Please Save Me?
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Please Save Me?: The Fall

T - Words: 1,637 - Last Updated: Aug 14, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: May 09, 2012 - Updated: Aug 14, 2012
1,154 0 3 0 0

From Last Chapter: Blaine's feelings for Kurt are changing. Also, Kurt almost catches on fire.


The Fall

Kurt stepped carefully around the little garden in the backyard, checking on the tomatoes, pulling out weeds, and sprinkling water on everything. Blaine sat with his back against the large tree in the corner, staring after Kurt.

"What?" Kurt questioned, his back still to Blaine. He must have felt the staring.

"Nothing," Blaine replied. "Just admiring your handy work."

Kurt gave Blaine a hard look before leaning into the plants again.

"You've been acting strange since the fire," Kurt said abruptly.

"There shouldn't have been a fire."

Kurt groaned. "It couldn't have been prevented, Blaine."

"I could have prevented it," Blaine muttered, mostly to his knees.

There was a grunt, water splashing, and heavy footsteps before Blaine looked up as Kurt's annoyed face stared down at him.

"Yesterday, my scarf caught fire, we screamed a little, and I tossed it into the sink, drenching it with water. No more fire."

"I'm just disappointed in myself."

Kurt knelt in front of Blaine. "Hey, look at me. You don't have to be disappointed. You're a wonderful angel, Blaine." Blaine shook his head, disagreeing. "Yes, you are. Stop that."

"No, Kurt, I know I'm an awful angel because a) you shouldn't be able to see me, but b) you can, so c) I should have been able to use that fact to save you, which d) I didn't."

"But I'm quick on my feet, Blaine, which is something you taught me."

"I should just...go," Blaine said bitterly to the grass.

Kurt rolled his eyes, getting to his feet. "One thing goes wrong and you just want to run away? I thought we were friends, Blaine."

"We shouldn't be friends."

"Seriously? You're going back to that? We've been through so much together and you're willing to throw that all away because of a small kitchen fire?"

"I think it'd just be safer if I wasn't here to distract you," Blaine said honestly, getting up as well.

It took Kurt less than a second to go from angry to sad. Blaine pursed his lips to hide the fact that he was also upset by his spectrum of choices.

"I can't force you to stay, Blaine. I just wish you wanted to. You're more than just my angel, and I don't think you realize that."

Hugging the watering canister, Kurt turned to walk into the back door of his house. Blaine stared off after him, guilt pooling in his stomach.

"Kurt, wait," Blaine said after a second of hesitation. Kurt paused, peeking over his shoulder. "I just want what's best for you."

Kurt nodded. "Well, I want you to not be so scared all the time."

Blaine nodded as well. "I can try."

Suddenly, an idea bloomed inside of Blaine's head. With a smile, he took hold of Kurt's hand.

Looking at him inquisitively, Kurt followed. "Um?"

"When's the last time you were in your tree house?" Blaine questioned with a smirk.

"Years ago."

"Okay, well, we're going up there now, like old times."

He laid out his hands before the tree, like was was introducing a performance and was about to say ta-da! Kurt took his cue and started climbing the once-high branches.

"If you're sudden daredevil nature gets me killed-"

"Now who's a worry-wart?" Blaine teased, already in the tree house.

Staring up at him, Kurt gawked, pausing. With a huff of breath, Kurt rustled his way up the tree. Offering a hand, Blaine pulled Kurt through the small hole.

Kurt laughed softly, taking in all the old memories he left up in this little box of wood hidden away in the sky. That's really all it is.

"This was my favorite place when I was little," Kurt confessed, tracing his fingers along pictures lining the walls. They were faded and curling at the edges but nonetheless stayed put after a decade.

Despite making the decision of coming up here, despite pretending to not be scared, Blaine only heard the little creaks and cracks coming from the wood as Kurt paced back and forth across the tree house floor. He was literally biting his tongue, preventing himself from saying anything.

Kurt flopped down, curling his legs up against his chest.

"Sit right there." Kurt pointed to the spot directly in front of him.

Hesitantly, Blaine sat, staring at Kurt questioningly. Kurt smiled and answered, "This is where I met you. Just like this." Blaine felt himself soften. "I was crying and you were here, telling me you didn't live far and weren't cold in November – you didn't make much sense then – but I was tired and sad...and I thought you wanted to steal my tree house."

Blaine laughed, leaning forward slightly. "Really?"

Kurt bit on his lips as he smiled and nodded. They sat in silence for a while, watching the sun ebb in and out of the leaves on the tree's branches above.

"How'd you get your wings, Blaine?" Kurt said suddenly, staring at Blaine with soft eyes. "When was the moment you connected with me, huh? ...My fourth question."

Blaine crawled towards Kurt, seating himself beside him, their shoulders touching. This was something Blaine was too scared to do when they were eight.

