Nothing Can Keep Me From Loving You
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Nothing Can Keep Me From Loving You: Chapter 1

M - Words: 4,522 - Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 24, 2016 - Updated: Jan 24, 2016
132 0 0 0 0

When Kurts dad had insisted on some all round tutoring for him, Kurt had been furious. Okay.. he could see his dads point.. hed been saddled with glandular fever for the first few weeks of the school year and had missed quite a lot of schooling... but Kurt thought he was perfectly capable of catching up the work by himself.

"No Kurt... Youve been ill.. And this is an important school year for you." His dad had been firm. "Ive already contacted the school."

Kurt had had a mini tantrum and stormed off to his room, but to no avail.. He was having a tutor.

Of course, when Kurt got to learn who his tutor was going to be, he soon changed his mind. The enigmatic, gorgeous Blaine Anderson.. two school years above him and more stunning than words could describe. Rumour had it that he also had a beautiful girlfriend who went to the all girls private school nearby, but Kurt didnt care.. A boy could dream..


Blaine had approached him at lunch the next day... Had actually shaken his hand when hed introduced himself (for real!).. And Kurt had blushed his way through the conversion, while Rachel and Mercedes had flailed in the background.

"Thank you for allowing me to tutor you, Kurt," Blaine had said, his voice soft and warm as he smiled at Kurt. "Are you free after school tomorrow? Only I thought we could go and grab a coffee at the Lima Bean... work out a plan of action and maybe get to know each other a bit." Blaine had then winked at him, so subtly that Kurt wondered if hed dreamt it.

"Sure," Kurt had virtually squeaked. "Tomorrow would be great."

"Excellent. Ill meet you at your locker after school tomorrow." Mr Smooth smiled. "Ive seen you at your locker.. So I know where it is.."

"Kurt!" Rachel and Mercedes had squealed together after Blaine had given Kurt a small wave and disappeared off.

Kurt tried to glare at them, but he couldnt help a smile appearing on his lips.

"Hes even more gorgeous close up," Rachel sighed, a dreamy look on her face.

Kurt had to agree.

"I cant believe he actually thanked you for letting him tutor you," Mercedes had giggled incredulously.. "and he knows where your locker is.. Which means hes actually noticed you before now.. oh Kurt.."

Kurt could hardly believe any of it either. "Such a hardship that Ive got to have coffee with him tomorrow," hed smirked, before trying to carry on eating his lunch, ignoring the fluttery butterflies in his tummy.


Last time Kurt had spoken with Blaine, hed been in shock.. Caught on the back foot by the element of surprise... pretty much rendering him a blushing, stuttering idiot.

Today he was determined to try and come across a little more put together. He may be about to be tutored by one of the hottest guys in the school who he happened to have a major crush on, but he was sure Blaine would soon change his mind about tutoring him if all he could do was blush and stammer.

Kurt was put to the test as soon he made his way to his locker at the end of school... only to find Blaine Anderson already leaning up against it, a sexy smile on his face as he watched Kurt coming towards him. He had three shaky attempts at his locker combination before he got it open.. and if Blaine noticed, he was obviously too polite to say, chattering on as if nothing had happened.

"I hope you dont mind me asking..," Kurt began as they sat opposite each other a little later, steaming coffees in hand, "but did you actually volunteer for this tutoring thing? Or... I dont know.. did somebody kind of make you do it? Because I cant see why youd want to... You dont even know me.."

Blaine chuckled quietly, glancing down at his hands before giving Kurt his full attention. "I must admit it was Miss Pilsbury who first suggested it. Im hoping to go to NYU for college next year... and she thought it might be a good thing to have on my college application. Teaching is something Im considering if my other career options dont work out.."

"Oh." Kurt had thought as much, but he couldnt help feeling a bit disappointed. He was out for coffee with a gorgeous guy... and it almost felt like a date.. Of course there would be a reason why Blaine was tutoring him.

"I was thinking maybe Mondays and Thursdays for our sessions. Does that fit in with you?" Blaine carried on, oblivious to Kurts pain.

Kurt shrugged, wondering if he could somehow get out of this tutoring after all.

