Oct. 5, 2011, 5:55 p.m.
Oct. 5, 2011, 5:55 p.m.
He tried to save them.
0 Days Until Kurt's Wedding
As Kurt walked down the aisle, he paid particularly close attention to the pink flowers under his feet. He didn't want to step on them. He didn't want to ruin something so perfect – damage the petals, press the pink into the white cloth sitting under. He wanted it to seem like he was never there.
But Kurt was, and soon, other people would be too. And all his attempts at holding onto perfection, saving something that was inevitable to save, wouldn't make a difference. No one cared about that. The little details didn't matter as Blaine once said.
Kurt reached up into the large pink tree and snapped a flower from its branch.
I can wait and hope that the wind picks up to spread more flowers, or I can do this and spread them myself, Kurt thought, eyes skimming over the field. I can try and try and try to save the flowers, but they're going to die either way.
So he gripped the nearest tree branch and hoisted himself up. Kurt just sat for a second, engulfed in a sea of pink. He closed his eyes and just smelled, just breathed.
"Why are you up in a tree?"
Kurt almost slipped from his branch. Heart thumping, he peer down at Blaine who was peering up.
"Sorry," Blaine apologized, "I didn't mean to scare you."
"I didn't think you'd come so soon," Kurt said honestly.
"I was already in the neighborhood. I figured you were here setting up before I even texted you," Blaine said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
"Catch the flowers, okay?" Kurt said, shaking the branch that reached over Blaine's head.
Blaine gazed up, opening his arms, and tried his hardest to collect the falling flowers.
"Why am I doing this?" Blaine asked, looking quite silly dancing about on the ground.
"I want there to be more flowers on the ground but don't want the entire front of the tree to be bare."
Blaine carefully threw the flowers down in empty patches and further up the aisle. They did this in silence until Kurt was satisfied. It did look better, Kurt decided.
"Why'd you come, Blaine?" Kurt asked, perched in the tree.
Blaine sat down in the green grass and leaned back on his elbows to gaze up at Kurt easily.
"I just wanted to apologize," he said.
Picking at the petals of a flower absentmindedly, Kurt replied, "You don't have to do that."
Sitting up, Blaine exclaimed, "No, I do! I shouldn't have done that to you. I was being stupid and selfish and-"
Kurt laughed, "Blaine, you are none of those things."
Blaine pushed himself onto his feet. He walked to the tree and gripped the branch right at his head.
Pressing his forehead against the bark, he whispered, "Are we ever going to be okay again?"
Kurt moved down the branches until he was sitting on the branch Blaine held.
"We're us. Is it even a question?" Kurt said.
Blaine picked up his head. "Kurt, I don't think we will be. I don't know if we'll ever be the same."
Furrowing his brow, Kurt asked, "Why?"
Blaine backed up without looking at Kurt. "I don't think I can come to your wedding." This time, Kurt actually did fall out of the tree. He landed ungracefully on his feet. Blaine continued, "I know you came to mine, but I can't handle thoughts of you marrying Alek let alone having to stand beside you as you do. I just- I can't, Kurt."
Kurt looked somewhere between stunned and devastated.
"I can't make you come," Kurt spoke.
"I want to turn these feeling off, Kurt, but I don't know how!" Blaine said desperately. "I don't want to do something stupid."
"Like what?" Kurt said in a small voice.
Kurt's eyebrows rose. "Yeah, don't- don't come."
Blaine nodded sadly, but he accepted it. "The next time I see you, you'll be married."
Kurt crossed his arms across his chest. "Blaine, you should leave."
"Kurt?" Blaine quacked, moving forward.
"Just go."
As Blaine stumbled away, he glanced back and hated the fact that this sad-Kurt was going to be the one plaguing his mind until he made things right. He had no idea when he'd have that opportunity though, if he'd have the opportunity at all.
Kurt watched as Blaine trudged away, smashing flowers under his feet at he went. He tried to save them; he really did.
Blaine spent hours just wandering around the city. Every so often he'd glance down at his watch, seeing that the minutes until Kurt's wedding were flying by. Not chancing anyone changing his mind, Blaine turned his phone off.
Nothing made sense, and everything was falling apart.
It was four-thirty, and Blaine felt literally sick with the thought of how close the ceremony was. Unable to function, Blaine decided being at home was the smartest idea.
Ten minutes passed. Twenty minutes until the wedding. This hurt so much, Blaine decided. As he trudged down his hallway, his eyes were fixated on the floor. Mechanically stopping before his door, shoes in his direct view stopped him. Looking up, he almost went running. He probably would have too if he wasn't so emotionally drained already.
"I don't understand why you changed your keys," Eddie said, leaning against the door frame.
Okay, Blaine must be having a nightmare. Maybe he passed out of the subway and some hobo slipped him something. Eddie could not be here. He made it to Blaine on the wrong wedding day.
