March 29, 2016, 7 p.m.
March 29, 2016, 7 p.m.
Rachels get together proved to be one big glee club sleepover. Theyd all had a turn on Rachels stage.. singing broadway karaoke and thered been lots of silliness due to the small amount of alcohol Puck had managed to smuggle in. Thankfully there hadnt been enough for anyone to get actually drunk. Even Kurt had allowed himself a drink as he didnt have to drive home… but now, when theyd all changed into comfortable sleep clothes ready to settle down to a movie… Kurt wanted to do nothing but go to sleep. Unfortunately that was the effect alcohol had on him. Hed never be the life and soul of anyones party.
While everyone else tried to agree on a movie everyone would like, Kurt bagged himself the large bean bag, desperate to close his eyes. He distantly heard a movie starting up in the background as his friends voices settled down to quiet whispering... and then as the lights were turned off and everyone basked in the blue glow of the television, Kurt gave in to his need for sleep.
He woke slightly when Blaine came over, humming softly as Blaine started to brush back Kurts hair with his fingers. "You look adorable," Blaine smiled, brushing Kurts hair off his forehead in a continuous motion.
"Blaine," Kurt whispered, wondering if this were real.. or whether he was dreaming. Had nobody told Blaine that Kurt loved it when he kept running his fingers through Kurts hair like that?
"Fancy some company?" Blaine whispered back at him.
"Mmmm." Kurt tried to nod his head in his sleepy state… although he wasnt sure if the noise that escaped him was because he loved Blaines fingers combing through his hair… or because he wanted cuddles with Blaine. Blaine seemed to get the message though because the next minute Kurt was tucked up on the bean bag… wrapped up tightly in Blaines arms… a soft warm blanket covering the both of them. He drifted back off to sleep, curled up with his head on Blaines chest… Blaine rubbing comforting circles on his back.
Kurt woke several hours later still wrapped in Blaines arms… and he watched as the boy slept peacefully… his lips close enough to touch.. to kiss, if he dared. All of sudden, somebody else in the room got up to go to the bathroom.. and the moment was gone. The small disturbance woke a couple of people who began whispering to each other… and Blaines eyes opened blearily as he woke too. He smiled brightly when realisation set in as to where he was, spotting Kurt laying right there with him, never knowing how close Kurt had been to pressing his lips against Blaines.
It was a certainty that Blaine would get a solo for the upcoming nationals, and no one was disputing the fact, but as to who was going to take the lead in the other two numbers seemed to be causing a lot of conflict, both in and outside of glee club. Of course the final decision would be down to Mr Schue, but there were plenty of people who were pretty vocal on the matter.
The whole topic had turned Rachel into a complete diva and she was driving Kurt mad on a daily basis. "Ive been told my voice would be perfect for Broadway," Rachel preened, "and we need someone with stage presence.."
"Rachel.." Mercedes huffed, "Nobody is saying you havent got a good voice.. its just that youre not the only one whos good enough to have a solo." It was true. Mercedes, herself, had proved to have a really good soulful voice.. and given the right song she could be in there with the solo contenders. Kurt hadnt really thought about it before, but Mercedes had spent years singing at her church and was used to singing in front of an audience. Talent wise she stood as good a chance as Rachel.
Santana, undeniably herself a great singer, waded in to the heated debate. She wasnt the type to boast about her own abilities as some of the others were, instead offering cutting remarks and insults to anyone who raised their head above the parapet. "Well be having to offer the whole audience earplugs if you get a solo.. " she offered scathingly to Rachel, "….whod want to listen to that screeching?"
Kurt sighed in despair. Luckily he wasnt brave enough to want a solo this time round, so he wasnt quite so invested as some of the others… but glee club had so far been fun until now... however the whole solo issue was starting make it unbearable. If it hadnt been for the fact they were going to New York, he may have given up on the whole idea… and well, Blaine made it all worth it too.. more than Kurt even dared to admit to himself.
"I think maybe group numbers may be the best idea," Blaine piped up, "to keep it fairer." His comment was met with glares and a whole barrage of angry retorts. Kurt looked on sympathetically and without thinking, put a comforting hand on Blaines knee. He only realised what hed done when Blaines hand gently covered his own, softly squeezing their joint fingers together. Kurt dared a chance to glance down at their hands, at the sight of their fingers intertwined. He felt Santanas gaze rather then saw it, but even that couldnt make him pull his hand away.
