Play Me Softly
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 9

E - Words: 3,732 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
110 0 0 0 0

One week after his graduation, Blaine had never dreamt he would be waiting outside a small Thai restaurant in New York city to meet Sebastian of all people. Theyd texted periodically since their first meeting and when the other man had suggested meeting up, Blaine had thought, why not?

A few weeks ago, after contacting Cooper, somewhat in despair over his future, between them both they had decided to do absolutely nothing until Blaines graduation was out of the way. "Just concentrate on finishing school.. keep up your grades and dont worry about anything else for now," Cooper had told him. "Thats the most important thing."

Blaine couldnt have been more grateful for Cooper making it home for his graduation… a few short months before, something he probably would never have done. It just showed how far theyd come in their relationship and Cooper would never realise how much Blaine appreciated it. At a family meal in a local restaurant that evening, in celebration of Blaine graduating with flying colours, with Cooper by his side, a tentative compromise had been made. Blaine would spend a few weeks in New York with Cooper… mainly to give everyone a breathing space… and to enable Blaine to make a few important decisions about his future. Even his parents had realised they werent going to be able to force him to do something he didnt want to do, even if the alternative was not going to college at all. But his parents were standing their ground on what they were willing to pay for.

Blaine knew that his parents thought he would eventually come around to their way of thinking, but Blaine had no desire to give up his dreams of New York. He still had a small chance of winning himself a scholarship at NYADA, having been put on a short list… and he was due to go for a further audition and interview there in a few days time, so he figured meeting up with Sebastian might only help his chances… the more experienced friends he had, especially already at the college, the better.

"Hi." Blaine was broken from his reverie, looking up to see Sebastian standing right in front of him, his signature smarmy smile on his face. However, Blaine was sure underneath that slightly cocky exterior, he was actually quite a nice guy. Blaine understood why Kurt didnt get on with him… felt slightly threatened by his behaviour.. but Blaine found him easy, and actually quite companionable.

"Sorry.. I was miles away.. you know how it is? Good to see you, Seb." They shook hands. That was another thing… the fact that theyd both been through a similar education system…. had learnt the manners that were expected of young men… and Blaine wouldnt be surprised if their parents were pretty similar as well. It was just certain types of parents wanted to put their children through fee paying, blazer wearing schools. He just felt a small connection.. especially bearing in mind theyd both attended the same school for a time.. even if they werent there together… Dalton was like that.

Blaine was surprised how well lunch with Sebastian went. The man was easy to talk to.. slightly flirtatious… but really good company. Whilst Blaine wasnt immune to the flirting, he wasnt looking for anything other than friendship here… he still had Kurt after all. Okay… they hadnt got completely back to normal since their small argument when he was in town for his auditions… but it was more the fact that they hadnt seen each other, hadnt really touched on the whole college topic…. in fact he hadnt even let Kurt know he was staying with Cooper yet, having only just arrived. He suddenly felt guilty.. perhaps he should have let him know. To be honest, he didnt know why he hadnt… this hadnt exactly been a spontaneous trip.. and they had spoken and texted quite a bit...

"Hows Kurt?" Seb smiled across at him, his insincerity shining through. "Fabulously fabulous as ever?"

"Um." Blaine hated the fact that he was hesitating. "Hes fine.. I think.. I need to let him know Im back in New York, actually. Were great though… I mean I havent seen him for a few weeks… but were great.."

"Ooh… Blainey…" Seb sat up a little straighter in his chair. "You know if youre looking to change up or anything… Im always happy to show you a good time. Youre an attractive guy Blaine… youll have no end of people queuing up to take you out once youre living here.."

Blaine blushed. "No. Um.. no.. Im not looking .. for that. Kurt and I, we did have a small argument.. well actually, I just got annoyed with him for not supporting my whole college and my parents thing… or at least not as much as I thought he should. I think he was probably only looking out for me.. not criticising….. I behaved slightly badly… and although we made it up later, weve kind of avoided the topic."

"Oh.. make-up sex!" Seb exclaimed, "I bet you had make-up sex after that, didnt you? Thats the best kind… only superseded by jealousy sex… especially with Kurt… I would imagine. Ive seen the possessive looks he gives you… in fact does he know youre having lunch with me?" Seb paused with a smirk on his face, "Oh no… he doesnt know youre back in town does he? Youre going to be in for a real treat once he does find out.. were kind of frenemies you know.. friendly rivalry kind of thing. Hes going to have you bent over that piano before you know it… showing you who you belong to…."

