I Do, I Think
Don't make me hate you! Not today… Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I Do, I Think: Don't make me hate you! Not today…

T - Words: 1,733 - Last Updated: Oct 05, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Sep 05, 2011 - Updated: Oct 05, 2011
5,783 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes:
When you're dreaming with a broken heart,the waking up is the hardest part.-John Mayerxo
Chapter Four

"Don't make me hate you! Not today…"

164 Days Until Kurt's Wedding

Kurt and Blaine have lived in New York for five years. Even though their first four years consisted of them being poor college students, the two boys promised each other to try every restaurant in the city. They've never been to the same place twice.

Today was no exception.

"I heard a few people chattering on the subway about this orgasmic sandwich one of them got at this bakery on West 18th," Kurt said, tightening the scarf around his neck.

The weather today reflected that of a blizzard. This didn't matter. Kurt needed to get Blaine out of his apartment. He was using his honeymoon vacation from work to snuggle up to his pillow and have long romantic evenings with his refrigerator light. Kurt bypassed pity days ago.

"Why couldn't we just order pizza?" Blaine asked, digging his hands into his pockets.

Kurt dramatically gasped. "Blaine Anderson, we have not once ordered pizza! What's the point in being a New York resident if we don't experience the city firsthand?"

"And getting pizza delivered is un-American?" Blaine muttered. Kurt shot him a cold look that would have frozen him if he wasn't already freezing. "I didn't mean- Why today, Kurt?"

"Because tomorrow wouldn't have been good either – same as the next day, then the next. Blaine, you can't keep torturing yourself like this!"

"My fianc� dumped me."

"I can relate. My mom died when I was eight. My dad was in the hospital from a heart attack when I was sixteen. My life got threatened when I was seventeen. It sucks; life sucks, but you've got to keep living," Kurt pleaded, stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "I'm here to help you. Be sad. Be angry, but around me, at least try."

Blaine look slightly shocked but dropped his gaze as if embarrassed.

"Do you think orgasmic sandwich is the name of it?" Blaine asked.

Kurt couldn't help but smile. "Should I ask?"

And then Blaine did something Kurt hadn't heard him do in days: laugh. It wasn't long or ringing, but it was a laugh.

1 Day Until Blaine's Wedding

Blaine kind of wanted to get drunk off of Champaign. He kept picturing himself sneaking off with a bottle of it under his jacket. Every time he'd reach for a refill though, Eddie smacked his hand away.

"You know what happens when you're drunk," Eddie hissed.

Blaine scolded at his fianc�. Today was the perfect day to get drunk. Blaine felt like an overly hormonal teen who was PMSing. He was nervous and irritable; his stomach was in knots, and his head felt like it was being twisted off.

Let me drink – God damn it! Blaine found himself thinking as his glared at Eddie.

As his pulled his eyes away, another pair caught his attention. From across the room, Kurt was laughing from behind his napkin.

What is so funny? Blaine threw.

Kurt folded his napkin back over his lap, smiling. When he looked up, his face was saying, You look like you want to castrate your hubby.

HE WON'T LET ME DRINK! Blaine exclaimed in his head.

Kurt stifled another laugh by biting at his fingers. Without other words exchanged, Kurt looked around his table, decided no one was paying attention, and grabbed the bottle of Champaign. Tucking it into his jacket, he fled the room.

His eyes met Blaine's at the door. What are you waiting for?

Kissing Eddie's cheek, Blaine mumbled, "Bathroom."

Blaine practically ran out of the dining hall and almost crashed into Kurt when he escaped the room.

"Whoa! Calm it down," Kurt laughed.

"I can't believe you did that," Blaine laughed as well.

"I just kept picturing you sucker punching your way to another drink. You're not a drinker. What's the occasion?"

"I am getting married tomorrow."

Blaine shuffled down the hall, before pulling into the bathroom. The two boys sat on the small couch at the door. Kurt passed Blaine the Champaign.

"Only enough to get you buzzed. We don't want you to have a hangover for your wedding!" he said, pulling back the beverage for a second.

Blaine took a huge gulp before passing it back to Kurt, who waved it off.

"Really? You did an amazing feat of stealing this, and you don't want any?"

"No, I have been drunk like four times in my life, and I've blacked out every single time. Not taking any chances."

Blaine instantly felt slightly uncomfortable and didn't know whether to drink more or stop. Before he could decide, the door swung open. Blaine tossed the bottle at Kurt, who, in one quick motion, tossed it into the large, leafy potted plant next to him. It was Eddie.

"What are you doing?" he immediately asked, eyes shifting between the two boys.

"Trying not to have a nervous breakdown, no big deal," Blaine said.

"Kurt, do you think I could have a moment alone with my fianc�?" Eddie asked rather too politely.

Kurt patted Blaine's knee, gave Eddie a small smile then left the bathroom.

Eddie waited for a moment to start speaking. He was standing over Blaine, and Blaine felt oddly like a small child about to get scolded by his mother.

"Blaine, leaving your wedding rehearsal to be with another guy doesn't go unnoticed," Eddie said slowly.

"Eddie, it's Kurt."


"Let me rephrase: Eddie, it's Kurt – my best friend that everyone knows is my best friend, the guy that I invited to my rehearsal because I knew he'd calm me down, the guy who was doing just that. Why are you overreaching?"

Eddie looked like he was about to punch the paper towel dispenser off the wall.

"Blaine! Don't make me hate you! Not today…"

"Eddie, seriously? I thought we were over this."

"No," Eddie spat, "I'm never going to get over what you did!"

Blaine immediately stood up and grabbed Eddie's face.

"Eddie, I'm marrying you. I'm in love with you. Why is this even a question?"

