Oct. 5, 2011, 5:55 p.m.
Oct. 5, 2011, 5:55 p.m.
"It's beautiful and so are you."
130 Days Until Kurt's Wedding– 5:15 PM
Kurt was sketching in his sketchbook when a loud bang at the door made his pencil drag across the page. Mumbling profanities, tossing his work down, he answered the door. When the door swung open, Blaine's smiling face was on the other side.
"Surprise!" he chimed holding a gift bag and a large wrapped box.
"You ruined my sketch. I'mthis close to slamming the door in your face."
Blaine rushed in before Kurt had a chance to follow through.
When he got to the coffee table, he saw the sketchbook and said, "Oh, it's just a little pencil mark. You can erase."
"It's all in pencil," Kurt mumbled to himself. "What's all that?"
"Just open it," Blaine said excited, shoving the gifts at Kurt.
He ripped the box open first. "A record player?"
"For these!" Blaine exclaimed, pulling the tissue paper out of the gift bag and pulling the opening wider so Kurt could see inside.
"Oh, these are really old," he said, grabbing a few. "Why all the gifts?"
"Your wedding music!"
Kurt snorted. "Youtube? We live in 2012, not the 70s."
"It's the gesture, Hummel. At least pretend this was thoughtful."
Kurt patted Blaine's shoulder. "It's very thoughtful, thank you. I have my wedding song picked out though."
Blaine didn't seem fazed by this new information though as he set up the record player.
"You have music for everything you do all night: all the entrances, cake cutting, mother-son dance, last dance, seriously, I almost made a going-to-the-bathroom-playlist; that's how precise you need to be."
Blaine tested the record player with a white album. It spun, and Blaine hovered the needle over the edge before setting it down. The middle of "Dear Prudence" by The Beatles started to play.
"How do you start it from the beginning?" Blaine grunted, kneeling in front of the machine.
Kurt laughed and tugged Blaine up. "I like this song. Who cares?"
Kurt placed Blaine's hand on his hip and rested his own hand on Blaine's shoulder then cupped their idle hands together. They started to sway awkwardly.
Blaine laughed, turning a light shade of pink. "This might be one of the gayest things we've ever done."
Kurt smiled wider and picked up the pace as the song did. Blaine couldn't stop staring at Kurt – how his face was lit up, how his eyes sort of glowed when he smiled. He'd never noticed this stuff before. And every time their eyes connected, his stomach would twist uneasily.
"The sun is up. The sky is blue. It's beautiful and so are you," Kurt sang softly.
"What's your wedding song?" Blaine asked abruptly.
Kurt pulled his eyes up. Blaine stomach insisted on flip-flopping.
"'Your Song' by Elton John, ala Moulin Rouge!," Kurt said satisfied.
"Oh," Blaine muttered, his breath caught in his throat.
January – Freshman Year
Kurt had an 8AM class in the morning, and it was 2AM. He didn't see him or his roommate sleeping for a while though. Usually all-nighters were dedicated to studying or cramming. No, not the case: they were up planning their fantasy weddings.
"White. I want it all white!" Blaine said, almost jumping off his bed in excitement.
"For purity?" Kurt joked.
"Yes, for purity! You know I'm saving it," he retorted, throwing his pillow at Kurt. "But not only for that. White means the unknown, a fresh start…"
"An insane asylum."
"I also want lilies," Blaine continued. "Oh! Maybe white roses. No, lilies – they're cleaner looking."
"And that's what you're going for, I'm assuming," Kurt said seriously, and when Blaine didn't say anything, just stared, he added, "because of all the white."
"And what do you want? Bright, vibrant colors? Pastels?"
Kurt jumped off his bed and made his way to Blaine's bed, hopping onto it.
"I've planned out at least a dozen different weddings in scrapbooks that you will never be seeing. I also planned my dad and Carole's wedding in less than two weeks! I have so many ideas; I pity the man I marry."
Blaine started to shut the magazines that lay open on his bed, collecting them in his arms.
"We should go to bed," Blaine said. "We've spent too much time on something that might not even happen."
"Someone, somewhere will want to marry you, Blaine. Don't be so pathetic," Kurt said with a smirk. Blaine pushed him off his bed.
"You know what I mean."
Laughing, Kurt flipped off the light and nestled into his bed. One day, gay marriage would be legal. One day they'll have the same rights of every other American. Until that day, it doesn't hurt to hope – to hope and plot out your dreams vicariously through others. That's what Kurt figured.
"What's your wedding song going to be?" Kurt whispered through the darkness.
Blaine didn't answer. After a few minutes, Kurt presumed he'd fallen asleep, so he shut his eyes and followed.
Right as sleep started to pull him under, Blaine whispered, "'Your Song' by Elton John. But I can't pick my wedding song alone. The fianc� should havesome say."
Kurt smiled even though Blaine couldn't see it. "That's up for argument."
130 Days Until Kurt's Wedding– 5:20 PM
"I love that song," Blaine whispered, pulling his arms around Kurt's shoulders so that his head was tucked into the crook of Kurt's neck.
"I know," Kurt whispered back, drawing his arms around Blaine.
Blaine couldn't put a finger on what he was feeling in this current moment. Safe? Loved? He's felt all of those emotions around Kurt before though. Whatever it was, he let it consume him.
The song continued to play, and they continued to dance. Then the door opened.
"Kurt, did you-"
Alek stopped mid-sentence. Blaine and Kurt separated immediately as if there was a bomb about to ignite between them. Both looked shocked. Both looked guilty.
"Wow, in our tight circle of gay friends, thatmight possibly be the gayest thing I've ever seen," Alek joked.
Kurt instantly laughed, pulling Alek into a hug. Blaine chuckled uncomfortably. As Alek held Kurt, he wouldn't make eye contact with Blaine. Alek was smiling, but Blaine could tell it wasn't a real smile. Behind his fa�ade, Blaine saw traces of what Alek was covering up. Alek was jealous.
And suddenly, Blaine felt ten inches tall.
Ahh! Anticipation is KILLING me! This is fantastic! :)
Aww Kurt is planning the wedding Blaine wants for himself and I don't think he even realizes that he's doing it. Gahh they belong together but they are both so oblivious to it.