Calm Down Dearest
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Calm Down Dearest: Chapter 8

K - Words: 2,883 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 14, 2015 - Updated: Dec 14, 2015
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They stood firmly in place for a moment, neither one blinking, and stared in stunned silence at each other. Kurt was mentally cursing to seek revenge on Sebastian for bringing him somewhere that Blaine would be, it was typical he would do such a thing. Blaine was silently high fiving whatever great power had brought the most beautiful man he had ever meant back into his world.




“I just-“ Both started at the same time, laughing awkwardly when they stopped. Blaine lifted his hand and waved, gesturing for Kurt to go first.


“I just, I wanted to say sorry, I mean.” Kurt took a deep breath and looked into Blaine's eye, trying to show he isn't an awful human being. “I'm sorry for what happened last weekend. I never do that, never. I just panicked and didn't know what to do, so I ran. It's nothing on you, as over used as that line is and I am incredibly embarrassed. I just wanted, needed, you to know, I'm so sorry.”


“Kurt… we're both grown-ups, we slept together. It was amazing, for me anyway, and you just wanted it to be a one off. Its fine, I'm not going to cry into my pillow over it, but I do want you to know that if you ever want to grab a coffee, or lunch? I'd be up for that.” Blaine's kind smile was almost too much for Kurt to bare, he wanted to just grab him and run away from the gala, but he couldn't. Vi was here, he couldn't just forget about his real life. Not again.


“Blaine, I-”


“Blaine, there you are! Your dad sent me to find you. Cooper just insulted the mayors wife and he needs you to swoop in with all your gayness and- oh! Hi Kurt!” Wes appeared from around the corner, stopping in his tracks when he sees the look Kurt and Blaine are sharing.


“Hi Wesley, are you having fun?” Kurt asks politely feeling more uncomfortable as the seconds pass.


“Not as much as you apparently!” Wes nudges his side, an overly friendly gesture Kurt thinks, considering they have only met twice. Blaine just stares between them trying to figure out how his best friend knows his one night stand. “I see you met Blaine! Trying to get black mail stories out of him?”


“Kurt, I apologise for my ignoramus of a best friend. I obviously need to limit his alcohol intake.” Blaine laughs trying to pull Wesley away from Kurt, but he stands firm.


“How right was I? Sebastian has definitely hit the jackpot!” Wes, wriggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Copper told you too! You should listen to your best friend and your brother more often!” That's when it clicks for Kurt. “I'm an excellent judge of how hot men are!” He whispers conspiratorially to Kurt, but Blaine hears him, covering his eyes with a groan.


“Hold on!” he squawks, louder than necessary, but at the same time totally necessary. “You're Blaine Anderson?! As in cooper ‘the free credit commercial' Anderson's brother? You went to Dalton with Sebastian?!” Blaine suddenly feels his stomach drop, knowing exactly why Wesley knows this beautiful man in front of him.


“Wait, you're Sebastian's date?!” Kurt can hear the hurt in Blaine's voice before he even looks at him, once he does he wishes that he hadn't. The look he find is going to haunt him for eternity, Kurt is sure of it.


“He's gorgeous, huh?” Wes grins oblivious to the tension building in the little circle of bodies. “How's your daughter?” Kurt sees' the exact minute Blaine catches up. His face drains of all colour.


“She's…” Kurt clears his throat thinking of an excuse, trying to telepathically apologise to Blaine, but how does he even begin to explain this bombshell. “Yeah she's good, she's here tonight too. Probably bugging Stefan about becoming the next Olivia Pope. Teenagers…” Kurt shrugs as if it explains it all. Blaine looks down to the floor as Kurt tries to make small talk with Wesley, trying to remain polite. He doesn't even notice the man leaving until Wes slaps his head.


“Oww dude! What was that for?!” He snaps his head up and notices it's just them. “He's gone?!”


“You tell me? Did working in developing countries make you socially awkward?!” Wes places his hand on his hips, the ‘teacher' voice not going unnoticed by Blaine. “Why were you so rude to him? He doesn't seem like a huge jerk, the total opposite of what Sebastian is. So why were you such an ass!?”


“Remember the night at Rosey's?”


“You mean the night you found your soulmate? Took him home and had the most ‘magical' night you had ever experienced?” Wes asks sarcastically.


“Funny!” Blaine rolls his eyes. “That was him…”


“Who?” Wes asks looking around, before whipping his head in Blaine's direction again. “You slept with Sebastian's boyfriend?!” he yells, smiling as an elderly couple walk past before lowering his voice. “I knew he looked familiar!”


“I didn't know that at the time! He didn't mention having a boyfriend and then he snuck out remember? Not exactly giving me ‘get to know him' time!” Blaine snarls back.


“Probably because his mouth was otherwise engaged!” Wes cackles before taking a breath. “You nailed a DILF!”


