Oct. 5, 2011, 5:55 p.m.
Oct. 5, 2011, 5:55 p.m.
This was theirs.
142 Days Until Kurt's Wedding
Kurt still managed to get lost despite living in New York for five years. His back-up excuse was always: It's just around the corner! But it never was; it was usually a short taxi ride, four or five blocks resulting in backtracking a street or two, and then it was just around the corner.
This morning, Kurt was surprised when he got a call from Blaine suggesting they go out for lunch. Kurt immediately agreed. Usually, they'd have intentions of going to a restaurant that was rumored to be good but ended up settling on whatever they found. Blaine was determined to find some burger place on East 39th Street.
"I will eat my own arm if you don't find this place soon," Kurt grumbled, trailing behind Blaine who was glancing up at every single building for addresses.
"I've been planning this all week; I know where I'm going," Blaine taunted. "There it is!"
Kurt crossed his arms in defeat. For once, he wanted Blaine to get lost. His stomach growled against his arms and all resentment vanished and was replaced with a sudden hunger.
"This isn't a burger place; it's a place called Berger's, and is big on salads?" Kurt asked, skimming the restaurant. "How'd you work that out?"
"It's not so much about the eatery as what I have planned after," Blaine said mischievously.
Kurt scowled at his friend. He didn't like surprises, and Blaine wasn't the best with them. His eyes softened realizing Blaine was probably taking him to a Macy's 20% off sale, at best.
"So, I haven't talked to you about the wedding in about a week. Have you decided on anything?" Blaine asked, once he started digging through his salad for the greenest lettuce.
Instantly happy, Kurt slapped his drink down and buried his hand in his pocket, looking for his phone.
"I think I picked flowers. I wanted something bold. Should I go with something that says Wedding! or says Summer! because I can't decide," Kurt described, scrolling through pictures on his phone.
"I'm guessing you went crazy on Google Images," Blaine joked.
Kurt ignored the comment and shoved his phone at Blaine. The first picture was an elegant display of white lilies. Pulling his phone back, he switched the image. This time Kurt was showing Blaine a sunflower arrangement.
"One's sophisticated and the other's fun. Both can go tragically wrong if not done properly," Kurt informed, setting his phone down.
Blaine hid a smile in his napkin. Kurt was in his glory right now.
"In my opinion, lilies will always win. They scream classy and so do you."
Kurt nibbled on his fork happily. White lilies it is.
Lunch was drawn out by wedding talk, work talk, and just talk in general. Kurt and Blaine spent so much time together, yet never ran out of anything to talk about. It baffled them both.
"Macy's sale here we come!" Kurt predicted cheerfully. Blaine threw him a questioning look.
"We aren't going to Macy's."
"Where are you taking me then?" Kurt asked.
"It's just around the corner."
Kurt glared at Blaine's comment. However, Blaine rounded the corner and stopped.
"Lord & Taylor. We're tux shopping!" Blaine exclaimed. Oh, it was just around the corner.
"Tux shopping?" Kurt repeated. "Are you serious? We aren't girls. Tuxes are a lot simpler to find than dresses. I doubt when I find the tux I'll start tearing up."
Blaine started across the street, leaving Kurt behind.
"You're no fun. When's the last time you wore a tux?" Blaine called.
Kurt thought for a second. It had been a long time. Giving up, he followed Blaine. Lord & Taylor was a huge store, and if Blaine wasn't leading, he'd have gotten lost. When they arrived in the Men's Formalwear section, a worker immediately approached them.
"Hi there! Could I help you with anything?" a lady with the nametag Lucy asked sweetly.
Before Blaine could say anything, Kurt spoke, "I'm looking for a tux. Could I possibly try the Boss Black, 3-Piece in 36R?"
The worker nodded happily and trotted away. Kurt settled down the couch facing the dressing room. Blaine towered over him.
"Impressive," Blaine said smiling.
"I'm a fashion design intern, Blaine. Don't be too impressed," Kurt said but seemed proud of himself nonetheless.
The lady came back and ushered Kurt into the dressing room, pulling the curtain closed. She then suggested Blaine take a set.
"Your boyfriend knows his stuff. If he ever needs a job…" she trailed off with a wink. Before Blaine could correct her, she turned and trotted away.
This wasn't the first time Kurt had been mistaken for his boyfriend. Maybe it was the way they were so comfortable around each other that it screamedsecret lovers. There was even a time when a waitress insisted that Eddie was Blaine's brother and Kurt was his boyfriend. Eddie enjoyed that quite a lot.
So immersed in his thoughts, Blaine was caught off guard by Kurt, who tore open the curtains and marched out. The mirror was on the wall against Blaine's back, so Kurt stood directly in front of him to stare at himself.
Blaine bit his lip. Kurt looked really good. After the sixth or seventh time Blaine looked up and down Kurt's figure, he noticed his friend's face. It was squished up in a this-isn's-that-great expression.
"Seriously?" Blaine demanded. "You look amazing. Oh – hmmm- I mean, nah, you look amazing."
Kurt tilted his head, gazing at himself, adjusting his sleeves.
"This is probably one of the best tuxes here. It's okay. I mean, I could check out Gucci or Dior, but that is a lot of money I do not have to spend."
"Don't tell Lucy," Blaine stated.
"You mean Cindy from the Brady Bunch? We're at Lord & Taylor, not Armani. She'll survive."
"So no big moment with cheering and crying?" Blaine asked, unable to look away from Kurt.
"There's potential crying with this tux."
Blaine sucked in a staggered breath before saying, "You look great, Kurt."
Giving up, Kurt flopped down next to Blaine, brushing at his pant legs.
"Did you know I made my prom tux?" Kurt asked.
"I didn't, no."
"Would I be crazy to make my own wedding tux?"