"Why are you here?" Blaine questioned, staring blankly at his ex-fianc�.
"Stopping you from doing something really, really dumb," Eddie said. "Come on, we can talk while we go."
Eddie took Blaine's hand only to have it immediately snatched back.
"I am not going anywhere!" Blaine spat.
"You're right!" Eddie exclaimed, taking away Blaine's keys. He shoved him away from the door and started to undo the lock. The door slipped open. "Get in your tux."
"Eddie, I'm not-"
"Give me ten minutes," Eddie said, tugging Blaine inside. "I will change your mind about going to this wedding."
"There's no possible way-"
"Blaine, put your tux on. He'll be married by the time we get there, and it'll be too late."
"You're coming?" Blaine asked, grabbing his tux from the closet.
"I was invited."
Halfway done unzipping the garment bag, Blaine looked over at Eddie, an are-you-completely-serious-right-now? look on his face.
Eddie shrugged, reaching into his pocket, producing a familiar invitation.
"I understand that you're mad at me for being in love with Kurt and must be thrilled it didn't work out-"
"Blaine," Eddie interrupted, anger growing across his face. "I left you so you could be with Kurt. I now know that you cannot do anything without a little push, so I'm shoving you over the edge and forcing you to go get him!"
"Why?" Blaine asked, hastily buttoning up his dress shirt.
Eddie came closer, slapped Blaine's hands away, and fixed his buttons. "Because I love you, and I want you to be happy."
"Why don't you fight for me then? Maybe we can work something-"
"Blaine Anderson, do you hear yourself? This is the old college-Blaine talking. 'It won't work with Kurt; let me be with you.' I will not be your second choice. I'm not Kurt; I'll never be Kurt. Stop trying to replace him because you can't!"
Blaine stared at Eddie, eyes wide, mouth open, unmoving. If he ever felt another bad thing about Eddie, he'd just think back to this moment.
"Kurt doesn't want me, Eddie," Blaine muttered.
"Okay, now I'm going to drop some knowledge on you, Blaine. This is why in about ten second you will be running to get to that wedding," Eddie said, doing Blaine's tie. "He does want you."
"Keep talking…"
"Alek called me yesterday. He asked me directly why I left you. I told him it was because I knew how much you loved Kurt."
"You said that!" Blaine gasped.
"Hush, Blaine, he said he figured. He's scared he's losing Kurt."
"He's not. I tried to reason with Kurt yesterday, to tell him how I felt, but it didn't matter. He loves Alek. He's marrying Alek."
"Is that why at the rehearsal yesterday, he didn't say 'I do'? He second guessed himself. Alek was pissed! Kurt couldn't face him afterwards. He stayed at the hotel his family was staying at. And this morning…something happened."
"What? What happened? I was with him this morning!"
"Alek called me again. He said that Kurt found him and was hysterical," Eddie explained. Blaine's heart sunk, knowing exactly why Kurt was crying. "Kurt told him everything."
Slapping a hand over his lips, Blaine's whole body shuttered. "Define everything," he mumbled.
"Alek described it as one long rant. The things that stuck out to him were Kurt admitting to kissing you on New Years, what he told you the night of the bachelor party, and what happened yesterday during the rehearsal – how you both snuck off and how he wanted to kiss you but couldn't hurt Alek. Kurt admitted to loving you, Blaine. He told Alek the day of their wedding. You need to go get him because he's still going to marry Alek, and Alek is going to marry him just to keep him away from you. He's so terribly heartbroken that you're not coming, that you gave up, which you did."
The words made something in Blaine's brain turn on. Without even waiting for Eddie, he ran.
He had fifteen minutes to get to that wedding.
"I can't object," Blaine called over his shoulder at Eddie who chased after him down the hall. "When I even brought the idea up, Kurt almost castrated me."
"No, don't object. You need to talk to him before-hand," Eddie chanted.
"But if Alek gets left at the altar…"
"Maybe we can stop the wedding before it begins."
Before Blaine could get down another flight of steps, Eddie pulled him to a stop. Looking wild, Blaine gawked at him.
"I'm sorry I left you at the altar, Blaine. I had the best intentions but did it all wrong," Eddie said, holding Blaine's hand so tight that he could feel his heart pumping.
Taking one quick second, Blaine hugged Eddie. "You haven't done a thing wrong."
Pulling back and sharing one, brief, meaningful look, the two took down the steps.
By the time they got across town, it was four fifty-six. He had four minutes. Everyone was seated as Blaine and Eddie charged through the large acres of garden. Looking hard, he noticed no one was at the altar just yet. He had time but not a lot.
"Do you see Kurt?" Blaine called to Eddie who was frantically searching. Approaching the wedding would cause a scene, and Blaine didn't want to do that.
"There!' Eddie yelled, pointing across the field to a small group of people gathered around a smaller tree.
Blaine's heart leapt.
