Play Me Softly
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,184 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
257 0 0 0 0


Home was definitely not where Blaine wanted to be… if he had a choice, but fuelled with a dash of optimism he decided  to try and make the best of it. Not long ago, everyone would marvel at Blaines optimism. energy and enthusiasm for anything and everything, but more and more lately he was failing to recognise that part of himself. It wasnt that he was actually unhappy… after all he had an amazing sexy boyfriend who he was having copious amounts of sex with… and they were virtually living together, contentedly domesticated (with a lot of nudity involved when they had the apartment to themselves). Nevertheless he knew hed been struggling.

Blaines mind wandered off as he remembered his and Kurts last night together… Kurt quietly slipping inside him, unhurried and sensual, as they fought not to wake Rachel who was, on this rare occasion, at home tonight. Blaine had returned the favour, several hours later, in the small hours of the morning… the act again, quiet and unfrantic… but all the more special as they stretched it out for hours until they both had their toes curling.

It wasnt just about Kurt though. Blaine loved living in New York with a passion… he really felt like he belonged…  and the fact that he was closer to his brother was yet another bonus. As hed grown up he had always wanted to make everyone happy and seriously couldnt understand people whose glass was always half empty… that, he considered, was inexcusable because surely there was nearly always a bright side to every situation. Now, though, faced with the reality of his situation, Blaine was finding it hard to regain his usual upbeat nature… realising that real life in the adult world could never match the simple idealism of his childhood.

Making the most of his trip back home though, Blaine had met up with a group of his school friends for a game of volleyball at the local leisure centre, followed by a couple of hours at the coffee bar nearby. It had been great to see everyone again… all his friends preparing for their own college plans…. and he had forgotten how much he just enjoyed hanging out. Blaine hadnt really mentioned to anyone about his current feud with his parents over college, just letting everyone think he was going to college in New York as originally planned. He really didnt want to put a downer on the afternoon, not when everyone else was so excited about moving on. 

Blaine had almost forgotten himself for a few hours this afternoon, but it was now, as he drove home, that he felt the usual churning in his stomach. The dread of what was going to happen. His father was coming home early from work so they could have a family dinner… but Blaine wasnt sure he was going to be able to eat a thing…. especially not humble pie.

On entering the house, Blaine could hear the sound of distant chatter and laughter. He was so used to silence…. his father usually busy in his study when he was at home and his mother often reading quietly in a different room of the house… that he almost felt the need to check he was in the right place. Hed steeled himself for the oppressive silence that usually hung over the house, and now the noise of carefree voices…. just… threw him for a moment.

He was pretty shocked when he peered into the sitting room to see Cooper draped over one end of the couch in his usual relaxed style,  talking animatedly to his mother sitting on the opposite side of the room. But absolutely nothing could have prepared him for the shock of seeing Kurt sitting on the other end of the couch to Cooper, smiling softly over at him as he stood rooted in the doorway, very possibly with his mouth gaping wide.

He thought he tried to say something as his mind reeled, but he didnt think any sound came out. Eventually he managed a confused, "Huh?"…. drawing everyone elses attention over to where he was standing.

"Darling… dont just stand there. Come on in the room." His mothers voice rang out. "Your fathers just phoned to say hes on his way home… and we were all just having a catch up."

Blaine still felt like he was in a dream, standing where he was, unable to move. Cooper was grinning at him. "Come on darling brother… arent you going to join us?"

Kurt, seeing Blaines bewilderment, got up and went over to him…. grabbing Blaines hand to encourage him in to the room. "Sit next to me?" Kurt asked quietly, "Ive been waiting for you…."

Blaine dragged his feet a little. "Baby?" he said quietly. "What are you even doing here? Im so confused right now."

Kurt chuckled. "It was Coopers idea."

"Of course it was," Blaine smirked, sitting down next to Kurt on the couch. "Somehow that doesnt surprise me." He glared over at Cooper… inwardly grateful to Cooper for the love and support he was giving him. 

"Were here for you, man…" Cooper offered. "Plus I couldnt resist the chance to see my beautiful mamma." Blaines mom preened a little… subtly but Blaine could see it… this was why Cooper got away with so much. In fact, maybe Blaine should take a leaf out of Coopers book. Growing up hed always been a balance to Coopers wild ways… pleasing his parents in a way that Cooper never even cared about…being the perfect, obedient son.. and where had that got him? 


Dinner with Kurt and Cooper present… was almost fun. Cooper had been offered a small part in the soap opera hed auditioned for in LA… and everyone was genuinely happy for him. It wasnt quite the starring role that Cooper had once dreamed of, but it was a start… and steady work too. Hopefully it might be the stepping stone to other things in the future.

