Calm Down Dearest
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Calm Down Dearest: Chapter 5

K - Words: 1,782 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Dec 14, 2015 - Updated: Dec 14, 2015
277 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So I havent updated for a while, sorry! Ive had a lot of University projects on top of work...I know excuses, excuses! Im unsure about whether i should continue this story here, as it just isnt getting the reads it does on FF. But for now, here is chapter 5!

“Kurt? There's a call for you!” Frank shouts through from his office, Kurt looks up from the invoices he was working on to watch him. “Forgive me, but I could have sworn that I pay you to answer the phones?!” Frank raise his eyebrows, full of meaning, and Kurt just waved in response. He leaned down for his phone, Frank's cat calls being heard behind him and pressed line one to connect.


“Hello? Kurt Hummel speaking?” He answered professionally, poising his pen in case he was required to note down details.


“Dad? Can't I just go home? Grandpa's making me change the oil on cars and I –“ Kurt sighed into the receiver as he heard a few moans and grunts before his dad came down the line. “All good here kid, I told tony not to let her near the phone! But you know how he gets, his brains not as quick as it once was.” Burt mutters accusingly.


“Are you making my child your personal slave?” Kurt asks, pulling up a new spreadsheet to type as he speaks, mainly because Franco has appeared out of his office and is pacing the shop floor.


“Don't act like you don't think it's a good idea! It never did you any harm, did it?”


“Not when I got old enough to appreciate it, you know when I thought spending time with you was cool. But when I was younger it felt like a punishment.”


“And yet you still appeared every time in your personalised coveralls, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to learn the family trade…”


“Okay good point, just don't stick her under any heavy vehicles? That's the last thing I need is a squashed, hormonal teenager!” Kurt sighs, thinking about the foul mood he will pick her up in.


“Hey! This aint my first time at the rodeo, start them off small then we go onto the big stuff!” his gruff laughter rings out across the garage and down into Kurt's ear. “Vi put that wrench down! I better go kid, see you tonight.”


“Don't kill each other…” Kurt starts, before tailing off realising that his dad has hung up. Placing the receiver down, he stretches out his arms above his head, moving them to either side until his bones crack.


“Sooo, let's get back to the story! I hate not hearing the end!” Kira appears in front of Kurt, as if by magic.


“Kira, I really don't –“


“Oh don't even utter those words Kurt Hummel, I am your best friend. Which means, I get all the juicy details, all of the time, I also get dibs on any potential straight men you know. EXCEPT your brother. I think that's all very fair.” Kira, makes her way into his space. Crowding round him like she always does and sitting down on his desk, stopping all forms of work he could be doing. “So where were we, he took you back to his place?”


“It was ten minutes away from Sebastian's house, so he must be well off. Well, more so than me anyway. But he wasn't full of himself, you know? He was kind of nervous, in an endearing way. He kept asking me if I was okay, and looking at me with those eyes. GOD! Those eyes, Kira.” Kurt sighed dreamily, looking up into the clouds outside the window.


“Yeah, yeah you told me all about those eyes.” Kira was rolling his eyes, but Kurt was too distracted to notice. “So maybe we can go out again soon, you might bump into him again?”


“And say what? Sorry I fled from your place while you slept, but I had a teenage daughter to reprimand and I've not had a one night stand since I was 15?” Kurt narrowed his eyes, back in her direction. “Cause that would go great. I'm sure he would sweep me up in his arms and carry me away from the dreary house I live in, never to look back. Oh wait, that shit doesn't happen in real life!”


“Kurt…” Kira raises her hand to cup his cheek, in that sympathetic way he is used to. “You know that not everyone has that mind set. You are going to meet the most amazing man, who doesn't just love you, but Violet as well. You just need to believe that you're worth, because honey? You are.” Kira keeps her hand in place, to ensure that he couldn't move, but was stuck staring into her eyes. Forcing him to really listen to her.


“I had the distinct impression that you were meant to be working!” A familiar voice behind them breaks the moment. Kira is unperturbed though, not looking around but just responding automatically.


“Franco! Tell Kurt he's going to be loved one day and not die single and alone?”


