July 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
When Blaines parents decided he needed to go to a singing coach, he was not happy. "Mom!" he berated, "I dont need a stupid singing teacher. I know how to sing…"
"Singing coaches dont just teach you how to sing, Blaine," his mom had told him. "Its also about performing and breathing, and just creating a stage presence. I know youre good, but the competition is fierce for the colleges you want to apply to in the city. I mean, have you heard how many people actually apply to NYADA each year? Theres students applying whove been going to stage school for years, so I really dont think itll be a waste of time getting a few tips and pointers from someone in the know." She sounded like shed already made up her mind.
Blaine pouted, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. He knew better than to argue with his mom though. Hed save his battles for more important things. Hed just take a few lessons and hopefully the coach would realise he didnt need any help… and that would be the end of that.
It seemed like a lot of planning had gone on without Blaines knowledge. His singing coach was actually a student in his final year at NYADA (no wonder his mother had been spouting off facts and figures about that particular college), which meant that every Friday after school, Blaine was going to have to take the hour long train journey into New York City itself for his lesson. He was going to be staying overnight at his brothers apartment, travelling back the next day. Whilst it would be nice to see a bit more of Cooper, Blaine couldnt help thinking that this was all just a big waste of time.
As Blaine exited Grand Central Station, he looked carefully at the piece of paper hed been given with the name and address of his coach and directions to his apartment. He tried to work out which direction he needed head off in, turning the small map round in his hands ……. what sort of name was Kurt Hummel anyway he wondered as glanced again at the name and address. Blaine could help but be a little bit curious.
Blaine was lost for words when Kurt opened the door to him. The man was gorgeous. Beautiful kind blue eyes looked out at him as Kurt held out his hand to shake Blaines. "Blaine," Kurt said brightly, "lovely to meet you. Hope you didnt have too much trouble finding the apartment."
Blaine reached out to shake Kurts hand, nodding mutely before he realised hed better say something. "No problem, thanks," he smiled, waving the small map his mom had printed off for him, determined that he wasnt going to have any excuse for not turning up to his lesson.
"Ooh, youre well organised," Kurt said as he let Blaine inside, closing the door behind them both. "Thats what I like to see.."
"Oh, my mom.." Blaine began, "She..um…. Im sorry Kurt. She thinks I need lessons. I dont think I do….. I just dont want to waste your time."
Kurt smiled softly at him, not saying anything about Blaines declaration, guiding him further inside the apartment. "Just make yourself comfortable to begin with." He gestured in general around the open plan apartment. "I thought we could just have a little chat…and take it from there. Maybe get to know each other… and see… coffee?" he questions, not really waiting for an answer as he heads over to the kitchen.
It was true Blaine didnt want lessons, but he wouldnt have said no to coffee, even if he hadnt been a coffee drinker, because Kurt was.. well… Blaine wanted to come to New York for college with a passion. He already loved the city, everything it appeared to offer… and that included people like Kurt…. Blaine had never met anyone as beautiful as Kurt in his life.
A cup of coffee in his hand, conversation came easy and an hour went by in no time, Blaine mesmerisingly spilling his hopes and ambitions; performing on broadway, an album of his own songs, maybe one day writing a musical…. the list was endless. He was equally entranced to hear that Kurt had already had small parts in off broadway productions even though still a student, was a dancer (Blaine would love to see Kurt dance one day) and had a unique countertenor singing voice. Blaines stomach fluttered with the thought of writing music for such a voice, and although he hadnt yet heard Kurt sing, he just knew he would sound wonderful. By the time Kurt suggested that Blaine sing something for him, he was flushed and thrumming and thinking of buying his mother a big bunch of flowers for introducing him to the world of this beautiful man.
Funny enough, when Kurt suggested Blaine sang for him, he had no objection at all.
"Just sing something youre comfortable with," Kurt told him softly. "It doesnt matter if its something youd do for an audition or not. Id just like to hear what you can do."
Blaine sat at Kurts piano, not knowing what he was going to sing, but hed recently been messing around with a slowed down version of Katie Perrys Teenage Dream and as soon as his fingers touched the keys he knew thats what he was going to sing.