"Okay..okay." Blaine had gone from blushing to his whole face feeling like it was glowing red… the last thing he wanted. "Thats enough… but thanks for your insight… Hes got no reason to be jealous though has he?"

Seb laughed loudly, causing a few stares from other restaurant goers. "No reason at all Blaine."


After getting back to Coopers apartment, Blaine pondered over his conversation with Seb. He probably should have told Kurt he was coming back to New York already. What exactly was he going to say now? He fingered his phone, wondering just how to word his message to Kurt.

Hi Kurt. Just to let you know Im staying with Cooper for a few weeks… its be planned for a while. Sorry I didnt tell you, but I didnt know what to say or Surprise. Here I am. Didnt know how to tell you over the phone… but the whole college conversation has been a bit awkward between us lately." No. Neither of those sounded good… and on top of that.. By the way Kurt, you know the guy you dont like that much... Seb?… Well I had lunch with him today… and Id told him I was staying with Cooper before Id told you. No. Just no.

Shit. Blaine felt a bit sick. He threw his phone down on the couch in frustration.

In the end, Blaine decided to head straight to Kurts apartment without letting him know first. He knew Kurt would have finished classes by now… and he just needed to get this conversation over with… explain himself… and apologise. Maybe hed just stop off at that deli Kurt liked… get some cheesecake to take with him.


When Kurt opened the door to find Blaine standing there with a deli box tied prettily with ribbon in his hands, to say he was surprised was rather an understatement. "Blaine? Hi? What are you doing here?" Kurt moved forward to give Blaine a hug as Blaine delicately held the deli box to one side to avoid crushing the cheesecake, awkwardly hugging Kurt back with his one free arm. "I really didnt know you were going to be back here again so soon… why didnt you tell me?"

Blaine smiled nervously, "Um.. Im surprising you… and I come bearing gifts… cheesecake." He offered the box to Kurt with a flourish.

"Ooh… thank you… I hope youre going to share it with me…. come on inside…" Blaine entered, hesitating before deciding to take his messenger bag off and put it down in the hallway. Kurt always could sense when Blaine was nervous. "Are you going to tell me whats wrong?" he asked, heading off to put the cheesecake in the fridge, "and dont say nothing… I know you… remember?"

Blaine swallowed. "Nothing is wrong exactly. Ive arranged to stay with Cooper for a while…to try and sort myself out... and as it happens Ive been called back for a scholarship interview at NYADA later this week."

"Thats great Blaine…. do you think thatll that be enough? a scholarship? If you get it… and hey, why didnt you tell me you were going to be here? I can help you… with your audition…. unless you dont want me to…" Kurt tailed off.

"Help sounds good…" Blaine took Kurts hand, rubbing over his knuckles gently with his thumb. "And…" he smiled softly, "…. Im sorry I didnt tell you I was coming to stay with Cooper… but we havent really seen eye to eye over my whole college plans have we? And I didnt want to talk about it any more when I couldnt do this…" Blaine pressed his lips against Kurts in a chaste kiss. "Things are always harder over the phone…. especially when I wasnt sure I had your support."

"I do support you Blaine… even if you think I dont," Kurt offered. "I was right… I knew something was wrong… but Im a bit offended you think I dont support you. I just know how difficult it would be to fund yourself… even with a scholarship… I mean surely your parents wouldnt let you stay rent free with Cooper if youre going against their wishes… or what would you do if they didnt at least… you have to consider it."

Blaine shrugged. "Im considering deferring my college places for now… especially if I dont get the scholarship at NYADA. It was actually my school counsellor who first suggested the idea… but itd give me time to see if things would work out for me here without dismissing the idea of college completely. And I also want to spend more time with you… but thats not affecting my decision… it would just be nice, thats all."

Kurt sighed. "Id love to see more of you, Blaine… and I can see deferring your college choices would be a good precaution…. but dont get me wrong.. New York is a great place to live… but it can be harsh… unforgiving… I wonder if you know what youre letting yourself into."

"Anyone would think you didnt want me to live here…" Blaine mumbled.. but loud enough for Kurt to hear. "Were supposed to be boyfriends… but youre treating me like a child."

