything and expect us all to accept it without thinking you belong in the loony bin.” The table grows silent and tense as all the Warbler boys look at Kurt. He can feel Blaine grow angrier next to him, but doesn't look up or write anything on his whiteboard.
“He's obviously psycho, guys,” Sebastian addresses the group this time. “I don't know why you're sympathizing with him.” Tears start to form in Kurt's eyes, which Sebastian notices. “Oh, the little freak's gonna cry now. Just go cry to your mommy and daddy, see how they enjoy your silence.” Sebastian leans back, smug meerkat face just daring anyone to say anything.
With Sebastian's last words, Kurt runs out of the dining room, tears steadily flowing down his face. He knows that every word Sebastian said was true. He was crazy. He did belong in a loony bin. He was a freak. Karofsky knew it, and now Sebastian does, too.
Kurt runs to his room, surprising himself with his ability to find it through his tears. He throws himself on his bed, pulling the covers around himself in the fetal position. Tears wrack his body as Sebastian's and Karofsky's voices create a cacophony of horror in his head.
Kurt doesn't stop crying when he hears Blaine walk into the room, not even when he feels Blaine's weight on the other side of the bed. He hears a quiet, “Oh, Kurt,” emitted from Blaine and all he wants is to be wrapped up in those arms and comforted by that voice. He doesn't know why, and he doesn't know how he trusts Blaine so quickly, but all Kurt knows is that he needs to be embraced my someone. So he turns himself around and throws himself onto Blaine, wrapping his arms around Blaine's firm waist, nuzzling his face into Blaine's chest and sobbing.
“Jesus, Sebastian, what the hell was that for?!” Blaine yells, jumping out of his seat after Kurt exits the dining room. Blaine is furious at the way Sebastian treated Kurt. He had no right to assume things about Kurt and call him those things, especially in front of the poor boy.
“He's a freak, Blaine!” Sebastian says, smirking and leaning back in his chair proudly. “Surely you have to see that.”
“No, I don't Sebastian, and I don't think anyone else here sees that either,” Blaine says scowling furiously at the meerkat.
“What kind of person doesn't talk?” Sebastian asks, incredulously. He stands up and walks over to Blaine's side of the table, beginning to grow angrier as well.
“Someone who has been hurt, Sebastian. Did you ever stop to realize that something could have happened to him that made him this way?! People don't just stop talking for random reasons, and you were way out of line! Don't you ever talk to him like that again, Sebastian, or you will pay,” Blaine threatens seriously, intimidating Sebastian a little, but not enough to actually get him to worry.
Blaine furiously stalks out of the dining room and goes back to his dorm, finding Kurt in the fetal position buried under his bed covers, heart wrenching sobs coming from the boy. “Oh, Kurt,” Blaine says, sadly, sitting on his bed. There's nothing Blaine wants more than to wrap his arms around Kurt and tell him everything will be okay, but he doesn't want to make his new roommate any more uncomfortable.
Before Blaine can think of anything else to say, however, Kurt is throwing himself at the brunette, surprising him. After Kurt gets himself situated with his arms around Blaine's waist and his head buried in Blaine's chest, Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt, comforting him. “Shh, Kurt, it's okay. I'm here, shh.”
This is the defining moment for Blaine. He knows that at some point of another, he needs to get Kurt to open up to him. He needs to get the boy to trust someone, for what Kurt is doing now can't be healthy.
Blaine can still feel how tense Kurt is, so he decides to do something that always helps him when he's feeling down. His mother and his brother used to sing for him all the time when he was sad, so Blaine decides that's what he's going to do for Kurt. After he sings the first few lines of “Teenage Dream,” Blaine is already beginning to feel Kurt loosen up a bit. He's still steadily crying and holding onto Blaine's shirt like it's a lifeline, but his body begins to get less tense as the song nears completion. By the end of the song, Kurt's sniffles are almost nonexistent and he's not crying anymore.
Kurt gets off Blaine and pulls his knees up to his chest, grabbing his whiteboard and writing something. Katy Perry, Blaine? Really? Blaine sees a small smirk on the boys red, blotchy face and laughs.
“Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it,” Blaine says, smiling at Kurt. He hears Kurt laugh and looks at the boy, thinking about how truly beautiful Kurt really is. He's gorgeous any day, but Kurt is especially gorgeous when he is laughing.
You have a beautiful voice, Kurt writes on his whiteboard, smiling shyly at Blaine.
“I'm sure you do, too,” Blaine says, unthinking. Kurt tenses and starts turning away, but then Blaine says, “Oh, Kurt, I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking, oh god, I'm so sorry,” Kurt stops Blaine from apologizing again by putting a soft hand on his shoulder. “Sorry,” Blaine says one more time, making Kurt let out a bubble of laughter. “I love your laugh,” Blaine says. “Sorry if I just made this awkward.”
You're fine, Kurt writes on his board, smiling at Blaine.
“Hey, Kurt?” Blaine says, cautiously, treading water so to say. “Why don't you talk? You don't have to answer if you don't want to… I just want you to know that I'm here for you whenever you need me; you can always come to me. I will never laugh at you or judge you in any way, I will just be supportive and caring towards you.”
It's a long story, Blaine, Kurt writes on his board, purposefully not looking at Blaine. One that I'm not very fond of telling.
Kurt looks up at Blaine with a frightened expression, so Blaine says, “Hey, it's okay. You don't have to tell me. But if you ever want to tell someone, or feel like shit like you did just now, you can come to me.” Blaine smiles at Kurt, hoping the boy knows how truly honest he is being.
Okay… Thanks, Blaine, Kurt smiles at Blaine, timidly, but knows that he can tell Blaine if he really wants to.
“So… you're okay, right?” Blaine asks, still a little concerned for Kurt's well-being.
Yeah, I'm fine Blaine.
“Pinky promise?” Blaine says, holding out his pinky. He knows it's kind of childish, but it's another tradition he, his mother, and his brother, Cooper, would do when he was younger. Kurt links his pinky with Blaine and the boy smiles at him. Blaine gets up off the bed and checks the time. “Wow, Kurt, it's already--” But when Blaine turns back to look at Kurt, the boy is already asleep.
A/N: So, there's the new and improved chapter! It's quite longer than the first one. Okay, so I have a couple things to say:
The book Blaine was reading, amazing, Grace is an actual book written by my drama teacher! It's her first book and only $15 for a copy, $5 on a Kindle. You can find it here or on Amazon!
If you or someone you know has ever gone through a situation like Kurt's, PLEASE tell someone you trust that can get you help. I know it's hard. I know it sucks, trust me. But it's not healthy to keep something like that hidden away, and you'll feel so much better after getting help. So please, don't feel ashamed by it. It was not your fault, no matter how much you think it was or you think you deserved it. No one deserves something like that to happen to them. And, PLEASE, if reading this triggered you at all DO NOT read more. I will not be offended. Your well-being is more important than me getting views on my fic. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can go here or you can message me on my tumblr, and I will try to help you as best as I can.
If you or someone you know is cutting themselves or injuring themselves in ANY WAY, please tell someone you trust that can get you help. I know it seems like it helps and you feel like you need to punish yourself or it distracts you from the actual pain or it brings you relief, IT IS NOT WORTH IT. Again, trust. You will be a much happier person if you stop. I know it's hard, I know it's an addiction, but you can do it. If reading that triggered you in any way, PLEASE stop reading. Once again, I WILL NOT be offended. Your well-being is more important than my views. And again, you can follow the links above if you ever need someone to talk to.