Play Me Softly
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 13

E - Words: 6,853 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
117 0 0 0 0

Blaine could find nothing to like about the officious middle aged lady in the NYADA administration office who was currently looking at his scholarship offer letter with a look of distain on her face. Shed been immune to his cheery persona when hed first greeted her on arrival… and he couldnt imagine anything would be able to make her crack a smile.

After some minutes searching on her computer, she looked up at him. "Mr Anderson", she eventually said in a slow patronising voice, "Youve taken rather a long time to get back to us…"

A wave of panic swept over him. "Um… not that long, I dont think.."

"Most people accept their places the same day they receive their offer letters. Places here are in hot demand you know."

"I do know that." Blaine tried to remain calm. "I… um…. I had some things.. personal things… to sort out before I could accept the place. I didnt know….. um… Mrs…" Blaine leant forward to read her name badge. "Mrs Carrington… am I too late?"

"Stay here," she said brusquely, grabbing up Blaines offer letter and leaving the room.

"Fuck," Blaine said quietly to himself, trying to ignore the painful twist in his stomach. Hed only had the offer letter… what… five days? And it hadnt said he needed to reply the same day… or he was pretty sure it hadnt.

His phone buzzed with a text.

From Kurt: Hows it going? Are you still here?

Kurt must have finished his morning class.

From Blaine: Im still here.. in the admin office. I think there might be a problem.

From Kurt: Im on my way.


Kurt was a little breathless when he arrived at the admin office, slightly alarmed as he looked through the window in the door, when he saw Blaine with his head in his hands looking rather small and vulnerable. Blaines head shot up as Kurt entered the room, a look of relief on his face at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Whats going on?" Kurt said worriedly, crouching down in front of Blaine… a reassuring firm hand on Blaines knee.

Blaine shook his head. "To be honest I dont know… she… the office lady… has been gone a while though. Something about me taking a long time to get back to them to let them know."

Kurt took a deep breath. "Did it have a deadline on the letter?"

"I dont know…" Blaine shrugged. "I didnt think so…. but my heads been all over the place lately." To his horror he felt his eyes fill with tears. "Maybe this is an omen… some things are just not meant to be are they?"

"No Blaine. No, no…." Kurt wiped an escaped tear off Blaines cheek with his thumb before pulling him in for a hug. "Look.. youre amazing.. Im so proud of you. Dont lose faith… youve come this far."

Blaine was about to offer another negative remark, when they heard the door open. Kurt stood up… keeping a grip on Blaines hand. They both looked at the man entering the office, followed hot foot by the officious lady whose office they were in.

"Mr Anderson…" The man was in his early thirties, lean and muscular… a dancers body. "Remember me?" he asked Blaine, "Mr Mitchell, from your last interview with us here."

Blaine nodded. Of course he remembered the inspiring teacher from his interview. After being interviewed by the small panel of staff, Mr Mitchell had hung back… and theyd had a long informal talk which had left Blaine feeling more inspired than ever. "Mr Mitchell," Blaine stood to shake hands with the man. "Excuse my manners… I definitely remember you. Sorry to be causing all this trouble."

Mr Mitchell looked at Kurt with a smile, before looking back at Blaine. "You did mention your boyfriend was a student here… I hadnt realised it was Kurt… and I must admit I was very disappointed when we didnt hear back from you. Youre a student wed definitely want here… and I know we discussed your financial situation and your problems with your parents… and Im afraid I dont if were able to offer you such a big discount as originally stated in your offer….. , although theres definitely still a place for you…."

Blaine nodded. "I have kind of reconciled things with my parents since we last spoke… and Id have to double check… but I dont think money will be so much an issue anymore. Theyve agreed I can come here now, so I think theyll probably be willing to pay whatever fees are necessary."