Santana didnt waste much time in taking the seat next to him once glee club had got started. Blaine was off practising harmonies with Sam and Mike.. and the rest of them were still arguing.. currently about song choices. "You offered up that gorgeous ass to Mr Sexy McHobbit yet?" she asked… a little louder than necessary.
Kurt frowned. "Shut up Santana.. ," he hissed.
"Well.. have you?" She ran one perfectly manicured finger down his chest. "Because if you havent.. why not?"
"Were just friends, Santana.. so let it alone." Kurt squirmed in his seat, uncomfortable with Santanas close scrutiny.
She scoffed loudly.. loud enough that even Rachel stopped giving Mr Schue her well rehearsed lecture on the merits of doing Broadway standards for nationals. Perhaps Santana had done Mr Schue a favour.
"Yeah.. " Santana smirked, "friends who link their pretty little fingers together in glee club.. and thats just what you to get up to in public."
"Look," Kurt sighed, "I seriously dont even think he likes me like that."
"Open your eyes, Hummel," she said a little kinder. "Of course he likes you… but have you not noticed what a perfect gentleman he is? Im pretty sure hes waiting for you to make the first move." With that parting shot of wisdom Santana returned to her seat next to Brittany.. making sure Kurt saw her holding hands with her once shed sat down.
Once Mike, Sam and Blaine came back to join everyone, Mr Schue clapped his hands to draw everyone to order. "You okay?" Blaine whispered, leaning in towards Kurt. "Youre looking a little flushed."
"Im fine," Kurt whispered back, glancing at Blaine… happy to brush over the reason why his face was still feeling hot.
"Right everyone.." Mr Schue said loudly, showing a bit of authority for once. "The next few lesson, were going to hold auditions for nationals. Id like you to email me your song choices before the next session, and well take it from there. I think were all agreed that Blaine is going to take the first number.. but after that, the other two numbers are open to anyone who can come up with an amazing audition.
Blaine stuck his hand up in the air, bouncing slightly in his seat. Kurt still reeling from his conversation with Santana, barely registered what was happening. "Yes Blaine?" Mr Schue asked.
"While I really love doing solos, I was wondering if I could make a proposal?" Blaine began, not waiting for an answer. "I would like to suggest that Kurt and I do a duet instead."
Everyone started murmuring quietly as Mr Schue was silent for a moment. "Okay Blaine, we can consider it, I suppose. You and Kurt audition with everyone else.. and we can decide once weve heard all our options."
"Thank you very much," Blaine grinned… turning his bright smile to look at Kurt.
Kurt, for his part, was pretty sure his jaw had hit the floor.
Kurt sat looking at Blaine, across their regular Lima Bean table. Hed had to have an extra shot of coffee in his mocha today.. it had been that sort of day. He sighed with happiness as the first sip hit his throat. He had a feeling he was going to need it.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked, a little curious, "Why did you want to give up your solo to sing a duet with me?"
Blaine took a drink of his coffee before speaking. "Kurt.. whenever I hear you sing.. you move me.. and to be honest, this duet would just give me an excuse to spend more time with you… and we both love singing together, so it seemed the perfect idea."
"Oh." Kurt said in surprise. "I like spending time with you too, but you dont have to give up your solo for me."
Blaine leaned in, smiling. "You know how good we sound together? And… well... Ive found us the perfect song for our number."
"Oh really? Do Tell."
"Its Candles by Hey Monday" Blaine told him excitedly.
Kurt raised his eyebrows at the song choice. "Im impressed! Youre usually so top forty."
Blaine chuckled, unable to deny it. "Well, I just… wanted something a little more emotional."
"Sounds like we need to blow everyone away with our audition then." Kurt loved Blaines song choice.. and while he was still nervous of singing in front of an audience, singing with Blaine was a dream come true… if he could overcome his nerves.
"We should practice.. soon." Blaine pulled up the calendar on his phone. "Maybe this weekend?"
"My bedrooms in the basement… and it has great acoustics." Kurt could have slapped himself around the head. Despite everything, here he was inviting the boy he had a major crush on, to his home, to spend time in his bedroom.
"Your bedroom it is then," Blaine said with a wink.
"So what did you think,?" Blaine asked brightly, obviously keen to hear Kurts opinion.
"Huh?" Was the best he could come up with.