“A what?” Blaine frowns at how much enjoyment Wes is getting out of his discomfort.


“Dad I'd like to fuck. Well not me, I don't appreciate all things penis related, but you would. You have! A dad of a teenager at that! Not even a cute chubby baby or something. Not to mention that Sebastian has dibs on him! This is gonna become the guy from the Lima bean, senior year all over again.” Wes pats Blaine on the back, starting to guide him back into the main hall.


“No it won't, because we are not telling Sebastian, and I do not have a thing for Kurt!” Blaine moans, grabbing a scotch off of a passing waiter's tray.


“Sure you don't…..”




“Hold on!” Sebastian gasps, trying to hold in the laugh he can feel bubbling up inside of him. “The heart throb you have been mooning over for the last week. The guy that you wailed about being the best sex you have ever had. Is not only here tonight, but it is Blaine Anderson? Warbler Blaine ‘dorky' Anderson?”


“You can stop any time you feel necessary, you know?” Kurt groans, slumping further down in his seat and swigging on his glass of champagne. His night was going from bad to worse, instead of getting drunk and dancing the night away, he was hiding out at their table to avoid any more awkward encounters with Blaine, or Wesley, or Cooper Anderson for that matter.


“If I had known he was that good a lay, I would have took his virginity in sophomore year!”


“Seriously, are we going to stop anytime soon?” Kurt rolls his eyes, less than amused by Sebastian's amusement.


“Blaine Anderson!” He shouts again, drawing the attention of three tables around him but he remains oblivious. “I cannot believe how perfect this is! You know he's perfect for you right? He's pro family, pro romance, pro fairy tales, pro soulmates…”


“Bas? He thinks I'm your boyfriend, or worse, you're fucking husband! Because your moronic friend Wesley told him that, and apparently so did his brother!” Kurt slams the glass on the table, causing Sebastian to jump in surprise. “Plus he blurted out the fact that violet is my child! You should have seen his face, I'll be lucky if he ever wants to talk to me again. Not that he can, because I still didn't get to give him my number! Have I mentioned how much I hate my life recently?”


“Stop being such a drama queen, go find him and talk. Honestly, you always go on about wanting that one big romantic moment, this could be it! So stop bitching and do something about or I'll have sex with him!”


“Wow, an open relationship?” The voice makes both men jump, both had been too engrossed in their conversation to notice Wesley walking up behind them. “So you know he slept with Blaine then?” Kurt doesn't stop long enough to engage this conversation further standing up and storming away, meaning Wes could slide into his seat.


“Don't come back till you break his dick!” Sebastian calls loudly at his retreating back, laughing when Kurt flicks him the bird.


“I was just kidding, but you seriously have an open relationship?” Wes stares in wonder. “With someone that hot? I'd never want to share.”


“Still treading the homosexual barrier I see Wesley?” Sebastian grins. “We don't have an open relationship. Kurt is my best friend, has been since his daughters stroller almost killed me senior year!”


“Wait! This is the friend that took up all your time senior year?” Wes asks his memories of that year coming back. “The one that was constantly making you late to practice?”


“He had a lot going on-”


“I thought those rumours were true about the language professor from College…” Wes mutters, a little disappointed in the truth.


“Oh they were, but he was just a booty call! Kurt was an instant best friend, so bitchy and intelegent.” Sebastian grins, proud that his lothario status still proceeds him. “Violet was the one that stole my heart…”


“The kid?” Wes asks, leaning in to steal Kurt's abandoned champagne.


“She's fourteen now, a real nightmare at times. But when I met her at one? Her tiny little fist might as well have held my heart.” Sebastian smiles a wistful smile, thinking about that adorable baby girl and the disgruntled parent, which would soon become his best friend. “Kurt just needed a friend, someone to listen to him vent, to help wipe the baby vomit off his jacket. It was a hard time for them.”


“So why were you out shopping together for her ball gown?”


“THAT IS WHAT YOU BASED YOUR ASUMPTION ON?!” Sebastian asked, incredulous at the ridiculousness of this situation. “My dad buys their outfits to make up for the year we got verbally gay bashed at this thing, and because Violet's his favourite and Kurt's a close second!”


“I've made a huge mistake…”


“What did you do Wesley?!” Sebastian's tone causes him to shrink in on himself.


“I kind of wound Blaine up a bit and he left. Don't look at me like that! You know how easy he is to fluster! I was saying how it would turn out like it did senior year. Remember the guy you fought over?”


“The lima bean barista?” Sebastian guesses, a smug smile crossing his face. “Vi was with me the day I sealed the deal, she was a cute kid, guys couldn't resist. I had the most mind blowing orgasm on the counter after closing time the next night! Actually that whole month.”


“Eww, I got pastries on that counter….” Wes gripes, downing what's left of the champagne before continuing. “So wait! If Kurt's single why did he run out on Blaine last week?”


