Play Me Softly
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Play Me Softly: Chapter 11

E - Words: 4,512 - Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Aug 16, 2014 - Updated: Aug 16, 2014
116 0 0 0 0

It wasnt helping… nothing was helping…. and Blaine could see today going from bad to worse…. no matter how much he might wish otherwise. Hed endured a painful lunch with his father where hed very nearly lost his composure.. and if had not been for the fact that he was at his fathers club, he most probably would have. Hed made an escape to the restrooms at one point, only to bite hard on his clenched fist in frustration at the way things were progressing….. not caring, as he glanced in the mirror, that his face was red and angry... and that his hair was wild from his fingers running through it. If he didnt look as polished as normal… well let that be his little act of rebellion.

"I always said your mother was too soft with you," his father had begun, as soon as Blaine had sat back down at their table. "I always knew it would end up with you being undisciplined and badly behaved." He took a sip of his wine, his eyes boring into Blaine as he spoke.

"Im really none of those things," Blaine said quietly, his eyes cast down at his plate of food that he truly had no appetite for.

"You have five minutes to convince me, Blaine, because youve been a bit of a disappointment of late," his father had huffed impatiently. "Ive a meeting with an important client and I dont want to be late…"

Blaines hands had shaken slightly as he politely dabbed his mouth with his napkin, before placing it on the table next to his barely touched food. "I think," Blaine had said carefully, "that this is something that well never see eye to eye on… no matter how much time we have. I want to follow my dreams… and Im sorry that doesnt meet your expectations." He had stood up from the table, feeling at least a little self satisfied at the shocked look on his fathers face.

"Dont be silly Blaine," his father had said through gritted teeth, picking up his wine glass as he spoke, "Just sit back down at once. Youre making a spectacle of yourself… whatever will people think….?"

"Thats all youre worried about isnt it? What other people will think… never mind what I want." Blaines voice had come out a little higher than hed hoped, but none the less, he felt hed made his point without completely breaking down. "Please give mother my love," hed added, before turning away and heading out of the restaurant… not looking back… even managing a cursory nod to the member of staff whod rushed to open the door for him on his way out.


It had been all well and good, but as soon as Blaine had got outside he just wanted to punch something… someone even… the anger had been so strong. Hed known he was a mess. His face was burning hot… and he really hadnt wanted to cry.. but his body had other ideas. He settled for trying to convince himself that his tears really were tears of frustration and nothing to do with the fact that any chances hed had of reconciling his differences with his father, were now gone.

Later, hed pounded the back streets, trying to overcome the rage inside him by running, hoping that the strenuous activity would help. Hed kept going long after his body had told him itd had enough… and now he was a hot sweaty mess back at Kurts apartment…and didnt really feel any better for it. Unhelpfully he still felt like he wanted to hit something… probably his father at the moment…. and he couldnt figure out how to make the feeling go away.

Blaine picked up his phone, running off a text to Kurt without even thinking about whether it was a good idea.

To Kurt: Im angry. Im sorry… and please dont be nice to me when you get home…. It might break me.

Kurt had known Blaine was meeting his father today, so Blaine knew his message wouldnt be completely out of the blue for Kurt. When Kurt didnt respond, Blaine threw himself onto the couch in a sulk, ignoring the fact that he badly needed a shower… and completely not even taking the time to look up when Kurt came in the door a short time later.

He felt Kurt pause as he came into the living area, refusing to look in the direction of the other man. "Get in the shower please Blaine." Kurts voice sounded sterner than Blaine had ever heard it before, especially directed at him. Blaines heart beat hard in his chest… he knew he should just do it.. but… well… he was an adult… and was fed up with other people telling him what to do. Even if they were right…. also the sadistic part of him wanted to push Kurt : see how far Kurt would take it.

Blaine slouched back on the couch, closing his eyes. The silence in the room grew thick and heavy… and when Blaine cracked an eye open Kurt had moved considerably closer to him. His chest fluttered, but he wasnt going to give in…. not just yet.

