Nothing Can Keep Me From Loving You
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Nothing Can Keep Me From Loving You: Chapter 3

M - Words: 2,407 - Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 24, 2016 - Updated: Jan 24, 2016
113 0 0 0 0

"We were talking to Mr Schue today about the hotel room arrangements for nationals," Finn managed to say, remarkably… considering his mouth was full of food. Normally Kurt would have chastised him for the disgusting habit.. but Friday night dinner with both their parents wasnt the time… so he just screwed up his nose in distaste to show his disapproval…. although Finns statement had definitely peaked his interest.

"Finn.. dear" Carole began, "try and finish the food in your mouth before you decide to speak." Sometimes Kurt really adored Carole… they were often on the same page on matters such as this.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he hurriedly tried to finish what was in his mouth, before looking across at Kurt. "You, me Puck and Blaine are all sharing one room… I mean there are only two beds in each room… but theyre massive.. and Puck and I have been bros forever.. and I thought you and Blaine were friends so.. thatll work out…" Finn immediately shovelled another mouthful of food in his mouth… unfortunately leaving a weird sort of silence hanging over the table. Finn was probably the only person who was oblivious to the sexual tension between himself and Blaine.. in fact a lot of people seeming to think they were already dating and just keeping it a secret.

Kurt became aware of Burt shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I dont think thats gonna happen," Burt grumbled. Kurt wanted to kick Finn under the table… hard. Why did he have to even mention anything about sleeping arrangements in front of his father?

"Why not?" Finn asked, genuine confusion on his face, turning to fear when he noticed Kurts glare. Despite being so different, he and Kurt usually rubbed along together quite well together… but some of that was because Finn knew when to be careful.. and he had a distinct feeling hed messed up here. Carole looked at Finn sympathetically as she watched the drama unfold.

"Kurt." Burt began.. Kurt snapping his head round to face his father. "You can share with Finn.. or Puck."

"No way! Theres just no way!" Kurt said determinedly.. ignoring the choking sound Finn was making somewhere in the background. "If you think Im sharing with either of them…"

"But Blaine and Kurt are friends.." Finn commented.

"Exactly the point.. " Burt said firmly.

"Its fine," Kurt sighed, "Ill ask to share with some of the girls.. I mean...who knows what Blaine and I will get up to with Finn and Puck in the same room."

"That is a good point Burt," Carole said carefully, not wanting to go against Burt.. but wanting to be the voice of reason. "Its not like the boys are going to be in a room on their own."

"Hmm.. Im not sure Im that happy about it… "

"Were not actually dating.. in case anyones interested.." Kurt said pointedly, wondering if he could find an excuse to miss Friday night dinners in the future.

"If youre going to be rude.. you might not be going at all. People dont have to be dating to .. um.. do… um things." Burt said sternly, looking a little hot and bothered.

"Sorry," Kurt mumbled, his face equally as red as his fathers... not really feeling sorry, but totally down with the idea of cuddling up with Blaine in a big comfortable bed. Hed eat humble pie for a chance of that happening.

"Doesnt seem fair that youd be allowed to share with girls," Finn grumbled, helping himself to seconds of potato.


Kurt felt that the trip to New York was never going to come, but after repacking his bag at least ten times they were finally on the flight to the city of his dreams. Blaine, who had been there many times before with his family, was easily as excited as Kurt… and thats one of the things Kurt loved about Blaine… the fact that he was more excited on Kurts behalf than for himself... unlike Rachel, who was only happy for herself, even though shed been there before with her fathers… and was currently under the delusion that a talent scout from a Broadway show might come and watch their school singing competition and miraculously offer her a part in a Broadway show.