“He's got ‘morals'” Sebastian puts air quotes around it. “I swear you'd think being a teen parent would mean he was a man slut. I've seen nuns get more action then he does!”


“So he freaked and ran?” Wes questioned again, a plan forming in his head but wanting to ensure that Kurt was who Blaine had initially hoped he was.


“Pretty much, he has a good old chip on his shoulder about his ‘emotional baggage'. I keep telling him a lay won't care. But he doesn't want that. He's a romantic. Actually, he's the kind of guy teenage Blaine used to imagine while he was whacking one out…”


“I always kind of thought he might imagine me…” Wes sighs, dreamingly. Sebastian snorts. “So if you're not going to bang him? I think I have an idea…”






“FOR FUCK SAKE!!” Kurt's scream echoes through the empty garage, It was the day after the Gala, Violet had went out with Jamie for the day and Kurt, having nothing else to do, offered to help his dad clear some of the cars piling up. The banging would help with his annoyance.


“Right, that's it!” Burt yells from across the room. “Put down the tools before you hurt yourself, or put an even bigger dent in that fender!”


“I know what I'm doing dad!” Kurt grunts out, smacking the frame with his hammer again. “I'm not a moron! That would be your other son, the one that looks like lurch!”


“HEY!” This time it's Finn that replies, popping up from under the hood of a Chevy.


“Bite me Finn!”


“KURT!?! TOOLS DOWN NOW!” Burt yells, this time. His gruff voice barking out across the open space. Kurt drops his hammer immediately. Slumping down onto the floor, disregarding how filthy his pants will be.  “Good boy, now Finn go get us the biscuit from the office. It's break time!” Burt's tools clang as they hit his work bench, Kurt hears his heavy footsteps get closer until they stop, nodding wordlessly for Burt to sit down.


“You know, biscuits aren't good for your heart…”


“You think watching you almost decapitate your head working on a dent is?” Burt raises his eyebrows, “Listening to you bitch out Finn doesn't help either!”


“It hurts my feelings too…” Finn mopes, sliding down beside them, his long legs making it the most ungraceful thing Kurt has ever seen.


“I thought I was the effeminate one…” Kurt challenges him, sarcasm present in his grimace.


“You know I hate that word!” Burt grumbles. “Besides we all know I'm the biggest crier in this family. You're the prickly one!”


“I am not!”


“Dude, you're so prickly, you could give a hedgehog a run for its money… or a rhino, but that's more horns than prickles…” Finn trails off, taking a biscuit out of the packet and passing them to Burt.


“My boys not wrong Kurt, was the party that bad?”


“The party was fine, good food, lots of champagne, Violet met the prince of oil or something… I don't know! Stefan offered me a job. Again. Same old really, you know how these things go. I don't know how Stefan can stand being around most of those people. There all so…”


“Entitled? Rich? Homophobic?” Burt inserts words for him, passing the biscuits as he does so.


“You know how scared people are to say things now, Stefan made such a stick that year… it's just uncomfortable looks mostly.” Kurt supplies, the level of homophobia they receive at Stefan's functions have definitely improved. Probably because he has fired people over it, and black listed them. “To be fair, that only happens because Sebastian likes to get a rise out of people.”


“Grabbing your ass you mean!” Finn chortles, grabbing another biscuit and shovelling it into his mouth. Whole. Kurt slaps him across the head. “AY! Ont ate e os I oo!”


“He said, don't hate him cause it's true…” Burt supplies.


“I know what he said, thank you!” Kurt answers primly. “I have learnt to speak Finn the pig over these fifteen plus years.”


“You sure nothing else happened at the fancy party?”


“Yeah, cause your real grumpy today!” Finn adds. “Not just cause of a hangover either!” Shovelling in two biscuits after talking this time.


“Okay! Fine!” Kurt sighs, rubbing at his head. “I saw that guy again last night…” Both grown men squeal, like Violet and her friends do during a sleep over.


“What did he say? What did you say? Did you kiss? Are you seeing him again?”


“No dad,” Kurt sighs, wishing his father would get so invested in his love life, when he knows how much of a dead end it is. “I did find out however, that he went to Dalton with Sebastian. His brother is in those free credit rating commercials.”


“I love those freaking adverts!” Finn chirps, Kurt chooses to ignore him.


“What else?” he asks himself sarcastically. “Oh yes, he thinks I'm dating Sebastian, he found out I have a teenager, and he basically thinks I'm an asshole!”


“Did he say that?” Burt asks, upset on his son's behalf.


“No, he is far too well-mannered for that! But I could tell, his face… Wes kept trying to talk to us but he was zoned out, so I made up an excuse about checking on Vi, and I left. Then Bas told me he had gone home, probably mortified by how big a fuck up he made when he decided to take me home.” Kurt shrugs, deciding another biscuit wouldn't hurt.



“I don't think it's the last you'll see of him kid, Believe me!”


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