Give Me Strength
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Give Me Strength: Chapter 2

T - Words: 761 - Last Updated: Apr 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Mar 26, 2012 - Updated: Apr 03, 2012
735 0 2 0 0

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***** Chapter 2



Kurt dodged through the crowds of people, his hands in his pockets and his eyes on the ground. He kept a brisk pace, tripping over his own feet more than once, but he still refused to slow down. The dim glow of the street lights haunted him as he rushed into the late night streets.


He couldn't keep his grasp on reality any longer. He was having a bad day, nothing else. He'd thought about jumping in front of a car or hanging himself on school grounds more times than he could count. It wasn't a big deal. It was just one of those nights. He wouldn't have done it anyway, he was too much of a wimp.


You can't ignore me, Kurt.”


Oh, and there was that, too.


Go away.”


Kurt refused to look. He knew by the soft glow that reflected on his shoes that he was still being followed by the… boy? creature? angel? No matter what he claimed to be, for Kurt there were only two possibilities.


Possibility 1) Blaine was a figment of his imagination and he was merely hallucinating.

Possibility 2) Blaine was just a dreamed-up character and this was a nightmare.


The former meant that the lack of sleep was hitting him harder than he had realized. The latter meant that he could wake up any second and have all this be over.




Kurt ducked into a dark ally and watched the crowds flood past. A curly black head poked around the corner and a dubious smile stretched across its lips.


This where you live?”


Very funny.”


The angel, or whatever he was, leisurely strolled over, squeezing his wings to his back and eyeing the garbage littering the ground.


I want answers,” Kurt demanded.


Blaine looked at him innocently.


I want to know why you stopped me. I want to know why you're following me. Most of all, I want to know who the hell you are!”


Blaine made an attempt to lean against the walls, then stopped himself as he noticed how dirty they were.


Um... Angel?”


Call me Blaine.”


Fine, Blaine. Why are you here?”


I don't think this is the right place to talk.” Blaine looked right at him, eye color changing from black to amber with every ray of light. “Can we maybe discuss this at your place?”


You're not coming home with me.”


I should at least accompany you to your doorstep.”


Kurt groaned.


Just answer one question: Are you real?”


An understanding smile slid over Blaine's lips.


I know you're confused, Kurt. I know you think this is a dream. I won't stop you from running away from me, but I'll follow you. That's what guardian angels do. They stick to the person they're trying to protect.”


You didn't answer my question.”


In a heartbeat, Blaine seized his hands and he joined them together, staring deep into Kurt's eyes.


Yes. I'm real.”


Kurt swallowed. Maybe he had overlooked a third possibility in his earlier analysis of the situation.


Possibility 3) He had a guardian angel.






Kurt's head was a dizzy mess when he gestured towards the door. “So, this is where I live...” He trailed off, contemplating what to say next. He was emotionally exhausted; he needed to rest and collect himself, before he fell apart again.


No questions? No nothing?” Blaine asked with a mixture of curiosity and worry. “You seemed so intent on answers before.”


Kurt uttered a hollow laugh.


Well, yeah, forgive me for being a little overwhelmed. Because I almost killed myself in the park and then this angel appeared and walked me home. Did I mention that people pass through him when he walks? Thanks for the heads-up, by the way.”


Blaine's smile was perfectly candid.


If you want to know about that, all you have to do is ask.”


I don't think I'll remember the answer tomorrow.”


Then I will remind you.”


Okay, why can't people see you?”


I can only be seen or touched by the person I protect.”


Huh, that's... surprisingly simple.”


A shadow passed through Blaine's eyes, darkening the hazel to a chocolate brown.


Believe me, not everything is this simple.”


Kurt wanted to ask what he meant, but his eyesight blurred and he felt a sudden urge to lie down.


Kurt!” Blaine rushed forward, steadying him. “You should sleep. You look about ready to pass out.”


Thanks,” Kurt mumbled, opening the door and stumbling inside. He didn't turn around to say goodbye, didn't even check whether Blaine had actually left. He just flopped on the couch, eyes screwed up tight, dipping into a world of dreams the second his head touched the fabric.


At some time in the night, a pair of gentle hands pulled a blanket over him.



End Notes: Drop a review if you want more.


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So far this seems really good! Keep it up, you got a reader on your hands. :)

Still loving this. "Drop a review if you want more" kind of sounds like a ransom note. "If you ever want to see this wonderful story again, I want a review by Wednesday." Dun dun dunnnn ;P