Blaine, organised as ever, had out his notebook and pen… and they were currently huddled together, deciding where they would go and what they would do if they were given any free time while they were there… Blaine diligently writing down every detail. For a fleeting moment Kurt allowed himself to dream of a day in the future when theyd be doing this trip alone.. even if nothing else, Kurt was sure theyd always be friends.. and hopefully more. His stomach gave its becomingly familiar swoop that it did when he thought of anything to do with Blaine and their future lives together. He wished Blaine would just kiss him.. or ask him out.. or anything.. Kurt just didnt think he would ever be brave enough to take the initiative himself.. but he had to do something… something had to give. Blaine seemed to like him despite having seen him at his best and worst.. and that had to count for something.

"Kurt?" Blaine interrupted him, touching him softly on the cheek so he looked at him. "You okay?"

Kurt nodded, smiling soppily as Blaines hand stayed on his face.

"For the sake of all things gay… will you two just kiss… hard and dirty… and give us all a show," Santana snapped, having obviously been watching them from the other side of the aisle. Kurt felt lots of heads turning to look their way. Whod turn down a bit of entertainment on a boring plane ride. "All this lovey dovey smoochy stuff is getting too much."

Santanas outburst had Mr Schue coming down the plane to see what was going on. Having given his speech about respecting other passengers on the plane, everything settled down again. Kurt looked at Blaine who was grinning at him like an idiot.

Kurt wanted to think of one of his usual quick witted retorts to everything that had just happened, but nothing came to his bewildered mind. Blaine leaned in to him as Kurt took a shaky breath, unable to do anything but sigh out Blaines name reverently.

"Ignore everyone else Kurt. Youre going to love New York, Kurt," Blaine assured him happily.

Kurt wondered if he was going to survive New York. Three days with Blaine by his side. Two nights sharing a bed with Blaine.. where nothing would probably happen… but something could happen… and he was only human… so if his cock did a sharp twitch in his pants at the thought of gorgeous Blaine just an arm length away, or less, for a whole night at a time… he could forgive himself just this once. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to envisage the most unsexy thoughts he could think of… mainly greasy cars and overalls at his dads garage… and all the overweight obnoxious men who seemed to be the garages main clientele… but even that wasnt working today. Kurt Hummel was doomed.. in the best possible way.


The whole of New Directions screeching with excitement from the moment theyd got off the plane, had given Kurt a headache by the time theyd all eaten pizza in the hotel restaurant. They had all now been given two hours to do their own thing and explore a little, with very strict guidelines on how far they could go and what they could do. Various members had been threatened to be on the next flight home if they were caught doing anything they shouldnt.

Kurt strolled along with Blaine on the busy sidewalk, a little behind some of the others.. Blaine pointing out a few landmarks he could remember. Kurt cursed his headache, having longed to be here in this moment for so long.. but there was nothing he could do he sadly realised as he rummaged in his bag for some painkillers. "Blaine," Kurt frowned, slowing right down. "Look, you catch the others up.. I think Im going to go back to our hotel. I just need to shift this headache… and thats not going to happen if I stay out here. I know the way back.. Ill just see you later."

Blaines face dropped. "Ill come with you.. let me just go and tell the others."

"Really no need Blaine," Kurt sighed, "No point spoiling your evening too."

"Come on.. I want to.. and anyway suddenly the thought of sleep sounds quite appealing. Its been a long day." Blaine put his arm around Kurts shoulder… Kurt unable to help leaning in to him a little. It was just so nice.. and comfortable.

Kurt really didnt have the strength to argue as Blaine turned them around, heading back the way theyd come. "Werent you going to tell the others?" he asked weakly.

"Text…" Blaine waved his phone in front of him. "Much easier… I decided."

"My god… theyre all going to get the wrong idea now," Kurt grumbled, "You know what theyre like."


After a long shower in the luxurious hotel bathroom, the painkillers had started to kick in.. and with his head resting on his pillow, Kurt started to feel a little bit better. Well enough that he could at least be a little bit sociable. He didnt think hed be able to sleep straight away… and was surprised that he had actually dozed off for a moment when Blaine slipped in to the other side of the bed… smiling across at Kurt. "How are you feeling?" he asked, reaching to brush back a stray strand of Kurts hair.