Then Kurt spoke again… now only several inches away from Blaines face. "Get your sweaty body off of my couch… and into the shower. Now." Blaine had seriously never heard Kurt sound so scary… to be fair he had asked Kurt not to be nice to him… but he hadnt quite meant this… "If I have to ask you again, sorry really isnt going to be enough Blaine. Youre going to be on your hands and knees, begging for forgiveness."

Blaine swallowed the lump in his throat, his lips forming into a pout as he defiantly looked up at Kurt. "Are you going to make me?"

"Nope," Kurt said cooly, as if nothing could ruffle his feathers, " but if I have to undress you myself, I might not allow you a shower. Youre not the only one whos had a bad day, Blaine. Show some consideration for others… and also some respect for my apartment and my property… my couch.." Kurt glanced with distain at Blaines sweaty appearance.

"You wouldnt understand," Blaine muttered, frowning.

"Oh I understand, Blaine." Kurt was on fire as he loomed over Blaine…. and Blaine was…. hard as a rock at the sight of Kurt behaving in such a commanding manner. "How could I fail to notice all the problems going on in your life? I mean youre the only one who has problems, right? And if I hadnt noticed… well, youll be sure to tell me all about them. Its really a good job Rachels not in this evening… because in a short while, instead of refusing to get cleaned up, youre sorry ass is going to be begging me to just let you get in the shower. Obedience is rewarded… I mean, will you survive the rest of the night without being allowed to come? Looking at the way youre tenting those shorts, Id say not…"

"What are you going to do to me?" Blaine whispered, his whole body thrumming. "I know I said dont be nice to me… but I didnt think youd be mean… I just didnt want you too show too much sympathy."

Kurt knelt down in front of Blaine where he was half laying on the couch. "Youll thank me later," Kurt said quietly, slipping his hand up the leg of Blaines running shorts, cupping his hard, surprisingly bare cock with a gentle squeeze. "Oh… Im sorry I missed you out running in these shorts without any underwear on… it must have been a glorious sight…."

Blaine blushed. "I didnt think… I had other things on my mind."

Kurt squeezed Blaines cock a little harder and more persistently. "Dont you worry. Soon the only thing on your mind is going to be about the fact that you refused to get in the shower when I asked… and wondering when, or if, Im going to let you come… only, as I mentioned, youre looking pretty desperate already."

Blaine gave a big sigh, pushing his hips into Kurts grip. Kurt raised a questioning eyebrow at him. "I… I cant keep up this charade.," Blaine breathed. "Definitely not for much longer anyway. Sorry Kurt. I appreciate your effort. Just come and have a shower with me? I think thatll make me feel a whole lot better than anything else… especially if you keep touching me like youre doing at the moment."

Kurts features softened. "So I take it lunch with your father didnt go well then?"

"It was …. inevitable really.. can we talk about it later? I really dont want to talk about my father while youre stroking my… god… Ive got too many clothes on. I dont want to come before Ive taken out my frustrations riding that fantastic cock of yours."


"You havent heard anything from NYADA yet then?" Kurt asked softly, running his fingers lightly down Blaines side. They lay tangled together in bed, in desperate need of another shower….. and too comfortable to even get up to feed their rumbling stomachs.

Kurt felt Blaines breath hitch at the question, suddenly worrying that Blaine may have had the NYADA avenue closed off to him. Hed tried not to keep asking Blaine about it, hoping that he could just get on with his life until the official decision came through, but he knew of a couple of other people who had heard the results of their scholarship applications… and they hadnt gone particularly well. It sounded heartless, but that gave more chance to Blaine. And if anyone deserved a chance to shine at NYADA, Blaine did.

"Blaine?" Kurt worried, moving to meet Blaines eyes. "Have you heard?"

"Just before I met my father today," Blaine said quietly, pressing his lips together. "Ive been offered 50% off my fees… and guaranteed paid work giving piano lessons to some younger school children who come in for music lessons from the elementary school nearby."