Blaine also realised that Cooper would no longer be needing the apartment in New York if he was going to be based in LA. This would in turn effect his own chances of living in New York though…  if he was going to be able to make his own way, he couldnt expect Kurt to let him stay permanently in the apartment he shared with Rachel. Whilst he was happy for Cooper, Blaine wondered if Coopers success was going to be taking Blaine further away from his own dream. Seeing both his parents happy for Cooper made him wonder why theyd been so adamant not to give him the same chances as theyd given his brother… and if he didnt love Cooper so much, Blaine could have easily been bitter about the whole messy situation.


It was only when coffee was brought to the table at the end of the meal that Blaines father eventually broached the subject of Blaines education. "Are you in a better frame of mind today to convince me about the route of your college education?" his father came up with. "Last time we met up to discuss it, I recall you being very riled up over the whole thing. Youre wanting to go down a route which will most likely be full of criticisms and knock backs, and yet you cant even have a convincing conversation with your own family about it. It just makes me wonder if youre the right caliber for making your way in such a competitive industry."

Kurt saw Blaines jaw clench and he squeezed Blaines knee in silent support. "I just dont feel I should be fighting for support from my own parents." Blaine held up his head defiantly. "Because I have to say, if youre behaving like this to me as a kind of test… to see if Ive got the bottle to survive the ruthless way this industry works sometimes.. youre wasting your energy."

Blaine could see his parents listening intently… a good start where they were concerned.  "Ive no intention of changing who I am for anyone or anything. Im generally open and friendly with everyone I meet.. and so far thats worked quite well for me. If nothing else Im planning on staying true to myself, and I believe I do have enough talent to be able to do that. I have confidence in myself and my abilities… and hopefully that shows through."

"Bravo." Cooper interrupted, unable to keep quiet any longer.

"Look at Kurt," Blaine carried on,  Kurt sinking down in his seat. He didnt mind being here to support Blaine, but he wasnt sure he wanted to be the main topic of conversation. "He auditions and gets parts… but as well as that he has a part time internship at, is involved in designing and making theatrical costumes for productions and of course even does vocal coaching. Not everyone studying in the arts is a one trick pony… including me. There are hundreds of career opportunities."

Cooper stood dramatically to give Blaine a wild round of applause as Blaine rolled his eyes. "Just because Im not as over the top as Coop doesnt mean Im not suited to a career in music and theatre. Even if I just end up writing songs for other people Id be happy… I just love it… love the creative process."

Blaine saw his parents smile at each other. "Okay… " his father said, "Go to college in New York. Its obviously what you want to do."

"Its all Ive ever wanted to do," Blaine sighed, his eyes suddenly widening with the realisation of what his father had just said. "So thats it, is it? After everything youve put me through, youre suddenly just letting me go to New York."

"I can retract the offer if you want," his father said dryly. He turned to Cooper who was still standing up, fit to burst. "For goodness sake Cooper, sit down… or go out in the back yard and let off some energy." Kurt managed to swallow down a laugh, disguising it with a weird sort of cough, causing a few stares as Cooper sat back down.

"Lets open that bottle of champagne weve been saving for a special occasion… I think we need to celebrate.." Blaines mom leapt out of her seat with excitement as she went to get the bottle she had in mind. She arrived back, giving the bottle to Cooper to open while she got some glasses out of the glass cabinet.

"This is all so unnecessary," Blaine mumbled sulkily, "….if youd just let me stick to my original college plans… none of this would have happened. Youve no idea what…"

"Just quit while youre ahead Blaine," his father interrupted. "And remember… no matter what the situation or how old you are… if you use bad language in this house.. there will be consequences. It would be a shame to spoil today after all that."

Blaine bristled, but said nothing, almost afraid to admit, even to himself, that if he and had carried on he would have probably said a few things he shouldnt. As soon as Cooper finished pouring the champagne, Blaine would be drinking his glass down in one go. This had been one hell of a day.


"Are you sure your parents wont mind me staying over?" Kurt asked cautiously as they made their way up to Blaines room. "I mean actually in your room. Your mom wasnt too happy that time you stayed at mine without permission I seem to recall."

Blaine shrugged. "Theyre going over to friends for drinks soon… they wont even be here. Theyve got a car coming in thirty minutes… then theyll be gone for hours. One of the good points about my parents is that theyre invariably out. Plus… Im pretty sure they must realise by now that we actually have sex, even if they didnt before. I have my own plans which most definitely involve riding your cock at some point this evening… really hard… and really noisily once my theyre gone…. and any worries about what they may think is not going to be in the forefront of my mind."

"And Cooper?" Kurt asked as nonchalantly as he could. "He wont hesitate to comment if he hears anything.?"