"Leave it with me Blaine, will you? I promise Ill get in touch with you as soon as I know." He patted Blaines shoulder as he walked past him on the way to the door, Blaines paperwork tucked under his arm. "I truly am delighted youre going to be joining us for the next academic year… all of us were rooting for you…. youre just the type of student this school needs. Im hoping the fundings still there for you… but as I say, Ill just have to confirm or otherwise…. but Ill definitely let you know."

For the first time since he got there, Blaine actually felt a cautious smile take over his face.


Blaine gave an audible sigh of relief after he and Kurt came out of the admin office. "That could have gone better…" he said quietly, squeezing Kurts hand. "Although I guess it could have gone a hell of a lot worse….. Im going to need some serious de-stressing after today… what time will you be home?"

"Hmmm… de-stressing… that can be arranged… I should be home around seven….. Ive got another class and then Isabelle has asked me to go and help with a photo shoot this afternoon." Kurt smiled as Blaine looked at him. "Did you have anything in particular in mind for later, sweetie?" he whispered in Blaines ear, a little suggestively.

"Kurt!" Blaine gasped looking uncharacteristically scandalised as he ushered Kurt further away from the office, "You cant talk like that here….. Im a prospective student you know…"

"I didnt say anything…" Kurt gave Blaine a peck on the cheek and before Blaine could say anything else, he turned, walking away from Blaine, wriggling his hips down the long length of the school corridor as he went. Blaine stood frozen to the spot, staring after Kurt until hed completely disappeared from sight…. wondering what the hell had just happened and realising too late that hed completely forgotten to thank Kurt for coming to support him in there just earlier… something hed planned to do as soon as theyd left the office.

He got out his phone, pulling up Kurts contact details.

From Blaine: Remind me to thank you later for coming to support me in there this morning.

It didnt take long for Kurt to reply.

From Kurt: No problem… and no need to thank me. Im sure youd have done the same for me.

From Blaine: I would…of course…. but I want to thank you... properly… later

Blaine tucked his phone away with a self satisfied smile.


Not wanting to get caught out by anything else, Blaines next port of call was the casting agency where hed visited yesterday. After his initial interview, hed agreed to come in some time to put together a portfolio of photos to go with the sample tracks hed provided them with, to go on their books….. and after today, he wasnt about to leave anything to chance. Now was a good time to make the appointment to do that… which would also let them know that Blaine was most definitely still interested…. in case there had ever been any doubt.


Frustratingly, when Blaine arrived at Kurts apartment, Rachel was home… unusually with no apparent plans for the evening… Most likely meaning he and Kurt would have to curb their evenings activities. Rachel was so often out, Blaine sometimes forgot that she actually shared the apartment with Kurt…. and any plans he had to take Kurt straight off to bed after theyd eaten dinner, would have to be somewhat delayed... or even cancelled completely.

Despite the fact that plans had changed for the evening, by the time they actually got to bed, Blaine was busy thinking hed have to personally go and thank Rachel. The whole evening had been a masterclass in slow, subtle teasing. Thered been seductive glances, light touches…for starters… and Kurt had nearly driven Blaine crazy as theyd all chatted around the dinner table, keeping his hand high on Blaines thigh, kneading the flesh with his fingers… soft enough not to be noticed… but constant enough to have Blaine rock hard in his pants by the end of their meal.

It was a good job that Rachel had a lot of news to tell them, because she missed Kurt quietly sending Blaine off to change into some comfortable pyjama pants (no underwear, Blaine!) while he offered to load the dishwasher. Blaine was still enjoying the relief that unzipping his tight pants offered him, when Kurt followed him into the bedroom soon after.

"Rachels just choosing a movie…" Kurt said quietly, "and I thought you might need a hand, baby."

"Huh?" Blaine offered in surprise, as he watched Kurt kneel down in front of him. Oh.. "Oh yes please Kurt… please."

"Its only because I want to tease you some more while we watch the movie," Kurt smiled as he tugged Blaines pants and underwear down round his thighs. He gently blew on Blaines cock before kissing the tip. Blaine sighed softly, threading his fingers into Kurts hair. "Just try not to mess up my hair too much… I dont want to have to explain that one to Rachel… and not too much noise if you can help it."

