Jan. 15, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 15, 2015, 6 p.m.
"I will never forgive you for this." Blaine said as he tries to hold his tears in.
He gave Kurt one last glance before flying up to his feet and storming away. He made it about five inches away from the small table before a waterfall of tears fell from his eyes. He just walked away from his one true love. His heart slowly shattered to pieces, and he felt like complete shit.
He figured Kurt would probably order food before heading to the loft, so he tried to get there before him to get his belongings. He had to go see someone. He couldnt be alone. This wasnt safe.
Blaine got into a cab, and put his face in his hands.
"Tough night?" The driver asked.
"Yeah, sorry. Can you just take me to Bushwick? I can walk to my apartment from there."
"Sure thing."
Blaine took a deep breath and tried not to cry until he got "home". He didnt even want to see the old apartment. It killed him. The thought of Kurt killed him. He just needed Kurt. Kurt kept Blaine together. He kept him safe and happy.
Now hes gone.
Blaine tried to stop thinking about it for a couple of minutes as he tried to pull himself together to go inside.
He pulled the door to the loft open with his shaking hands. He dropped his leather bag onto the cement floor and looked around the empty apartment. He looked over to the kitchen and remembered all those mornings he would cook delicious breakfast for Kurt.
His eyes flicked onto the bed that him and Kurt slept on. Where they messed around on. Where whenever Blaine came home late, Kurt was softly snoring, cuddling with Blaines pillow. Blaine would get in his pajamas and crawl in bed with him. He would lightly kiss Kurt on the forehead and fall asleep with Kurt in his arms.
Blaine ran his fingers through his tightly gelled hair and let the tears flow from his eyes, unto the floor. He decided he needed to go ahead and gather his things, so he found his suitcase and laid it out on the ground.
When he started with his shirt drawer, he heard the door slide open.
Blaine immediatly froze. He couldnt see Kurt now. Hes trying to get out of here. Hes trying to process this. But what was there to process? Kurt doesnt love him anymore. Exactly what he feared would happen.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked loudly.
Kurt walked towards his bed, revealing Blaine packing his clothes.
"Blaine." Kurt said taking in a sharp breath.
"Im trying to leave." Blaine said, sniffling.
Blaine grabbed all of his clothes and just shoved them into his suitcase. He harshly closed the bag, and threw it on the ground.
"Blaine, please-"
"No! You broke it off so Im leaving. I hope your happy! I had everything I wanted! You were everything I wanted! Apparently the feeling isnt mutual so Im leaving!" Blaine yelled.
"At least just let me know that your safe whenever you get where ever your going." Kurt calmly said, trying to keep his feelings to himself.
"Fine. Just leave me alone! You just ruined everything!" Blaine said, as he dragged his bag out of the loft.
After Blaine left, the loft was quiet except for Kurts muffled sobs. Kurt hated himself for doing this to Blaine. He didnt deserve this. Blaine didnt deserve any of this including Kurts cold heart. He deserved so much better. Maybe Kurt was letting him free.
Or just breaking him.
Kurt quickly called Mercades, knowing he couldnt call Rachel. The phone rang three times before she finally answered.
"Hey boo!" Mercades cheerfully said.
"Mercades... I need to talk to you. Your flight isnt until tomorrow right?"
"Yeah, Ill be right over! Are you okay?"
"I just need you over here Mercades. Please. Ill explain when you get here." Kurt said with a weak voice.
When Mercades arrived, Kurt was laying on his vintage couch with his arms wrapped round a big pillow. Mercades walked in and immediatly found Kurt. She could tell he had been crying by his red eyes and his wet, porcelain face.
"Kurt, honey. What happend?" Mercades asked as she sat by his feet.
"Blaine. The engagment. I- I think I broke it off."
Kurt continued to sob and squeeze the pillow tighter. He knew he made a huge mistake. He knew that he lost his love over a stupid fight. He did this. He never thought he would do this. Where did that young warbler that gawked at every single move Blaine made go? Who used to basically worship Blaine. Where did he go? Kurt wants him back. Now.
"Why, Kurt? The fights?" Mercades asked.
Kurt just nodded, biting his lip. He shut his eyes tightly and the tears kept falling.
"Oh, sweetheart. Its gonna be okay."
"I hope. I dont know what Im gonna do with myself. I made a huge mistake, but its too late. I cant fix it. He left. He said he was never going to forgive me for this. I cant- I just dont know what to do, Mercades. I ruined everything. I ruined my amazing relationship. Gosh, I miss him so much already. He cared so much about me. I mean did you see that whole proposal? Ill never EVER get that from any other man out there. Damnit. What if I have to go straight?? Mercades! Just because of this stupid mistake??"
"Kurt, please calm down! You dont have to turn straight! God knows youre the gayest thing on this planet!" Mercades laughed.
"Oh shush." Kurt chuckled through his sobs.
"Come here, boo." Mercades said with her arms open for a hug.
Kurts body felt very heavy when he pulled himself up. He wrapped his arms around Mercades and held on to her. He began to cry on her shoulder and hugged her for at least 3 minutes. Kurt just needed to be with someone so he doesnt hurt himself. This whole thing is just devastating. He did this to himself. He let him go.
"Why?" Sam asked Blaine.
"He doesnt love me, Sam. I was so sure that he did, but he clearly doesnt." Blaine said breaking down to Sam.
"Dude. Why cant you two just talk this out? Maybe its just another stupid fight?
"He broke it off, Sam. Hes done. He doesnt want me anymore. He doesnt want to marry me. He doesnt want to be with me. Thats it. End of story. All that I know." Blaine said, hugging his legs to his chest.
"I know you guys, man. I know there will be a way to fix this. You cant just give up. You and Kurt are meant for each other. And I WILL be your best man at yours and Kurts wedding. ONLY if its with Kurt. Any other douchebag, I wont even attend the wedding. Thats how much I believe in you and Kurt." Sam said loudly.
"What if there isnt a way? How will I live without him? I cant. Ive tried it before and I absolutely cannot do it again. Its too depressing. I mean, Kurt is my everything. Kurt is like my brain. Without it, Im completely worthless and pretty much dead."
"Blaine, dont say that, man." Sam said, putting his hand on Blaines shoulder.
"I cant live here anymore, Sam."
"Well, you dont have to! Me and you can move to LA or somewhere cool like that." Sam obliviously said.
"No, Sam. I dont want to live here on Earth anymore. Life isnt worth living without Kurt. He was everything I needed and more. I will NEVER have a love that great again."
"No... Im not going to take my life. Although it seems like a good option right about now." Blaines eyes were red and puffy. He looked just about how he felt. LIke bull shit.
"Blaine, I know this is going to get better. I believe it, man. You can stay here as long as you want. I know you might need to get back to New York for school man, but the offer is always up."
"Actually, Sam. About two weeks after the break up, I couldnt find a place, so I stayed at Coops new place in New Jersey. I took trains to New York for class, but I always ended up late. I couldnt perform as well because of this shit Im going through, and NYADA cut me."
"WHAT? Dude, that really sucks! Im really sorry, man."
Sam hugged Blaine and patted his back. "You can stay here for as long as you want. You can room with me and we can get you a job and get your life back together. Im not giving up on you man, and you shouldnt give up on Kurt."