July 20, 2016, 7 p.m.
July 20, 2016, 7 p.m.
“Ohh here he comes. King of the working class, how kind of you to grace us with your magnanimous presence, and before eight thirty too!” Franco's obnoxiously loud declaration reaches Kurt's ears before he even gets the giant frosted glass door fully open. “Holy shit kids, he even brought the coffees…” Franco's long, lean body means he can get to Kurt and snatch up a polystyrene cup in three giant strides, before taking a sip of the scolding liquid. “And there still hot!” Everyone else in the shop, a total of six other people, clamber over to get their fix of caffeine.
“You know, I'm always here by half eight Frank, earlier even. There's no need to shout loud enough that Mr Kendal next door can hear.” Kurt rolls his eyes heavily on the way to the coat closet, hanging up his belongings before turning around and heading back out to the front desk. “Don't want him making a complaint again, do we?”
“Kurt? Turning up at eight, twenty nine is not considered early.” He sighs, trailing him to the front of shop, staying at the front end of the desk so that Kurt can squeeze through the back and begin powering up the computer. “You're lucky you're cute, or else I'd have fired you years ago.” Kurt rolls his eyes again, slinking down into his chair and pulling up a file of appointments for that day.
“I think you mean to say, I'm lucky I'm good at my job. Seeing as how referring to me as cute could lead to a sexual harassment case.” Kurt grins to himself at getting one up on Franco and opens the email application as well. “Am I right?” When he looks up it's to see Frank leaning over the desk, his chin resting on his hands, green eyes sparkling against his tanned skin.
“You know, you could have been my most favourite toy boy ever, right?” Frank whispers quietly as everyone else goes about their business before the shop opens to customers at nine. “You could have had me round your little finger…”
“I don't think a twenty one year old, that had a wailing child of his own, would ever have been classed as a toy boy…” Kurt smirks, placing his pen into his mouth, and sits quiet for a few seconds. “..And anyway, who said you weren't wrapped around my little finger? Nine years you've kept me around, I must be doing something right.” Frank tilts his head to the side and squints at him. Lustfully watching the pen rattling against Kurt's teeth.
“You know, I've grown to love you. I don't know why, but I do.”
“Oh Franco…you love me.” Kurt grins, standing up so they are face to face across the desk. “It's okay, I won't tell anyone you have feelings for a thirty year old. Truly. You're uncharacteristically genuine emotions for a man, not fresh out of college, is safe with me…for now. Where's my birthday kiss?” He exaggerates turning to the side and holding his cheek out as far as he can, tapping it with his finger. He's not disappointed either when Franco's soft lips firmly press against his skin, momentarily, before he pulls back and clears his throat.
“Like I said, it's a good job you're cute…” and with that he saunters off to his office. Kurt doesn't get long to mull over any sadistic thought he has about the fact that Franco's kiss will be the most romantic gesture he receives on this birthday. Although he should be happy he has his family to share it with, he can't help but wonder what it would be like to have a husband that would show little signs of affection like that or even brushing his hair off his face, simple things really.
“Okay so if Frank gets to kiss you, then I most definitely have the right to slobber all up on your pretty face!” And instead of any romantic gestures he had dreamed of, he gets offers like that. From a woman in her thirties no less! “Don't grimace at me Kurt Elizabeth Hummel! As your best friend I reserve the right to kiss you, as sloppily and inappropriately as I please, and you reserve the right to just sit there and take it. Now pucker up and pretend I'm George Clooney.” Kurt doesn't get the chance to move before she's crowding in on him behind the counter and plants her lips firmly onto his for longer than is considered acceptable. Only the yell of Franco screaming at her to ‘fucking put him down' makes her pull away and perch herself onto the desk facing him.
“What a jealous fuck wit!” she whispers conspiratorially, crossing her long legs as she sinks into her usual spot. “He had his chance years ago… guy needs to realise where he doesn't stand a chance.”
“More of a chance then you Kira…” Kurt ducks expertly as she throws a pencil off of his table at his head. “What? he has the parts I like. Well not his specifically, but those in general, yeah, god it's been so long!”
“You know what we could do to solve that right?” Kira asks, her ruby red lips curling into a mischievous smile.
“No, no way! It's not happening-“ Kurt looks terrified at the thought, knowing full well what problem solving plan she has concocted.
