Chances For Love
The Return Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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March 7, 2013, 10:19 a.m.

Chances For Love: The Return

K - Words: 2,155 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Jan 17, 2013 - Updated: Mar 07, 2013
356 0 2 0 1

Author's Notes: Hi guys, we are reaching the end. I hope you enjoyed the story up here...And thanks for reading!

After Blaine is gone, the days passed without color, without joy; Kurt did not understand how a person he knew so recently could affect him so much. Even if he tried to understand the situation, his heart refused to understand. The worst was that Blaine had left many doubts.

He will return? Not forever?

What he meant by Sebastian do you anything bad?

How will I know all this?

Kurt thought and tried to find an answer, but all he found was the sadness of not knowing why Blaine has done it.

And so the days passed, Kurt was improving little by little, trying to return to his duties and to activities he liked. But even he could fool everyone, Burt knew Kurt was not improving; he was just trying not to be pitied, because he really did not like it.

Trying to help his son, Burt decides to write a letter to Blaine, to try to understand what happened.

Kingdom of Willford

Dear Blaine,

Life is not easy for anyone, but everyone can get through it, it can give us many things like joy, sadness, achievements and even love, but to keep them not dependent on it, and yes, on us.

When we find certain people, we should do our best to keep them with us, because chances of having someone special, and especially for love, are rare.

I had the blessing of having had two chances, and they made me understand and be grateful to some things we have to get through. We often think that bad things only give us sadness, but also teachings come together, and especially chances to become more mature and experienced.

Although I've been too afraid to accept the new situation you brought, I realized that it made us better people, and I do not mean just for me, but Carole, our helpers, and especially Kurt.

Happiness is unpredictable and can come and go when we least expect it. My father always talked to me and I think I now understand what he wanted me to say.

"Happiness is not something forever, is being with those we love, is able to fight for what we want and enjoy every moment as if it were your last. Do not wait for happiness, seek it in your life, and most importantly, enjoy it like there's no tomorrow, because there may not be. "

That is what I hope for you, seek happiness, even if there is some sacrifice, will be worth it. You are someone very special Blaine and I wish all the happiness possible for you wherever you go, even though I know that your happiness is here in my kingdom with Kurt. I respect your decision, but I disagree, because you know there will always be a place here where you will have not only Kurt, but a family who admires you and loves you.

Thank you for saving my son, I will be eternally grateful to your act so brave. And as someone who wants your well, can I give you some advice? Do not give up on Kurt, and now, happiness is something that is far from him. Think about it, because like I said, love is rare that the time does not erase, just make it falls asleep. Please, come back to our kingdom, here you will have all the support that you will need to face Sebastian, know it.

Blaine believes in my words, they are true; they come from a father who does not know what else to do to find his kid’s happiness.

Wherever you are I hope you are well. I wait your response.

Think kindly; do not give up on this love so beautiful; give a chance for this love.

And thank you again for saving my son's life.


King Burt Hummel

Kingdom of Willford

And then, Burt sent the letter, hoping that Blaine would believe his words and perhaps answer his request.

After a few days back in the castle of Sebastian, the routine is back to normal. Sebastian did nothing against Blaine, which really confused him. But what Blaine did not know was that the punishment that Sebastian talked was put an end to this love between him and Kurt. If Kurt was not him, then there would be nobody.

When Blaine received the letter from Burt, became very frightened, he thought everyone would hate for leaving the kingdom and have come back, but they wanted him back, mainly because of Kurt.

Does Kurt forgive me? He is suffering for me, what now? Blaine thought.

Once finished reading, he realized that he had gone the wrong way; everyone there loved him and wanted good, especially Burt. And now he was there, suffering from being away from Kurt and having to live with Sebastian. But he had good people there, Jenny, Nick, Jeff, all of them are people who did not deserve to be there.

Thinking about all this, Blaine decided to put an end to all this, he wanted to be happy, or at least try to get it, and he would not let anyone stop this.

It's time for another plan...


Three days after the arrival of the letter from Burt, Blaine had thought of a plan to get out again, but he would not go alone.

That day, he went to eat breakfast with others and found the ones he needed: Jenny, Nick and Jeff.

He explained his plan to them, all hoping to enter the plan.

"But leave the castle, after so many years of working here? And what if I didn’t get another job? "Jenny asked worriedly.

"We will find other jobs Jen. In Willford will have many opportunities for us, the king and his family are good people. "Blaine explains to her.

"I'm in, my biggest dream is to get out of here. Then Jeff and I could start our own lives without interference. "Nick said.

"Yes, I would love it. I'm also in. "Jeff said.

"Come on Jenny, just missing you, we'll have the life we r03;r03;always want. You deserve a better life, much better, and I will only be able to offer that to you if we leave here. "

After some thoughts, she said.

"Well, I think you'll need a cook during the trip, but you will starve." Jenny laughed and was hugging boys.