"Youre wrong Blaine… although if you think what Im saying is criticising you.. then maybe youre not ready for the rejection of auditions if you are going to end up staying here and trying out for parts and venue gigs." It came out a little harsher than Kurt intended, but he couldnt take it back.

Blaine was quiet for a moment. They were still standing close, but he moved away. "I think… I think Id better go…. sorry."

Kurt bit his lip. "No please dont… dont go. Let me make a coffee.. lets calm down a bit…. talk about something else for a while. I mean we definitely wont avoid the subject… but just for a while…. Ive missed you and I dont want you to leave."

Blaine nodded. "Okay." He let his defensive shoulders sag a little. "We should.. yeah… Ive missed you too… "

Kurt began making the coffee. Getting the cheesecake out of the fridge to go with it. "So.." Kurt began, sounding overly bright, "did you just get here today… or.."

"Oh.. Um…yes... this morning… I had lunch with Sebastian earlier…" Blaine saw Kurts body stiffen as he continued to busy himself getting mugs out of the cupboard.

"Right. Youve stayed in touch with him then? He obviously knew you were staying with Cooper… before me…" Blaine could hear the hurt in Kurts voice.

"Kurt.. please look at me." He didnt move, staying with his back to Blaine. "Were only friends Kurt.. I promise… please turn round.." This time he did. "Truly just friends… weve just texted occasionally.. Ive got you, I dont need anyone else… he said you wouldnt be happy that wed met up.."

Kurts face grew harder. "Youve been talking about me.. with Sebastian Smythe? Oh my god…. you really dont know what hes like do you? Suddenly I dont want coffee anymore… help yourself if you want any… or dont … I cant…" He headed off towards his bedroom.

"Kurt…" Blaine called out after him, "Please dont… I know how he is and Im not stupid. He knows were together… Ive made that clear."

Kurt laughed sharply. "And he wouldnt consider you a challenge then? Only he loves a challenge…. in case you dont know." He went in the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.


Ten minutes later and Kurt had failed to reappear, unfortunately giving Blaine plenty of time to think. If he was going to try and be mature about this, he wasnt about to run away… even though he was tempted… but he just wished Kurt would reappear… and then Blaine could try and explain himself. Instead he poured himself a coffee… mainly for something to do… and wondered if Kurt would forgive him.

Eventually Blaine knocked on the bedroom door and when there was no answer he eased the door open cautiously. "Kurt," he said quietly, entering the room. He looked to see Kurt sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, flicking through a magazine… admittedly looking pretty pissed. "Please Kurt," Blaine said softly, "Im an idiot… please.. can we just… I dont know, start again or something." He reached his hand out towards Kurt, unsure whether to touch…

Kurt looked up him, his eyes a little red, offering Blaine a wry smile as his features softened. "Come here," he pulled Blaine towards him by the hand… and Blaine wasted no time in sitting on the edge of the bed next to Kurt, almost sobbing in relief. "You dont have to apologise Blaine… you shouldnt have to suffer because of my own insecurities. Youre just such a nice, trusting person… and its been a long time since Ive felt the way I feel with you… and the thought of losing you…"

Blaine smashed their mouths together in a frantic kiss, Kurt kissing him back after his initial shock at the action. "I made a mistake," Blaine admitted when they parted. "I should have told you everything… and I really wish I had. Its just that we hadnt really mentioned the college thing lately… and if you werent supporting me… I didnt want to hear it."

"I am supporting you Blaine," Kurt cut in, "Ill always support you… even if I thought you were wrong, Id support you."

"So… you think Im wrong?" Blaine frowned.

Kurt sighed loudly, "Here we go again…. Look, when we first met, we got on so well and I was so impressed with how mature you were for your age… more than most of my peers actually… and we fitted together so perfectly. We could talk about anything and everything. So please pray tell, why are you behaving like a fucking child over this whole thing. If you took just two minutes to listen to me… instead of flying off the handle every time we try and talk anything college.

Blaine flushed red. "Im sorry… I know Im doing it, but I dont seem to be able to stop. I want to listen to your advice… youve had experience of New York and college life… and I havent…so…" Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts neck, "you just have to make me listen.. when Im being stupid.. make me listen.."

