The Better Part of Me
Epilogue Previous Chapter Story
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The Better Part of Me: Epilogue

T - Words: 1,808 - Last Updated: Sep 28, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Jul 26, 2012 - Updated: Sep 28, 2012
796 0 1 1 0

Author's Notes: Here it is, the last chapter!

Blaine stood in the elevator of the Daily Planet building, his foot tapping a beat as he made his way up to the 38th floor bullpen. Checking the mirror, Blaine was faced with his usual reflection: navy blazer, white button down, brightly colored bowtie, thick rimmed glasses, helmet of gel. He knew that unseen beneath his work clothes he was sheathed in a skintight blue and red suit; his cape compacted and pressed into his back.

Blaine was almost surprised to see something so mundane looking back at him through the mirror. Only the huge grin he couldn’t keep off his face remained as a clue to the practically Earth-shattering changes that had happened to him in the past few weeks, culminating the night before.


“So.” Kurt began as he gazed up at Blaine from where he lay across Blaine’s chest, his chin resting on his crossed arms. “We’ve been over the whole ‘honey, I’m a virgin alien and I don’t want to kill you with my super dick” thing, and thankfully disproved that theory, as both parties,” Kurt motioned between them, “are perfectly intact.”

Blaine couldn’t resist a chuckle. “No, as you so eloquently put it, my ‘super dick’ did just fine.”

Kurt’s eyes flashed with something dark as he almost growled, “I wouldn’t use ‘just fine’ to describe that performance, Westerville. BELIEVE me.”

Blaine swallowed hard, his eyes locked on Kurt’s.

“Oh. Um…”

Kurt smiled at his bashful boyfriend.

“Anyway, as I was saying, Super Stud,” Kurt continued, slowly kissing his way up Blaine’s chest and neck, mouthing at Blaine’s jaw and causing him to moan, “are you up for round two?”

Kurt punctuated his question by grabbing the back of Blaine’s neck and pulling him into a kiss.

Blaine pulled back with a gasp.

“Definitely,” he groaned.


Blaine was broken out of his memories by the pinging of the elevator as the doors opened. Entering the bullpen, he was greeted with the dulcet sounds of his loving boyfriend reaching from their joined desks.


Blaine smiled, his eyes crinkling as he walked to their desks, quietly placing a cup of coffee into Kurt’s hands.

“Here, some caffeine therapy before you attempt to murder an intern.”

Kurt’s bitchface immediately melted at the sight of Blaine and coffee.

“Mmmm, my one true love.” He leaned forward and kissed Blaine on the cheek. “Thanks for bringing it to me.”

“I see how it is. Using me for my coffee.”

“That’s right. Among other things.” Kurt looked Blaine up and down, raising his eyebrow and smirking, causing Blaine to blush as they both remembered the night before.


The men were interrupted by a loud shout from their editor’s office. After sharing a supportive look, the two rushed across the bullpen.

“What is it, Chief?” Kurt asked when they reached his office.

Burt looked up from behind his desk, adjusting his cap as he took in the two men.

“Kurt, Blaine. I wanted to say, good job on that Smythe expose last week.“

Kurt preened as Blaine, trying to hide his grin, said:

“Thanks, Chief. We were thinking of doing a follow-up piece on Brittany… um, Dr. Pierce. After the exposure she’s finally getting some calls about funding.”

Burt nodded. “Sounds good. And which of you wants to handle that one?”

The partners shared a confused look.

“Which of us… We’d do it together.” Kurt said, more of a question than a statement. “You’re the one who partnered us, remember?”

“Yeah, I partnered you so that you could show Anderson the ropes. Since you two cracked one of the biggest scandals of the year, I’d say he’s ready to go on his own. Besides, weren’t you the one yelling at me when I first gave you a partner?”

Kurt blushed.

“Yes, but Chief… we would never have figured out that Smythe thing on our own.”

Kurt looked over at Blaine for support, but the other man wouldn’t look him in the eye, choosing instead to stare intently at a scuff mark on his shoe.

“What are you saying, Kurt?” Burt asked. “You want to keep working with Blaine? What happened to you wanting to work alone?”

“I… well, I mean…” Kurt sighed. “Look, we all know I’m one of the best reporters this paper has ever seen. But… I’m a hell of a lot better when I work with Blaine.”

Blaine finally looked up and turned to Kurt, his attempts at hiding a smile failing miserably.

“And what have you got to say, Blaine?”

Blaine pulled his gaze from Kurt’s to respond to his boss.

“I’d never be stupid enough to turn down the chance to work with the great Kurt Hummel, Chief.”

Burt grinned at him.

“Alright boys, you’re partnered for good. Now go out there and find me a story.”

“You got it, Chief!” Kurt called, grabbing Blaine’s hand and running out the door, happy to get away from the awkward tension of Burt’s office.

“And try not to get shot at this time!” Burt called after them.

Blaine was trying to stifle a giggle as he and Kurt got back to their desks. Kurt turned to him with a questioning expression.

“What was that back there, Westerville?”