Blaine thought about it for a second. Kurt made his own clothes all the time, and they always turned out fantastic.
"Not at all."
Kurt smiled, loosening his tie. "I also wore a kilt."
Blaine didn't laugh. It was as if Kurt was testing their friendship, but Blaine didn't need to be tested. He was impressed.
"That's bold. Are you going to do it again?" he asked.
Kurt grinned. "Alek would kill me, but I was thinking about it."
Before thinking the sentence through, Blaine said, "I wouldn't care if you wore a kilt."
Kurt smiled, patting Blaine's leg as he got up.
"Too bad I'm not marrying you," Kurt claimed, escaping into the dressing room.
Blaine's stomach gave a flop. Did he just hear that right? Before he let Kurt's words replay in his head, Kurt started to say something.
"I can't help but feel bad with all this wedding stuff. I know – I know this was your idea, but it's got to be bringing up some unpleasant memories." Kurt suddenly peeked his head out, looking apologetic. "And if you weren't thinking about it before, you probably are now. Crap. Let me make it up to you. Let's have a day where we do nothing related to weddings at all! We can meet in Times Square, and I can lead the way, and we can get terribly lost in town then you can lead us home. What do you say?"
"I say it sounds like a typical Wednesday to me," Blaine laughed, and Kurt threw his shoe at him in retort. "It sounds really good."
139 Days Until Kurt's Wedding
It really had to stop snowing. If there was a switch Blaine could flip, he would. The snow didn't bother Kurt. He loved scarves and every opportunity he could wear them. Blaine was almost afraid Kurt would have them venture out into the city in this blizzard…again. He was all for going into Times Square, getting lost as all else with his best friend, but not when the city resembled Antarctica.
"What are we doing today?" Blaine asked Kurt over the phone that morning, afraid of the answer.
"You'd still better be coming over because I took off for you, and Alek is staying at the library all day even though school's cancelled."
"That doesn't answer my question," Blaine said hesitantly.
"You big baby, we can stay in, watch our way through all eight Harry Potter movies. I know you hate snow."
Blaine sighed in relief.
Getting to Kurt's was an adventure, but once he was there, everything was instantly better.
"You're going to do what?" Blaine exclaimed, unsure he heard Kurt correctly.
"We can order pizza if you want. Alek and I didn't get around to food shopping yet, and unless you want to eat ice, we'd better call something in."
"But your rule…"
"I plan to religiously de-grease my pizza, and if we order from somewhere we haven't tried, I suppose that can count. Shut up, Blaine! I'm starving."
Kurt called around as Blaine popped in the first movie. It took a while to find a place that delivered in this weather, but eventually, pizza was on its way.
"They are so cute in this movie," Kurt admitted, staring at the screen.
"And they all grow up to be gorgeous. How does that work? What's in the water at Hogwarts?"
"Obviously magic," Kurt rolled his eyes.
This was their thing. They enjoyed geeking out with each other over Harry Potter. Kurt would have never watched them if Blaine hadn't forced them unto him, but he had to admit how much he enjoyed them (enough to buy all eight, actually). Blaine was the only one he'd watch them with though. This was theirs.
The day went by lazily. They ate pizza for lunch then leftover pizza for dinner and watched Harry Potter. Halfway through the fifth movie, Kurt realized that Alek wasn't back yet.
"If he's dead…" he trailed off, grabbing his phone and leaving the room.
He tried Alek at least three times before deciding his boyfriend wasn't concerned with answering his phone. Kurt sent him a text: If you plan to sleep at the library, at least let me know. He grabbed a blanket and went back into the living room.
Tossing the blanket over both himself and Blaine, they eased closer to each other, thoroughly warm.
Harry was kissing Cho when the boys dozed off.
Normally, Blaine was incredibly hard to wake up. He found himself super sensitive when he was with Kurt though. Sudden movements, quick noises, tighter (and sometimes looser) grasps, pulled Blaine from his otherwise deep sleep. He wouldn't move. He'd just settle himself back into sync with Kurt before dozing off again. He'd let Kurt go through his wake-up routine nonetheless. He didn't want to admit that sleeping with Kurt beside him changed his habits because that's strange.
Harry Potter-like music filled the room. Somehow, he and Kurt fell back against the couch instead of the way they were sitting in the middle of it before. Kurt held Blaine, his legs curled under Blaine's. Blaine opened his eyes. The dim light was enough to see Kurt's head rise and fall in the pattern of Blaine's breathing. The pace Kurt was moving picked up as Blaine's breathing increased speed. As if Kurt knew the change, he nuzzled his head against Blaine's stomach.
All of a sudden, the door shook. Panicked, Blaine threw Kurt off his body.
Startled, Kurt mumbled, "What? What's happening?"
The door swung open.
"It is the North Pole out there!" Alek's voice rang, as he flickered on the light. Both boys shielded their eyes like they were vampires in the sun.
"I should probably go," Blaine said, pulling himself up.
"God, no, Blaine. Stay. Kurt can make up the couch for you. It's bad out there!" Alek insisted.
Kurt was folding the blanket, as he said, "Yeah, don't pretend you're not dreading going out in that. Just stay the night."
Blaine tuned Alek and Kurt out as they conversed with each other. He sat on the couch and felt guilty. All he did was hold Alek's fianc� – no harm done. Still, he kept hoping Kurt wouldn't feel the need to finish their marathon. He just wanted to sleep off these feelings – if he could fall back asleep at all.
MORE!! :)
I LOVE this story. It's well-paced and beautifully written, and their friendship is absolutely lovely. I rarely like AU stories, but I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapters of this one :)
Aww another wonderful chapter! They were both so cute in this!
What darren criss song is that? i dont recognize it...
"Another Love Affair" !! Youtube it! =) It's my favorite of his!