Play Me Softly
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,238 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
112 0 0 0 0

Blaine fingered the soft leather bracelet that Kurt had clipped on to his wrist after hed finished getting changed into his new clothes back at Kurts apartment. A good luck gift was what Kurt had called it, but the action had done something to him and hed been able to think of nothing else since. Kurt had run a finger between the leather and the pale skin on the inside of Blaines wrist after clicking the bracelet closed, just before pushing him out of the door for his big moment…. and Blaine had been seconds away from telling Kurt he was in love with him. Thank goodness hed managed to stop himself. 




He wasnt even sure why he was nervous as he waited to take his place in the corner of the coffee shop designated for performers. He was used to performing in front of other people… he was lead singer with the Warblers so he definitely knew what pressure was, what it was like to have others relying on you… He knew in his heart though that it wasnt how many people he had to perform in front of, as much as who….




Hed had quite the morning already. He and Cooper had met up with Kurt and Rachel for breakfast here earlier. Kurt had thought it would be a good idea for Blaine to size the place up first, just so hed know what to expect and also giving everyone a chance to get to know each other. It was his first time of meeting Kurts roommate, and Rachel had clapped her hands together excitedly on being introduced to Blaine, declaring that she could see already why Kurt talked about him all the time. Blaine didnt miss the glare that Kurt gave Rachel before swiftly changing the subject, making him think that Kurt might be regretting his breakfast idea.




He had been pleased to see that Rachel could give Cooper a run for his money, and as theyd both discussed their latest acting roles and auditions, Blaine had taken a moment to look at Kurt, really look at him… and remind himself that he was pretty much perfect. He couldnt imagine ever looking at anyone else and thinking that about them. He knew the other man was way, way out of his league, but he couldnt help the way he felt. As if Kurt could feel Blaines eyes on him, hed turned and looked at him, long and hard, eyes dark with an expression Blaine couldnt quite read…. and where Blaine would normally have blushed and looked away, hed suddenly felt emboldened with some kind of love (infatuation maybe) and kept his eyes trained on Kurt. It felt like minutes, but was probably only seconds, before Kurt had given him a smirk. "Youre not nervous are you?" Kurt had asked gently, squeezing Blaines hand, "Only I know youre going to be great."




Blaine wasnt nervous yet ( he was sure that might come later), but hed thought it was better to let Kurt think that he was than to admit that hed been wondering just how hed managed to fall so hard for Kurt without even trying. It had taken him so unaware that the whole thing made him feel dizzy just to think about it. Blaine had smiled, "Maybe a little. But probably only until I get up there and actually start.."




"Good. Thats good then." Kurt had then turned to look back at Rachel and Cooper who had moved on to discussing performances theyd done in High School. "Because youve really nothing to worry about."








Of course his set had gone well. Blaine knew these songs as well as he knew the back of his hand… performing was a part of him, his guitar just an extension of himself. He heard the occasional whoop from Cooper along with a few thats my brother comments made to a few unsuspecting patrons of the coffee shop, but he could forgive him that… it had been a while since Cooper had been to see him perform and it was nice to have the support. A few years ago Blaine would have cringed at Coopers loud behaviour, but at least he was genuine, even if a little over the top, unlike his parents who, whilst supportive, only really supported him in a parent / son type of way. Theyd had to swallow down their disappointment at Blaines refusal to follow in his fathers footsteps as a lawyer.




Once theyd accepted Blaines career choice theyd got behind him, wanting him to apply for the best colleges. He couldnt really complain… lots of people his age didnt have any support from their parents, but in the back of his mind he knew that this wasnt what theyd hoped for him. It had been a similar thing when hed come out to them when he was sixteen, no longer able to live a lie and have to listen to them talk about girlfriends and their hopes for him settling down with a nice young lady one day. "Gay people have such promiscuous lifestyles," his father had commented after Blaines announcement had sunk in, and hed tried to explain that was a choice not based on sexual orientation and he, like many other people wanted a family life, shared with a loved one… But he felt like his words had fallen on deaf ears that day, and the subject had never come up again since.




Rachel was the first to congratulate him as he came back to join them at the table, hugging him excitedly. "Blaine!" she exclaimed, "I know Madame Tibideaux personally.. were almost friends… did you know I was the first ever freshman to be selected for the winter showcase at NYADA?… and I was awarded the star prize that night…"




"Thank you very much Rachel.." Kurt interrupted, "very interesting… but I thought this was about Blaine. Its funny how everything turns into a conversation about you.."




Rachel flicked her hair off her shoulder, giving Kurt a haughty look. "Well," she said indignantly, "if you hadnt interrupted me… I was just going to say that I could put in a word for Blaine… bearing in mind my performance is still talked about at NYADA to this day…"




"Thank you Rachel," Blaine said graciously, taking her hand and pressing her knuckles to his lips as he sat down beside her, "I appreciate your sentiments… and Im glad you enjoyed it.. but please dont go to any trouble on my behalf.."




Kurt raised his eyebrows at Blaine. "Oh god…. Please dont encourage her. I have to live with her dont forget.."




"Ill have you know that youre not always perfect, Kurt." Rachel remonstrated, "much as I love you."




