March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.
March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.
Kingdom of Willford
Hello Jenny,
I'm missing a lot of you! It's been a while since we spoke, so I decided to write this letter telling how things are going here. Everything goes fine, the son of Finn and Rachel was born last week, he is very beautiful, his face seems like Rachel and he has Finn's eyes, he really is a beautiful child.
Kurt and I returned from our trip a few days ago, the island is very beautiful; I hope you get there someday. I confess that I have been in one of the best moments of my life. My marriage to Kurt could not be better; we are always together and happy.
Burt and Carole are also well; figure how they are happy with the first grandchild? It is beautiful to behold. I hope to someday be able to give joy to them too, because I want to have a family with Kurt.
I will not prolong this letter too, because soon we will see and I don’t want to be without news. I hope you all are well and happy there. I'm missing a lot of you and hope that our reunion is pretty fast.
Take care of yourself and take good care of your kingdom.
Hugs and kisses,
Blaine Hummel-Anderson
Someone who loves you very much!
Ok so quick and fast so the married and everything went well I really loved it ;))) good job
Thanks sweetie! :)