Kurt makes to protest but Kira is already throwing up a well-manicured hand to silence him. “Oh come on! It's been far too long since we went out dancing, my shoes think I don't love them anymore.”
“Dancing we can do…” Kurt drawls, leaning into his desk drawer to pull out this week's invoices. “Visiting that trashy gay bar? we cannot!”
“But why?!” she whines, dramatically slamming her hand on to the paperwork, effectively stopping him from getting any work done. “You know it's the only place we can go that I don't get practically molested by every man in the vicinity.”
“You're so modest! But you know why!” Kurt argues back. “All the guys are only after one thing, I don't want that. Well, not just that, and before you say anything…how many guys do you know would willingly take on a stroppy teenager? At this age? Not me if I didn't have to, that's for sure and definitely not any remotely eligible gay man in Ohio either.”
“God, so much optimism on your birthday!” Kira says, hopping down into Kurt's lap and throwing her arms around his neck, sending a wave of Chanel perfume across him. “You could do with a nice treat, just for you.”
“Well unfortunately the only ‘treat', as you put it, I received was an appointment for a plastic surgery consultation.”
“She didn't!” Kira's faces says it all as she bites down on her lip to keep from laughing.
“Oh she did!” Kurt replies dramatically. “It's like she sees me as this boring old person, covered in wrinkles that can barely squeeze through a standard door. I'm pretty sure she's an advert for never becoming a parent. Demon spawn!”
“I'm pretty sure it's an advert for not getting someone knocked up in high school!” Kira shakes his shoulders as she laughs. “Besides, you know what would make you totally un-boring? Gay bar!”
Kurt thinks about making an excuse but really, his dad is forever harping on at him, partly for never putting himself out there, partly for never getting enough time with his granddaughter. This would cover both bases and at least make his dad think he wasn't a total reject in the life style department.
“Okay, this Saturday.” Kurt holds Kira tight to his chest to stop her excited bounce. “A quiet few drinks and a dance. I will not, I repeat, will not be hooking up with anyone. Deal?”
“Yes! I can't wait to tell Bas!” She babbles excitedly. “Or my shoes! They'll know I love them again. Dancing!” She squeals excitedly before hopping out of his lap and squeezing out from behind the desk and skipping happily to her station.
At 9.05am exactly his annual text from Sebastian comes through, and all though he knows he should ignore it, he decides to open it anyway, no point dragging it out until later in the day.
From Sexpest: Sooooo 30 years and nine months ago guess what your parents were doing? ;) Kiki tells me we're taking you out to Pony's on Saturday? Woohoo! You'll have me naked in your bed before you know what hit you! Like you an amicable amount! X
To Sexpest: Yes we're going out, I'm kind of excited for dancing if I'm honest… you can be naked in my bed! Just don't expect me to be too! Love you an acceptable amount too! :) Gotta go Franco's staring at me through his office window. X
“Happy birthday!” Burt, Carole and Finn chant excitedly as Kurt trails through the front door, followed by a furious Violet, who slams it closed behind her before storming up to the first floor. Causing them all to watch her cautiously before turning back to frown at Kurt.
“Don't ask…” he utters quietly, slipping out of his coat and handing it to Finn to put on the coat pegs. “She'll come down when she's ready to admit her behaviour was unacceptable!” He yells louder this time aiming his voice in the direction his daughter disappeared.
“Bite me!!” Is roared through her bedroom door and Finn splutters out a chuckle, even though he tried not to.
“You're not too old to get grounded young lady! Don't make me come up there!” Kurt hollers back, moving to the very bottom of the stairs to help his voice carry. “You're Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle have made a lovely birthday dinner and you are going to spoil it!”
“Don't care! I ha-“ Her strangled screams are cut off by Burt's thunderous voice before she can say anything.
“STOP RIGHT THERE! Before you say something you will immediately regret!” Burt states boldly, coming up to Kurt and putting his hand on his shoulder. “I'm giving you five minutes to cool off, then your Uncle Finn is coming to get you, and you will apologise to your dad. Is that clear?” The silence that follows ensures it is. Carole steps up to Finn, while the Hummel men calm their breathing, holding onto his shoulder and leaning up to whisper in his hair.
“Honey, go wait on the landing for Vi. Maybe have a little chat with her?” Carole asks softly. “You know she listens to you.”