Okay.. Maybe Blaine wasnt completely oblivious. "Come on Kurt." Blaine reached across and briefly touched Kurts arm. "Just because its going to look good on my resume, doesnt mean I dont want to be doing it. When I found out it was you... I jumped at the chance. I know I dont know you.. but Ive seen you... and Id like to get to know you. You strike me as being the most interesting kid in McKinley by a mile.. Why would I turn down a chance like that."

"Huh?" Kurt was sure his face was fire engine red by now.

"Who knows.." Blaine smiled softly, "if nothing else, we could both end up making a new friend out of this."

"Youre very persuasive," Kurt smiled back at him. To be honest he couldnt ever imagine saying no to Blaine Anderson, particularly after everything Blaine had just told him. "And Mondays and Thursdays are fine... and thank you.."

After that things got a bit easier and they chatted about everything and anything... And amazingly they did actually have quite a lot in common.

Blaine admitted to him that hed first noticed Kurt when Kurt had sneaked into the back of the auditorium when Glee club were rehearsing there one day. That made Kurt blush all over again... Remembering how eager hed been to watch Blaine on lead vocals.

Kurt couldnt believe it when he looked at the time and realised theyd been sitting talking for over two hours.

"I really need to get going," Kurt said reluctantly.

"Well.. Until tomorrow..." Blaine said with a flourish. "When well get down to business." Kurt rolled his eyes. "Not that you need my help Im sure.. but well have fun. Thought we could come here to do it.... we have enough of school as it is.. and itll make it seem less like work."

Kurt found himself giggling as he nodded his assent. At least he could pretend he was on a date with Blaine if they were at the coffee shop.. even if it was only in his head.

"Right," said Blaine, "its a date!"

Not helping....


After several weeks Kurt had more or less caught up with his school work thanks to his non-date coffee shop/ tutoring sessions with Blaine.. And had earned himself numerous rides in Blaines car, including lifts home after tutoring.. and lots of getting to know Blaine in amongst all the school stuff. More importantly, it had earnt him an invitation to go to the movies with Blaine this Saturday evening (as friends of course).. and Kurt was currently flailing in his bedroom, trying to decide what to wear.

"You dont see your girlfriend on Saturday evenings?" Kurt dared to ask as they queued for their movie tickets.

Blaine raised his eyebrows slightly, shaking his head with a smirk.. not unkindly. "Nope... Havent got a girlfriend."

"Oh? So the rumours arent true then?" Kurt blushed.

"Well, not that particular rumour... obviously .." Blaine leaned in towards Kurt. Close enough that Kurt could feel Blaines hot breath on his ear. "Never even had a girlfriend."

"Really?" Kurt felt a shiver run down his spine.. Almost knowing what was coming next but not believing it until he heard the words.

"Why would I want one?" Blaine whispered even closer to Kurt than before, "..why would I want one when Im gay."

"Good point." Kurt swallowed the lump in his throat, his mouth suddenly dry. "Why would you? Rumours.. pfft who believes rumours?" Kurt stared down at his shoes.. An excuse to have time to gather himself together... allowing himself just a small smile as he did so.


Lunchtimes became truly painful as Rachel and Mercedes constantly barraged him with questions about him and Blaine.

"But Kurt, there must be something youre not telling us. I mean, how is it youre still going on coffee dates with him when you finished your tutoring weeks ago?"

"Thats four times youve been to the movies with Blaine.. on a Saturday night of all nights... and apparently nobody has ever seen him with his girlfriend. Oh Kurt, Im sure he has a thing for you.. Have you seen the way he looks at you sometimes?"

Kurt was keeping the "Blaine likes boys" all to himself at the moment.. He needed a quiet life while he had it... and he could pretty much plot out in his dreams how he might like things to pan out between him and Blaine, without his girlfriends adding fuel to the fire.

Sometimes though, lunchtimes were truly wonderful when Blaine came over and joined them... squeezing his compact, tiny body in next to Kurt, no matter how crowded the table.. Often leaving Kurt feeling deliciously hot and bothered all through afternoon lessons.


Suddenly two things happened in one day.

