March 29, 2016, 7 p.m.
March 29, 2016, 7 p.m.
Kurt was preoccupied… deep in thought about how he was going to persuade Blaine to resume their amazing sexual activities. He knew it was something Blaine wanted as much as he did… but Blaine seemed to have had a sudden attack of conscience… and an irrational fear of them getting caught and subsequently getting into serious trouble. He had spent weeks teasing Kurt before theyd actually, finally, got together.. so nothing made sense. He knew Blaine wanted to do the right thing by everyone, and being the older one, obviously felt a certain sense of responsibility… but Kurt didnt need another responsible adult in his life… hed waited this long for a boyfriend.. and a boyfriend was what he wanted.
The problem, or at least one of them, was that Kurt wanted more.. and didnt want to wait. Providing it was what was they both wanted, wasnt being sneaky and adventurous part of the fun of being a teenager? He just needed to get Blaine to remember that this was the time they could be young together. Of course he didnt want his dad, or anyone else, to walk in on them in the act.. but that didnt mean they had to start avoiding being alone together, surely?
"You okay bud?" Burt looked worriedly across the dinner table at Kurt.
"Mmm?" Kurt shook himself from his thoughts.
"Is everything okay Kurt? You seem a bit quiet tonight?" Burt probed.
"Fine," Kurt blushed, thinking hed better get a bit more involved in the dinner time conversation. Planning how to get your boyfriend in the sack wasnt actually a dinner table topic.. or an anytime topic anywhere near his father…. or Carole and Finn for that matter.
The following day Kurt dressed for full effect. He knew what turned Blaine on, after all. The tightest jeans he owned which he had to admit, made his ass look fantastic… his black high lace up boots which hed sometimes kept on, at Blaines request, during several of their sexual encounters… and a form fitting blue button down which he knew brought out the colour of his eyes. It felt like his armour as he set off for school.
Blaines eyes widened as he caught sight of Kurt when they met by the lockers that morning, his face uncharacteristically flushed. "You look gorgeous today, Kurt. Really…"
"You do too," Kurt smiled softly, smoothing down the collar of Blaines polo shirt with careful fingers. "I love you in red."
"Oh.." Blaines face was almost as red as his shirt. "I… Kurt…"
"Ill see you at lunch," Kurt said, his voice husky as he reached in his locker to grab his pile of books for the mornings lessons, slamming the door of his locker closed with purpose. "Save me a seat if youre there first."
"Yeah… um… sure…" Blaine rasped, watching Kurts lips in wonder… his eyes switching to Kurts gorgeous denim clad ass, as he walked away from Blaine.
Kurt loved it when he could make Blaine flustered.
Blaine spent an agonising morning imagining himself kneeling before Kurt, unlacing those sexy boots.. and then peeling Kurt out of his skin tight jeans.. to get to his prize… It seemed he was a helpless hostage to his thoughts, unable to shake the images running through his head. He was so hard after his math lesson (who knows what theyd done in the lesson), that hed had to carefully place his bag in front of himself on his uncomfortable walk to history… perversely enjoying the friction as he walked, his cock pressed nicely against his bag... pure wonderful torture. He briefly wondered how Kurt would feel if he just grabbed him out of his next lesson and dragged him home to one of their empty houses… then he remembered what Kurts dad would probably do when he got a phone call to tell him theyd both left school in the middle of lessons… and he sighed audibly, earning a few curious glances from other students in the lesson.
Kurt arrived at lunch, an extra button at the neck of his shirt, open.. exposing his milky white throat.. which Blaine just wanted to suck and nuzzle.. Kurt was just so gorgeous. He sat close to Kurt.. still hard and turned on.. and let himself sink into the feeling, resting his head on Kurts shoulder. Hed been wound up and tight all morning.. and he just let Kurt softly caress his thigh, dangerously close to his swollen cock.. too tired to fight it.. as he quietly listened to the lively conversation at the table.
Despite his nonchalance, Kurt knew what he was doing to Blaine… and Blaine knew it. And Blaine didnt care. "Want to come round to mine after glee?" Kurt asked quietly, leaning in… purposely making his pinky scrape across the material covering the taught tip of Blaines erection.. both of them feeling it throb at the touch. "My sexy boyfriend… "
"Oh.. oh.. y..e..s," Blaine breathed. "Please.. I mean.. your house.. yes please."
"Of course my dadll be home," Kurt chuckled mischievously. "Hes coming home early to watch the game with Finn."
