Chapter 1: Blaine Next Chapter Story
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Inception: Chapter 1: Blaine

M - Words: 623 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jun 11, 2012 - Updated: Jun 26, 2012
265 0 0 0 0

"I'm nearly in! Can you remind me again what it was that we were gonna put up?" 

Our group gathered round the small Asian girl in slightly apprehensive but eager excitement.

"Can we have pictures?" The small blonde boy to my right asked, and the girl nodded.

"Whatever you want. Once we're in, we pretty much have a free reign over Times Square."

"A unicorn!" he replied excitedly.

There was a unanimous shout of disagreement from the others, and the boy looked crestfallen.

"What's wrong with unic---"

"What the hell are you guys all up to now?"

We all turned at the abrupt question. Standing in the doorway was another Asian, and he did not look impressed. Not impressed at all.

"Nothing Wes!" The girl at the computer replied cheerfully, and Wes raised an eyebrow, disbelief showing evidently in his expression.

"Really, guys? Times Square electrical grid?"

"Yup. You better believe it." A Latino girl replied smugly. "Tina's been at it all day."

Tina blushed. "I didn't do it completely by myself, these guys helped!"

Wes sighed. "You're going to be the death of me, you lot. Especially you, Satan. Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in your heads..."

The Latino smiled smugly. "I do my best."

"Couldn't we try something a little more... I don’t know... Toned down first? I mean, we've never tried anything this big before."

I felt it was time to step in.

"Calm down Wesley, don’t get your knickers in a twist. Everything's gonna be fine!”

He glared at me. "I should have known you were behind this somewhere, Blaine. You always are."

And it's true. I usually am.

We call ourselves the Warblers. It's a bit of an inside joke really, naming ourselves after Wes's pet bird. And as immature as we seem, we all lead double lives. Wow, doesn’t that sound dramatic? 

During the day, we go to lessons at Dalton and Crawford Academies, have lunch in the canteen with other students, and generally just mess around like normal school kids. There's nothing particularly special about us then.

At night, all that changes. At six o'clock every other night, a small group of us come together to form one of the world's most skilled gangs, not to sound conceited or anything but we are pretty awesome. Hacking, spying, you name it, and there'll be one of us that can do it. 

Some people might think I'm exaggerating. I'm really not. To give you an idea of what we can manage, we once hacked into the CIA's files to change evidence that incriminated a friend of ours. As a thank you, she offered her skills, and we gained a new member. As infuriating as Santana 'Satan' Lopez is, she's a brilliant agent for us, and is often the first one we send out if we need to infiltrate anything. Holidays and weekends are always saved for bigger stuff.

Like getting Tina to hack into the Times Square electrical grid.  


I looked round at the small group that I pretty much call my family. Cooper, my older brother, sometimes makes an appearance here, but not often, and he's the only member of my family that I'm still on speaking terms with. I don't really care. These guys are more than I could have asked for.

Even if they do take the complete piss out of my sunglasses and bowties every moment they can.

"Booyah! Done it!" Tina shrieked happily.

"Come on, what do we want the whole world to see?"

I grinned. My turn.

"Budge over you lot. I have the perfect idea..."

End Notes: So yeah. I write Blaine, the other author writes Kurt. Cookies for the first person to guess who's who! :)


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