"A little better," Kurt smiled. "I dont know if its because Im laying horizontally.. or if its actually gone a bit.. but whichever it is.. Ill take it."

"Good. Want to cuddle up?" Blaine asked cautiously, "Or… too much?"

"Wont Finn and Puck be back soon?" Kurt asked.. regretfully.

"Uh.. huh," Blaine shook his head. "Apparently theyre going back to Sam and Mikes room. Theres some major card game planned.. "

"Oh.. hope they dont get caught out after curfew.. Pucks already on a warning after flirting with that waitress in the restaurant." Kurt mused.

"You know Puck," Blaine chuckled, "he somehow gets away with anything." He shuffled closer to Kurt. "So yes?"

Kurt nodded, allowing himself to be wrapped in Blaines arms. Hed missed this.

Blaine chattered amiably.. giving a few ideas for what they could do after their rehearsal tomorrow morning. They wouldnt have long, but there were a few interesting stores nearby. They needed to utilise every spare minute. As Blaine talked, Kurt stared at his lips… it would just be so easy..

Eventually Blaine stopped talking.. and Kurt looked up at him.. Blaines eyes nothing but kind. He could always blame it on his meds. "Blaine.." he whispered, "I think Im in love with you… please kiss me."

Blaines lips were on his before he could worry about what hed just said. Soft and warm… the kiss was chaste, but Kurt tingled right down to his toes. Blaine pulled away.. smiling, "like that?" he asked softly.

"Yes," Kurt breathed, "like that."

"I love you too."

His heart pounding in his chest, Kurt leaned in for another kiss.. another taste… this time opening up to let Blaine in.. both of them groaning into each others mouths. He didnt remember it happening, but Kurt was laying on top of Blaine by the time they parted for breath, smiling soppily at each other. "Ive wanted to kiss you for so long," Blaine grinned.

Kurt sighed. "Well why didnt you?"

"I wanted it to be your choice." Blaine ran his fingers through Kurts hair.. something hed always loved.. but now it was allowed, the feeling was even better. "Ive known I wanted to kiss you from the moment I first saw you and I didnt even know you then… and getting to know you has been an honour and a privilege." There was another kiss on the lips.. oh they were going to be doing a lot of this..

"Now I just want to hit you," Kurt pouted, "for making me wait all this time. Youve no idea the agony Ive been through. i didnt even know if you liked me that way."

"Shhhh," Blaine soothed, "The waitll be worth it.. I promise." Blaine slid his hand down the back of Kurts pyjama pants, smoothing over the bare skin. "Tell me if this is too much."

Kurt sank into the feel of Blaines touch.. nobody had ever touched him like this before.. and the sensation was amazing.. but not enough. His hips thrust forward… and oh.. they were both hard and he hissed as his erection knocked against Blaines. Blaine held him in place, thrusting up to meet him. "Oh Blaine… please touch me… please."

"Oh youre just so gorgeous," Blaine sighed softly… and then they both froze as they heard the room door slowly open… Finn and Puck lumbering into the room.

Kurt had managed to roll off of Blaine but was still tucked in to his side when the boys noticed them on the bed. In different circumstances Kurt would have laughed at Finns red flustered face when he noticed them cuddled up close. "I thought you were going to play cards with the other guys," Kurt hissed.

"Mr Schue.. he.. um.. he was patrolling the corridor," Finn stuttered. "Sorry dude.. and um Blaine."

"Your headaches obviously better," Puck smirked. "But if you want to give us a show…"

"No, just , no man." Finn screwed up his face. Puck shrugged his shoulders.

"Just.. just go away." Kurt buried his face in Blaines shoulder as Finn and Puck made their way over their own side of the room. "And if you dare say anything to anyone about this.. including my dad.. your life will not be worth living… and... dont call me dude."


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