Blaine had come over, early for a Saturday morning, immediately hooking up his iPod to Kurts speakers so they could listen to Candles together, before deciding how they were going to sing it. As soon as Blaine had kicked off his shoes and flopped down on Kurts bed, Kurts brain had kind of short circuited at the truly beautiful sight laid out in front of him… casual and relaxed… and so, so sexy…. and he somehow was now going to have explain to Blaine why he hadnt heard a single word of the song. Of course he knew the song.. but hed never listened to it carefully enough to work out how they could sing it together… and Blaine knew how opinionated he was on such matters. He lowered himself stiffly onto his desk chair, slowly turning the chair to face Blaine.
Blaine, however, was completely unfazed by Kurts lack of response, already singing quietly.. "blow the candles out.." The sight was so endearing that Kurt just wanted to reach out.. and touch him… tell him.
"Um.. I ..um.." Kurt stuttered. "Coffee.. Im going to make some coffee." …getting up and fleeing the room.
Kurt watched the coffee running through the machine. Part of him wanted to just come out with it and tell Blaine he was so in love with him, he barely knew if he was coming or going… but Blaine was just so cool.. and smooth.. and absolutely gorgeous.. and was almost eighteen years old… and basically why would he be interested in barely sixteen year old Kurt Hummel. If he wasnt careful he was just going to end up making a fool of himself. He took a shaky breath as he heard Blaine coming up the stairs and into the kitchen.
One glance reminded Kurt that weekend Blaine was just so gorgeous… a little less put together than he was at school, his hair curling softly round his face, almost begging for Kurt to thread his fingers into the curls.... Kurt was in serious trouble.
Blaine came and stood right next to him. "Can I do anything to help?" he asked.
"Yeah.. um.. you can put some cookies on a plate." Kurt needed some distance to even function. If Blaine was going to stand this close, Kurt probably wouldnt even remember how to pour the coffee.
They sat with their coffees, facing each other across the kitchen table. Kurt couldnt cope with any more touching at this moment in time… and he gasped softly as Blaines leg accidentally bumped his under the table. "Ive just got so much school work to do at the moment. Im not sure Im going to be able to carry on going to go to glee club. You should just do your solo as originally planned," he blurted… shocking even himself. Had he really just said that? He was usually so in control of everything… except where Blaine was concerned.
Blaines head shot up to look over at Kurt. He took a mouthful of his coffee before speaking.. and Kurt felt excruciatingly uncomfortable under the scrutiny. "Id sympathise…" Blaine said carefully, "if I thought that were true. Do you want to tell me whats going on?"
Blaine was just always so kind, that was one of the things Kurt loved about him… but today, he couldnt stand it. He shook his head. "I just dont think I should waste my time on it."
"I thought you enjoyed it? Has something happened?… only I know you, Kurt, and Im pretty sure you can do your school work with one arm tied behind your back." Blaine reached out to touch Kurts hand, but Kurt snatched his hand away when he saw what was happening.
"Just dont." he warned, "I… I cant…."
Blaine smiled reassuringly in that way that made Kurt think he could read his mind. "Can I tell you something?"
Kurt nodded.
"I know we already talked about the first time I ever saw you," Blaine began, "… but there was this other time."
Kurt looked at him cautiously, still not speaking.
"Sue Sylvester was doing her usual. Trying to humiliate you in the corridor.. saying your boots were army boots and not permitted in school, or something ridiculous like that." Blaine swallowed, eyes on Kurt. "But you stood up to her. Told her she wasnt going to stop you pulling the perfect outfit together… told her if she had any problems with your boots, she should put it in writing and stop picking on you and calling you out in front of the whole school." Blaine chuckled. "You were angry… and amazing.. and pretty scary… and I knew there and then, I really wanted to get to know you."
Kurt offered a small smile. "I remember that.." he said quietly.
"So you see.. youre not going to frighten me away... I love that side of you.. and every other side of you too." Kurt, his face flushed, was near to tears. "Please, Kurt… please know that you can tell me anything." Kurt briefly wondered if declarations of love were included in the you can tell me anything category.
Kurt sighed. "How are you even real?" he said quietly, in disbelief. "Ive managed to make this whole thing weird… and Im sorry. Can we just start over?"
Blaines smile brightened. "Definitely. You wont regret it.. and dont forget New York. Even if you dont sing the duet with me… you dont want to miss New York."
"Okay," Kurt conceded easily.. he wanted New York with a passion. He took their cups over to the sink, picking up the plate of cookies to take the rest down to his bedroom. "Lets practice."