March 27, 2013, 4:45 p.m.
March 27, 2013, 4:45 p.m.
Awkward would be an understatement to how the conversation went with Kurt after that. They stared at each other before Kurt came over and gave a stiff hug. Blaine awkwardly hugged back. They smiled at one another before Kurt motioned for Blaine to take a set. He hesitated only a moment then took the chair across from Kurt.
"Uhm, so Blaine, h-how, uh, why are you in Chicago?" Kurt asked with a small blush. Blaine had always thought about the possibility of running into Kurt but he didn't think it would happen at his safe haven. The only place he could go and get away.
"I actually go to school over at the University of Chicago." He choked out. Kurt's eye's almost popped out of his head.
"Seriously? So do I! That's... weird. Why didn't you tell me?"
Blaine coughed before answering. He hated bringing up their past. "Well we sort of stopped talking and I, I moved on. And just sort of forgot about informing you." Kurt's face looked sad. "Oh! Not that I would never ever forget you just..."
"No. No I get it. Are you living on campus?" Ugh. This was something Blaine DID NOT want to talk about.
"N-no. I live in an apartment with Dani-." He cut off right away blushing.
"Dani-?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow.
"Uhm Daniel. He is sort of my boyfriend."
"Sort of?" Blaine mentally slapped himself for saying 'sort of'.
"He, we... it's complicated." Kurt nodded as he took a sip of his drink. "Still getting the same thing I see."
"Same with you." Blaine started laughing and so did Kurt. It was like the past had been forgotten. "You look really great Blaine."
"Oh jeez, thanks. You to Kurt. What have you been up to?"
"Well going to school. Working. Life pretty much."
"Mmm, any guys?" Kurt choked on his coffee, looking up at Blaine through eyelashes. "..sorry"
"No its fine. Uhm no. No one special yet." They sat in an awkward silence, neither knowing what to say.
"So," Blaine said after to long a silence. "I have to go, but text me. Do you still have the same number?" Kurt smiled and nodded. "Alright. Bye Kurt, it was great seeing you."
"Y-you to Blaine." And with that he left. Pulling his coat tighter to himself in the rainy day. He was making his way down the street when his phone buzzed.
From: Kurt
Hey Blaine. It's me. Kurt. Although you probably already knew.
To: Kurt
Oh hey. How is it going? Haha
He continued walking when his phone buzzed again. He smiled thinking it was Kurt again. No matter how long it had been, Blaine still had all those feelings. And seeing Kurt again brought them back in a flash. He was disappointed when it wasn't who he wanted.
From: Daniel
Blaine lets just talk. Please. I love you. I was stupid. Please talk to me babe. :'(
To: Daniel
Fine. I will be home in ten.
When Blaine got home Daniel was right by the door.
"Save it."
"Come on Blaine. I love you. It was one stupid mistake!"
"If you LOVED me, this "mistake" wouldn't have happened!"
Daniel got closer to Blaine. Pressing his lips to Blaine's neck. "I love you babe, so much. Come on. Forgive me; I know you love me too." By now Daniel was sucking in the one spot that made Blaine go mad and he almost forgot why they were fighting. Almost.
"Stop!" Blaine said pushing Daniel off him. "Just, stop. We are done. You CHEATED on me. I loved you, and you broke that."
Daniel was in a rage now. He took a glass vase a threw it across the wall. "You know what?! Fine! Perfect! Get out."
"Excuse me?"
"I bought the place, get the hell out."
Blaine probably looked like an idiot. His mouth was hanging open, his hair was a mess, he had six suit cases and he was sitting on a bench in the middle of campus. Blaine was in a daze, when his phone vibrated.
From: Kurt
Good. Haha we just saw each other. Anyway. How are you?
To: Kurt
Greeeaaatt... my boyfriend and I broke up and he kicked me out so now I'm sitting by the water fountain by campus. Homeless.
He didn't get a reply which was awesome Blaine thought. Now I can't even rebuild my friendship with Kurt.
"Blaine you idiot." He looked up to see Kurt standing above him smiling.
"Kurt" he said, eyebrows furrowing. "What are you doing here?"
"Giving you a place to live." Blaine was utterly confused and it must have shown because Kurt continued. "I live off campus in an apartment by myself. I have an extra room, its yours if you want it."
Blaine leapt up and hugged Kurt. "Yes!! God yes! Thank you."
They packed all of Blaine's suitcases into Kurt's Honda and then started on their way.
"So where do you live?"
"Not very far, but we have a stop to make first." He gave a confused look but Kurt kept driving. They sat in silence for half an hour driving before turning into a middle sized house. It looked like home.
"Where are we?"
"Home." Kurt laughed at the look on Blaine's face. "It's Friday. Thus dinner."
"You're joking?"
"No. Come on. You always used to come over for dinner."
"Like years ago! Your dad probably HATES me! Oh my god! Why!!"
Kurt was laughing. "Will you shut up? And stop freaking out. My dad doesn't hate you. Now let's go." Kurt unlocked the car and started walking towards the door. Blaine was breathing hard now. He ran up behind Kurt and grabbed his hand.