Eddie pushed Blaine away. Eddie stood there looking as if he'd been slapped across the face.

Blaine's voice was brittle when he said, "Eddie, what happened New Years was the past. What's happening tomorrow is the future. A future I want to spend with you…"

Eddie looked unconvinced, scared even.

164 Days Until Kurt's Wedding

"Do we have to go back out there?" Blaine asked, gazing through the snowy window. "Can't we wait? …until summer?"

"Just use the coffee as a heater."

"You mean my lukewarm tea? God, I could be in the Bahamas right now," Blaine said with a sigh.

Kurt went quiet. As they trudged through the snow, Blaine kept glancing at Kurt.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"What happened after I left?" Kurt said abruptly.

Blaine looked sideways, confused. "What do you-"

"I left you and Eddie in that bathroom, and then the next day…well, you know."

Blaine sipped his tea very slowly. Composing whatever was happening in his mind, he finally said, "He just didn't like me leaving the rehearsal dinner."

Blaine's answer had a lot of holes, and Kurt knew this, but he didn't push the issue further.

Kurt paid for Blaine's taxi back to his apartment and got back to work. As he was heading home later, he sent Blaine a text, asking if he got home okay. When he opened his own apartment door, Alek was in the kitchen snacking on grapes while reading his old A&P notes. Kurt snuck up behind him, stealing a grape or two.

"You're a nerd. Stop studying," Kurt joked, tossing a grape at him.

"I start my second batch of Grad classes in a week. This is allowed."

Kurt frowned exaggeratedly. "I can't wait until you're permanently out of school. I missed seeing your face last semester."

Alek smiled, drawing Kurt's chin up to bring their faces closer. "Wait until I'm a big-shot dentist, and we're rolling in dough. You can start your own fashion line instead of interning under someone."

"I'm only marrying you before of your money."

"Shut your face. How was work?"

"Boring and uninspiring, but I went to lunch with Blaine. I think he may know why Eddie didn't show, but he won't tell me. I think they fought the day before. I just don't know what about."

"They've had their problems in the past, but I seriously thought they'd make it this time."

"You can't build a relationship on maybes and rash decisions," Kurt said, shrugging.

197 Days Before Blaine's Wedding –June 24th, 2011

Kurt held his boyfriend's hand with pride. He didn't care about the confetti tangling in his hair or the dozens of excited bodies slamming up against him (actually, that part he could do without). He only felt Alek's hand. When he looked over at him, Alek's eyes were tearing.

Brushing a tear away with his thumb, Kurt whispered, "It's happening."

"I think America was ready for this," Alek sniffled.

"I'm glad this is our home. I couldn't have chosen a better state."

"I'm glad you didn't go to school in Ohio, Kurt. I'm glad you had bigger plans for yourself."

Kurt smiled, tossing his arms around Alek's neck. He pulled the smaller boy off his feet and kissed him in the middle of the crowded street in front of hundreds of people.

Blaine smiled at his best friend in happiness. He turned to Eddie.

"That's what this is all about," he said, pointing at Kurt and Alek.

Suddenly, horrifically, Eddie got down on one knee. Blaine's eyes pulled open as did his mouth.

"No, this is what tonight's about. Marry me?"

Blaine almost threw up. The people surrounding him formed a small circle and started cheering even louder than they were before.

"SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES!" they chanted.

Blaine's face turned bright red. How could he say yes? He'd just gotten back together with Eddie for the like sixth time. He was so embarrassed!


"Say yes, Blaine," Eddie said mischievously.


And it came out exactly like that – a question, but the crowd and Eddie heard the word, and before Blaine knew it, he was swept up into a hug and an explosion of cheers erupted around them.

It wasn't until later that night that he realized what exactly he promised. He snuck out of bed and immediately called Kurt.

"I knew you'd be calling me. I'll be over in a little."

The two found themselves pacing up the New York streets. The commotion had died down after three, but remnants of the celebration were scattered everywhere.

"You're getting married," Kurt said softly, unbelieving.

"Yeah," Blaine retorted in the same tone.

Kurt grabbed at some streamer hanging off the tree overhead and waved it in front of them.

"Is that what you want?" Kurt asked after about a block.

Blaine stared at the streamer like it was the most interesting thing in the world.


End Notes: Next Chapter: Kurt didn't watch what happened next. He couldn't pay attention. He just looked at the sun and decided to acknowledge what his heart's been telling him for months. Kurt was head-over-heals in love with his roommate and best friend Blaine, painfully so.And it was so painful.


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this is getting good hope the next chapters up soon

Ahh! Suspense! More!! :) Great job! -EmKay

This story is SO captivating. I like the way you've mixed flashbacks and present day together. It flows really well. And I like this AU, where they're truly best friends. It's cute :)

I am really loving this fic! Even though it skips around a lot, as far as going back and forth from the present to the past, I think you do an excellent job doing so without it getting confusing.

I hope you continue to like it! =)

So, I saw the synopsis for this fic and thought 'great, it's not finished yet but I'll give it a go'. That was 3 or 4 days ago. Then, i happened to be trawling Tumblr (I don't understand it but, what the heck, cool Klaine stuff on there) and I saw a recommend for this fic and that it was finished...how ecstatic was I? The question's rhetorical but yeah, I was VERY excited. Now here i am, chapter 4 I think and all I can say is...I LOVE IT! I just had to say that and now I'm just so pleased that I've got another load of chapters still to go. Right, strange comment I know, so I'll just get off and carry on reading. :D

So many Eddie feelings right now. And they aren't the most positive. But then some of them are, "Well, I don't blame him. If you feel like your fiance is in love with someone else..." AH! SO MANY EMOTIONS!

june 24th, my birthday!:) but i'm really enjoying this story so far, its so intriguing.