"Thats good Blaine. Thats good… right?" Kurt shifted so their faces were level, wrapping his arms around Blaine. Hed never tire off how wonderful and just right, their naked bodies felt pressed together… especially post sex, when things were a little less frantic…

Blaine traced his fingers along Kurts jawline, thinking before he spoke. "Youre right," he smiled, "it is good.. and Im truly grateful… but its not enough is it? Not for college in New York."

"Oh Blaine… did you ask your father? I mean.. I know you have already… many times… they were originally going to let you do what you wanted… before that night. God… even just picturing your mother in the coffee shop the morning after the night before, still gives me nightmares."

Blaine smirked. "Strangely… it was still worth it."

"Hmmm," Kurt hummed, "Naughty boy Blaine… with the face of an angel. You had us all fooled…… So what did your father say?"

Blaine shook his head. "He was being his usual self… and Im ashamed to say I walked out. But that was only to save myself saying something I really regretted," he added, noticing the alarmed look on Kurts face.

"Somehow being treated like a young child by my parents, apparently makes me behave like one," Blaine said wryly.

"You do know I didnt mean what I said earlier, dont you?" Kurt asked. "when I made out I was fed up hearing about your problems. Your problems are my problems. Were in this together.. and I love you so much."

Blaine kissed Kurt on the lips, deepening the kiss as Kurt kissed him back. "I know baby. I want us to be together as much as I want to be able to go to college here…. but at the moment I cant figure out how." Noticing the frown on Blaines face, Kurt decided to leave any further discussions on the matter until later. He knew from past experience that he needed to tread carefully on this sensitive topic…. plus he had his naked boyfriend, soft and pliable in his bed, with the bonus of the apartment to themselves for a few hours…..


Theyd had a late dinner, devouring virtually every scrap of food in the fridge. It was surprising how much of an appetite theyd managed to build up (Kurt blushed just thinking about it). He made mental note to go grocery shopping with Blaine the next day…. but for now he had bit of preparation to do for tomorrows class and was quickly trying to finish up, knowing that he needed to talk to Blaine about his place at NYADA. Any scholarship places were in demand and Blaine needed to make up his mind quickly.

They were sitting on the couch. Blaine busy texting. Kurt looked up at him. "Do you think you might want to talk to Cooper about this… see what he thinks?" he asked.

Blaine looked a bit despondent, shaking his head. "Hes busy. Ive texted him briefly but… well his in LA for a few days auditioning. I mean good for him… but he doesnt need to be saddled with my problems at the moment. He gets enough grief of his own from my parents from time to time… so I dont really want to drag him in any further at the moment." Blaine stuck his earbuds in his ears, giving Kurt a soft smile before turning back to his phone…. signalling the conversation was over for now.

Kurt sighed, turning back to his own work.


Kurt thankfully pressed save on his finished piece of homework a couple of hours later, groaning as he stretched his stiff body up off of the couch… hed been sitting in one position for far too long. He glanced at Blaine who had been so quiet all this time, thinking that the other man must have fallen asleep by now. It was unusual for him to have been this quiet for so long… even if he was only humming along to his music, it was rare for Blaine to be completely silent.

Kurt was surprised to see Blaine sitting, doing absolutely nothing, a far away pensive look on his face. "Blaine?" Kurt asked, glancing over at him with a frown, "Are you okay?"

Blaine nodded, looking up at Kurt, smiling sadly. "Ive been thinking…." he held a hand out to Kurt, who immediately came over to him, taking the offered hand."

"That doesnt sound good, does it? Whats happened?"

"Oh nothings happened… Ive just been realising what a mess I am... my lifes a mess and Im dragging you and everyone else into it. And thats not fair… Im not being fair." Blaine struggled to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. "Its got to stop."

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked worriedly. "Whatever youre thinking…. Ive been in love with you from the first day I met you…and theres no way Im going to let you walk away from me. Well, not unless thats what you really want… I wouldnt stop you if thats what you really want, of course." Kurt sat down next to Blaine, pulling him in close.

Blaine shook his head against Kurts shoulder where his head lay. "Im not breaking up with you… never… but I think I need to go home and face the music instead of running away from my problems. Ill just do what my parents want… I can still do music and theatre and all the things I love… nobody can take that away from me, right? Its just that Ill have a business degree to my name instead of music… its only a piece of paper at the end of the day."

