The Better Part of Me
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Better Part of Me: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,634 - Last Updated: Sep 28, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Jul 26, 2012 - Updated: Sep 28, 2012
1,083 0 2 0 0

Over the next few days at work, both Kurt and Blaine made a concentrated effort to be friendly, which left most of their interactions a little stilted. But Blaine still brought their coffees every morning, Kurt still took the lead on all of their projects,  and both men were relieved that their friendship was still intact, if somewhat awkward.

“Hey, Westerville!” Kurt called over to Blaine, one hand typing furtively at his computer and the other gripping tightly to his cup of mocha. “How many L’s are in ambivalent?”

There was no answer from his partner’s desk.

“Westerville?” Kurt put down his cup and stood up, seeing Blaine’s empty desk. He did a sweep of the bullpen, searching for his partner. He found him standing by the watercooler with an unfamiliar man with unkempt dirty blonde hair. He felt an odd drop in his stomach as he watched Blaine touch the man’s arm, both laughing at some shared joke.

“That’s Jeremiah.” Rachel Berry informed as she plopped onto the side of Kurt’s desk.

“What?” Kurt jumped at her intrusion.

“That guy talking to Anderson. His name is Jeremiah Grant, he’s a copyeditor, mainly does the Sports and Life & Style sections. I introduced them.” Rachel smiled at Kurt, blinking rapidly and trying to look innocent.

“What made you want to play matchmaker? Reporting on insipid drama not enough, you needed to make some?”

“Oh Kurt, what’s so dramatic about your friend getting some? They’re both single, both consenting, and both far too cute to be alone on a Friday night. Anyway, Blaine asked me to. Well, he asked me if he knew of anyone nice.”

Kurt blanched. “Blaine, he… he wanted to get set up?”

Rachel nodded. “Well, he didn’t exactly beg me or anything. I just made my usual comment about how sad I was that he didn’t play for my team because I could show him such a good time, and he… inquired as to whether I knew of anyone more his type. And of course I did, I mean I’ve got two gay dads, of course I have eligible gay friends!”

Kurt had tuned most of Rachel’s monologue out, instead continuing to watch as Blaine bid good-bye to Jeremiah and made his way back to their desks. Kurt quickly sat back in his chair, making a shooing motion to get Rachel to move.

“You can leave now, Berry. We’re all done here.”

Rachel pouted.  “You know, Hummel, I could find somebody for you, too. That Superman is a dreamboat, but maybe you should set your sights a little… lower. I’m sure I could find a nice accountant with a beer belly and a combover that would love to go out with you,” she cooed.

Kurt glared at Rachel, a retort on his tongue, when Blaine interrupted him.

“Oh, hi Rachel! What brings you over here?”

“Oh nothing, just wanted to see if you and Jeremiah had made any plans yet. But it looks like that’s an affirmative…”

Blaine blushed. “Oh, um, yeah. We’re, uh, getting dinner on Friday. Um, thanks again, Rachel. For, you know.” His eyes darted to Kurt before he quickly took a seat at his desk and hid behind his computer.

“My pleasure, Blaine! I was just telling Kurtie here that he should take a page from your book, get out more, try and be social.”

“We can’t all be as social as you, Rachel,” Kurt hissed through gritted teeth. “There aren’t enough free clinics in the city to support that.”

Rachel simply smiled, shaking her hips as she stalked off. “Bye, boys. And Blaine, have fun Friday!”

Kurt stared at his computer screen, typing furiously.

“Um... Kurt? You okay?” Blaine asked.

“Fine, Blaine. I’m just fine.” He practically growled in return.

Blaine was confused, but he thought he saw a glimmer of hope. “Kurt, if you don’t want me to go out with Jeremiah…”

Kurt’s head snapped up. “Westerville, I couldn’t care less who or what you take back to your Hobbit hole and eat second breakfast with. But maybe you should learn not to take love advice from the shrill gossip monger in the animal print sweater.”

Kurt grabbed his coat and stormed off, leaving a shocked Blaine behind, a small smile growing on his face.


Kurt stomped out of the Daily Planet offices in a huff.

What is the deal with Rachel Berry? Sticking her big nose into other people’s business. And that Jeremiah guy, with his stupid haircut. Not that Blaine knows anything about hair, the way he wears his gel like a helmet. Not that I care, Blaine can date whoever he wants, he’s an adult. Even if he does want to go on dates with long-haired losers that Rachel “no taste” Berry picks out. But I don’t care. Nope. Blaine’s just my friend. I mean, he’s my best friend. That’s it, I’m just worried about my friend. Left at the hands of Berry and some guy he doesn’t even know. Set-ups are always a bad idea, doesn’t he know that? Don’t they teach anything back in Smalltown, Ohio?