Grasping Eddie's hand, he choked out, "Thank you!" before slipping away and rushing to Kurt and everyone else.
Around all the girls, Kurt's back was to Blaine as he approached.
"I can't believe he didn't come," Rachel said frustrated, a hand on Kurt's shoulder.
"He's your best man. He shouldn't have- Blaine?" Mercedes gasped.
Kurt turned. Somehow the sun over the treetop hit off the back of his head in a scattered pattern, blinding everyone else out. His face went from horribly sad to terribly happy.
"Blaine!" Kurt cried, rushing to meet him halfway. "You're her-"
Blaine crashed into Kurt's body. His hand held on tight to Kurt's back. They almost fell – almost. As Kurt's body bent back, his one hand grabbed Blaine's cheek while the other took hold of his hair. Out of breath, out of time, Blaine covered Kurt's lips with his own.
Blaine fisted the fabric of Kurt's suit, pulling him closer. His head was spinning. Everything - the adrenaline, how much he was completely, hopeless, madly (and a million more descriptive words) in love with Kurt – hit him at once, and kissing him was the only way to tell him.
Kurt as so shocked, he couldn't even react. In his head, he was thinking: Blaine's here. Blaine's holding me. Blaine's kissing me. I'm kissing Blaine. I'm kissing Blaine. We're kissing.
Desperately needing to breathe, Blaine pulled away. Gasping, he said, "I know that was terribly out of line, but-"
Kurt grabbed the back of Blaine's neck and tugged him forward, Blaine's words muffled in Kurt's mouth.
Blaine didn't know how long they kissed. Blaine didn't know if anyone else, aside from the bridal party, saw them. He didn't care. He stopped caring as Kurt's lips moved against his, and as Kurt held deplorably hard to keep their mouths in place.
Blaine got pulled back into reality at he heard music. With difficulty, they pulled away from each other, arms still very tangled together.
"I have to tell Alek."
Then Kurt rushed away. The bridal party chased after him. Blaine didn't follow. Surprised he could walk, he leisurely paced towards the wedding. He almost felt guilty to be this happy. He could look down the aisle, see Kurt next to Alek, and know he wasn't getting married.
As Blaine got closer, he realized how normal this wedding felt. He realized no one was upset. Standing where the white cloth started at the very last row of white chairs, he noticed Kurt and Alek staring fixated, in love...
Kurt was getting married.
"I do," Kurt vowed.
Wait, what? No! Kurt can't marry Alek. I may be completely wrong, but I have this feeling that something odd is going on because I just can't see Kurt kissing Blaine and then running off and marrying Alek minutes later without saying more to Blaine than just 'I have to tell Alek.' But maybe that's just me hoping desperately that he didn't actually marry Alek. I can't wait for the next chapter!
I have been reading this story for the longest time, and I've never reviewed (for no good reason). This is literally one of my favorite fics I've ever read, every time you update my heart leaps with joy! And now I need you to update super fast because I can't take the suspense any longer! (it's been 15 minutes, but it's too much!)
Please don't let Kurt marry Alek...this story is just so incredibly amazing, it's compulsive and heart-wrenching, how they've loved each other for so long...I thought that the flower-petal metaphor was exquisite...please write more, please!
You don't even know what this story does to me. I feel so bad for Alek but I know Kurt and Blaine belong together and I just can't...no. They have to be together now. So I'm going to sit here refreshing this page until there's resolution. Because this is one of those fics that my life and happiness depend on. (the other being Go Your Oewn Way) Seriously, this is wonderfully written. Please write more. :)
OH MY GOD I LOVE TWISTS!!!! And I'm just not going to move from this spot in my room until this fic is finished because I love it so much.
I NEED an update. Thank you so much,for giving me this story.
Why would you do that to Blaine? Seriously why would you do that? He better not have married Alek! If I were Blaine I'd never forgive Kurt!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?! You gotta be kidding me! I can't believe that Kurt decided he wanted to marry Alek. I almost wrote a totally traumatized review because I thought this story was complete and that it ended with that "I do".but thankfully I was wrong. If I went through alllllll this angst for nothing I will be seriously displeased! ;) But seriously, I just read everything up to this point in one sitting and was totally absorbed. Really well-written and emotionally complex. There are some spelling & grammar errors sprinkled throughout, though nothing major. A proofreader would be sufficient if you don't want full beta feedback. Can't wait to see how it all turns out! Incidentally, ending it here would make for a very shocking but effective ending. It would require the biggest angst and my creys warnings ever, but as far as objective writing? Very compelling. But please don't do that to our boys, mkay? Pretty please?
and Alek is going to marry him just to keep him away from you oh that's just wrong!!! and Eddie - coming through in a pinch - he best not be lying! "We're kissing." Best idea ever!!! Wait my heart... its too much...
WHAT? KURT, NO! I just yelled at my screen.
what?????!!!!!!! i thought... im so confused!!!!