"Ok…ay," Blaine managed as Kurt sunk down on his cock, taking him in deep at the first go. "This could be quick… Kurt… oh…"

They both ignored Rachels voice from outside, calling out to tell them that the movie was ready to play, Blaines signature quivering leg already alerting Kurt to the fact that Blaine was about to come. Blaine bit on his fist to avoid crying out as he came down Kurts throat.

Kurt rested his head on Blaines thigh, panting softly as he palmed himself several times before coming in his underwear. "Kurt?" Blaine questioned, with a smirk, feeling Kurt come apart below him.

"I know, I know. Its not very dignified… but it seems that seeing you come undone, makes me come undone."

Blaine laughed. "Well, we obviously make a fine pair…. Come on, wed better get back out there before Rachel comes to investigate where we are."

Kurt gave a shaky breath. "Yeah… Ill get right on that… as soon as I can move… and when Ive changed out if these clothes."


Kurt grabbed a couple of blankets out of the hall closet on his way over to the couch. Snuggling while movie watching was one of their favourite things… and he threw Rachel the softest blanket, which she always nabbed for herself. He used the other one to cover himself and Blaine together. Blaine, always sated and sleepy after one of Kurts amazing blowjobs, cuddled into Kurts side happily, as Rachel set the movie to play.

"Really, Rachel? Moulin Rouge… how may times have we watched this?" Kurt rolled his eyes affectionately.

"You know you love it… and its been ages since weve watched it together." Kurt wasnt about to fight her on this… especially not when he had Blaine, sleepy and pliant tucked into his side beneath a warm cozy blanket. Besides, it was actually one of his favourite movies which rarely failed to have him shedding a tear by the end.

"Okay," Kurt sighed in an exaggerated fashion. "I guess youre right… and the music pretty good in it too…"

"Ive always wanted to have Come What May at my wedding one day," Blaine yawned, his jaw cracking.

"Me too…" Kurt said a little incredulously, smiling at Blaine. "Me too… Ive always…."

Rachel interrupted with a gleeful clap of her hands. "I think Kurt, Ive made the right choice…. Lets watch.."


Blaine loved that Kurt always kept his promises, and whilst he knew Kurt had planned on teasing him through the movie, he hadnt expected him to start right from the off. No slow build up tonight, it seemed. Beneath the blanket, Kurt cradled Blaines balls through his pyjama pants, the soft, gentle fondling nearly driving him crazy only a short way into the film. Hed hoped for a short nap, but instead he was sitting there fighting the urge to spread his legs and beg Kurt to do something inappropriate, considering they were currently in the company of Rachel. He knew he was going to be a mess if he ever survived as long as the movie… and was already regretting readily agreeing to Kurts request for no underwear.

Everytime Blaine looked up at Kurt with eyes pleading him to slow down a little, Kurt would just softly kiss away his pain. Luckily Rachel was pretty engrossed in the love story of Satine and Christian, which was unfolding on screen, to hear the small gasp which escaped Blaines lips when Kurts hand disappeared inside the front of his pyjama pants to wrap his hand around Blaines poor aching erection.

"Kurt…" Blaine whispered helplessly.

He was silenced with a long slow kiss which had his cock pulsing in Kurts hand. "Watch the movie, baby," Kurt whispered. "Or youll miss our song…."

Oh. Visions of Kurt… and weddings… flashed before Blaines eyes as he buried his face in to Kurts neck, briefly wondering if Kurt was as turned as he was.

"You know, you two arent as unobvious as you think you are," Rachel commented primly, glancing over at the pair of them, before turning back to watch the on screen serenading.

She had a point. Kurt and Blaine giggled childishly. They both knew this would be better if they took it to the bedroom later… settling in to watch the rest of the movie in a little more of a family friendly fashion.


"You nearly made me come in my pyjamas." Were Blaines first words as soon as they closed the bedroom door behind them.