Kurt really hadnt known what to expect when hed agreed to tutor Blaine. Having only tutored other college students before, he had to admit hed been expecting a gold standard spoilt brat to arrive on his doorstep this afternoon. In all probability, Kurt had decided, Blaine at best would only be a competent singer... And at worst, only any good to his doting parents ears. If people wanted to waste their money though... Well who was he to stop them. After a couple of lessons hed be able to give an honest assessment of Blaines ability and hope that theyd be able to take his advice above their blinded love for their son.
So when Kurt had answered the door to Blaine, hed been pleasantly surprised at the young man that had stood before him. Not only was he stunning to look at with gorgeous thick black hair curling softly round his handsome face, but when he smiled his whole face lit up. Even from his polite introduction Kurt knew that most, if not all, of his preconceptions had been completely wrong.
After theyd sat down to coffee, an hour had sped by. Kurt rarely had such interesting, stimulating conversions with his peers, let alone someone four years his junior and for a fleeting moment hed forgotten this gorgeous boy was even in his apartment for a lesson.
As soon as Blaine was seated at the piano, Kurt just knew he was going to be good. Blaine looked so comfortable and at home sitting there at the keyboard, like it was something he was born to do.. And then he started playing and Kurt was almost overwhelmed.
To be honest, Kurt had never been a big fan of Katy Perrys Teenage Dream, or so he thought.. Because suddenly a slowed down, stripped back version, sung directly to him by this lovely boy, looking right into his eyes as he sang, was his very favourite song in the whole world.
Blaines fingers came to rest on the piano keys as the song came to a close, smiling softly as he kept his eyes on Kurt.
Kurt cleared his throat. "Um.. Wow Blaine. That was amazing... Was that your own arrangement?" Kurt was pretty sure that at this point he should be giving Blaine some constructive criticism, but nothing was springing to mind.
Blaines face blushed an endearing shade of pink. "Oh.. Just something Ive been messing around with.." He glanced down at his fingers still on the piano keys, removing them carefully and placing them in his lap.
"Honestly now Blaine?" Kurt raised his eyebrow. "Messing around…? That was seriously just so..."
"Okay," Blaine interrupted with a small smile, "maybe not exactly messing around with, but I do just play around with songs for relaxation type of thing, not always with an end goal in mind."
"Would you like to play me something else? ...actually.. Correct that... Please play me something else.." Blaine looked up to see Kurt smiling widely at him.
"Um... Sure.. One of my own..or..?"
"Yes," Kurt interrupted, "one of your own compositions would be perfect."
"I have to warn you.." Blaine ran his fingers over a few keys in preparation, "nothings completely finished, or perfect... And some Ive only really done with the guitar... So I might be improvising a bit here.."
"Oh, warn away," Kurt said happily. "I dont need perfection... Although Ive a feeling it probably will be.."
"I am a bit of a perfectionist," Blaine conceded, still running over notes, as if his fingers were still deciding what he was going to play.
"Look Blaine," Kurt said, "I already know from what Ive seen that itll be a travesty if you dont get into NYADA.. and anywhere else you want to go.. come to that.. So just show me what youve got and we can work out a plan of action, if thats what youd like.."
Blaine didnt say anything further, instead, he began to play the piano in earnest. For the next forty minutes Kurt was treated to his own private concert, where Blaine played a full series of reworked covers, from a variety of genres, interspersed with a selection of his own songs, completely without the aid of any sheet music.
When Blaine eventually stopped, turning his head questioningly (hopefully) towards him, Kurt found himself unable to speak.
Kurt huffed out a choked laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. "I feel like Ive been serenaded..." he said quietly. "Thank you.."
"I know I probably sounded big headed when I got here... Saying I didnt need lessons and everything.." Blaine began. "But music is my life.. Its all I do. Any free time I have.. My parents have probably never heard most of that stuff... They dont really know what I can do, although they do want the best for me.."