"We can do our homework together," Blaine smiled shakily.. wondering if he might have to break his new perfect gentleman rule already, and beg Kurt to let him come quietly in his long fingered, tight fist while Burt and Finn were watching the game later. Blaine sighed… he needed to get a grip.
"Of course if we hurry home we might have time to help you out with your little… um problem. there may be a spare five minutes before anyone else gets home." Kurt smiled.
Five minutes! Just no. "No way. Far too risky.. no matter how tempting baby," Blaine whispered… a hint of desperation in his voice.
"Youre right," Kurt grinned, an evil glint in his eye.
Kurt woke up early the next morning, ready to put his next part of the plan into action… if he dared. Last night, back at home, theyd respectfully got all their homework done with harmless flirting and touches thrown in from time to time… but everything was bubbling beneath the surface.. and by the time Kurt was seeing Blaine off at the front door, their goodbye kiss had turned into panting desperately into each others mouths, hands roaming where they shouldnt.
When Blaine eventually drove off into the night, while Kurt had the satisfaction of knowing how much all his teasing had affected him… he was a also feeling a little desperate himself.
He got up and made himself a coffee.. and uncharacteristically for a school day he took the drink back to bed with him. He picked up his phone from beside his bed.. It was time to text Blaine.
Can I get a ride with you to school today? I forgot that my dad wants to check my car over in the garage today. - K
The reply didnt take long.
Of course. I love it when we ride in together." - B
Kurt smiled, a little guilty. If everything went to plan, they wouldnt even be going to school today… and the only riding hed be doing was on his boyfriends cock… in his big soft bed.
Kurt showered and dressed, going through the pretence of going to school until everyone else left the house for school and work. Then he made his way back to his bedroom, stripping off all his clothes apart from his carefully selected black boxer briefs. They fitted like a glove.. leaving nothing to the imagination… and hopefully theyd have the desired effect. He spent a few minutes at the mirror working on his hair… trying to get the best bed head he could… not something hed ever tried to do before. Then he sat in his bed… and waited.
Eventually the door bell rang. Oh Blaine was such a good boyfriend. Kurt waited instead of rushing to the door like he normally would… waited for the bell to sound a second time. Only then did he slowly make his way up to the front door.
As Kurt opened the door, Blaine stared wide eyed at his boyfriend wearing only his underwear.. and looking like hed just got out of bed. "Obviously youre not ready," Blaine smirked with a shake of his head… amusement in his eyes.
Kurt rubbed his eyes sleepily, letting Blaine into the house. "Im sorry," Kurt groaned, "I must have fallen back to sleep… let me make us some coffee."
"Well be late for school.." Blaine sighed, without any real care... as he followed Kurts perfect little ass through to the kitchen.. loving how Kurts underwear slipped into the crack of his ass as he walked.
Kurt switched the coffee machine on, getting out two mugs and placing them on the counter.. giving Blaine a good view of just how good he looked in his underwear from the front view, before he spoke. "Maybe we could cut school today?" he offered quietly, looking at Blaine from beneath his lashes.
"You never miss school…" Blaine said incredulously, his brain slowly kicking into gear. Hed had a rough night, hardly sleeping… his dreams when he did sleep, all involving Kurt, being sexy and seductive. Hed woken with a start at five oclock this morning, dreaming of bending a naked Kurt over his desk and slamming into him.. hard. By the time hed woken properly, he was already coming in his pyjama pants.
"We could… today," Kurt whispered. "No one else will be home all day."
Blaine closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "You never did need a ride to school did you?"
"No.." Kurt whispered, his cheekbones, pink… running his hand just once over his half hard clothed cock… waiting… hoping?
Blaine came towards him.. his willpower shot. He was only human. "Youre not playing fair," he said quietly, now right in front of Kurt, his breath warm and shaky on Kurts lips… his fingers dancing on Kurts waist. "You know Im crazy about you.. and I just…"
Kurt suddenly felt bad. "Im sorry," he sighed, placing his hands over Blaines… stilling them against his waist. "Youre right… but I just miss you. Weve hardly spent any time together lately.. at least alone… and the whole situation is driving me mad." Kurts shoulders sagged as he let his head rest on Blaines shoulder. "We should.. we should go to school."
Blaine ran a hand up Kurts back.. soothed his neck.. threaded his fingers into Kurts messy hair. "No one home all day, you say?" he whispered.
Kurts body shivered. "No one," he said quietly, not lifting his head…. exhausted.
"I think we could miss school for one day, dont you?" Blaine hooked his fingers tighter into Kurts hair sending a shiver down his spine.