"That was the idea," Kurt said. Then he noticed Blaines wide eyed expression. "Well, maybe not initially… but I got a bit carried away. Youre so hard to resist when youre like that… and it sometimes just makes me forget where we are."

"Right. When Im like what?" Blaine asked, stripping off his top as he climbed on to the bed.

"Um…" Kurt watched as Blaine pulled down his pants, his erection springing free. "Oh.. you know… um… wanting… maybe a little desperate…"

"Oh, I was definitely desperate… what movie were we even watching?" Blaine joked, laying on his back and beginning to stroke himself.

Kurt laughed, licking his lips as he watched Blaines hand moving over himself. "Stop that… or at least wait for me." He quickly stripped off his own pyjamas, climbing on the bed to straddle Blaine. "You know what you texted me earlier… you do still want to thank me dont you? Hopefully fuck me?"

"That is exactly what I want to do, Kurt… pass me the lube…"


"You are okay with me being on top, arent you?" Kurt asked sometime later as he slid himself down on Blaines cock, having been thoroughly stretched and prepared to almost breaking point… he couldnt climb onto Blaine quick enough. He gave shuddery breath as he bottomed out.

"Kurt…" Blaine sighed, equally as breathless. "This is just… its the best, best feeling in the world. I love it. I love you…."

They were silent for a few moments as Kurt began moving, totally trusting Blaine to support him as he held him around the waist. "Dont let go of me," Kurt panted as he slid himself up and down on Blaine. "Please, please… " He knew he was begging ridiculously, but he couldnt help himself.

"Im never letting you go, Kurt," Blaine groaned, giving in and thrusting up to meet Kurts movements. "Not now… or ever."


"Oh thats a relief," Blaine sighed as he came off the phone. "That was Mr Mitchell at the college…. apparently my discounted tuition is intact." Theyd been having a late breakfast when Blaine had got the call. "After all that…. after nearly giving me a heart attack yesterday. They really need to employ more student friendly staff in their school offices….. I might put in a suggestion. I mean, Im sure my dad wouldve paid whatever was necessary, but Ive a feeling he thinks hes going to be bank rolling me for many years to come as it is."

Kurt nodded in agreement. "Best not to upset him at this stage… unless absolutely necessary."

"He thinks Im like Cooper… but sometimes I wonder how well he knows his own sons." Blaine took a fortifying mouthful of coffee. "Coopers great and all that, but hes an actor who can sing…. I mean he can play piano, just about… but hes never written a piece of music in his life. Were not realIy that alike and also I dont plan to be out of work…ever… Id teach kids if thats all I could get, happily… I just want to be involved in music, one way or another."

Blaines shoulders slumped as he sighed loudly, putting his head in his hands as he sat at the table. Kurt immediately moved over to his side, placing a hand on Blaines shoulder. "I understand why you should still feel annoyed about the whole thing… even though you have now got what you wanted."

Blaines shoulders stiffened beneath Kurts touch for a moment, before he relaxed again. "Annoyed doesnt even come into it… Im fuckin angry at all the stress and grief Ive had to go through… and for what? It was all a pointless power exercise on behalf of my parents, particularly my dad, and now I cant even enjoy the euphoria of having got into NYADA like most normal people can because of everything thats gone on beforehand… even youve suffered because of it, Kurt… its caused us to have arguments… its a good job were strong together…"

Kurt paused before speaking, leaning down to nuzzle below Blaines ear. "Well…. I suppose we could thank your dad for some of the really great make-up sex weve had because of it. Mind you.. that time when we had to travel back from Central Park with come plastered in our underwear, that was pretty gross. It was always better when we made it home first…"

Blaine gave a small laugh. "Really! Please dont mention my dad and sex in the same sentence… like ever… Are we doing anything today?" he asked quietly. "Any plans?"

"Not really…" Kurt ran his fingers firmly through Blaines hair, causing the other man to groan audibly. "That party later… you know the guy from my dance class… but I think weve plenty of time for me to help you relax… if thats something youd like? A nice massage maybe?"