Kurt was so caught up in his thoughts that he began to cross the street as the light changed, not noticing the taxi barreling down on him until he heard the tires screech right beside him in a last-ditch effort to stop.

Kurt turned, eyes wide at the impending car until-


He was suddenly in the air.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”

Kurt looked up into the face of Superman, who held him tight as they ascended to the roof of the Daily Planet.


“That is what they call me. Thanks to you.” He smiled at Kurt as he set him down on the rooftop.

“I don’t know how to thank you. I promise, I usually look both ways before crossing the street.” Kurt stumbled over his words, trying to salvage his pride.

“What’s got you so distracted that you’re walking into oncoming traffic?” Blaine’s eyes were sparkling with amusement.

“Oh, um… nothing. Just… work… stuff. Anyway, I hope you liked the article.”

“I did. You’re very good at your job.”

Kurt scoffed. “Of course I am. I’m the best.”

Blaine smiled warmly and Kurt felt a fluttering in his stomach.

C’mon Hummel, Kurt thought to himself, He’s here, you know he likes you. Man up!

“Um, Superman, before you fly off and… save other distracted citizens from renegade cabs…”

Blaine cocked his head after Kurt trailed off. “Yes?”

Kurt took a deep breath. “The other night, it seemed like…” He took a step forward into Blaine’s personal space. “It sort of seemed like you felt… well, that you were sad to go.”

Blaine sucked in a breath at Kurt’s proximity.

Shoot. Don’t look in his eyes, Blaine! Remember what Cooper said. You need to let him down, you need to…. Oh, shoot.

Blaine’s eyes fell to Kurt’s mouth, not noticing that Kurt’s eyes had dropped similarly.

“I… Kurt…”

Blaine’s hand seemed to lift on its own, cupping Kurt’s cheek. Kurt leaned forward almost imperceptibly, his mouth opening slightly. Blaine knew he had to make a quick decision. He knew how deeply he felt for Kurt, and how much he wanted this, wanted him. But he couldn’t in good conscience kiss him. He wasn’t being honest with Kurt about who he was, he couldn’t do that to him. He loved him far too much to kiss him as another man.

Blaine moved back slightly, moving his hand to tuck a fallen piece of Kurt’s now wind-swept hair behind his ear. To stop himself from leaning in again, he dropped his hand to Kurt’s shoulder and squeezed lightly.

“Kurt… I don’t know if…”

Blaine had no idea how to continue, but before he could find the words he was interrupted by sirens from the streets below. Kurt smiled sadly up at him, reaching to pull Blaine’s hand from his shoulder.

“It’s okay. You should probably go. Someone needs you.”

Blaine turned to leave, giving Kurt one last smile before he flew off.

After he was gone, Kurt dropped to sit on the roof, groaning.

“Now what was that?”


In his office across town, Sebastian Smythe was watching the city splayed out below him. Sebastian loved the city, his city. For years he had been the dominant power in Metropolis, the silent hand behind its inner workings, with connections from the grubbiest corner of Suicide Slum all the way up through the mayor’s office. Metropolis was Sebastian’s domain and every person within it, whether they knew it or not, lived under his rule.

But all of that was before his title had been usurped. Now a self-righteous do-gooder, an overgrown Boy Scout in a cape, had infiltrated his city and stolen the hearts of its people. Someone else was now the dominant power, the dominant voice, the prodigal son. Sure, his opponent was attractive, his naïve schoolboy attitude appealed to Sebastian’s predatory nature. And he would’ve relished the opportunity to own him in every way. But unlike any other opponent that Sebastian had encountered, this was one who could not be seduced or bought and who could not be easily dealt with. No, this enemy required research and planning. He challenged Sebastian’s staggering intellect and his nearly unlimited resources. But after months of work, he was finally ready.

After this, Sebastian will have defeated the undefeatable and reclaimed his city. After this he will have finally won, and there would be no one left to stand in his way.

Sebastian pressed a button on his desk.

“Harmony, tell the boys that it’s time to begin.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Smythe.”

Sebastian turned back to the window, back to the view of his city.

“And then we can finally end this.”

End Notes: Sorry again for the delay! I was at Leaky Con and it was amazing, as was AVPSY and Darren, plus I got to meet the Warblers and hugged Titus Makin Jr (Warbler David).Anyway, reviews are wonderful and magical :)


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I love how jealous Kurt was even though he won't admit it. This is amazing!