The Familiar Stranger
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Familiar Stranger: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,330 - Last Updated: May 07, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/9 - Created: Apr 14, 2012 - Updated: May 07, 2012
1,897 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Remember how I told you about surviving the angst? Yeah, now drown in the fluff.


* * * * *



Is this what it feels like? Blaine wonders.


They're lying in bed together and it's late enough for them to sleep, but given the circumstances and what has happened over the weekend neither of them can really believe what they're doing. And then there's this incredible fluttery feeling in Blaine's stomach which he can't seem to name and it won't let him fall asleep.


Kurt is reading with a cute pair of glasses on. He usually doesn't wear them and Blaine can't stop staring at his boyfriend – plus, just thinking the word sends a thrill through his spine.


Blaine's arm is loosely draped around Kurt's shoulders. From time to time, he leans down and kisses his forehead or cheek and Kurt occasionally complains because he can't concentrate with Blaine staring and kissing him.


But Blaine needs to remind himself that he's there, in his arms, safe and happy and in no position to leave.


“Sweetie, you're doing it again,” Kurt says without looking up.


Blaine sighs. “Then put the damn book away.” He pushes it out of Kurt's hand and quickly covers the rising objection with a kiss.


Kurt briefly struggles and tries to stay mad but his temper melts away like snow as Blaine rolls on top of him and kisses him hungrily.


“Blaine, come on!” Kurt laughs into his mouth. “Remember what my dad told--”


“Like we've ever done what your dad said.” Blaine interrupts, moving down to Kurt's jaw and planting little sloppy kisses along the side.


Kurt shuts his eyes and mumbles, “That sounds a lot more suggestive than it should.”


Now Blaine has to laugh and he collapses on top of Kurt in a fit. “I was being romantic!” he wails and Kurt starts chuckling as well.


“You're cute,” he says and wraps his arms around the laughing Blaine. “Stay. I'm cold.”


Blaine's laughter ebbs away and he nods happily. “Okay.”




* * * * *




The next day brings surprises and inconveniences.


Kurt hasn't thought about Glee all weekend and after dropping off Blaine and pulling into the school parking lot, he suddenly realizes what's in store for him.


“Kurt. Elizabeth. Hummel.” Rachel struts towards his car, flanked by Mercedes and Finn. “What do you have to say for yourself?”


Kurt rubs his eyes as he steps out of the vehicle. “You tell me.”


“You fled from Glee practice and returned none of our calls all weekend, then Finn tells me you have a boyfriend and it's Blaine Anderson?”


Finn looks sheepish and Kurt want to shove him into a wall. Then Mercedes pushes Rachel and Finn aside to face Kurt, looking hurt. “Honey, why didn't you tell us?”


Kurt's anger dissipates and his stomach twists with guilt. No, he hadn't thought about Finn telling Rachel and the others – and to be honest he could care less about their opinions – but Mercedes is a very good friend of his and she deserved to know. “God, I'm sorry,” he says and pulls her into a hug.


He is dimly aware of Rachel tapping her foot, so he breaks away and confronts her. “And I apologize to you as well, Rachel. I'll come back to practice.” He knows it's the right thing to say. And he isn't lying, he wants to come back, if only because he misses his other friends. Rachel just nods and the hint of a smile grazes her lips.


They head towards the school gates and as Kurt passes Finn, he points directly at his face and hisses, “I will not apologize to you. Fuck you, Finn Hudson.”


And even though he'll have to endure rumors and questions and most likely continuous judgment all day, he confidently walks into the building because he knows exactly who's waiting for him after school.



* * * * *



And when Kurt finally gets out of his last class, a smiling Blaine is actually waiting for him by his car. The sight of his boyfriend, grinning and waving like a fool... Kurt would go through ten thousand Monday mornings if it meant seeing this face afterwards.


“I missed you!” Blaine blurts and throws himself into Kurt's arms. “I really, really missed you.” He's about to press a kiss to his face, when Kurt pulls away.


“Listen, I missed you too, but I'm not sure if we should... announce us publicly quite yet.”


Blaine quirks an eyebrow. “Because of the bullies?”


“Well... yes. I just don't want any trouble.” Kurt observes Blaine closely, looking for some sign of anger or frustration.


But there's only that arched eyebrow and a question behind his eyes. “Is it that black guy who bothered us in the bar?”


“Um... him too. Why?”


Blaine looks past Kurt and his face lights up. He laces his fingers through Kurt's and pulls him to a small group of jocks... who are talking to Azimio. Oh God.


“Excuse me, guys?”


For some reason, Kurt doesn't try to stop him. He trusts Blaine.


The jocks turn around, looking them up and down. Recognition dawns on Azimio's face. “Hummel! You and your--”


“Boyfriend. Correct.”


The collective jock-gasp makes Kurt turn his face away in amusement.


“Very rich boyfriend, if I may add.”


The grin disappears. What?


“In fact, if you ever bother him about anything, anything at all, I'll make sure my parents come straight to this school and bribe your principal into transferring you from football to Glee club. With mandatory attendance.”


Silence. The jocks stare like dumbfounded monkeys, too slow to progress what they've been told. Blaine pulls Kurt up next to him and kisses him with a loud mwah! Then he spins on his heels and drags Kurt away, throwing one more mischievous glance at the stunned jocks.


Kurt's head is still spinning when he enters his car. “What the fuck was that?” he asks Blaine, who's settling down in the passenger's seat.“A little reminder that I'm a very, very protective person.”


“What if they take this the wrong way? And your parents won't sign a check for anything, they don't even know you're ga--” He breaks off, noticing the clench in Blaine's jaw.


“A threat is a threat,” Blaine insists, dismissing the comment. “I just want you to be comfortable with me in public. And I don't want you to be scared any more.”


Kurt smiles. “You're cute. And the most protective boyfriend in the world.”


They lean across their seats, lips meeting as they slide their tongues together roughly, taken over by need and desire.


“We should drive home quickly,” Blaine gasps between kisses. “Your place or mine?”


Kurt jerks his chin towards Blaine because he doesn't have time to say yours. Their lips meet again and this time their hands grab for each other, almost as if they're trying to make up for every single moment spent in friendship, every moment they didn't spend kissing.


“Your parents are still gone right?” Kurt asks breathlessly.


Blaine nods. He opens his mouth to ask why, but Kurt covers it quickly and draws a moan out of him instead. The answer to the question might appall Blaine and Kurt doesn't want an argument right now, especially not when he has his mind set exactly on what they should do once they reach Blaine's house.


Truth is, every inch of Kurt's body is craving more when they kiss and he cannot ignore this need anymore – if he doesn't give in he'll eventually tear out his own hair, that's how strong the incredible lust is. Maybe Kurt is a little scared of it too, but his feelings for Blaine undermine his fear.


And really, what do you have to worry about when your boyfriend is the most protective person in the whole world?


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Awww great chapter

I am drowning and swollowing in fluffy like a pig in the mud LOL! Perfect analogy right. Oh God I love fluff, can't handle angst unless I know there is a fluffy Klaine ending!

Keep writing, hun. We need more fluff and slight angst. :)

i'm in too deep and i'm drowning! help me! *glub, glub, glub* but, seriously. when blaine was threatening the jocks, i think he used the wrong word. it wasn't blackmail. it was a bribe he was implying. especially since there was an indication of a payment being made in order to transfer the jocks into glee club.