"And how do you propose I make you listen?" Kurt asked softly, nuzzling into Blaines neck.

"Um.. you could take care of me…"

"And how could I take care of you?" Kurt raised his eyebrows in a question. "Youll have to explain it to me Blaine."

"I…um… I listen very carefully to you when my cock is wrapped in your hand. I promise youll have my undivided attention.. I really do promise…" Blaine whispered. "I want to listen to you…"

Blaine felt pretty exposed standing naked in Kurts bedroom with Kurt standing fully dressed right in front of him. Kurts hand was wrapped around his cock, which was quickly expanding to become achingly hard under the persistent squeezes Kurt was giving it. Blaine shivered as he felt cool air around him, his nipples becoming tight little nubs in response…. his whole body feeling slightly out of control. He tried to dig his toes into the carpet to stop himself from shaking, worrying that as soon as Kurt started moving his hand he would probably not be able to hang on for long, never mind listen to anything Kurt had to say. As if Kurt knew, his hand remained still… tight but still.

"Are you still with me?" Blaine forced himself to look into Kurts kind eyes. Nodding his head slightly to let Kurt know he had his full attention. "Okay," Kurt started as he began rolling Blaines balls in his other hand, completely ignoring Blaines gasp. "I have several quick things to say… firstly.. Sebastian. Ive had experience of his charming persistent advances… and Ive seen first hand how hell pursue someone for weeks with coffee dates, gifts and his undivided attention… until you eventually give in… get invited round to his apartment for an evening of getting fucked over his desk. And then guess what youre left with… yes youre left broken hearted and feeling foolish.. as he moves on to his next conquest…. you are listening arent you Blaine?"

"Ugh," was all Blaine could manage as Kurt began moving his hand in a steady rhythm up and down his cock… but that seemed to be acknowledgement enough as Kurt continued talking.

"Secondly college in New York is expensive… even with help. When I suggest you think carefully about coming here under your own steam it is NOT because I dont want you to come… its because Im worried for you and whether youll be able to manage. Even Living here without college… and doing low paid irregular jobs could be hard… even if you live with Cooper… or me."

Kurt took a deep breath. "Have you got anything youd like to say Blaine?"

"Oh… yes… oh… I mean I think Im going to come… right now…" Before Kurt could respond, Blaine thrust twice, hard, into Kurts fist before spilling.

"That was hot… really hot…" Kurt muttered as Blaine leant his forehead against Kurts shoulder in exhaustion. "Thank god Rachels out for the rest of the day."

"Oh I forgot about Rachel.." Blaine said weakly, "yeah, good job.."

"You are staying for the rest of the day, arent you? Kurt asked as he reached for the tissues to wipe his hand and Blaine.

"If thats okay… unless you have plans…"

Kurt choked out a laugh. "My immediate plans are hopefully for you to sort out this problem making my pants painfully tight."

Blaine glanced down where Kurts pants stretched tight across his erection, leaving nothing to the imagination. He ran his hand lightly over Kurts clothed cock. "Itll be my pleasure…" Blaine smiled, dropping to his knees and pushing Kurts pants and briefs down to his thighs in one go, sticking out his tongue to lick the wet tip before sinking down over him.

"Thats it baby… open up for me. It wont take long…" Kurt sighed, as he hooked his fingers into Blaines curls.


"Id wanted to take you out tonight… originally," Blaine smiled as he cuddled into Kurts side on the couch. "But is this okay instead?"

"Blaine.. " Kurt said softly, "Im just happy youre here. Lets just order take out and watch a movie.. and let me take you back to bed…. Ive missed you.."

"I just dont want to be boring for you… predictable…"

"Are you mad?," Kurt tackled Blaine down on to the couch, so he was laying on top of him, "How can you think youre boring.. or predictable? I love the time we spend together." Kurt couldnt resist kissing Blaines beautiful pouty lips which were now mere inches in front of him. "So much, Blaine… so much."

Blaine wriggled his arms free from where they were trapped between their bodies, winding them round Kurts neck. "Good… thats good. I just thought staying in… you know… was something old married couples do… or that you might think that…"

Kurt smiled against Blaines lips, rolling his hips to press his erection against Blaines thigh… just in case the other man had any doubts about how happy he was to be spending the evening at home. "Blaine… if this is how old married couples spend their time… then Ill take it."


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