Nothing Can Keep Me From Loving You
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Nothing Can Keep Me From Loving You: Chapter 4

M - Words: 2,682 - Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 24, 2016 - Updated: Jan 24, 2016
123 0 0 0 0

Kurt was beginning to think he was never going to get any alone time with Blaine... and it was just so frustrating he wanted to scream. After their toe curling making out, which had been ruefully interrupted by Finn and Puck, any attempts at shaking everyone else off for any more time on their own, had been a complete failure. Even sleeping in the same bed for two nights had only amounted to linking their hands together across the divide, smiling as they listened to Finn and Puck snoring in their bed across the room. It was nice.. but Kurt was ready for more.

It had all at least been a distraction from the duet he was performing with Blaine for the competition, he supposed, but that was the only good thing about it. Before the trip, hed worried constantly about having to stand on that stage and sing.. whereas today, his nerves had been completely gone, even as he and Blaine gave each other a quick good luck peck on the lips before taking their place on stage.

Coming an amazing third place in nationals was even slightly overshadowed though.. mainly by the fact that Kurt wanted to pull Blaine into a dark corner somewhere (anywhere) and kiss him senseless... Something he couldnt help but whisper in Blaines ear as they waited for everyone else to argue about what food they were going to eat before heading back to the airport.

Blaine held on to Kurts hand, rubbing his thumb across the sensitive skin on the inside of his wrist.. and Kurts cock twitched wildly in his underwear at the touch. He couldnt even wonder how that could happen.. he was so turned on…

Blaine laughed, low and quiet. "Trust me Kurt, when we do get some time alone, youre going to know about it."

Kurt gave a strangled groan.. he needed to just spend some time with Blaine without the pleasure of anyone elses company.


Eventually everyone decided to hit the local burger bar. Their coach to the airport was due in a couple of hours.. so thered be time for one last bit of fun before the trip home. Kurt thought maybe he could get round Mr Schue and persuade him that he and Blaine could go somewhere on their own while everyone else ate.. maybe that small coffee shop round the corner. "I dont think hell allow it," Blaine whispered as he stood with Kurt.

"Mr Schue?" Kurt asked, once most of the others had gone.

Unfortunately the teacher was at the end of his tether. "What is it Kurt?"

"Please could Blaine and I meet up with you all later?" he asked cautiously, clinging on to Blaines hand as a lifeline. "Wed like to go off by ourselves.. for a coffee or something."

"Dont be silly Kurt. I cant have one rule for you and one for everyone else." With that he began ushering everyone towards the restaurant.

Kurt sighed loudly. "That went well."

"Come on.. perhaps we can sit by ourselves." Blaine placed his hand in the small of Kurts back, leading them to follow the rest of the group.

Kurt couldnt help scoffing. "Yeah.. good luck with that one." His shoulders sagged. "It wouldnt make any difference to anything even if we could… and I love everyone else.. its just…"

"I understand," Blaine said softly.

Five minutes later they were all crowded round one big table, food piled high. Kurt had managed to grab himself and Blaine seats next to each other.. and he had to admit it was actually quite nice as they were squashed so close together. Of course Rachel had to spoil it..

"So are you and Blaine boyfriends now?" Her voice was unnecessarily shrill, quieting the rest of the table.

Aware that the whole of New Directions eyes were on them both, Kurt turned red. "This probably isnt the place Rachel," he began.. doing his best to glare at her. She appeared to be oblivious to his annoyed stance though.

"I just thought as youve actually kissed now.." She glanced at Finn.. who looked like he wanted to disappear under the table. He certainly wasnt oblivious to how angry Kurt was going to be. "And the fact that you were kissing in bed of all places," she whispered loudly.

"I suppose everyone knows," Kurt hissed, looking in the direction of Finn and Puck. "What part of dont tell anyone did you not understand?"

"Puck told…. um.." Finn stuttered.

"Yeah.. Im sure… and I dont suppose you mentioned it to Rachel… your girlfriend.. who you tittle tattle about everything to. You may as well have put it on a billboard."

Finn, red faced, opened his mouth to reply.. not having a chance to say a word before Kurt stopped him. "Dont even grace me with a reply Finn. I dont want to know… and if my dad finds out Ill be holding you personally responsible and Ive a few secrets of yours that Ill be making public."

