The Better Part of Me
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Better Part of Me: Chapter 13

T - Words: 1,475 - Last Updated: Sep 28, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Jul 26, 2012 - Updated: Sep 28, 2012
1,078 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So sorry this took so long! Real life got in the way. But here it is, the last chapter before the epilogue!Enjoy!

Kurt wanted to rush and take Sebastian down immediately, so it was left to Blaine to hold him back so they could make a plan.

“First things first, Brittany, do you think you can make an antidote to the virus?”

She frowned and shook her head. “Probably not. I’m not sure yet how he synthesized it. It would take me weeks.”

Blaine turned to Kurt. “We don’t have that much time. He wants me gone, so I’m betting this thing will just get worse the longer I’m here.”

Kurt’s eyes widened in comprehension. “Right... so what happens when you leave?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like you said, he’d make sure things kept getting worse until your guilt drove you away. But if things continued to go downhill after that, then it would be obvious that it wasn’t your fault. He must have some sort of escape plan.”

Blaine smiled. “You’re right! I leave, and he steps in with the antidote and is the new savior of the city! All we need to do is search his lab for the antidote!”

Kurt gave him a side-eye, his pragmatic side finally overpowering Blaine’s infectious optimism.

“Blaine, SebCorp has more security than Fort Knox. How do you suggest we get in there?”

Blaine grinned, his eyes sparkling.

“You don’t call me ‘Super’ for nothing.”


Kurt had been right, of course. Breaking into SebCorp was not going to be easy. They sent Brittany to fill in Santana and get the police on standby while Blaine helped Kurt get the rest of the evidence, and the antidote, from behind enemy lines. They couldn’t risk the police going after Sebastian until they had the antidote, or they’d be risking the whole city.

“Ok, Westerville, what’s the plan?”

Kurt and Blaine stood on a rooftop not far from SebCorp tower.

“We know from Brittany that the lab is underground and that’s probably where the antidote is,” Blaine repeated to Kurt. “He’s also sure to have some files in his office. If I can disable his security system, then you can get inside and to the lab before he can get it back online, and by then Santana will be here to arrest him!”

“You sound pretty confident about all of this. How are you going to disable his security?”

Blaine began searching around the building with his x-ray vision.

“The building runs on a private generator. I can cut the power without alerting him to my presence, but the back-up generator will turn on pretty quickly. I can get you... probably ten minutes. So get down near the building, let me know when you’re in place, and I’ll blow the generator.”

Kurt looked at Blaine, trying not to let his worry show. “And after I find the antidote?”

Blaine turned to Kurt with a smile. “After you give it to Brittany and Santana, meet me in Sebastian’s office.”


On any given day, Kurt Hummel was never one to shy away from danger. He did what he had to do for a story, and he had to admit that the accompanying adrenaline rush was always a plus. But now that his attempts at journalistic heroism meant putting Blaine in danger, he was finally feeling the nerves.

It didn’t matter that Blaine (His partner. His boyfriend?) was superhuman and physically invulnerable. Kurt knew better than anyone how easily Blaine could be hurt, especially when it was because there was someone he couldn’t save. And going into SebCorp in a last-ditch effort to stop Sebastian was fraught with opportunity to hurt Blaine. What if Kurt was hurt? What if they couldn’t find the antidote? What if Sebastian got away?

Kurt shook his head, trying to clear away his negative thoughts as he waited by an emergency fire exit of the SebCorp building. All he needed to do was give Blaine the signal and this quick-shod plan would be set into motion. He took a deep breath.

It was time to trust Blaine, to trust himself, and to have a hell of a lot of hope.

“Blaine.” Kurt whispered. “Ready when you are.”


For a quickly conceived plan, it seemed to come together rather well. Blaine blew the generator, which had the unintended side effect of setting off the fire alarm, causing everyone to flood from the building, making it easier for Kurt to sneak inside and quickly get to the lab. Brittany had told them where the labs were, and the most likely places for the antidote. For a girl that seemed to think dolphins were gay sharks, she had a perfect memory for the equipment she’d seen during her SebCorp interview.