"Hmmm… I was hoping you might say that." Blaine stood up, grabbing Kurts hand. He wasnt about to turn down this offer. "The breakfast things can wait, cant they?" Then. "Oh… wheres Rachel?"

"Its okay.. shes out today. think she went early," Kurt laughed. "She has all sorts of people to see today… I dont even know… her therapist possibly… her throat specialist as well, I think. She mentioned shed be out most of the day."

"Good," Blaine said happily, heading off to the bedroom… pulling off his top as he went. His shorts were on the floor in no time at all as well.

"No underwear again Blaine?" Kurt commented, running his eyes over Blaines completely naked body.

"You kind of insisted on it yesterday," Blaine smirked, "although today was all me… thought it might turn you on…." He climbed onto the bed, laying on his side to face Kurt, his cock already half hard.

"Pity I didnt know…." Kurt murmured, sitting down on the bed, running a hand along Blaines hairy thigh.

"Mmmm," Blaine became a little distracted as Kurts hand managed to whisper very close to his balls as he kneaded the top of his thigh where it met his groin. "Um… youre a little overdressed Kurt." He knew he was pouting.

"I see. Its one of those massages is it?" Kurt stood up again.

"Yes it is," Blaine said firmly, rolling on to his stomach, pointedly. He buried his face into the soft pillow and closed his eyes… and very obviously stuck his ass up in the air. He heard the quiet sounds of Kurts clothing being removed… and after a stinging slap on his right buttock to make him lay flat on the bed, Kurt climbed on the bed, straddling the top of his thighs.

"Ouch," Blaine complained, reaching to try and rub his sore buttock.

Uh huh…. Leave it." Kurt admonished, smiling. "You deserved it." He softly batted Blaines hand away. "If youd wanted sex, you couldve just asked. I just wanted to help you relax."

"Huh?" came Blaines muffled response. "I do want a massage…. or at least I did. Its your fault for being so sexy."

Kurt began rubbing circles over Blaines back, digging his fingers in deep. Blaine groaned and gave an involuntary thrust of his pelvis. Kurt stopped. "This isnt going to work is it?" he laughed.

"Sorry…. its just I can feel you… youre.... um… you drive me crazy… and god… I just want you Kurt." Blaine twisted his head to look up at Kurt with a wry smile. "Actually… Im not sorry. Just get the lube out of the drawer… please. Pretty please."

Kurt chuckled and stretched over to reach inside his bedside drawer. "I would like to remind you that it was your idea I was naked for this massage. I was prepared to go all professional on you and give you a proper back rub…. release some of that tension."

"I know. My bad…. but I think thisll work just as well."


Blaine huffed with frustration, firmly closing his laptop.

"Whats up?" Kurt looked up from his sketching, with a questioning glance over at Blaine. Hed decided over the summer that maybe being a fashion designer was a career path he would actually enjoy. His time interning at Vogue was opening his eyes… and doors for him, should he be serious about it. Enlarging his portfolio of designs, while he had some time over the summer, certainly wouldnt do his chances any harm. He still had his final year at NYADA, but wanted to keep all his options open.

"I cant find any reasonable rents… even in shared apartments," Blaine complained. "I dont want to be too far away from college."

"What about Coopers apartment? He wont need it when he moves to LA will he? Wont your dad keep it on now.. dont you think?"

Blaine gave an annoyed sigh. "Yeah hes keeping it on… and I can live there… but hes decided that hes doing so much business here in the city that hes going to use it for himself as well… and sometimes my mother too… when she decides to come with him. There is no way Im sharing an apartment… even if its not all the time."

"I see." Kurt nodded. "When I first met you, I have to confess I was a little in envy of you… your life sounded idyllic, you had unlimited talent… and of course you were the loveliest, sweetest guy Id ever met. And while the last two things are still true… lately you seem to have had a string of bad luck with everything else."

