Nov. 1, 2011, 5:20 a.m.
Nov. 1, 2011, 5:20 a.m.
"I still have to study… and my dad wouldn't be happy about me skipping a Friday night family dinner…"
"I promise I won't get drunk! It's David's birthday, come on! It'll just be the warblers and a few more people hanging out and having fun! His uncle owns the bar, so they'll close it up just for the party… and there will be Karaoke! " Blaine pressed on "Just to take the edge off!"
"Don't you dare take one alcoholic beverage! I'm not going to babysit you again!" Kurt said through squinted eyes, but he let the hint of a smile grace his lips.
"I swear!" Blaine smiled triumphant.
"I can't wait to ask my dad permission…" Kurt muttered in a sarcastic monotone "Family dinner aside I think he'll try and give me another sex talk."
Blaine jolted a bit, his eyebrows shooting up with surprise and there was a moment where Kurt thought he'd seen a smile flicker through his expression "Sex talk?"
"Yeah… we had The Talk the other day… He gave me pamphlets… very… graphic pamphlets…" Kurt muttered, heat rising up his neck "and he told me to be careful and don't throw myself around like I don't matter…"
"That's nice." Blaine smiled.
Kurt pondered for a moment before sighing "Yeah… it wasn't really that bad, but still… It's not an experience I'd love to repeat."
"Your dad's amazing Kurt, you know that?" Blaine placed a hand on Kurt's shoulder and locked eyes with him.
Kurt frowned at the intensity in Blaine's stare and at what he suspected to be a bit of jealously and he said "Of course I know. I love him to death, he's the most important person in my life."
"Not many parents would do what yours did… I know mine didn't." Blaine sighed.
"Blaine, do you want my dad to give you the talk?" Kurt smiled, trying to put some kind of light hearted humor into a conversation that was becoming a little bit too bitter.
Blaine chuckled, grateful for the change of tone "No, no need to. Internet's fine, thanks."