"Hes gone out already," Blaine virtually growled. "Anything else youd like to say?"

"No." Kurt grabbed the front of Blaines t-shirt, pulling him in for a short, desperate kiss. "Youre very persuasive…. " he murmured as Blaine moved decisively to close and lock his bedroom door. Blaine came back over to Kurt to finish the kiss theyd started.

Lost in the kiss as Blaines mouth moved over his, Kurt didnt know how or when his jeans and underwear had ended up around his knees… but all he knew was that Blaines hand was moving over his cock, slowly… deliberately… Blaines tight fist stroking him from root to tip… and… "Oooh… Oh Blaine!"  he couldnt help the exclamations that continuously escaped his lips… completely without his permission… 

Or without Blaines permission. "Shhh baby… quiet for a bit longer remember? As soon as theyre gone you can make as much noise as you like."

Kurt shuddered. "Sorry," he whispered…" Ill. Try... Oh please… I cant…"

"You can… " Blaine offered, covering Kurts mouth with his own, smothering Kurts whimpers.


Kurt couldnt believe the speed with which hed ended up bent over the bed… ass up in the air. The front door had clicked closed and Blaine hadnt wasted a moment. Supplies seemed to be already right there…. and in no time, Blaine, virtually fully clothed apart from his pants open at the front, was thrusting in and out of Kurts tightness. Tight because Kurt couldnt open his legs any wider than his clothes around his knees would allow… but that, in its own way, was a sweet delicious feeling, and was also making him feel that they were doing something very, very naughty.

If Blaine was putting all his pent up emotions into fucking Kurt…. Kurt wasnt complaining at all. He loved it. He also knew that once this frantic sex was over… later.. theyd undress properly and make love with the care and reverence that they so often did when time allowed. Sometimes words alone werent enough…. they needed this... and heaven knows how many times theyd talked over Blaines future the last few weeks… more times than he cared to remember… only for Blaines parents to seemingly relent on their previously unmoving stance… just like that. Later, Kurt might feel annoyed at all the grief and anguish theyd all been put through… for basically no reason in the end… but now.. right now… he had other things on his mind.

Kurt groaned loudly as Blaine pulled back… just when Kurt had been on the verge of coming. His leg muscles burned badly as he balanced shakily on his tiptoes… the position a perfect angle for Blaine to hit his prostate, but not a position he could hold for much longer. "Fuck.. Blaine.. Please stop teasing. I need to come."

"Impatient," Blaine breathed, tired and on the edge himself… but not beyond teasing Kurt a bit longer. "If youre going to complain I may have to spank you."

"Do it." Kurt ordered immediately. "Do it… although I have to warn you…."

He was cut off by a loud stinging smack to his right buttock… and Kurt gasped…. and was coming so hard he thought he was going to pass out. He distantly felt Blaine coming inside him, as his muscles clenched round the other mans cock.

Kurt flopped his body on the bed… the best he could from the position hed been in, giving his legs a welcome relief. Blaine collapsed on top of him. "You were saying?" Blaine asked weakly.

"Huh?… Oh… right. I was trying to warn you that if you spank me, Ill probably come…"

"You werent lying…"


They all had to get going early the next morning. Cooper and Kurt both had obligations to get back to … and Blaine... well he had a visit to make…. a trip to NYADA to accept his college place… thank you very much. There would still be a lot to organise, but that could all be sorted out later.

First one down to the kitchen, Blaine found his mother sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. "Youre up early," Blaine commented as he poured himself a coffee and busied himself making some breakfast for everyone. 

"You and Kurt seem… very close… closer than I realised. Youre obviously very special to each other."

Blaine turned round briefly to look at his mom. "He is my boyfriend mom. I love him…. when Im with him… everything just feels so right. Theres no question how special he is."

His mom smiled softly. "Im happy for you… I like him very much." She paused. "Things are just so different now. When I met your father, we would date a couple of times a week… and it takes a long time to get to know each other properly when you do that. In fact I dont think we even knew everything about each other when we got married…"

Blaine had a feeling his mom wanted to continue, but she stopped when she heard other footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Ill drive you all to the station when youve had your breakfast," she said getting up from the table and putting her empty cup in the sink. "Ill go upstairs and get ready."

Blaine couldnt help wondering if there was something else she wanted to tell him… it was probably nothing, but he couldnt be sure.  Hed missed their chats they used to have from time to time, and it was probably just that his mom did too. He was going to make more of an effort to stay in touch with his mom, he decided, call her regularly. Despite the fact that he and his parents had had their problems lately… they were family… and Blaine at least wanted to regain some of the relationship theyd had before.



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