"Really?" Kurts head shot up. "Can we?" he whispered. Although it had been his plan all along, he hadnt really thought it would come to any fruition. He felt suddenly dizzy with the possibilities of what the day ahead could hold. He had some idea of what he wanted to do with Blaine.. but one look into Blaines eyes, which had turned dark.. and slightly wild, and Kurt wondered if today was going to be a bit of an education. Hed no objection.
Blaines voice was low.. and firm. "You got me here at your house this morning under false pretences… prancing around in your tight underwear. For starters, I think Im going to have to teach you a lesson."
"Yes please," Kurt almost gasped.. not knowing when his underwear had ended up pushed down around his thighs. Hed been so intent on the feeling of Blaines fingers in his hair that he hadnt noticed. Sneaky.
Blaine smirked, raising his eyebrows. "Lovely.." he said softly, his breath warm on Kurts ear. "You look gorgeous like this.. you really do. I want you so much.. youve no idea."
Kurt felt his breath quicken and his face flush as Blaines eyes trailed down his body. "Blaine.." he breathed.
"Slip them right off and trot along to your bedroom, baby," Blaine said quietly. "Ill be right behind you.. admiring that gorgeous view."
Kurt wriggled out of his underwear as elegantly as he could, pressing a kiss onto Blaines lips as he looped his arms around Blaines neck.
Blaine grinned. "Wheres my innocent little boy gone? Youre such a tease… youre going to be lucky if you can walk tomorrow." He skimmed a hand over the milky white globes of Kurts ass.. the touch so light that Kurt couldnt help a shiver running down his spine.
Kurt smiled coyly beneath his lashes, his heart thumping wildly. "I think my innocence disappeared not long after I met you actually."
Blaine grabbed Kurts wrists, holding them high above his head.. pressing his back against the wall. "And now look at you.. begging for it. All nice and hard for me."
"I knew it!" Kurt gasped as Blaine bent to wrap his lips around one of his nipples. "Knew you wanted this as much as I did."
Blaine unlatched himself from Kurts body. "Kurt.. of course I want it. Being greeted by you, more or less naked and begging for it, is like one of my wildest fantasies. I was just trying to behave responsibly.. trying to do the right thing."
"I kn..ow," Kurt hissed… his erection knocking against the front of Blaines jeans, "And right now, taking me downstairs to my bedroom is the right thing to do.. so hurry up and do it.. pl…eea…se."
Blaine chuckled, enjoying Kurts reaction when he wrapped his cock in his tight fist… almost drooling at the bead of precome which appeared at the tip when he moved his hand up the shaft.
"Lets go now.. youre overdressed Blaine," Kurt sassed… moving to make his way to the basement stairs. "Dont keep me waiting."
"Lead the way."
Once in the bedroom, Blaine made quick work of stripping out of his clothes, his eyes never leaving Kurts.. Kurt blushing as Blaines cock, hard and shiny, bobbed up tall and proud in front of his taut stomach. Kurt couldnt help wrapping his hand round his own cock, at the sight of Blaine… hard and wanting just for him. Already today was exceeding his expectations.
"Like what you see, huh?" Blaine smiled, his eyes still on Kurt.
"Are you going to come and join me?" Kurt sprawled out on the bed, licking his lips. "Youre too far away."
Blaine leaned over Kurt on the bed, kissing him hard.. thrusting his tongue into his mouth… taking him by surprise.. before standing up again and helping himself to lube and a shiny condom packet from the bedside drawer… leaving no doubt as to what he had planned for them.
"Hmmm," Blaine pondered thoughtfully, a glint in his eye… heading over to Kurts desk, running a hand along the edge, looking at Kurt with hopefulness. "Ive had some rather intense dreams which involve bending you over this desk recently.. what do you say?"
"The desk? Oh.. okay. Blaine… Yes." Kurt came over, self consciously leaning over the end of the desk… his eyes on Blaine. "Like this?"
Blaines finger ran once along the line of his crack... and he hummed in approval… wondering how he was going to survive… wondering how long he was going to last. "Okay. Legs apart a bit more… I want to be able to touch your balls.. then lean down on your elbows… and, oh up on tiptoes." He sighed softly as Kurt struggled to put himself in position.. settling his red face down on the desk when he was done. "Perfect," he whispered. "So perfect."
Kurts heart was pounding in his chest.. he loved this commanding side of Blaine.. loved how it made him feel. He laughed nervously. "Not only is this the most undignified position.. but Im also not sure I can hold it for long… You are aware Im not a contortionist, I imagine?"