"Oh Blaine," Kurt sighed. "Youre not thinking straight. This isnt you… you cant…"

"Theres no choice.. Ive no choice… in fact my only choice is no choice," Blaine lamented.

"Come on now… I know youre feeling a bit down right now, but theres got to be another way Blaine." Kurt ran his fingers through Blaines curls, soothing the both of them. "Lets sleep on it… dont make decisions when youre tired… there must be other options."

"Ive made up my mind."

"Well… okay… for now….. but at least lets decide to have one last evening at the diner tomorrow.. Another day wont make much difference… " Kurt silently hoped that hed manage to convince Blaine to think a bit more logically about everything by then.

"Im not sure….. It might be too painful… you know, a reminder of everything Im going to miss. I dont know why Ive tried to fight it all this time… it was inevitable that college was never really going to be my own decision."

"Come on… just for me… humour me. Whatever happens youll still be able to come and visit… and thats still a worst case scenario at the moment."

"Okay…. god… why cant I say no to you? Just take me to bed, Mr Hummel. Sweep me off my feet… one last time."

"I can do that… Id love to…"


Kurt need never know that Blaine cried himself to sleep later that night…. and if Kurt was surprised how ruthless Blaine had been with his own body while theyd made love (harder Kurt, harder… I want to feel it tomorrow… ) he didnt comment… he just gave it to Blaine unreservedly.


Blaine was already wide awake as he lay wrapped in Kurts arms when Kurt woke the next morning. "Mmm," Kurt murmured, spotting Blaines wide eyes looking up at him, "Been awake long?"

Blaine shrugged. "Ive forgotten what a good nights sleep is like lately…. and my whole life just feels like one big bad dream lately, anyway… so…."

"Blaine." Kurt held Blaine tightly. "There were a few things I wanted to say to you last night… but it wasnt the right time."

"I know. Youve been wonderful to me… encouraging me…. dont think Im not grateful."

"I dont say any of those things for you to feel grateful… because theyre true... but thats not what I wanted to say. Forgive me for saying this, but you really have to behave like the adult that you are with everyone else when you speak to your parents…. I know your fathers infuriating and opinionated, but this is important." Kurt soothe his fingers through Blaines curls as he spoke. "You need to explain how hard it is to get a scholarship at NYADA… and that only the very best of the best get any offers of one. A large percentage of past students who have had scholarships have gone on to have successful careers… many are household names if thats how success is to be judged."

Blaine looked up at Kurt with a soft smile. "Youre such a sweetheart to me… thank you." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Perhaps Ill mention that casting director agent who gave me his card after Id finished my performance at the bar last weekend. Theres apparently several auditions he could put me forward for already… if hes to believed."

"David Parnell," Kurt whispered, "Id heard he was in town… Is that his name, Blaine? Only hes a well known scout… oh my god…" He watched tentatively as Blaine reached for his wallet on the bedside table, flipping out the small card hed been given at the bar.

Blaine held out the insignificant looking item, now something possibly holding his future. "Yes," Kurt shrieked as he peered at the writing on the card. "Blaine… its him."

Blaine looked shell shocked for an instant, his eyes widening. "Wow…" a pause. "Oh but he probably gives out his cards to lots of people, right? I mean if thats his job…. "

"Yes… okay.. but the thing is he doesnt give them out to everyone… and rarely to someone who hasnt even started at college yet. His usual haunt is Call Backs where he knows NYADA students go. "Theres plenty of talented people here in New York… so only the best of the best are even considered. Did he… what did he say to you?"

Blaine shrugged. "Not that much… well I didnt really know who he was of course… but I dont think he was working. He was sitting with.. I assume.. his wife and maybe two children, my age or slightly younger... and they were there for the most of my two hour set as far as I remember. He just came up to me when I came off stage and told me how much hed enjoyed the set… I dont know.. asked me if Id written the original songs myself… gave me his card, and asked me to call his office to set up a meeting"

"Im serious, Blaine… Cooper will have heard of him. Hell… hell be really envious, Im sure." Kurt was buzzing with excitement."