“I've made my feelings about that pretty clear!” Frank mutters out seriously, coughing to clear a lump forming in his throat. “I also pay your wages, Kira, don't you have a client due any minute?”


“Okay, okay! All hail the mighty dictator!” Kira mock salutes before kissing Kurt firmly on the cheek, then jumping from the desk and marching off to her station.


“Why I keep her around I have no idea!” Frank mutters, shaking his head to himself. “You I understand, her? Not a fucking clue!”


“I'll send those reports through as soon as I get them done, okay?” Kurt asks, looking up for a response but Frank's already gone.




After a long, tiring day Kurt made his way to his father's garage. Pulling up in his own private parking spot outside and turning off the engine. Sometimes when he stopped to watch the outside of the shop, it felt like he was a teenager again. That at any moment, Finn would come stumbling out into the yard before falling over a stack of tyres (or some other form of obstacle) with Burt trailing behind to reprimand him with a huge grin on his face. As much as he liked to disguise it, Hummel's tyres and lube was one of his favourite places in the world.


Taking the key out of the ignition, he slowly made his way in through the staff entrance, making his way silently into the office, and opening the door into the workshop. His heart melted at the sight before him.


“Right, so what you need to do Vi, is just drain out the coolant…that's it just like that!” Burt beams leaning in to get a better view of what Violet is doing. “Okay and once that's done we need to disconnect the hoses.”


“Then what?” violet looks over to his face, listening intently.


“Then we finish up for the day. Your grandma is making lasagne for dinner. If we don't get there fast your uncle Finn will eat it all.” Burt chuckles, standing up straight to stretch out his back. “Why don't you go wash up? You can head over to the house and I'll follow, okay?”


“Thanks Grandpa, today was kind of fun…” Violet hugs Burt in close and then runs off to wash up.


Kurt watches as Burt smiles at her leaving, before turning back to finish up with the engine. “You enjoy the show?”


“How did you know, I didn't make any noise – “


“Eyes in the back of my head, I could spot you from a mile off.” Burt doesn't even look up, too busy finishing his job to go home for lasagne. “Not because of your wardrobe choice! Before you start complaining!”


“When do I get them? I thought having a teenager gave you them? I still feel like Vi could be up to any illegal acts behind my back and I wouldn't have a clue.” Kurt prattles on, wandering over to the car Burt is working on. “She drives me crazy most of the time, but then I see her like she was with you and I forget how much she drives me insane.”


“She's a teenager Kurt, they are full of hormones that they don't know what to do with. They might do questionable things but they don't mean most of it, she's a good kid, misguided at times but it happens to the best of us.” Burt peers out to the side eyeing Kurt critically.


“Why are you looking at me like that?” Kurt sighs, leaning against the car, watching as Burt pulls up and heads to wipe his hands down on his rag.


“Who is he?” Kurt frowns at Burt's back, confused about his line of questioning. “Don't treat me like I'm clueless. You were getting out of Sebastian's car yesterday morning and you definitely hadn't spent the night with him, I let all worries of that scenario go years ago. So who did you spend the night with?” Burt still hadn't looked around at him, letting Kurt know there was a hopeful grimace on his face, god how he wished he would stop hoping that Kurt was going to settle down with a nice guy.


“Dad don't do this, you always get your hopes up and I always have to break them. He was no one. It was a silly moment of weakness, blame it on turning thirty, I don't know, but he won't want to see me again…That I can say with complete confidence.” Kurt groaned slumping down on to the stool beside Burt and his now clean hands.


“Kid, I just want you to be happy, to find that special someone and build a life with them. I want it for Finn too, but we both know that you're more evolved than he is. I kind of pity the girl that gets lumped with all his bad habits. You on the other hand deserve to make time for you. You have spent the last fourteen years only worrying about Violet, which makes us all proud of you, but you're still young! You need to live life to its fullest. Okay?” Burt nudges into Kurt's Shoulder earning a smile from his son.


“Jeez, I forgot how emotional a trip to the garage after hours was!” Kurt snorted, nudging Burt back. “Let's go get some of Carole's lasagne before my idiot brother eats it all, huh?” 


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