Talk to Me
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Talk to Me: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,970 - Last Updated: Mar 10, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: May 16, 2014 - Updated: May 16, 2014
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Author's Notes:

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Blaines POV:

Holding Kurt in my arms, I can still feel hes tense. His muscles will probably ache when he gets out of this position, but at this time I dont think he cares. I still hear some sniffles coming from him every few minutes. Im at a loss for words at the moment, but I know well need to talk about this later. Instead of opening my mouth and ruining everything with words, I decide to sing. I go for my queen, Katy Perry, and decide to just go for it. 

I sing the first few lines of "Teenage Dream" and Im already starting to feel Kurt loosen up. I still hear the sniffles as I go through the song, and he still clings to me like Im his lifeline, but he starts to relax a little with the flow of the song. By the end of the song, his sniffles are almost nonexistent and he moves from my lap and sits with his knees up to his chest on his bed. He grabs his white board and writes something.

Katy Perry, Blaine? Really? I see a small smirk on his face and laugh. 

"Well, Im glad you enjoyed it," I reply. This is the first time I actually look at him, see his character shining through all of his overlaying sadness. I realize this Kurt is beautiful. Every Kurt is beautiful, but the sarcastic, funny Kurt is lightweight and overbearing (in a good way) that just makes me smile. I dont think anything—or anyone—could replace this Kurt, right now, even though he was sitting in my lap crying a few minutes ago. 

You have a beautiful voice, He writes on his whiteboard. I can feel myself blush, though not as much as him. I guess nobody has ever sung to him before. 

"I bet you do too," I say, not thinking. He tenses a little bit and Im beginning to think I scared him away. "Oh, Kurt, Im sorry, I wasnt thinking. I am so sorry..." I trail off, apologizing at least ten more times before he reaches over and puts a hand on my shoulder, shutting me up. "Sorry," I say again, this time for the rambling. A quiet laugh comes from his mouth and I love it. I want to make him laugh a million more times. "I love your laugh. Sorry if I just made this awkward," He rewards me with another laugh and I smile.

Youre fine, He writes, smiling.

"Hey, Kurt?" I say, cautiously. I dont want to scare him away, but I need to ask him. "Why dont you talk? You dont have to answer, I just want you to know that if you ever need someone, you can come to me. I will never laugh at you or make fun of you or anything. I will just be supportive and caring towards you. Always." Im really hoping I havent scared the boy away, but I dont think I have, as I see him writing something on his whiteboard.

Its a long story, Blaine. One that Im not very fond of telling, He looks at me, with a frightened expression and I smile at him warmly.

"Thats okay. You dont have to tell me. But if you ever want to tell someone, or feel like shit like you did just now, you can come to me," I say, genuinely, smiling at him.

Okay... Thanks, Blaine, He writes and I smile more. 

"So youre okay, right?" I ask him, still concerned.

Yeah, Im fine Blaine. I dont know if I believe him, theres something there that I just cant shake. Maybe its the way he looks so innocent and beautiful. I just want to protect him and love him. Wait, love him? Like a friend right? Theres no way I can develop feelings for this boy. I mean, not that he isnt a great person, I just cant let my feelings get in the way of helping him. I cant let my feelings ruin this. I cant scare him away. 

"Pinky promise?" I know this is really childish, but its how my brother used to know how I was when I was younger.  I hold out my pinky, which he wraps his pinky around. I smile at the motion and get up off his bed. 

"Wow, Kurt, its already–" I was going to tell him how late it was, but with a quick glance over, I see hes already asleep. 

I wake up at 3:00 am to the sound of quiet whimpers and the rustling of sheets. It takes me a few seconds to realize its Kurt. He must be having a nightmare. I walk over to him and see a sheen of sweat upon his face, a look of fright and anger in his features. "Kurt, wake up." I nudge him gently, trying not to scare him too much. "Kurt, youre having a nightmare. Come on Kurt, wake up." It takes me five more minutes before Kurt finally wakes up with a start. Hes breathing heavily and has panic in his eyes. I see him look around the room and I dont think he knows where he is. Hes somewhere else, where he was in his nightmare. "Kurt, its okay. Youre in our dorm room. You had a nightmare." I say, seeing him slowly come back. "Youre okay. Youre safe. Its okay, Kurt." I reach out to him but he cowers away and shakes his head. I realize tears are flowing down his face and I give him a sympathetic look. I grab my tissues from my nightstand and hold them out for him. He cautiously takes one and wipes his face. He grabs his whiteboard and writes something.