"Right… what should I do?"

"Certainly call him… then go home and explain everything to your parents. Sell yourself. You manage to have everyone else falling at your feet who you meet… Im sure you can do it with your parents too if you just keep your head."

Kurt whispered his lips up against Blaines, barely touching. "Youre a very clever boy, Blaine. We should celebrate."

"Um…" Blaine was memorised by the close proximity of Kurts lips, still barely touching his. "How? Oh…." He gulped, only just realising Kurts hand was firmly wrapped around his rapidly expanding cock. "Mmmm… please… celebrate… yes.. oh yes."

Blaine gasped in frustration as Kurt withdrew his hand. "Do you want to call anyone first… to tell them..? Cooper?.. although its probably a bit early in LA I suppose…"

"No.." Blaine whined, "come back. My resolve is weak at this time of the morning… and Im not beneath begging."

"Thats hot! Youre so hot! Would you like me to kiss your poor neglected cock better?" Kurt ghosted his lips down Blaines neck, sucking wetly where the skin met his shoulder. "On the condition that straight after breakfast you call David Parnells PA and make that appointment."

"Yes…. yes… anything.. just shut up and use your mouth for better things…"

"Mmm… bossy! Anyone would think thats all you really care about… " Kurt smirked before sucking hard on the tip of Blaines cock, making him gasp in surprise.

"At.. this.. moment… it is all I care about," Blaine groaned, letting himself sink into the hot, wet heat of Kurts magic mouth.


Things started to happen pretty quickly after that. By the time Blaine and Kurt walked into the diner early the next evening, many of their friends were already gathered. "Oh…" Blaine began, "Kurt did you do this?"

Kurt shrugged nonchalantly. "I may have mentioned it to a few people…"

Blaine smiled and waved as Sebastian gave him a cheery "Hello". Doing a double take as he spotted his parents sitting at a small table to the side.

"Youve got to be kidding me…" Blaine muttered. "Please tell me this wasnt you…" he said to Kurt.

Kurt shook his head. "I knew they were coming," he began, ignoring Blaines initial scowl, "but it was Coopers idea… he thought it would be a good idea if they came and saw just how talented you actually are…. please just give them a chance Blaine." Kurt was waiting for Blaine to fly off the handle, but he surprised him by putting his arm on Kurts shoulder, turning him towards him for a slow sweet kiss, ignoring everyones curious glances.

"I love you," he said quietly. "I dont think I tell you enough. Youre such a beautiful person.. inside and out."

"Come on," Kurt said blushing, as he tugged Blaine across the room, "Lets go and say hello to your parents. I know for a fact theyve been watching us ever since we came in."


Kurt sat with his parents while he performed… and Blaine loved him so much for doing that for him. The diner was pretty crowded and Blaine took full advantage. Several songs in he had everyone joining in, picking songs that he knew most people would know… encouraging everyone with playful banter between numbers. By the time hed moved on to playing some of his own compositions he already had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand.

"You were amazing," Kurt said quietly, when Blaine came over to join him and Blaines parents, after he finally came off stage, "The best Ive ever seen you. I didnt think you could get any better…. but I was wrong."

Blaine sat down next to Kurt, linking their hands together before looking up at his parents, smiling cautiously, unsure exactly what to say.

"Hmmm," his father offered. "You certainly know how to capture an audience, Ill give you that." A compliment coming from his father.

Blaine looked at his mom who looked like shed been trying not to cry. "Id forgotten how music just seems to become part of you when you perform," she said quietly. "Its been so long since Ive actually seen you do any performing in public." Blaine felt Kurt squeeze his hand.

"Come home after youve had your meeting tomorrow with the casting agency," his father said, a little gruffly. "We need to talk."

Blaine nodded. "Yes… okay, yes." He guessed he should call Cooper later to thank him. He wasnt quite there yet, but whatever Cooper had said to their parents had obviously done something.


AN. (Not much more to go now. I promise there wont be so long to wait next time either)


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