"Not uncomfortable enough to stop you being cheeky…" Blaine commented, his voice low and gravelly.. and close… running his hand over Kurts already shaking thigh.
"Not that I dont want to do it, because I do.. but its not how I maybe imagined my first time," Kurt mumbled, a little defensively. "I dont even understand how this looks good to you."
"You should see you from where Im standing, baby," Blaine whispered… moving in.. rubbing over the small of Kurts back. "Not only do you look amazing… but I promise its going to feel amazing too. I cant wait to be inside you."
Kurts legs were shaking badly by the time he came, crying out Blaines name… completely untouched… Blaine slamming into him hard… coming seconds after Kurt… the desk having shifted several inches across the room. Somehow hed managed to raise himself even higher on his cramping toes so that Blaine could hit his sweet spot, time after time… Kurt begging him to make him feel it tomorrow. Begging for more the instant Blaine had entered him. It seemed he had no filter when he had Blaines big fat cock inside him… and he didnt care.
Kurt laughed softly, collapsing onto the desk.. unable to move… Blaine heavy on top of him, still breathless with exhaustion… nuzzling his face into Kurts neck and jaw. "Oh my god," Kurt sighed, "that was just so…"
"Good?" Blaine offered. "I hope it was, because it was fucking fantastic for me…"
"It was okay, I guess," Kurt murmured, as he laughed softly again… earning himself a sharp slap on the buttock as Blaine shifted position. "Ouch… kiss it better..
"Too bad, if you didnt love it… because were spending the whole day doing this, remember?" Blaine moved back to press his lips to Kurts ass, where his hand had been a moment earlier.
"Sleep," Kurt muttered wearily. "Bed." He felt absolutely sated… in a good way.. but inexplicably more tired than he felt he should be.
"Bed. Yes." Blaine slipped carefully out of Kurt, tying off the condom… leaving Kurt feeling cold and empty. "Sleep. No."
"Oh god.. at least a nap… please." Kurt heaved his creaking body off the desk, seriously wondering if he was ever going to feel normal again.
Kurt was pretty impressed that after a quick breakfast of eggs and toast and now laying naked in bed, pressed against Blaine from head to toe, they were both hard and erect… and more than ready to go again. Theyd just spent some time at first exchanging gentle sweet kisses.. which grew less gentle.. until Kurt was writhing in the sheets, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of their erections rubbing together. "Blaine… " Kurt breathed, shifting his hips, "Can we…? Is it too soon to…?"
Blaine smiled against his lips. "Are you begging for round two, baby?"
Kurt huffed a small breath. "Not begging.. just um. asking." His body begged to differ as hips picked up a steady rocking against Blaines as Blaine began to caress the globes of his ass.. firmly… but just right. "I need.. oh.. please.. please.. Blaine.. please."
He tried to ignore Blaines soft laugh. "Begging. Three or more pleases in a row, definitely constitutes begging."
"Sometimes I hate you."
"I know you do baby," Blaine soothed. "Its so obvious. Stop arguing and tell me what you want… any fantasies for you? Anything youve been dreaming about?"
Kurts voice hitched as every dream hed been having in the last few weeks ran through his head. "I want to ride your cock.. ride you into the mattress."
Blaine was already reaching for supplies. "Id love that Kurt."
They slept fitfully after that… waking periodically to kiss and cuddle.. drifting back off to sleep again… the soft bed sheet lightly covering their naked bodies as they lay wrapped around each other. It felt quite late when Kurt eventually opened his eyes.. actually feeling quite rested. He glanced at Blaine who was still sleeping soundly next to him.. so peaceful. Then he glanced at his bedroom doorway… to see his father standing there, arms folded… leaning against the door jamb.
Kurts eyes widened in alarm.. before noticing that his dad didnt look quite as annoyed as hed maybe expected he would be in these circumstances. He didnt doubt he was in trouble… but hed have expected some sort of shouting.. or at least an angry red faced father, at this point. "Dad," Kurt said with a sigh.
Burt stood up straight. "Both of you upstairs in thirty minutes, okay? We need to talk."
Burt was in the lounge watching a football game when they came to join him (exactly on time). Kurt was a little surprised to see three mugs of camomile tea sitting on the coffee table… a drink he always made himself when he was feeling particularly stressed. At the moment he was just… numb, but he appreciated the sentiment.
Blaine shakily sat down first.. Kurt, past caring, climbing into his lap as they wrapped their arms around each other. There was nothing to lose as far as Kurt was concerned. Burt raised his eyebrows, but remained silent as he took a slow sip of his tea.