And so, the four combined would like the plan, and as soon as possible, would leave Dalton, to find happiness in Willford.


After several days of unanswered Blaine, Burt began to worry.

He could at least respond. Burt thought.

So he could not do anything else but wait. Kurt was going deeper and deeper inside, even tried to show he was strong, inside was destroyed, trying not to feel that strong yearning for Blaine, but unfortunately, it was not something he could have.


After two days of having to flee combined, the four managed to escape, some carrying food and belongings. The lot of them was that they could go on horseback, on foot because it would take almost a week, and Blaine had been through this. Even though it has been very good result, it was also very tiring.

There was plenty of time to discover Sebastian; few hours later, Sebastian had discovered that they had fled.

"That's Blaine’s thing, I do not believe he did that!"

So Sebastian was more furious than ever and decided he would put an end to this situation. No more plans, now Sebastian went to confront the most used mode, and does not take much.


After three days of traveling, all four reached Willford; were very tired but it was worth it. Blaine did not think he would see Kurt, was too good to be true.

When they reached the castle, Blaine and the other three entered the great hall and saw Burt leaving the conference room. Burt did not believe what he saw.

He believed in me. Burt thought moved.

"Blaine! You came! I'm so glad you believed me! "Burt came to meet him and hugged him hard, trying to show that he was really happy.

"From the moment I put my foot out of his castle I wanted to come back." Blaine said, smiling.

"Thank you for answering my request Blaine, Kurt is very bad, you can’t imagine how much." Burt speaks worried.

"I hope he forgives me. I don’t know what I would do if he doesn’t forgive. "

"He has forgiven you, just not accepted." Burt tried to reassure Blaine.

"And who are those who came with you?"

Blaine looks back and makes a move for them to come closer.

"Well, I know you accept me here, but I couldn’t go and leave them there. All are very special to me, is my family. "

Burt looked moved at Blaine by had this act of affection with those people.

"If they are special to you, they are certainly welcome in my castle and my kingdom. Hello, I'm Burt Hummel. "Burt reached out to them, greeting them.

"Hello, I'm Nick Filthy."

"I'm Jeff Langboeir."

"And I'm Jenny Svanfor."

"Nick and Jeff were also imprisoned in the castle as I and Jenny raised me since I was six years old."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Burt said.

Seeing that he had invited, Carole arrives at the salon.

"Blaine! You are here! Glad you're back baby! "Carole goes to him and hugs him.

"Thank you Carole, my friends and I managed to escape from Dalton." Blaine said, pointing to them.

"Hello, I'm Carole."

Everyone shook hands and introduced themselves.

"Well, I guess you must be hungry or wanting to get some rest. Why don’t you follow me, I'll show guestroom for you. "Carole said pointing to the stairs.

"Sure, let's go." Jenny said to the boys.

"Could I go talk to Kurt?" Blaine said.

"You should have been there." Burt said, smiling.

So Blaine went to Kurt's room. Arriving there, he saw that the door was half open. Getting closer, he saw Kurt sitting in the chair, facing the desk, staring at a letter.

He slowly entered the room, until he was fully inside. Then he went to Kurt and put his hands on his shoulders. Kurt did not move, just stared at the letter.

"It's Rachel, I think he really left. I should have insisted on knowing what was written in that letter. "Kurt said with tears falling from his eyes.

"Maybe he's not gone forever." Blaine says hoarsely, trying not to cry.

Kurt got up immediately and could not believe what he saw.

"Blaine?!" Kurt said stunned.

"I'm right here Kurt. Forgive me for be gone. "Blaine says do not hold your tears and let drip down his face.

Kurt and Blaine were even embraced as strong as I could. He needed proof that it was not a dream.

"My God, I can’t believe you're here!" Kurt said happily.

And so Blaine explained everything that happened, trying to show Kurt that he really did not want to be gone, but he could not let anything bad happen to the people he loves.

That day, life had returned to normal, Nick, Jeff and Jenny loved the castle, Kurt and Blaine hit it off, and so, all was well that ends well.

But not always end well. Does that end well?


A week after Blaine had reached Willford.

It was a very enjoyable morning; everyone was having breakfast in the room, when the army captain came to the room very scared.

"Sir, excuse me. I'm afraid to say, but we have a very serious problem going on. "

"What was Captain?" Burt asks scared.

"I think we have to prepare our soldiers for a confrontation that is very close."

"What confrotation? What are you talking about? "Burt begins to get worried.

"They came to the United Grien information, informing us that the Dalton army is coming here."

"Army? As well, it is becoming rancid Blaine wanting to force us? "Burt asks.

"No sir, I believe it is another thing that Sebastian wants." Captain speaks afraid.

"And what would Captain?"

"A war."

End Notes: Any thoughts??


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Blaine is back and Klaine back I am so happy ;) and SEB I just want to kill u