"I love you too Rachel," Kurt kept his head held high, "But unlike you, I dont make out that I am perfect.." Blaine found himself giggling like a twelve year old girl at their conversation, and he would have been more embarrassed if it had not been so funny.




At that moment Cooper returned to the table with coffees hed been and bought for them all as soon as Blaines performance had finished, Rachel and Kurts banter quietening down when he arrived back.  "Hey Squirt," he said putting the tray he was carrying down on the table, "Great performance. Remember when we used to sing Duran Duran together?"




"Uh huh," Blaine nodded, appreciating Coopers enthusiasm but not exactly happy about being called Squirt in front of his new friends. "How could I forget?"




Blaine took a sip of his coffee, moaning quietly as the liquid hit his mouth, grateful for the caffeine as his body came down from his performance adrenaline rush.  Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Kurt staring at the leather bracelet on his wrist as he put his cup back on the table. Kurt reached out to loosely hold Blaines wrist,  absently running his thumb over the soft leather, Blaines whole body tingling right down to his toes at the action almost making him gasp out loud. "I think it brought me luck…" Blaine smiled softly, "Ill treasure it Kurt.."




There was a quiet hum in Kurts throat as he turned Blaines wrist over, tucking a finger between the clasp and the thin layer of skin on the inside of Blaines wrist. Blaine was mortified to feel his dick throb in his new, tight, unforgiving jeans… Hed so far managed to reign in his attraction to the other man, but the simple action of Kurts gentle hand had caught him by surprise. "I saw it… and just had to get it for you…. I couldnt help myself.." Kurt leaned in, speaking quietly, probably too quiet for anyone but Blaine to hear. Another twitch of his dick and Blaine knew he had to get out of there for a moment to calm down. His poor, young over imaginative  body couldnt cope with Kurt whispering sexily in his ear, not right now.




As Blaine excused himself from the table he looked into Kurts eyes and all he saw was the other mans usual kind smiling face. Maybe the whole thing was in his head, he didnt know… but regardless, he still needed to cool down a bit and give himself a good talking to. To think that when his mom had first mentioned to him about having a singing teacher, he had pictured maybe a strict, buxom middle aged lady whod be trying to convert him to sing songs that would be more appealing to his parents than to himself. Just how had he got this lucky..?  Despite his current predicament he wouldnt trade Kurt for the world.








"You havent really told me much about your singing lessons.. or your singing teacher…" His mom looked up from her magazine she was reading at the kitchen table. Blaine had been a little surprised to see his mom sitting there when he got home from school. Usually the house would be empty when he got home, his mother often out socialising or shopping or at one of her numerous fitness classes she attended… but today it was obviously time for a talk. He poured himself an orange juice from the fridge and went and sat at the kitchen table opposite his mom.




"Ive spoken with your father and were both in agreement… youve given the singing lessons a good try and we can only assume that the reason youve havent really told us anything about how theyre going is because its not something you want to do."




Blaines mouth went dry and he felt he should say something, but no words were forthcoming. He felt sick at what he thought was coming next.




"Youre a good boy Blaine." She smiled kindly at him. "But I know you werent keen on the idea in the first place.. and I know I forced you to do it really…  so were happy  if you want to stop the lessons."




Kurt. Kurt. Kurt. That was all he could think about. The thought that his lessons might stop and that he might not be able to see Kurt anymore wasnt even something he could contemplate. Also he was truthfully enjoying his lessons. "No!" he rasped, finding his voice… his mom looking up in alarm. "Please. No," he said a little softer, "I like the lessons. I like Kurt." His hand flew to the leather bracelet that hed worn every day since Kurt had given it to him. It reminded him that Kurt thought of him when they werent together, had bought the bracelet with Blaine in mind.




His mom gave a small smile, getting up to switch on the coffee maker. "Join me for a coffee Blaine… and maybe you can tell me more about it. Cooper told me how good your performance was on Saturday and I just felt you should maybe make your own decisions."




So over coffee he proceeded to tell his mom a parent friendly version what hed been doing in his lessons, explaining how Kurt was helping him, conveniently missing out the part where hed made moony eyes at Kurt while singing to him, had been half naked with him in a tiny shop fitting room and how the sexual tension between them was so strong sometimes that hed ended up with an erection in a coffee shop over the fact that he felt like hed been claimed by Kurt with a leather bracelet that hed given him as a gift…




"Well," his mom said when hed finished talking, "Id really like to meet this young man whos changed your mind about vocal tuition… only you were pretty adamant you didnt want to have lessons when I first suggested the idea. He must be someone really special to have won you over so easily.




Blaines face heated up as he busied himself drinking his coffee, making a special point of not even looking up at his mom. Although hed known it was inevitable, hed been dreading either of his parents wanting to meet Kurt. Of course Blaine thought Kurt was lovely, but he knew that unlike Blaine, Kurt really couldnt be taken for straight even if his life depended on it. He was so very, very obviously gay…. which turned Blaine on no end, but he wasnt sure that his parents had even come to terms with his sexuality though and he was worried how they were going to be, faced with a gay man who virtually shimmied his way across a room and had a naturally beautiful high voice.


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