Of course, it wasn’t going to be as simple as finding a giant vile marked “antidote” somewhere in the lab. But he did find a refrigerator full of vials of some kind of compound near a computer terminal that hooked up to a large aerosol spray-type machine. Kurt immediately started snapping pictures with his phone before calling Santana.

“I think we’ve got it. Get your guys in here.”


While Kurt made his way to ensure the safety of the antidote, Blaine set his sights a little higher to the SebCorp penthouse office.

After giving Kurt ample time to get inside before Sebastian was alerted, Blaine flew to the window that he had left just hours before. Since he wasn’t expected, the window was not open for him, giving Blaine the chance to easily smash his way inside. Within he found a shocked Sebastian with an armful of papers on his way toward the door.

“S-Superman! What are you doing here?”

“In a hurry, Seb?” Blaine asked with a small smile.

“The fire alarm has gone off, which your superhearing was sure to pick up. I’m just adhering to all safety codes and... exiting the building.”

“Oh, I think you’ll be fine. I was hoping we could continue our conversation from last time.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, Superman? Here to say goodbye before you do the right thing and leave town?”

Blaine’s smile dropped from his face.

“And what would you know about the right thing, Sebastian?”

Sebastian glowered at Blaine.

“The right thing, Superman, would be knowing when you’re not wanted and bowing out gracefully.”

“I think the right thing, Sebastian, would be not letting a plague loose on the city in a misguided attempt to push me out and become the city’s savior.”

Sebastian dropped the papers he was holding and stalked up to Blaine.

“Listen here, alien: This is my city, my planet. You’re a freak, an interloper. You don’t deserve the love of the sheep that inhabit this town. Metropolis and everyone in it belong to me, and I would gladly cull every man, woman, and child for 100 miles if it meant getting you out of my way.”

Blaine smiled slowly. “I hate to cut you off there, Sebastian, but I think we’ve all heard enough.” He looked past Sebastian towards the doorway. “Right, Captain?”


Sebastian whipped around with wide eyes to see Santana, Kurt, and a group of Metropolis police officers standing in the doorway to his office.

Santana walked to him with a wicked smile on her face.

“You, Mr. Smythe, have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you...”

Sebastian lost his cool once Santana began to cuff him.

“This is ridiculous. I’ve done nothing wrong! You have no proof!”

“Oh, we’ve got proof, Smythe.” Kurt piped up, walking up to Blaine’s side.

“We’ve got your lab, which had not only the right equipment to release the ‘plague,’ but also the antidote. And we’ve got a renowned scientist willing to testify as an expert witness that only you could’ve pulled this off. You must be so proud.” Kurt smiled at him, sweetly.

Sebastian glared at Kurt, practically growling, as he struggled against Santana’s hold.

Blaine took a step towards him.

“Watch it, Sebastian. You better go quietly because if I have to take you down, I’m not sure if I’m calm enough to hold back.”

Kurt put his arm out in front of Blaine.

“Don’t worry, that’s not a problem for me.”

Kurt took a step toward Sebastian and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him out of Santana’s hands and onto the floor.

The police captain looked from the prone body in front of her and back up to Kurt.

“Nice one, Fancy. Didn’t know you had it in you.”

Kurt scoffed.

“I’m an army brat, Satan. Of course I can defend myself. Now if you wouldn’t mind carting our wannabe Bond Villain to the big house?”

Kurt turned to Blaine with a smile only to see his partner looking at him with pure adoration as the police took Sebastian from the room.

As Santana left, she called back towards the men, “Night boys! Make Auntie ‘Tana proud!”

Blaine smiled sheepishly at Kurt.

“Um... I guess we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Or we could save that for later and start with... less talking...”

Kurt looked up at Blaine and grinned before pulling him in for a searing kiss.

End Notes: There it is! I should have the epilogue up sometime this week.A million thanks to my Betas for helping me with this, I really needed them.Come say hi on Tumblr if you've got any questions!(remember, reviews are lovely and will let me know if there's anything you're dying to see in the epilogue)


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