Calm Down Dearest
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Calm Down Dearest: Chapter 6

K - Words: 1,779 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 14, 2015 - Updated: Dec 14, 2015
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“What do you think of this one?” Kurt looks up at the voice, trying his hardest to quiet the squawk trying to escape, resulting in his mouth just hanging open. “Uncle Bas? Dad's broken. What do you think?” Kurt watches as his fourteen year old daughter twists and turns to look into the mirror, the tiniest bit of gold fabric covering her thin frame.


“I think you forgot the rest of it!” Violet just tuts in response to Kurt's response. “I prefer the blue or green ones, there was more of them for a start, but the colours complimented your skin tone.”


“They were something Grandma would wear dad! I like this one, Uncle Bas? Why are you staring like that?” Violet turns her steely gaze on him.


“Vi, honey, I think that's a bit too grown up. I know we don't normally agree on things, but your dad's right.” Sebastian keeps his tone soothing, so as not to awaken the hormonal teenage mutant from within. They had been out shopping in the best boutiques Columbus had to offer since nine that morning, it was now four and Sebastian was going to scream if they didn't find just the right dress and get him a coffee stat. “My dad's work colleagues will think you're a working girl or something - ouch Kurt!”


“You just called my child an escort, I can slap you as hard as I like!” Kurt's retorts, shaking off the sharp pain coursing through his hand, after using it to hit Sebastian across the back of his head.


“GOD! You guys are soo ancient! I like this one!”


“Well Uncle Bas is paying so you don't get a say, take it off. What about the silver one? Or the maroon lace? That was pretty.” Kurt offers as a compromise, it had a lower cut neckline than he would have chosen, but at least they were both floor length.


“Hmm, I suppose the maroon wasn't so bad…”


“That's fine the maroon it is!” Sebastian cuts in with a little too much enthusiasm, but everything was starting to look the same, and he was hungry for some greasy onion rings and fries. Getting Kurt to agree to that meal had been a battle in itself. “We can go get you a purse to go with it? It's never too young to get a girl addicted to Chanel-”


“It is when her fathers on minimum wage! Sebastian, the dress is enough! You know I hate charity…”


“Dad! Grandpa Stef gives Uncle Bas the money for it, because he loves me more than him. He tells me all the time when I go for dinner.”


“Yeah dad!” Sebastian imitates Violet as she wonders back into the changing room. “Grandpa Stef has it covered!” he sticks his tongue out for extra measure.


“Stefan Smythe would not be amused by you referring to him as Stef!” Kurt laughs despite himself nudging against Sebastian shoulder. “Thanks for this, you know I could have got her something from the Lima mall…”


“Don't finish that sentence!” Sebastian scrunches his face up in displeasure. “I told you, Collateral damage for having to attend this thing. Plus I like to spoil her.”


“I love you sometimes”


“I love you too- Wes Montgomery?” Sebastian's attention turns to a short Asian man, with the best bone structure Kurt had ever seen, waving enthusiastically as he approached. “What brings you here? I haven't seen you in forever!” Sebastian asks, standing up to give him a firm, private school greeting.  


“I'm picking up a dress for my sister, because apparently being a teacher with marking and set lists to plan doesn't mean I am too busy to run her errands.” Wes shrugs in exasperation before looking repeatedly over at Kurt, Sebastian taking the hint, steps into make introductions.


“Kurt meet Wes, we went to Dalton together. Wesley, meet Kurt Hummel.” Both men shake hands warmly.


“Nice to meet another Dalton boy, the prep school sure knows how to turn you all out!”


“Likewise, you look kind of familiar Kurt. Do work around here?” Wes asks politely, narrowing his eyes to work out where he has met this man.


“No I'm from Lima, I must just have one of those faces.” Kurt smiles warmly as Wes shakes his head to clear it of its thoughts.


“Must be it!” Wes laughs before turning back to Sebastian. “So what brings you here?” He asks just as Violet steps out the dressing room with her marron lace dress on its hanger.


“Buying this little lady a dress to the ball!” Sebastian gestures to Violet to come over. “This is the lady of my life, Violet. Vi this is my old friend from Dalton, Wes.”


“Wait did you sing in that dorky bird group too?” Violet narrows her eyes with a grin.