Kurt was already shaking his head. "I didnt think that.. I definitely dont think that.. But if you want.. Maybe I can help you. Your auditions are a one chance to show who you are, and together we can try to work out the best way to do that... In just one or two songs. What do you think?"
Blaine span round to face Kurt, giving him his full attention. "I realise now that having a vocal coach isnt just about running scales and breathing exercises - not that Id mind if we did that," Blaine smiled wryly, "and yes.. Id love for you to help me. Thank you."
"Good." Kurt stood up, stretching his arms above his head, giving Blaine the view of a gorgeous strip of toned stomach. Blaine couldnt help the small gasp that escaped his lips at the sight, but luckily Kurt didnt notice. He was sure Kurt had admirers wherever he turned.
"Are you gay?" Blaine stupidly blurted before he could stop himself, blushing profusely in embarrassment. He couldnt believe hed voiced his thoughts out loud. "Im sorry Kurt... that was so rude of me.. Ignore me. Its none of my business."
Kurt just chuckled though, completely unoffended. Hed been around for too long to be upset at anyone asking about his sexuality and to be truthful he was proud of who he was.. plus he hadnt missed Blaines pretty blushes at some of their interactions today. "As gay as they come. Dont be embarrassed... Its a fair question... And Im guessing... you are too?"
Blaine could do nothing but groan as he covered his face with his hands. "I am... and Im an idiot.. and youre amazing. How can you be so amazing?"
Kurt came over to Blaine, gently prising his hands away from his face, but still holding onto them. "Youre adorable," he said softly, "and, hey, weve found something else weve got in common, so thats got to be a good thing, right?"
Blaine nodded, feeling a little better about everything as he watched Kurt wander over to the kitchen and pick up his phone. "Im sure your brother will be wondering where you are.." Kurt commented as he opened his contacts to let Blaine put his number in his phone.
"Oh. Cooper?" Blaine smiled, carefully typing in the number, "Hes got a job of some sorts tonight, so I have a spare key to his apartment and permission to order takeout. Apparently he has an account with his local Thai? Bizarre as that may sound. Hes kind of an actor," Blaine offered by way of an explanation, "still waiting for his big break, of course."
"In that case.. Stay and have something with me." Kurt tried not to sound quite as excited at the prospect as he felt... But there was something about Blaine. Kurt could hardly explain it... He just wanted to nurture him.. help him…protect his sweet innocence from the wolves.. "Just text your brother and tell him what youre doing.. Maybe he can swing by and pick you up on his way home later.. His apartments not too far from here is it? After all we dont want to get in trouble with your mom.. Not after only one lesson," Kurt added, opening the fridge to grab a few items...
"Oh.. I dont want to be any trouble.. I feel like Ive already put you out this evening.." Blaine felt like he couldnt stop blushing around Kurt as he got up and headed over to where Kurt had already started work in the kitchen.
Kurt made a scoffing noise. "Blaine. If you think youre trouble you should meet Rachel." Kurt had already told Blaine a little about his talented, but high maintenance, roommate. "Shes a vegan.. And insists I only cook meat when shes not here. So as shes out, Im taking the opportunity.. Another time I might only be able to offer you tofu and salad."
It did seem a bit rude to refuse, Blaine thought to himself, as well as the fact that Kurt seemed like a really nice guy.. more than nice. It would be good to already have a friend in the city when he came here for college. "Okay. Thank you then. Can I do anything to help?"
Blaine was actually feeling quite pleased with himself as he sat on the train on the journey home the following afternoon. He had Kurts phone number in his phone and at least half a dozen texts from the man, which hed re-read more times than he could count.
Dinner last night had been nothing short of heaven. Theyd thrown around a few ideas for song choices for Blaine to prepare for his next lesson and there was even the suggestion of them going to a local diner with Kurts friends one Friday evening. Not only was it a restaurant, but it also had a performance stage complete with a grand piano for anyone wishing to sing. All you had to do was to turn up and put your name down on the list.. And it was apparently very popular with NYADA students. Kurt had suggested it might be good practice for Blaine.