Im sorry. I break at the sight of his written apology and sigh.

"You dont need to apologize, Kurt. Its not your fault." I look at him and know that he doesnt believe me, but I dont stress it too much. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask him, hoping he says yes. I know he doesnt really know me and probably doesnt trust me too much yet, but I still want him to know he can come to me. 

He nods his head and I smile at him, comfortingly. He writes on his whiteboard and shows it to me. It only says one word but it explains so much. The word written on the board is Bullies, a word Im all too familiar with. I move onto his bed, but dont touch him, as he moved away from my touch earlier and I dont want to startle him. 

I sigh and say, "I understand. I was bullied at my old school..." I start telling him my story, hoping maybe by doing this I can gain some of his trust. 

Kurts POV:

Blaine starts telling me about how he was bullied and I cant believe it. How could someone as perfect as Blaine ever be bullied? Ive barely talked—written, I suppose—to him and hes been nothing but sweet and kind to me. Hes offered me a hand when no one else did, he hasnt viewed me at all like the freak I am. He tells me about how his old school had a Sadie Hawkins dance and as one of the only gay kids at his school he took one of his friends. He explains how he had a great time until after the dance, while he was waiting for his father, four jocks came up to him and his friend and beat them up badly. He says he ended up in the hospital. Tears start forming in his eyes and I put my hand on his knee in empathy. He says they ran his friend out of the state, how he hasnt seen him since the incident. Blaines parents transferred him to Dalton and tried to get the school in trouble, but their efforts were futile as Well, kids will be kids.

I write on my board, Im so sorry, Blaine. He smiles at me and wipes a tear from his cheek. 

"Its okay. Its made me stronger. Just like your bullies did to you. Youre strong, Kurt. One of the strongest people I know." I smile weakly at him, but all his words do are remind me how untrue all of his words are. Im not strong. Im weak. I stand up and write that Im going to go to the bathroom. I thank Blaine and he moves back into his bed. 

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a messy flop on my head and my eyes are red and puffy from crying. I take off my undershirt revealing my stomach. I take my blade and drag it across my stomach, feeling instant relief from the nightmare.

It wasnt just about the bullies at McKinley. Luckily for me, Karofsky moved out of state before he could do any further damage to me, although its hard to believe he hadnt already done the worst. That doesnt mean he still isnt in my nightmares. All of his friends became worse to me after he left, beating me up and then throwing me in a dumpster nearly everyday after school. But this nightmare was different. I drag the blade across my stomach a few more times as I think about it. 


"Hey, fag!" I hear Karofskys voice behind me and tense up. I turn around and I feel intense cold consume me. I shiver as I wipe the slushie out of my eyes. I expected them to be gone but as I blink my eyes open they are all still there. "Please leave." I say but they all laugh. 

"Were not done with you yet, fairy." Azimio speaks up and throws me against the locker. I feel a knee to my stomach and fall down. They all laugh and start kicking me. I hear Karofsky say something to them, but cant discern what it is. Then I feel him on top of me, discreetly touching my most private places and then punching me in the jaw, eyes, cheek, wherever he can. I groan out in pain and hear laughter in response. Karofsky gets up and I try to scramble away but someone grabs me and throws me to the ground, kicking me more. After a blow to my head, I feel myself flowing in and out of consciousness until everything goes black.

When I wake up, Im in an unknown room in someones house. I have no clothes on and its freezing. I look around and realize Im in a teenage boys room. My theory is correct when I see Karofsky walk into the room. "Oh look, the fags awake." He comes over to me and throws me on the bed. 

I hear his zipper come down and feel his dick against me. "No, please, no!" I scream and plead, but he doesnt listen. I cant hear the sound of him having his way with me over my screams.

*end of flashback*

I cut enough to make me forget about the terrible dreams, the memories coming out with the blood, just like my imperfections. I rinse my wounds and wrap my stomach in the ace bandage, even though its stained with my blood. I should probably wash it, but theres a greater need right now. I put my blade back in its hiding spot and crawl back into bed, feeling a wave of relief wash over me as I graze my hand over my stomach, feeling the pain again. When I fall asleep, I dont have a nightmare this time. I dream of Blaine and how much hes helped me. I dream of having a life with him, having kids, and talking to him, actually talking to him. I dream of having a good life that Im comfortable in with Blaine Anderson, but when I wake up the next morning, I dont remember a thing. 


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