Blaine took Kurts hand beneath the table, quietly calming him.. Kurt had had enough, letting his head rest on Blaines shoulder. He was tired of everyone, expect Blaine of course.. and just tired of being a teenager and being friends with other stupid teenagers. Hed been so looking forward to this trip.. and now it felt ruined.

Ignoring everyone else, especially Santanas whoops, Blaine hooked his fingers under Kurts chin.. tilting his head to kiss him chastely on the lips. Then came the distracting soft rubbing over Kurts wrist.. Blaines thumb knowing exactly how to take his mind off of everyone else in the room.

"Blaine," Kurt breathed, his face still close enough that only Blaine could hear, "you have to persuade my dad to let us have a sleepover. Soon."

Blaine laughed. "I dont want your dad getting out his shotgun on me."

"Blaine.. I mean it," Kurt implored.

"Yeah, I can tell."

"Its that thing youre doing." Kurt looked down where Blaine was still stroking his wrist.. soft and gentle, but enough to make his toes curl. He loved it. "Its making me feel reckless."

"Seriously though.." Blaine looked around.. he and Kurt were thankfully no longer the centre of attention. "Before we actually do anything together.. it seems right that we should officially be boyfriends, dont you think?"

Kurt looked up shyly. "Are you asking?" he smiled.

"I guess I am. Yes," Blaine grinned.

"Then yes… yes yes yes."

"Ill take that as a yes then."


There werent that many differences in Kurts everyday life now that he had an actual boyfriend. Of course he had to pinch himself on a regular basis.. just in case he was dreaming.. but he and Blaine swinging their joined hands as they walked the school corridors was proof enough.

At home he and Blaine were under Burts strict rules to leave the bedroom door open at all times which was kind of a pain, but not completely unexpected. It just seemed as if every time any of their kisses grew a little heavier and had them panting into each others mouths, theyd hear Burts footsteps making their way down the stairs to Kurts room.

Of course everyone had to go to work.. and live their lives… so there were also days when they were able to rush home from school, blessedly to an empty house… when there was enough time to touch and stroke.. crying out as they spilled over each others hands, or when they daringly rocked their naked bodies into each others laps… rubbing their cocks deliciously together, but always with one ear on the door.. praying no one would would catch them.

One afternoon after school, Kurt stretched out his naked, sated body on the bed.. enjoying how Blaines eyes followed the length of him… smiling gently when his eyes eventually met Kurts. "Hmmm," Kurt sighed, as Blaine came to join him on the bed, "Blaine.. that blow job.. oh my god.. so good.. Im honestly still recovering. I came so.. so hard."

Blaine smiled, running a hand down the side of Kurts body.. enjoying how Kurt shivered beneath his touch. "I love how beautiful you are when you come.. I love how you taste," Blaine whispered.

"I tasted it too," Kurt chuckled, "when you kissed me.. remember?"

"Only fair," Blaine grasped Kurts soft and weary cock. There was really no hope of it reviving anytime soon.. he was spent.

"Uh huh." Kurt shook his head. "Snack time I think. Coming down your throat seems to have made me hungry."

"Understandable. I hope youve got some of those cookies left." Blaines eyes lit up hopefully.

"Dont worry.. Ive hidden some away. You know what Finns like… theyd be gone in five minutes if I left them out."

They headed to the kitchen a few minutes later, hastily dressed.. but respectable.. both stopping in their tracks and staring wide eyed at each other when they spotted Finn sitting at the kitchen table, wolfing down the biggest sandwich theyd ever seen.

"Finn!" Kurt said eventually, "I thought you were going back to Pucks after football practice today.. or?"

Finn shrugged, his mouth too full to speak… mumbling something illegible that Kurt couldnt even be bothered to listen to. His mind was whirring.. wondering exactly how long Finn had been home.. and even worse, how much hed heard. Theyd thought they were alone and had made no effort to be quiet whatsoever… and his face grew hot as he remembered how loudly hed been crying out Blaines name as he came down his throat… just ten short minutes ago.

Kurt busied himself getting out the cookies from their hiding place and pouring two glasses of milk.. Blaine crowding in behind him after Kurt gave him a worried glance.

"There was a lot of noise coming from your room earlier," Finn commented, looking over at them. "What was going on?"

Bless Finns innocence… Burt would have known straight away. "Oh," Kurt laughed, falsely, "we were just running lines for Blaines drama homework." He didnt dare even look at Blaine as he spoke.. hoping Finn would buy his answer.