At eleven oclock last night, when Cooper had come to collect him on his way home, Blaine had had a goodbye hug from Kurt. "Dont forget to bring your guitar with you next week," hed whispered hotly against Blaines ear, leaving him a little heated and breathless. If hed doubted it before, New York was definitely where he belonged.
His perfect time continued when, this morning, Cooper had taken him to a cosy little coffee shop for a late breakfast and a catch up on what theyd missed in each others lives over the last few months. It was the type of place where Blaine could just see himself frequenting when he came here for college. Soft, comfortable seats where he could lose half a day surrounded by his books, plugged into his iPod... He didnt always share Coopers taste, but this place was really nice.
In the past, Blaine and Cooper had never been that close.. At least not in the way that some siblings are. It was understandable really, considering the ten year age gap... I mean what sixteen year old would be interested in hanging out with their six year old brother...? But in his own way Cooper had always looked out for him. Being family, the bond was there and even though Cooper was often ridiculous and self-centred, Blaine was actually quite fond of him, even if he did sometimes seem like the more mature and sensible sibling himself.
It hadnt been discussed, but Blaine knew there was always the chance that his parents were expecting him to live with Cooper when he came to New York. He knew they were still partially supporting Cooper financially (just until he got his big break of course) and he couldnt see his parents wanting to pay out rent for a room or apartment for Blaine too when there was a room ready and waiting for him with his brother. If they were going to end up living together it was probably a good thing that they spent a bit more time together.
Blaine jumped into his moms car where she was waiting for him at the station the other end. She really mustnt want him to have any excuse not to have his singing lessons. Any other time… and hed be making his own way home. "Howd your lesson go, Sweetie?" she asked as he buckled up, looking at him expectantly.
Suddenly Blaine felt the need to keep his friendship with Kurt private. The bubbly feeling he felt under the surface of his skin every time he thought of Kurt, wasnt something he wanted to share, especially not with his mom. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Sokay," he mumbled, leaning his head back in the seat and closing his eyes, "Mtired.."
When Blaine arrived at Kurts door the following Friday, he felt more like he was going on a date than going for his voice lesson. All week hed been floating, unable to get through any reasonable length of time without thinking about Kurt. Each time his phone buzzed he hoped it might be the other man; a few times it had been, often with an idea or another song choice for Blaine, other times just a comment about something hed seen or heard that he thought might amuse him. Just the fact that Kurt was thinking about him at all had his heart soaring.
The last thing Blaine wanted to do was to make an idiot of himself in front of Kurt, although, perhaps it was inevitable that he would develop a crush on the first stunning, beautiful gay man (who was proud of his sexuality) that he met. Sure hed dated a couple of guys from school… and while it was fun while lasted, it was never anything that had his heart fluttering. Whereas this, Kurt, was what Blaine had dreamed of…. a life in New York where he could be himself without having to hide… and maybe someone special to share that life with. If he could picture that special someone being a slightly older sexy, gorgeous man with kind blue eyes… he wasnt about to admit it to anyone.
Later, Blaine didnt know why hed worried, because as soon as Kurt let him inside his apartment, there was a hello hug, a cup of coffee thrust into his hand as soon as hed put his bag and guitar down and had taken his coat off, and before long they were sitting chatting like old friends. "You dont mind us just relaxing for a bit before we start do you?" Kurt asked brightly, sitting down on the couch next to Blaine. "I was thinking that if youve had any thoughts about anything you do or dont want to do, you know, we could talk about it before your lesson.. "
"No. I dont mind… I mean its nice… I feel Im imposing on you, but," Blaine laughed lightly, "you know how I initially felt about having vocal coaching. This is just so much better, so much more than I thought it would be… and I cant believe Ive ended up with a teacher as amazing as you." Had he said too much? he wondered, feeling the usual blush taking over his cheeks.
Kurt looked over at Blaine. The sweet embarrassed look on his face as he glanced downwards, his long eyelashes fanning out over his flushed cheeks. His hair was a little more tamed down than last time, but a few curls had begun to escape, softly framing his face. He was going to break someones heart one day. Kurt just hoped it wasnt his.