“The warblers weren't dorky, we were rock stars!” Wes grins, Kurt watches a wistful twinkle form thinking of the memories.


“Dad says when he took me to an alumni show I wailed the whole way through it, like I was protesting-”


“Your Dad's just jealous he can't hit notes like I can…” Sebastian squeezed Violet tight to his side, ruffling her hair.


“He wishes!” Kurt grunts. “We're here buying a dress for the charity gala.”


“I totally forgot your dad hosts that thing, a bunch of the warblers are going too! Anderson's dragging me along, did you know he's back in town? It will be like a mini reunion! It's been too long since we were all together.” Wes beams at the possibility of a long overdue reunion, maybe even a song or two, distracted when his phone beeped in his pocket. He fished it out before frowning. “Sorry that's my sister, it appears my courier services isn't fast enough for her. It was a pleasure to meet you Kurt, Violet. Good to catch up Seb! I'll see you at the gala, I suppose.” And with that he was off, in a flurry of dress bags and tailored coat.


“God I forgot how formal you get around another warbler…” Kurt shook his head in amusement.


“Hey! It's not my fault that they teach good manners. Or give you ample time to hone your appreciation of boys. God to be a teenager again.” Sebastian sighs.


“Eww, you guys are grossing me out! Let's go get some food. I'm starving!” Violet declares stomping to the cash register without waiting for an answer from either of them.






“Dad, if you don't stop touching my hair I am going to scream.” Violet grits out as Kurt jams another bobby pin into her head, pushing it in close enough to graze her scalp. “Oww! That one hurt!”


“Vi, enough of the dramatics, I would like you to at least look presentable in the dress and bag that cost more than a month's mortgage payment!” Kurt grits back pulling the last strand into place before stepping back to look at his masterpiece.


“Can I go get my dress on now?” Violet asks as she stands, not even really waiting for an answer, “Uncle Bas will be here any minute, you better put you jacket on.”


“Thank you for those words of wisdom. I am the parent, I can be ready on time!”


“You say that old man, but you're always late. That's why I always lie about what time things start.”


“Hardy har, get your butt into that dress before I get the urge to kick it!” Kurt smiles as she sprints across the hall into her own room.






“I'm telling you dude, Sebastian has stepped up his game and got a catch!” Wes bounces about excitedly on the bed recalling his encounter.


“Why is it that I'm the gay one, yet you're the gossiping queen in the relationship?” Blaine rolls his eyes in the mirror, concentrating on his bowtie. “Dude, you're not even dressed! Get your pants on!”


“Said no gay man to another man ever!” Wes squawked, looking at Blaine's reaction before standing to pull up his pants. “Okay, satisfied?!”


“Not really, but you'll do as my plus one I suppose. At least it will make this thing more entertaining.” Blaine sighs, shrugging into his blazer and turning to check his reflection. “I hate how pretentious these things are. Full of lawyers and socialites.”


“You're a lawyer…”


“Yeah, at my dad's firm. A junior one at that, I swear you'd think humanitarian work makes you lose previous education from the way he goes on. I was helping the less fortunate, I wasn't hidden away in an asylum with no contact to the outside world. Do you know he gave me a run through on how to talk to people at events? Like Dalton didn't instil that in us from the minute we arrived.”


“Hah! No matter how many times I think I've seen Charles Anderson's finest moments he just keeps adding to the list.” Wes grins pulling on his own blazer, the finest money could buy. “Trust me Sebastian's boyfriend will lighten up your night. He's real easy on the eye...” Wes giggles, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.


“Wesley, you're forgetting he didn't say that it was his boyfriend! You always do this and then it comes back to hit you in the ass.” Blaine points out. “May I also remind you that you are straight, and kind of taken, remember Claire!”


“But what about the girl? She was his but Sebastian was buying her a hideously expensive dress. He doesn't have a brother, so she can't be a relation… Don't tell me that Smythe would do that for just any body!” Wes adds his eyebrows practically bouncing off of his forehead.


“Okay, you got me, that's suspicious. He's seriously that good looking?” Blaine asks, eyes intrigued.


“Oh my god you have no idea!” Wes jumps on the spot a little in excitement of seeing him again. “Whens your brother coming?”


“Any time now, beer for the road?”


“You know me so well!” Wes slaps Blaine on the back as they make their way into his kitchen.


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