Blaine leaned to give Kurt a quick kiss on the lips, careful not to disturb any of his sketches. Kurt loved him, he knew, but he may not forgive him for spoiling any of his drawings. "Thank you… um… I think. For the record, I was pretty much in love with you from the moment you opened your apartment door to me, that first day… I couldnt stop thinking about you."

Kurt smiled, pausing for a moment before returning to slowly continue adding a few pencil strokes to his sketch. "So? You now have another problem to solve…"

"Kurt?" Blaine said carefully. "Can I not stay here with you? Rachels hardly ever home… and Im here a lot of the time already. Of course I dont mean for free."

Kurt pressed his lips together, looking up at Blaine. "I dont know… " he said softly. "We havent been going out all that long… and you need to make your own friends… you need your own college experience…"

"But we get on really well, Kurt… dont we?" Blaine was trying not to sound too whiney, but he was sure he probably was. "Unless thats just me… and you dont think so…"

Kurt sighed. "I do like it when youre living here… especially when its just the two of us. And Id be lying if I were to say I hadnt imagined a future for us… you know living together… sharing a life someday in the future…. because I do feel like we belong together… But at the moment, when youre just about to start college, I dont know if its a good idea."

Blaine had no doubts that Kurt was the one for him… which probably sounded naive at eighteen, but he was certain. But that didnt mean he had to agree with everything Kurt said. "What if I dont want that… if Im making the choice to live with you…"

"I think its too soon Blaine. I dont want it to be… and that doesnt mean you cant sleep over a lot… and it doesnt mean I dont love you."

"Okay…" Blaine interrupted, "thats enough. I get it. I certainly dont want to force myself on you… heavens!" He picked up his laptop and stood up. "I think I may go to Coopers for a bit. I need some time. Perhaps I can come back later if you want me to."

"Blaine… please dont be like that. I dont want you to go."

"I think I want to… I have to.. Ill call you later?"

Kurt nodded. "Okay baby… promise you will?"


Blaine probably shouldnt call Kurt after drinking… but he had promised to phone…. hed only had two drinks.. or maybe three..

"Hi… Blaine? Thank goodness… I was getting worried. Im sorry about earlier… I really am… where are you? Are you in a bar?"

"Kurt! Yeah. Im having a great time.. so many people… new friends, Kurt."

"Do you need me to come and get you?"

"No.. Im fine. I just wanted to tell you not to worry. I called into get a coffee after I left you… and bumped into Sebastian…. " There was some rustling on the line…. and some loud background whispering from Blaine, "Shh, Seb… Im on the phone to Kurt."

"Blaine?" Kurts heart sank.

"Anyway… problem solved… I explained my problem to him… and he has a massive apartment… his parents are really, really rich… apparently… and he has a spare bedroom I can move into, virtually straight away. Its in a perfect location… and well, I might move some of my things in tomorrow."

Kurt felt like crying. This wasnt the solution he wanted. He couldnt tell Blaine what to do, but really?

"Are you still there, Kurt?"

"Yes." Kurt swallowed the lump in his throat. "You look after yourself Blaine. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Um.. Wait... Wait. Blaine.. Blaine. Where are you?"

"At a bar…"

"I know... which one?"

More rustling. "The Stonewall Inn.. you know it? Its cool here."

"Yeah. I know it." Kurt sighed.


"Kurt! What are you doing here?" Blaine obviously had more alcohol in his system than when hed spoken to him on the phone. If nothing else, this was a good reason why Kurt needed to look out for Blaine... Not to tell him what to do, just to take care of him.

Before hed known what he was doing, after Blaines call, Kurt had found himself putting on his shoes and heading out the door. One short cab ride later, he was drawing up outside the bar.

Kurt had barely made it up to the bar, before Blaine had spotted him, flinging his arms round his neck and planting a wet sloppy kiss on his lips.

Kurt couldnt care less if Blaine was sloppy, he was just glad to have him safely in his arms. "Hey Baby," Kurt said softly, "Im so happy to see you."

