Nov. 3, 2012, 8:30 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 8:30 p.m.
“Crap, crap, crap, crap, CRAP!” Kurt says as he buzzes in and out of his room and the kitchen. Of course he would be running late on this day. Kurt Hummel is never late for anything, especially a coffee date with a very attractive boy…….. No... Not a date… Can’t be... He is just a boy who was being nice because he took Kurt’s dog away…… After all, who knows if he is even gay?
Kurt finally stumbles back into the kitchen, trying to lace up his black calf high boots as he does so. Burt and Finn have been watching from their seats at the counter for the last couple of minutes.
“Uhh, he ok?” Finn says while shoving a turkey sandwich in his mouth. Burt looks at Kurt, about to ask him a question, when Kurt trips on one of the laces and lands on his hands and knees in front of the kitchen counter.
In no less than a second, Kurt is up off the ground, brushing his sleeves, face a little red with embarrassment.
“I’m fine…I’m alright... All good!” He says in a mumble as he darts off to continue his activities.
Burt let’s out an amused laugh. “Not funny!” Kurt yells from another room.
“So what’s all the fuss about?!” Burt yells from the counter. He hears Kurt pad across the wooden floor of the hallway and then he’s back in the kitchen.
“I’m meeting a friend for coffee” He says in response, a little out of breath. He grabs his keys and starts to head to the front door when Finn interrupts.
“Which friend? Rachel?” He says with a suspicious look. Kurt looks at him and thinks before speaking. He can’t tell them about meeting Blaine… Not yet at least. They will only think of this as a pity meeting because of Blaine’s blindness and that most certainly is not true.
“Just a friend, Finn! Leave it at that.” He says as he slams the front door behind him.
Finn stares at the front door where Kurt used to be standing, a confused look on his face. ‘This was definitely not just a normal friend… But why did Kurt feel the need to hide it… Something’s not right.’
It’s almost 3:20 when Kurt pulls into the Lima Bean parking lot. He was so late and hopes that maybe Blaine hasn’t gotten there yet.
He runs, literally, into the coffee house and begins to look around for Blaine.
He turns to head to some tables hidden in the back when he sees a tail poking out from one of them. Kurt smiles and looks to see Blaine sipping at his coffee while playing with Emma’s ears simultaneously.
Kurt let out a small laugh, but loud enough to make Emma perk her ears up and turn to Kurt. As soon as she saw where the laugh came from she was wagging her tail with a force that knocked the leg of the table with a loud thump each time.
“Easy there, Emma. You’re going to knock the whole table over.” Blaine says with a laugh.
Kurt walks over and smiles before saying “Wouldn’t be the first time”. Blaine jumps slightly with the sound of another voice before recognizing the familiar pitch.
“Well hello, Kurt” he says with a beaming smile, excitement clear in his voice. Kurt smiles before pulling the other chair out and joining Blaine at the table, petting Emma in the process.
“Hi” He says shyly, ducking his head. “I am so sorry. I am late and you must have been waiting for such a long time. I feel absolutely terrible. I took a nap and my alarm never went off and don’t get me started at my running around and can I just say that laces are not good to tie and walk at the same time--”
“Kurt! It’s fine! I haven’t really been waiting that long” Blaine says while pretending to look at an invisible watch on his wrist.
“Well that makes me feel at least a little bit better.” Kurt says with a small laugh.
Blaine takes a long sip from his cup and then sets it back on the table. “I am in definite need of another one; would you like to accompany me to the counter?” He says with a smile.
Kurt nods then remembers that he can’t see that. “Yes, my coffee level is at zero”.
They make their way to the counter, Emma by Blaine’s side. They accidentally brush hands once or twice and both duck their heads with slight blushes.
“I hope she isn’t giving you too much trouble” Kurt says while they wait in line. Blaine strokes Emma’s head and then turns to the direction of Kurt’s voice.
“Not at all! She has been amazing! It’s so nice to have the extra eyes with me. She also makes a pretty nice foot warmer at night” he says.
Kurt remembers the comment he made about an old man who makes her sleep on the floor and lets a laugh escape at the irony of the situation.
“What’s so funny?” Blaine asks with genuine curiosity.
“Oh! Uhh.. It’s nothing!” Kurt says with a smile. Blaine lets it go and follows Emma when she moves up with Kurt in line.
“What can I get you?” the barista says to them when they reach the counter.
“What’s your usual?” Blaine asks Kurt. Kurt turns to him and says “A non fat mocha”.
“One non fat mocha and a medium drip please.” Blaine says to the woman at the counter.
Kurt starts to rustle around with his money but he is too late. Blaine is already holding his hand out for the woman, money for both drinks in his hand.
“Blaine, you didn’t have to do that!” Kurt says with a fond tone.
“Oh shush, I wanted to!” He says with a bright smile.
“Let me repay you!” Kurt demands.
Blaine turns to him and smiles. “I’ll make you a deal, tell me all about yourself and we will call it even.”
I love this story....hope to
Thank you so much!! :D