"Kurt, they aren't expecting me, I don't want to bother your family time."
"You are already here, and you're practically family, so relax."
Before Blaine could protest anymore Kurt rang the door bell. He heard muffled sounds then the door swung open. Burt was standing in the door way. He looked the same as ever. The only difference was that he had less hair. He smiled at Kurt and then pulled him into a hug.
"I missed you kid!" Kurt just rolled his eyes and laughed. "What? Its been a while." Burt said with a pout.
"It's been a week dad." His dad laughed harder, and then finally seemed to see Blaine standing in the corner.
"Blaine Anderson?" Blaine looked up to a smiling Burt. He barely had time to comprehend anything going on before being pulled into a bone crushing hug. He pulled back. Looking the boy up and down before smiling and hugging him again. "Well let's not just stand here on the porch, inside everyone!" He moved to the side allowing both boys to enter the house.
It was cozy and smelt like chocolate chip cookies. The living room was small but well designed; Blaine smiled at himself knowing Kurt probably picked everything out for the house.
"Was that Kurt at the door?" He heard Carole yell from the kitchen.
"Yea, he has a surprise." He eyed Blaine.
"What surpr-Blaine!" She rushed to him, hugging him tightly. She pulled back looking him over. "Dear what, how, Blaine!" She squeaked out, going back to hugging him.
"Okay let the boy breathe Carole." Burt said with a chuckle.
They all made their way to the kitchen, where he saw Finn sitting at the table.
"Yes it's me! Please DON'T hug me."
"Not my thing bro." Finn said.
After sitting down, dinner was served, and surprisingly all the conversations weren't on Blaine. They talked about how their days were, and plans for the weekend and other things. But all too soon, they came to the topic of Blaine.
"So, Blaine, what are you doing in Chicago?" Carole asked in a sweet voice.
"I actually go to school at the University of Chicago, with Kurt."
Carole turned to Kurt. "And you only bring him around now?!"
Kurt put his hands up in defense. "Hey! I didn't even know, we just ran into each other today! Although, he is now my new roommate."
"Are ‘ou gunna ‘art ‘ating again?" Finn said while shoving food in his mouth. Same old Finn, Blaine thought.
"I'm sorry? What was that?"
"Are you gunna start dating again?" Blaine dropped his fork, and Kurt was turning the color of a tomato.
"Uhm..." was the only thing Blaine managed to get out. He was blushing now too.
"FINN!! Oh my god, shut up!" Kurt screeched. "Blaine and I are just friends, and he just got out-." Kurt cut himself off, not knowing if Blaine wanted him to tell his personal stories.
Blaine just sighed. "I just got out of a relationship; today actually, he kicked ME out after I found him cheating! How stupid is that? Anyway, Kurt offered to let me stay with him, so I'm going to until I can find somewhere of my own." Everyone at the table nodded and continued. Way to make things awkward.
Blaine sat in complete silence the entire way back to the apartment. He could see Kurt stealing glances his way and it reminded him of the first time they went on a date. It wasn't awkward but it was new. Neither had ever had a boyfriend before and they just wanted things to go smoothly. He remembered that the whole car ride they were stealing glances back and forth.
They finally made it back to Kurt's around ten, and all Blaine really wanted to do was sleep. Kurt helped with the luggage and then they headed inside. Right away the smell of cinnamon and apple hit Blaine's nose. That was always Kurt's smell, and he still hadn't lost it. He took in the little apartment. The living room was hard wood floors, with a green love seat, and a bamboo chair. The TV was diagonal in the corner and there was a book shelf along one of the walls. The kitchen was white counter tops and stainless steal appliances. He felt something rubbing up against his leg and looked down to see an oversized cat.
"Oh that's Tubby, she pretty much loves everyone. Charlie is around here somewhere." Kurt said exiting a room. He pointed at the room. "That would be yours. I have a bathroom attached to mine, so that one," He pointed to another door. "Is yours."
Darren nodded and made his way to the room. Upon going in he saw the double bed, the dresser and all his luggage. He sighed and opened his bag, pulling out a pair of sweats. He took off his shirt, threw on the sweats and then grabbed his tooth brush. When he was done in the bathroom, he walked out and found Kurt sitting on the couch.
"Hey I wa-." He stopped mid sentence and his eyes widened. He blushed, and Blaine couldn't think of a more attractive thing. "I, are you, you're good? You don't need help?" Kurt was looking anywhere but at Blaine.
"Yea I'm good. Thanks again Kurt for letting me stay. I mean I know it's been a while, but you are still one of my best friends."
Kurt smiled and looked in Blaine's eyes. "You're welcome Blaine. I will see you in the morning okay?" Blaine nodded and Kurt hurried off to his room. When Blaine got back to where he was staying he saw a grey tabby on his bed. Charlie he thought. He lay down and started petting the cat. After a little while, he turned off the light and rolled over. Finally allowing the heart break of his break up to catch up with him. He had been strong all day, but it hurt to know someone he loved so much, didn't love him enough. He closed his eyes and let the tears fall.
I feel so sorry for Blaine!!! I'm glad with how happy Burt and Carole were to see him. I love this!