"One more question left," Blaine teased, which Kurt simply nodded to, then he paused to think about his answer. "It was the day my caring for you overtook my own fears: the day of your mother's funeral." Kurt's eyebrows shot up and he tipped his head to the side, signaling for Blaine to continue. "I just...I wanted to stop feeling so bad for you, and I just though that maybe, if I was actually there, you'd be better."

"I am better," Kurt said, his voice barely a whisper.

Blaine's breath got caught in his throat because he suddenly realized how close Kurt's face was to his.

"Good," Blaine muttered, rising to his feet. "That's all I ever wanted for you."

Blaine didn't even hear Kurt follow, but he was immediately next to him – their hands touching the slightest bit.

"Is that all?" Kurt asked.

"Yes," Blaine said softly, unable to look at Kurt, "to be happy, and, well, and...loved."

"Blaine," Kurt breathed.

And it was silent again. Blaine only heard the sounds of his own heart beating in his ears and the slight cracking of tree branches.

"Blaine," Kurt repeated, actually grabbing his hand.

When Blaine turned, first he saw Kurt's face – beautiful, pleading – then he saw the sun, which was deciding to fade. It wasn't the sun's fault at all, really. The branches of the tree shook. Suddenly, the tree started collapsing against the wood of the tree house.

"KURT!" Blaine shouted, pulling Kurt into his arms and pushing towards the window.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Kurt screamed, holding on tight to Blaine.

Before Blaine could answer, the tree started to creak, the dying leaves shaking in all directions. Jumping through the window, Blaine took off into the sky. There was a loud gasp coming from Kurt, but all Blaine cared about was getting to the ground safely.

Just when they were airborne, Blaine's wings flapping gracefully, allowing them to soar around the tree as it cracked in half and collapsed into Kurt's yard, a large branch came swinging at the pair. It passed right through Blaine, but nonetheless sent him whirling. Even though Blaine wasn't hurt, the tree knocked the wind out of him. They plummeted to the ground. Kurt whimpered expecting to feel pain, but Blaine materialized and let the full force of the fall crash through him.

He groaned and immediately turned himself invisible to everyone and everything expect Kurt, so the pain subsided quickly. The pair breathed hard. Leaves fluttered around their heads. Blaine looked up to see the tree leaning against Kurt's house. It didn't seem to have done damage, only to itself, really.

"Blaine, you saved my life," Kurt whispered, out of breath, pulling the attention back to him. Blaine's wings wrapped protectively around Kurt's body, and his arms were still linked around Kurt's torso.

Blaine was going to say something matter-of-factually, like it's my job or it wouldn't have happened if I didn't bring you up there, but he just stared down at Kurt who wasn't even looking into his eyes; Kurt was staring at Blaine's lips. He went instantly numb.

So, what he said wasn't something he stewed on a lot in that moment, although he thought about it far too regularly.

"I can't fall in love." He sounded frightened, his voice shaking.

Kurt's eyes immediately shot up to his. Blaine could feel both of their hearts pumping against each other, and he kept losing his breath with every intake.

"Too late for me," Kurt whispered back.

And Blaine did something so stupid. Though, it wasn't. It wasn't stupid at all.

Leaning down, Blaine brushed his lips against Kurt's. He'd seen people do this before (damn, he'd seen Kurt do this before); it was to show affection, apparently. Blaine never really understood the appeal.

But Kurt was all around him, moving his lips up, kissing Blaine harder, pulling him in. He was taking every last bit of this moment that Blaine was willing to give. Kurt probably knew that Blaine would come to his senses soon.

Blaine fumbled through the kiss, not really knowing how to move his lips or what to do with the rest of himself, but he knew he never wanted to stop.

"Blaine," Kurt breathed against his mouth, tugging at Blaine's wings.

That was the trigger; he was Kurt's angel. He was kissing Kurt. He wasn't supposed to be kissing Kurt.

Gasping, Blaine pulled away, hovering over Kurt, fear and shock filling his whole body.

"No, Blaine, don't-" Kurt pleaded, reaching forward, but it was too late.

Blaine turned invisible.

It broke his heart as he watched Kurt whimper, holding back a sob, pulling back his empty hand.

"I'm so sorry, Kurt."

Teaser for Next Chapter:

It all started with a text: Come to Lima Memorial Hospital. There was an accident.

The entire Glee club got the text at the same time. The room was engulfed in a sudden hush as everyone glanced from their phones to their classmates. Every mouth was gaping open.


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Oh this is just getting so good! Cant wait for your next update! :)

what. what? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

I've probably said this way too many times but I love this story so much! Bless both of them, it's nice to be able to see the story though both characters point of view although this wasn't in Kurt's point of view you have shown how Kurt's love has progressed and how Blaine seems to know it but doesn't want to because he shouldn't. The teaser scares me and I need to know what happens between the two of them so an update would be nice! Thank you for a great story