“Okay mom” Finn nods before squeezing in between Kurt and Burt, both muttering annoyances under their breaths, to climb the stairs in silence.
Carole waits, until his giant size 15 shoes disappears around the corner on the top landing, before ushering both men into the kitchen where pots and pans were bubbling, a delicious smell of garlic mushrooms coming from the stove. Kurt tries to go to the pots, craving to busy his mind with mindless stirring, but Carole quickly pushes him in to a chair at the island. Burt follows suit after a suitably scary glance from his wife.
“Okay Kurt, honey?” Carole asks quietly, going to the fridge and pulling out a chilled bottle of white wine, then gathering three glasses from the cabinet and pouring the liquid in. “Why don't you fill us in?” Her soft voice and sympathetic glance, just the right side of comforting that Kurt needs.
“I got a call from the school head mistress today, she wants me to go in for a meeting next week.” Kurt closes his eyes to inhale heavily as he holds the glass to his lips, gulping quickly before continuing. “To discuss her absence rate for the last few weeks.”
“She's been skipping school?” Burt thunders, making to move out of his seat, Carole stops him of course, her firm hand coming down onto his shoulder.
“Apparently so. The thing that gets me is that I had no idea…. I mean I dropped her off or she left for the bus like normal. Where would she be going?” Kurt muses as much to his audience as to himself. They've been having some unreasonably cold weather for fall, why would she choose anywhere but a warm school building, is completely beyond him.
“Did you ask her?”
“Of course I did dad, this, was the result!” Kurt points to the ceiling emphasising what he means, Burt takes his cap off to rub at his head in the frustrated manner he always does. “Why does it feel like all I do is reprimand her? I don't ever remember you ever really having to yell at me!”
“Yeah, and time makes you sentimental!” Burt chuckles softly as Carole leans her head onto his shoulder. “I yelled, a lot, but as you get older you look back with rose tinted glasses. You choose to remember the best bits, rather than the yelling or the fighting.”
“I want rose tinted glasses now…” Kurt grumbled darkly.
“Oh honey, don't wish away these years.” Carole smiles. “The amount of times I heard you or Finn fighting about the shower and thought, good god get them out of here! But then when you all left, Vi too, it made the house seem so empty.”
“You're right, I know, you're right.” Kurt shakes his head a little to try and clear it. “It's just…like this morning? She made me breakfast, ridiculously burnt, but still cute... and then she turns in to this…ugh!” he gives up trying to find words for exactly what Violet is and instead flops his head onto the counter exhausted.
“Can I also give you my opinion on what could be going on with her?” She asks gently, but carries on before either of the stubborn men can answer, she has learnt how to handle them by now. “You know, I think, that it could have something to do with the-“
“Daddy?” Violet's soft wobble is heard before anybody notices that she has slipped in to the kitchen. Kurt turns to look at her, eyes red rimmed from tears and curls going wild where they meet the skin of her forehead, and all he can do is open his arms to her. An invitation that she takes whole heartedly, thrusting herself forward into his lap, where the tears start once again, muffled against the soft cashmere of Kurt's jumper.
“Shh, baby girl, it okay. Daddy's here. I'm here, you're okay.” Kurt whispers softly into her hair, trailing a firm hand in circles across her back, to calm her sobs.
“I'm sorry. I promise I'll talk to you, but, can I just have the weekend to figure out what I want to say?” Violet pulls back to look into Kurt's eyes for reassurance that he's not mad. He's not, well not really, he's more worried than anything. “I was thinking, if it's okay with you, that I could stay here until Sunday. And then we can have a talk under the comforter on the couch? Like we used too.” Kurt looks over at Burt questioningly, met with a brisk nod from both him and Carole, before looking back to Violet's pleading stare.
“Okay, you can stay here. But Sunday we're talking.” Kurt thinks quickly before tagging on. “And no cell phone for a week. For cutting school. No matter what is going on with you, I want you at school to get an education, options, for your life.”
“Fine…” she sighs, sullenly, but doesn't argue the punishment as she looks at the counter. “Can I have a wine spritzer with dinner? Seeing as it's your birthday.” Finn chuckles at Kurt's horror stricken face at the request, but Burt beats him to his response.
“Don't push your luck kid!” He chuckles before stretching out of his seat. “How about we start this birthday celebration, huh?”