"Me too.." Blaine rested his forehead against Kurts, his arms still tightly round Kurts neck. "Me too."

"Will you let me take you home?" Kurt asked hopefully.

Blaines brows furrowed. "Your home?"

"Yes." Kurt sighed. "Actually I wanted to talk to you... "

"Im sorry..," Blaine began, "Id promised myself I wouldnt just walk out if we disagreed.. Its always better to talk things out."

Kurt smiled. "I know.. And youll think Im just a jealous freak or something, but can I change my mind?"

"Change your mind? Kurt?"

"Blaine.. The thought of not waking up next to you every morning..."

"Oh.. We can still do that sometimes..."

"I want it every morning, baby. Having early morning sex before we have to get up is one of my favourite that we do together... I must have been mad to have turned that down. I was trying to do the right thing, but if we both want it, it cant be wrong can it?"

"Hmm.." Blaine hummed as Kurt nuzzled his neck. "I promise I do want it all too."

"I dont know what I was thinking.. Please move in with me.." Kurt ran his fingers through the soft curls at the nape of Blaines neck. "I mean if youre sure you havent changed your mind about wanting to.."

"I havent.. But I understand why youre worried."

"Please. Please.. The though of you moving in with Seb... Youre mine.. And Im too fucking jealous.. The thought of you being with anyone else, makes me want to...especially him.. just.." Kurt took a deep breath.

"What, Kurt?" Blaine whispered, his breath hot on Kurts ear. "Tell me."

"Makes me want to take you home and fuck you.. hard... all night. Show you that youre mine."

"I am yours.." Blaine breathed, "always.. and I definitely want you to take me home and do.. that."

Theyd both completely forgotten where they were, lost in their conversation, ywhen a boisterous voice next to them, made them jump. "So what are you two little lovebirds whispering about?" Seb pressed himself close to them at the crowded bar, one arm round each of their shoulders, a questioning raised eyebrow adorning his face.

Blaine spun his head round to face Seb, a broad grin on his face. "Seb!" he exclaimed, "Im Kurts.. and I know I said Id move in with you.. But I want to share Kurts bed.. And he wants me to.. So can I change my mind? I mean sex with Kurt in the mornings is the best.. And were going to do it every morning, arent we Kurt?" He turned to look at Kurt, his eyes big and hopefully.

Kurt rolled his eyes. Blaine could be so adorable when hed been drinking, he wasnt about to deny it, but Seb was going to love this.

"Oh," Seb chuckled, "I knew Hummel would get his panties in a twist as soon as he heard you might move in with me. As soon as he realised he wouldnt be there to protect your sweet, pert little ass from my irresistible charms."

"You say that as if it wouldnt be your intention," Kurt said sourly. "Think whatever you want to about me, but Id move heaven and earth to protect Blaine from your questionable morals."

"Its only a matter of time before your boyfriend.. who is too good for you, by the way... becomes bored with your, most likely, limited sexual activity," Seb smirked as Kurt pressed his lips together angrily.

"Seb." Blaine chastised. "Kurt and I have loads of really loud sex.. All the time.. Please dont be mean."

Kurt had had enough. He knew most of what Seb said was just meant to rile him.. and the trouble was, it always worked. He wasnt about to give him the chance to say anything else. As it was, their conversation could probably be heard by half the people in the bar. "Come on Blaine, lets go home." He grabbed Blaines hand.

Seb flipped them off with his hand, before turning away. "Make sure he blows you in the back of the cab on the way home, Blaine... That might be all you get tonight, as we all know Hummel needs his beauty sleep."


"So whats the deal with you and Seb?" Blaine asked, cuddling into Kurts side in the back of the cab. "I get the feeling its more than just a general dislike of each other."

Kurt gave a small chuckle. "I dont really dislike him that much.. In some ways he has a good heart.. But I dont think hes ever forgiven me for turning him down.. publicly. Hes not used to people saying no to him... Hed deny it, of course."

"Really?" Blaine lifted his head to look up at Kurt, which meant that Kurt just had to lean down and kiss those silly plush lips.