"Youre pretty amazing yourself," Kurt said softly, "and I see youve brought your guitar." He looked over to where Blaine had leant his guitar against the armchair. "Im excited for this.. "
"Really?" Blaine smiled, bolstered by the compliment. "You do know these arent going to be polished performances, right? Ive just been working on some of the ideas we had.. to see what you think." Blaine didnt want to tell Kurt that hed worked his socks off this last week because he wanted to impress the other man. It wasnt just that he wanted to create a good impression with Kurt though, there was more to it than that. Now more than ever he wanted to earn himself a place at a New York college, hopefully NYADA, and if this is what it would take to be able to have his dream next year, then he was prepared to give it everything. If Kurt happened to love it, that would be a huge bonus.
"Yeah, yeah, Blaine," Kurt said nonchalantly, rising out of his seat. "I seem to remember you saying something like that last time, and then you had me rooted to my seat…
They did a little bit of a warm up this time but to be honest Kurt felt a bit of a fraud taking money for teaching Blaine, he was so good. He made a few suggestions about how Blaine should breathe while he sang, but he actually liked the raw vulnerability in the young mans singing and if the performance sounded too polished it would definitely lose some of its character. He felt, if nothing else, these lessons were already giving Blaine more confidence and he had at least some idea of what they were looking for in the audition process having been through it himself.
After a run through of all the songs theyd talked about, this week accompanied by the guitar, Blaine finished on his acoustic version of Teenage Dream. Kurt had loved it on the piano last week, but on the guitar… this was better. If it was Kurt who was blushing like an innocent schoolboy while Blaine sang directly to him, keeping his eyes trained on Kurt the whole way through, he couldnt possibly say.
Kurt looked thoughtful as Blaine stopped playing, putting his guitar down carefully and coming to sit down next to Kurt on the couch. Kurt smiled as he realised Blaine was waiting expectantly for him to say something. "I was thinking.. I know we talked about performing at the diner… but theres this coffee shop near here where theres just a small performance area. You could take your guitar and just do an hour… its all really low key, but I think itll be perfect for you. I used to work there, so I know the manager .. and, well Saturday lunchtimes are always a good time if you think youll be able to stay for that. Maybe in a couple of weeks time?" Kurts mind began racing with the idea.
"Sure.. that sounds good… um, sounds like a good idea." Blaine sounded a little unsure which surprised Kurt. He thought Blaine would jump at the chance.
"If thats what youd like to do.." Kurt smiled softly. "As theres not much I can teach you vocally.. I thought I could take on more of a … management role. Make sure youre prepared performance wise.."
Blaine visibly relaxed. "Oh, okay. Does that mean youll be there.. to watch then?"
"Of course I will, silly," Kurt chuckled as he got up to grab a couple of bottles from the fridge. "You didnt think I would just abandon you did you?"
Blaine shrugged. "I dont know. Its not going to be in my lesson time, so I didnt know." Even as Blaine said it he knew it was a stupid thing to say. Kurt had already done much more for him than he needed to have done… and this was only his second lesson in.
"Look," Kurt said passing Blaine a water and sitting back down on the couch, "The main reason for doing this tutoring thing is because I thought it would be good experience for me.. and hopefully help someone else out in the process.. So if you think Im not going to want to be involved in everything you do, youre wrong. Ive had the unbelievable good fortune of finding someone like you… and I definitely want to be with you all the way."
Suddenly hot, Blaine took a big chug from his water bottle, trying to cool himself down, completely missing how Kurt stared at his throat as he swallowed. "Sorry.." he murmured, looking at Kurt, a smile appearing on his face. "As long as I can come and watch you perform in something sometime soon…"
"Oh Sweetheart.. you most definitely can.." Kurt preened. "…everyone will be so jealous when they see you.. youre so gorgeous.. And Blaine? If your parents dont mind, I like to take you shopping next Saturday. for clothes. You need something to wear for performing at the coffee shop for starters… and you just happen to have a voice coach who also loves clothes…"
Blaine wondered if it might be easier if he just tipped his bottle of water straight over his head.