Jan. 30, 2013, 2:40 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2013, 2:40 p.m.
Blaine's POV:
I stood in the bathroom for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few seconds. Principal Figgins walks in towards me and says, "Come on, Blaine. Let's get you to class."
I start walking with him before I do a double-take. "What?!" I spit at him, venom seeping off my tongue. The teens who were going about to their next class, whispering anomatedly to each other about the incident, stop to stare again.
"Excuse me?" Principal Figgins stops to look at me.
"My boyfriend has just been raped by someone who's been bullying him for years, and you assholes expect me to go to fucking class? That's fucking low, even for you, who didn't even do anything when that bastard threatened to fucking kill him because of his wardrobe choices!"
Mr. Figgins looks around nervously at the gawking students. "Why don't we take this to my office?" He says.
"No. I wanna do this right here," I say, glaring at the man.
"SHUT UP!" I yell, making my watching peers jump. "Let me say one fucking thing! My boyfriend has just been fucking physically and sexually assualted and raped, for Christ's sake, and you expect me to do nothing about it? Well, I don't think I'll do that."
"Mr. Anderson, you heard the man. I highly doubt that they'll let you in to see Mr. Hummel at the hospital."
"I don't care about that. I'll wait as long as it takes for them to let me in! But before I do that, I think I'll go have a little chat with Karofsky," I say, words of what I'll say to the bastard already popping into my head.
Aside from the quiet "Mr. Anderson" from Figgins, no one tries to stop me as I walk out of the school.
As I pull into the Ohio State Penitentiary, I smile. Karofsky's in there, locked up right now.
I'd gone to the Lima Police Station, and they'd told me that adult rape cases go to the state and that since Karofsky is eighteen, he could get tried as a real criminal. It brought me great joy to hear that. Of course that also means that Kurt's going to have to stand up in front of a room full of strangers and repeat what the jackass did to him.
I walk into the jail and walk up to a counter. There's a lady there that looks far too sweet to be working in a place like this. She looks up at me with bright but confused eyes. "Are you lost, sweetheart?"
I almost laugh. "No, ma'am. I'm looking to talk to David Karofsky."
"Okay," She says, happily. I want to punch her. How can she be so perky when she knows what all these bastards locked up in here have done? I don't think it's fair for other people to be happy when the person I love most is miserable, a victim of rape.
Why couldn't it be me? I think. Kurt would be so much better off if Karofsky had wanted me, had done this horrible thing to me. He wouldn't be living with the pain and guilt (though he has no reason whatsoever to feel the emotion) of what Karofsky's done to him.
"I'm not sure if we can allow him company. Those accused of rape are usually to dangerous for us to let civilians see. Unless, of course, they're blood relatives," The woman at the counter says, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Please let me talk to him. Please. My boyfriend was the one he..." I trail off, not able to say the word again.
The woman looks at me sympathetically. "Okay. I'll get him for you. John," She says to an officer walking in from the main door. "This young man wouold like to speak to Dave Karofsky." The man nods an walks out of the room. Then the woman leads me to a seperate room full of metal chairs and tables. Some people are in it, talking with handcuffed people. "You can sit anywhere," The lady says. "He'll be in in a minute.
I sit down at the table closest to the door. There's two officers gaurding it, so if Karofsky does anything, I'll get them to handle it. After sitting for about a minute and a half, the door opens and in walks Karofsky, handcuffed, with the cop from before. He leads Karofsky to me and handcuffs one of his legs to the table. I see that the other criminals in the room don't have that, so I know they must be taking extra precautions with Karofsky. Justice is served, you bastard, I think.
"Don't try anything," The man says.
"Anderson," Karofsky snarls at me.
"Let's just cut to the chase here, " I say, glaring at him.
"What's that? You here to tell me to stay away from your fairy boyfriend? Cuz he was asking for it. You weren't putting out, so I gave him the sex he wanted. I'm locked up for rape and I keep telling 'em, it ws totlly consentual-"
"No, it wasn't!" I say.
"Oh, please. He totally wanted it. Teasing me with those tight-ass jeans."
"THOSE WERE FOR ME, YOU ASSHOLE! I'M HIS BOYFRIEND!" I yell. A few people look up to see what's happening. "BUT OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT SINCE YOU FUCKING RAPED HIM! OH, AND OF COURSE HE WANTED IT . THAT'S WHY HE WAS CRYING, TRYING TO GET YOU TO STOP. AND WHY HE CALLED ME CRYING FOR HELP!" I move to punch Karofsky right in the jaw when the door opens again. I recognize Mr. and Mrs. Karofsky from school events.
They walk up to where we sit, and Dave's dad says, "David, why are you here?" His mom looks to me with questioning eyes.
"It's nothing, guys," He replies, not metting their questioning gazes.
"Go on, David. If it's nothing, you can tell them, right? But first, let me tell them something," I say to him. Then I turn to his parents. "David is gay. Or at least questioning if he is. And as much as I despise him I really hope you accept that about him. There. I just made it one hundred times easier for you, Dave." As much as I hated people getting outed, I knew that Karofsky would never tell his parents what he did.
"Of course we do. Dave is our son, and we love him no matter who he loves," Mrs. Karofsky says.
"So, will you tell us, Dave?" His dad asks.
"They think I raped someone."
I hear Karofsky's mother gasp, and then I say, "We know you raped him, Karofsky." I turn to Karofsky parents. "You know Kurt Hummel, my boyfriend and the boy Dave threatened to kill last year because he wore a quote 'faggy ass kilt?' Dave raped him. And I know he did. The police, Kurt's dad, and I walked in on it," I say in disgust. "And we know it wasn't consentual because he ws crying and trying to get Dave to stop. And Kurt called me saying, 'Help.' I know he's been having nightmares. And he tries to hide his bloody pants from me, but I've seen them."
Mrs. Karofsky is crying. Mr. Karofsky is glaring, hatefully, at his son. "I can't believe you, Dave," He says, disappointedly.
"He's lying, Dad! Who are you going to believe? You're son or him?" Dave says.
"You're no son of mine," His dad replies. Dave's parents leave.
I decide to leave, too, and go see Kurt at the hospital. I got my confrontation and more.
Plis, post the next chapter, this is a great story !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing and liking! :)
Thanks so much!!! I love writing angry!Blaine, so you'll be getting lots more of that in the upcoming chapters... and maybe some angry!Kurt too
This was really good. I liked seeing Blaine go off on Figgins and to get his chance to give Karofsky a piece of his mind. I can't wait to see what happens next and to see if Blaine is able to see Kurt.
Thanks so much!! I can assure you Blaine WILL help Kurt heal... I really don't know how yet though... lol :)
Omg...thank goodnes Karofsky was caught!!! My heart is hurting for Kurt! I know Blaine will help him heal ;)! Good story..looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
Lol! I'll walk him down the aisle! (Yes, I made him a 'him'... and you can totally walk guys down the aisle... :P) Well. he could be female if you wanted... Whatever you prefer ;)
Lol, love you too for reading! And reviewing!!! Yeah, Blaine doesn't really have a filter when he's pissed :) I'm obsessed with angry!Blaine, so be prepared for more :)
O...M...G...... Kepp writting! i love you..i men i just sat there reading and was like ."BLAINE!!! watch your pretty little pissed off mouth!!!but this is great! i hope you update more! Luv u <3
wow ... just wow