"I did actually like him at the time. Quite a lot in fact.. but I didnt want to be one of his one night stands. I thought - still think - Im worth more than that.. and anyway, sex is so much better when youre in love the person youre having sex with. Dont you agree?"

"I agree, Kurt," Blaine whispered, "kiss me again."

"Yeah? Okay."


"Im sorry," Blaine threw himself down onto Kurts bed, flat on his back. Hed thought hed sobered up, but the room was still spinning slightly.

"I think weve both said all the sorries we need to say," Kurt smiled, standing at the edge of the bed, looking down at Blaine. "We both have our dramatics from time to time, lets face it."

Blaine smiled back adorably, scrunching up his nose. "Mm, but I was really meaning sorry for, well, kind of flaunting my friendship with Seb right in front of you.. When you obviously have a history."

"You werent to know.. And it doesnt matter. You can choose your own friends... I dont want to be telling you who you can be friends with.. Thats not the kind of relationship I want us to have. I just worry that hed like to do something to get back at me.. That something being making a move on you."

"Theres only one cock for me," Blaine said boldly, causing Kurt to laugh.

"Glad to hear it," Kurt smiled, "Im going to get you some water... Then you need to sleep this off."

"Nooo," Blaine whined, "you promised.. And Im not tired.. Or drunk."

"Right. Well, wait there. Ill be back in a minute." Kurt offered, leaving the bedroom. "Then well see."

By the time he came back with a bottle of water for both of them, Blaine was already passed out... sweet, gentle snores escaping his lips.

Kurt stripped Blaine down to his underwear, waking him to drink some water before laying back down again. Blaine thanked him quietly, still sleepy eyed.

Kurt sat on the edge of the bed, taking a long drink of his own water before stripping his clothes off. He left his underwear on, carefully folding his clothes as he contemplated everything that had happened this evening.

"Kurt?" Blaines voice made him jump, thinking that he had gone straight back to sleep. Instead he was fully naked, sprawled on his back, slowly stroking himself to a full erection. "Come and get in bed."

Well.. Kurt wasnt expecting that tonight. Hastily pulling off his own underwear he batted away Blaines hand, replacing it with his own, leaning down to swirl his tongue around the swollen head of Blaines cock.

"Oh!" Blaine cried out, "want to come in your mouth. Can I? Can I?"

"Oh, you are desperate for it, baby." Kurt bent Blaines legs up at the knees, spreading his legs wider. "You look gorgeous like this," he said, sinking his mouth down Blaines shaft as far as he could.

"Your mouth... Kurt... Oh.." Blaine continued with a series of babbling exclamations as Kurt sunk all the way down, hollowing out his cheeks. He held Blaines thighs wide, leaving him beautifully exposed.

"You... You.. Oh you.. Your mouth." Blaine cried out.

Kurt pulled off, squeezing Blaines balls hard. "Dont come until I tell you.. Okay?"

"I dont think I.. Please dont make wait too long, Kurt.."

"I thought we could come together.. Unless you really want to come in my mouth.." Kurt said softly, reaching down to kiss Blaines lips. They both moaned into the kiss as it grew more heated.

"I just want to come..." Blaine admitted, "and Im about to resort to shameless begging."

"Hmm, well I do love hearing you beg.." Kurt laughed, reaching blindly for the lube in his bedside drawer, one handedly opening it and squeezing some into his hand. "But this time I think we should just get on with it." They both gasped as Kurt wrapped his hand round both their cocks, rubbing them together deliciously.

Blaine could barely contain himself as he thrust into Kurts hand, the friction as his cock moved against Kurts nearly sending him through the roof. "Oh Kurt. Kurt. You.. I.."

"Okay," Kurt said with a laugh. "Let go Blaine.. Let me see you come."

"And you?" Blaine groaned.

"And me." Kurt jerked his hand faster, up, down, up, down, both of them spilling over into Kurts hand in just a few toe curling strokes.



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