"Wow! Really? Um cool," Finn said, "Um… are they cookies youve got there?" He craned his neck to look… suddenly more interested in food than anything else.

"Yes Finn. Have as many as you like," Kurt offered, passing over the box. Hopefully Finns brain would be too full of cookie crumbs to mention anything more about what hed heard… especially when his father was present.


"Oh my god," Kurt sighed, putting his drink and cookie on the desk in his bedroom.. turning to Blaine. "If my dad finds out about any of this Ill be grounded until Ive finished high school… hed never buy the idea that it was your drama homework we were rehearsing."

"Finn wont say anything will he?" Blaine put his own drink and cookie on the desk next to Kurts, wrapping his arms around him from behind. "I mean.. he wouldnt get us in to trouble…"

"Not on purpose," Kurt smiled ruefully, "but he does have a habit of blurting things out at inappropriate moments.. namely family dinner times when my dads on full alert."

Blaine paled noticeably. "I really think we should be more careful. No more fooling around unless were certain were alone." He went and sat on Kurts bed… head in his hands.

"Blaine.. look.. Im worried, but Ive loads of ammunition against Finn.. and well just make doubly sure were alone next time." Kurt sat next to Blaine on the bed, rubbing his hand carefully up and down his back. "You cant seriously be that worried though.. I mean I thought you kind of liked the idea that we might get caught. I thought you liked the excitement."

Blaine shrugged. "Youve changed your tune.. I think Ive just realised how close we could be to your dad banning us from seeing each other. Im eighteen.. and should be the responsible one here. Youre only sixteen Kurt.. what were we thinking?"

Kurt sighed loudly. What the hell was going on with Blaine? He could see his dreams of riding Blaines cock long into the night… after theyd devised a plan to get a night alone together somehow… slipping further and further away.


Kurt had hoped that after things had settled down and that enough time had passed to be sure that Finn wasnt going to blab about anything hed heard, that he and Blaine would be able to return to normal after school activities (of the bedroom variety). However, it suddenly seemed that Blaine was incredibly busy: homework study sessions, urgent trips to the library, chores for his mother.. amongst other things… and their time alone was diminished to virtually nothing.

After two weeks, Kurt decided to broach the subject… inviting Blaine for after school coffee at the Lima Bean. It used to be a favourite place of theirs when they were only friends, but once they became boyfriends the urgent need to touch and kiss each other usually had them racing home to Kurts bedroom.

"I know what youre doing." Kurt decided to get straight to the point as soon as they sat down with their coffees.

Blaine raised his eyebrows. "Whats that?" he asked, smiling softly.

"Avoiding being alone with me." Kurt itched to just reach out for Blaines hand.

"Kurt… no.. I just… " Blaine swallowed nervously. "Im crazy in love with you.. but youre sixteen.. and sometimes I may have forgotten that. Its no wonder your dad is so protective of you.. sixteen.."

"Can we leave my dad out of this please." Kurt sat up straight in his chair. "As far as Im concerned this is about you and me."

Blaine gave a low chuckle. "Its hard to leave your dad out of it when hed probably have me hung, drawn and quartered if he knew Id even looked at your… you um.. let alone knew what sort of things wed been doing."

Kurt pressed his lips together. "Do I seem like an average sixteen year old to you?"

"Of course not… far from it."

"Good. Because I happen to know my own mind and know what I want."

"It doesnt change the fact that you are sixteen," Blaine sighed.

"This doesnt explain why you wont even come round my house after school.." Kurt was feeling slightly frustrated by this conversation. He hadnt really found out anything he didnt already know.

Blaine leaned in, whispering to Kurt. "I just know that if I come round to your house… your bedroom.. I wouldnt be able to resist stripping you out of those ridiculously tight pants you wear and stroking you until youre ready to fuck my mouth."

Right. Kurt knew he was blushing.. but his attention was on his cock which was hardening in his underwear, twitching as he pictured himself straddling Blaines chest and slipping his cock between Blaines plump pink lips… He needed this… and more… so much… and it looked like it was up to him to do something about it. He just had to devise a plan.

Remaining cool and calm on the exterior, Kurt stood up.. making sure to let Blaine see the outline of his hard cock in the front of his tight pants. "Fair enough," Kurt said breathily, "Your loss."

Blaine licked his lips at the sight as Kurt picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder…. leaving Blaine staring after him, wide eyed, as he turned and swayed his way out of the shop.


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