Nov. 23, 2012, 5:46 p.m.
Nov. 23, 2012, 5:46 p.m.
Blaine's been to Kurt's house hundreds of times. This shouldn't be a big thing.
But it is.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Kurt and Blaine will be spending the holiday at Kurt's, whose family gather at his house to give thanks and enjoy a delicious meal cooked by Carol and Kurt's aunts. There will be football, his little cousins running around playing frisbee in the yard, and his crazy grandmother watching over them all.
Kurt loves Thanksgiving. His family has always been so supportive of him. Starting with his Dad, they have all shown unconditional support for everything he is and has done throughout his life. He loves this holiday dedicated to catching up and spending time together, but for once, Kurt is extremely nervous.
He knows that his family all want what is best for him. They care about Kurt so much, and will surely want to make sure that Blaine is fit for Kurt. Kurt shouldn't be worried, he really shouldn't. Blaine IS fit for Kurt. He knows exactly what to say to make Kurt smile after a crappy day. His hugs and his smiles always make Kurt feel so secure, safe, and loved. Together, they've made some of the best memories that Kurt knows he will never forget.
But this approval seems critical, like an important step that will hinder his relationship if they don't pass.
Blaine can sense that something is up with Kurt. They're watching The Avengers. Blaine is obviously far more into it than Kurt, but can't help but glance at his boyfriend over and over. Each glance shows Kurt more withdrawn from the movie and more pulled into his thoughts, which seem to be twisting and turning in his brain. He knows that look.
"What are you thinking about?" Blaine picks a quieter scene to interrupt his boyfriends thoughts, so as not to be drowned out by the bangs and clashes of an intense fight scene.
Kurt looks taken aback. "Oh, um, nothing really." He's a terrible liar and knows it.
Blaine reaches over Kurt, laying his elbows on his boyfriend's thighs to feel for the remote. He swiftly pauses the movie. "What's up?" He asks again, taking Kurt's hand and stroking his thumb over his knuckles.
"Just a little nervous about dinner tomorrow. It's no big deal."
Blaine's confused. "About me meeting your family?" He wonders aloud.
Kurt's clearly ashamed, and averts his eyes from Blaine. "Kinda." Blaine visibly pales, and Kurt starts backtracking. "Well this is like a HUGE step! Cause if they don't approve of our relationship they'll disapprove of me and I need them Blaine but I need you too and ugh I'm being stupid just ignore me." The explanation comes out in a rush, ending with Kurt's plopping down face first on the bed.
Blaine chuckles. "Kuuuuurrttttt." He nudges his boyfriend, manages to pull him up. He's covered his face with his hands now that the bed is out of the question, and Blaine gently pulls them away. "Kurt. Your family are the most supportive people I have ever met. They care about your happiness so much, and if they see tomorrow that you are as in love with me as I am with you, they are going to be nothing but happy that we have found each other." Blaine's eyes are glistening with the conviction behind his words. Kurt tilts his head, unable to fathom how much this man means to him.
"Come here you!" Kurt yells as he tackles Blaine in a huge hug. They go falling to the bed, their legs in a tangle and their noses brushing together. When they finally settle after the fall, Kurt starts, "Sorry for being such a worry wart."
"No apology needed." Blaine replies, and seals it with a kiss.
Tomorrow is going to be perfect.
With the buttons on their jeans slightly opened, and the football game distracting most of Kurt's family, the boys slip out into the backyard. It's chilly outside, but not cold enough to need anything but their sweaters.
Kurt closes the door quietly, trying to be as discreet as possible, and turns to grab Blaine's hand, feeling instantly anchored when they connect. The two trudge to Kurt's treehouse, a structure Burt claimed he kept meaning to take down but had somehow never had the heart to do so.
"I'll just be at the top." Blaine says, and releases Kurt's hand to climb the slide, completely disregarding the ladder not three feet from him. The ground is still covered in leaves that will be blanketed by snow in a few weeks, and Blaine keeps slipping on the rogue leaves that litter the slide. Kurt can't contain his laughter when Blaine falls completely and slides all the way down.
"Well I guess you can't do two awesome things today. You already hit your quota." Kurt quips.
Blaine looks at him in wonder, reaching out for his boyfriend and pulling him into his lap. "And what was this awesome thing I already did today, might I ask?"
Kurt smiles at the memory. "Charm my family silly. Show them how much our relationship means to me. Listen to all my aunts crazy stories about me as a kid. Play with my baby cousins with me. Watch football with my uncles. And, most importantly," Kurt looks right into Blaine's eyes, "listen to my grandmother tell you all of the different types of pies a person can possibly bake. And all of their ingredients."
"Oh, that," Blaine shrugs. "It was easy. They mean a lot to you, so they mean a lot to me. I was glad to meet the people that love you so much."
Kurt can't hold back anymore, and gives Blaine a chaste kiss. "You're kind of awesome, you know that?"
"I must have got that awesome from you," Blaine retorts.
"We gave it to each other." Kurt smiles, a gesture he seems unable to stop doing these days. "Come on, I'll race you back in for another piece of Tollhouse Pie!"
"Well by the time you get there there isn't going to be any!" Blaine cries, and pushes Kurt lightly to the ground and takes off running to the house.
Kurt jumps up, brushes the leaves off of his black jeans, and starts walking towards the house, watching the sun set in the distance. He hears the door slam in the distance, and can see Blaine conversing with his Aunt Shelly, dessert queen, through the window.
There goes another item off my list, Kurt thinks absentmindedly. And one I can now look forward too for many holidays to come.