Blaine cocked his head. “What was what?”

“The whole bashful thing. Not speaking up when Burt was going to split us up.”

Blaine blushed. “Oh. Well, you know, gotta maintain my cover as a mild mannered reporter.”

“Well next time our partnership is on the line, try more man and less mouse.”

“Hey,” Blaine reached out and grabbed Kurt’s hands, stroking his thumb over Kurt’s thumbs in an effort to sooth him. “I was pretty sure you had that handled. I trust you. Besides, even if we didn’t get to work together, you’d still have me. You know that, right?”

Kurt took a deep breath. “I know,” he replied in almost a whisper. “But maybe I don’t want to lose you here. The Planet’s my life and I already have to share you with the world most of the time. So I’m going to keep being selfish and hold onto you whenever I can.”

Blaine grinned. “That works for me. And either way, you saved the day and the Hummel/Anderson byline.”

Kurt pulled back from Blaine to gesture widely. “Of course I did! And just you watch, we’re going to revolutionize the business. Our names will be in the journalistic history books along with the likes of Hearst, Hersh, and Murrow. We’ll be the new Woodward and Bernstein!”

“You know something about Woodward and Bernstein that the rest of us don’t?”

The men were interrupted as Rachel Berry stalked up to them, a smirk on her face.

“Beat it, Berry. Go hound for gossip someplace else. I’m sure there’s a celebrity’s trash you can sift through.”

“But Kurt, I’ve got enough gossip right here! Daily Planet’s Dynamic Duo Dating!”

Blaine stammered a bit, obviously flustered. “What? That’s not news, no one would want to read about that.” He looked over at Kurt with wide eyes, unused to being of interest when outside of the cape.

“I beg to differ, Blainey,” Rachel cooed. “After uncovering the wicked ways of Metropolis’ former golden boy, you two are a hot topic at water coolers around the city, especially if your partnership extends beyond the byline.”

Kurt’s eyes narrowed. “If you make a spectacle of us, you’ll regret it, Berry.”

Rachel scoffed. “Oh please, like there’s anything scandalous about the two of you. Honestly, Kurt, your last crush was a lot more interesting, even if unattainable. If you ever managed to pull off a miracle and bag a superhero, then you’d have me to worry about. No offense, Blaine.”
Kurt moved to retaliate, but Blaine grabbed his arm.

“It’s fine, Rachel. No offense taken.”

Kurt glared at Rachel as she smiled at the partners.

“Anyway, I’m off to spend my energy looking for more intriguing fish to fry. Bye boys!”

Kurt rounded on Blaine as soon as Rachel was gone.

“Alright, Westerville, I know that look. Spill.”

Blaine felt a warmth in his chest that Kurt could read him so well already.

“It’s just that if Rachel runs a piece on us dating, then the whole city will know you’re taken.”

“That’s very Cro-Magnon of you, Blaine. I had no idea you were so territorial.”

Blaine laughed. “Well, that’s just a happy side effect. The real point is that if the city knows you’re dating me, they won’t think you’re with him. I won’t have to worry so much about you being targeted because people think you’re close to Superman. I’ll just have to worry about you running headfirst into trouble, like you normally do.”

Kurt smiled affectionately at Blaine. “Huh. Who’d have thought that Rachel Berry would do something good for once?”

Kurt’s expression was so adorable to Blaine that he couldn’t help but lean in for a quick kiss, realizing that if Rachel knew about the two of them then the whole staff knew, and they had nothing left to hide.

However, their moment was cut short by a call across the bullpen.


Kurt and Blaine turned to each other at the same time.

“Alright Anderson, I’ll hit the streets, you go… do some research.”

Kurt winked at Blaine, who gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered, “I’ll see you there.”

Kurt grabbed his coat and ran for the elevators, calling out for someone to hold the door, as Blaine ran for the nearest supply closet.
As he quickly shed his tie and shirt to reveal the suit beneath and began to fly towards the ruckus in midtown, Blaine couldn’t help but smile to himself. Just a few short years ago he was a scared, lonely kid in Ohio, hiding everything about himself and dreaming of getting out. Now he was in Metropolis, spending half his time saving the world as a reporter, and the other half finally able to be himself fully. And more than that, he’d found someone to love and accept all the parts of him, the good and the bad. Besides his brother, Blaine had never been able to lean on or trust another person. He knew the same could be said for Kurt, who’d had even fewer people to depend on growing up. But now they’d found each other.

And as Blaine sped off to what was sure to be just one fight in a never-ending battle to defend Metropolis, he realized that as crazy as his life was, he wouldn’t want it any other way, or to share it with any other person.

End Notes: The end!A HUGE thank you to my Betas (Alison, Hallie, and Tori) and to all of you for reading and reviewing this. Seriously, I love all of you guys. This was my first multi-chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it! I may drop by this verse in the future (especially if prompted), so if you want to say hi or you want to see more or if you have questions, come to my tumblr.


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Aw that was perfect and I'm still screaming over the super dick thing dear lORD. This story was absolutely superb, well done :) x