"I dont even wanna know if you twove been to school today," he commented eventually, "as Ive a feeling Im not gonna like the answer."
"Sorry," Kurt said quietly.
"Sorry," Blaine followed.
"Sorry you got caught more like.. Look.. Id be blind if I couldnt see how much you two mean to each other. Even before you two idiots had even started dating, it was pretty obvious." Burt pulled off his cap, rubbing a hand over his bald head. "But youre young… both of you.. and youve got the rest of your lives ahead of you…" he sighed. Even Blaine relaxed a little, seeing that Burt wasnt as angry as hed imagined (no shotgun in sight).
"Its different for us," Kurt stated… a little defiantly. He wasnt going to let go of Blaine without a fight. "I know you cant have been happy with… what you saw.. um." He felt himself blushing and stopped talking.
"Im listening," Burt said eventually.
Blaine gave Kurts hand a reassuring squeeze. "Finn and Rachel. They can hold hands… and kiss.. and cuddle.. in school. No one bats an eyelid. But if Blaine and I were to do any of those things… apart from when were with our close friends… Im not sure wed even be safe. Were used to being called names.. but some of the homophobic neanderthals in school.. I dread what theyd do. Even holding hands across the table in the Lima Bean makes some people feel uncomfortable… you can see it... and I just dont feel we have anywhere we can just be ourselves."
"I dont like that anymore than you do Kurt… but youre safe at home arent you?"
"Yes, we are… and I know not everyone in our position even has that, but having to keep my door open grants us virtually no privacy. Even if were only kissing…. if Finn sees us… Rachel, at the very least, always seems to know about it by the next day.. and she has no filter, trust me." Kurt turned to press a small kiss onto Blaines lips. "We love each other, dad… and we just want somewhere safe where we can be ourselves… in private."
Burt sighed, rubbing his head again. "Youre keeping very quiet about all this Blaine."
"Huh?" Blaine gave a start. "Im sorry Mr Hummel. I know Ive probably broken your trust. I should leave…" he said, near to tears.
"Hold your horses. Who said anything about you having to leave? Do you feel the same as Kurt about all this?"
"I do," Blaine said, looking Burt in the eye, "and I love your son.. so much."
"Hmmm." Kurt thought his dad might rub a hole in his head with all the head rubbing he seemed to be doing.
"Blaine wasnt to blame for any of this," Kurt blurted.
"An unwilling hostage," Burt commented wryly, "but I dont want to hear any details.. and I dont think you want to give me any."
Kurt closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head against Blaines shoulder… relishing in the sweet kiss Blaine placed in his hair. If his dad was going to stop them seeing each other, his life wasnt going to be worth waking up each day for. Wherever Blaine went for college… Kurt would go with him… hed have to. They could just live together. Kurt knew Blaines parents were wealthy enough that he probably wouldnt be living in college halls like most students. It would be perfect.. they could live together in some small apartment with a big bed… have sex every night.. and morning...
"Okay," Burt startled Kurt out of his thoughts. "I should really punish you for this… but I do understand. Youre usually well behaved… the pair of you. Im going to let it go.. so thank your lucky stars Im feeling a bit soft today."
"Thanks dad," Kurt whispered.
"In future you can have your bedroom door closed. You deserve some privacy. That doesnt mean I wont be checking up on you though."
"Okay.. yes dad," Kurt agreed.
"I dont want to hear what you two are doing in there, understand? And that doesnt mean Im condoning you two having sex.. its just that I want you to have somewhere safe if things are inevitably going to happen… so dont make me regret it."
"Really?" Kurt whispered in disbelief.
Burt got up from his chair. "I need a beer." He shot Kurt a warning look. "And not a word, Kurt… its for medicinal purposes… and if Blaines staying for dinner… youre both on washing-up."
As soon as Burt disappeared into the kitchen, Kurt pulled Blaine in for a desperate kiss, almost out of relief… Blaine not hesitating to kiss him back. "Please dont do what you did before… stopping being alone with me. Im planning on fucking you next time… and you wouldnt want to miss out on that, I assure you," he whispered quietly.. making sure Blaine would be the only one to hear him.
"I promise I wont… and I still havent decided on your punishment for being such a bad boy today…" Blaine smirked.
Kurt had a few suggestions hed be able to tell Blaine later.
"Kurt!" Burt called loudly from the kitchen. "Come and pick up this piece of underwear from the kitchen floor before I change my mind."