Firstly, Blaine saw Kurt staring at him.. really staring. Kurt knew hed been more obvious than hed cared to be, his mouth slightly open as he daydreamed gorgeous thoughts about the boy in question, while he watched him in profile as he chatted to Tina and Mike in glee club.. waiting for Mr Shue to arrive.

Kurt was just marvelling at the smooth sexy sound of Blaines voice.. wondering how the simple sound of Blaines voice could make his whole body thrum.. when, as if Blaine could feel he was being watched, he turned and looked straight at Kurt.. giving him a soft knowing smile. But Kurt knew hed been caught.. and he wished a hole in the floor would appear and swallow him up.

Kurt spent the rest of glee club looking at his shoes.. his face red… feeling really annoyed with himself for being so foolish.

He rushed straight home after school, just wanting to die of embarrassment.. only for Burt to suddenly insist, completely out of the blue, that Kurt invite Blaine round for Friday night dinner.

Unfortunately, despite Kurts best efforts, Burt was in one of his I wont take no for an answer moods.

"Blaine really doesnt need to come for dinner, dad," he had virtually pleaded.

"Kurt," Burt said firmly. "Id like to thank the boy who gave up his free time to help you out. Not many people would have done that." He knew it was pointless arguing.

"And you do seem to be spending a lot of time with Blaine lately. What sort of parent would I be if I didnt take an interest with who my son is galavanting around with, huh?"

"Galavanting?" Kurt sighed. "Its only coffee and a few movies dad."

"It doesnt matter, Id still like to meet him."

"Okay.. Ill ask him."

"Make sure you do.. and Ill tell Carol to expect an extra guest for dinner."


Of course Blaine was delighted to come for dinner. For once Kurt wished Blaine wasnt so damn amenable about everything. His dad had already taken to using Friday night dinners to grill him about anything and everything.. and with Blaine there it could be a hundred times worse.

Blaine had Burt liking him in a matter of minutes of them sitting at the dinner table. There really was nothing to dislike about Blaine.. sometimes Kurt wished there was.. just so he could shake his stupid crush. There were times he had to pinch himself with how someone as utterly gorgeous as Blaine Anderson even wanted to give him the time of day.

Blaine even managed to convince Burt to let Kurt go to a party with him the following evening. He had mentioned it to Kurt in passing, a few days ago, but thats as far as it got. "Its all above board, Mr Hummel. One of my friends who goes to Dalton Academy is having a birthday party at his home. His parents are organising it."

"Hmm. Dalton academy.. Respectable school. As long as Kurts home by curfew."

"Definitely. Ill see to it." And suddenly Kurt was going to a party.

Kurt couldnt help sounding a little sour. "Is there anyone you cant bend round your little finger?" he asked as they were saying goodbye at the front door later.

Blaine came in close. "I got you permission to go, didnt I? Unless you dont want to," he whispered in Kurts ear.

Blaines warm breath against his ear, made him shiver. "I guess Ill go as youve gone to all that trouble," he managed to say, unable to stop his voice sounding a little shaky.


Kurt was beginning to think parties just werent his thing. It had started off fine.. Until Blaine had headed off to get them both a drink. Twenty minutes later Kurt was still waiting, alone, slumped up against the wall with his arms folded, feeling slightly aggravated. He could see Blaine caught up talking with a guy Blaine had referred to as my good friend, Wes.. And possibly Wes girlfriend, Kurt wasnt sure... and maybe he should have gone and joined them.. but Blaine had invited him, so shouldnt Blaine be looking after him?

To be fair, Blaine did look a little guilty when he returned to Kurt, sodas in hand. If Kurt hadnt happened to be absolutely seething by this point, hed have probably forgiven him.

"Sorry about that," Blaine said sheepishly, already sensing how prickly Kurt was feeling... offering the drink out to him... a peace offering (he hoped).

"Im thinking I might go home." Kurt pressed his lips together tightly. He knew social occasions werent his thing... even though he wished he werent so awkward in these situations.. but it was at times like these that he just couldnt help the words that came out of his mouth. "If Im going to be on my own, I might as well be at home. Its alright for you.. you know everyone here..."

Blaine raised his eyebrows, noticing how red Kurts face was, and smirked. "Are you annoyed with me Kurt?" he asked softly, putting the drinks on the table and putting both hands against the wall, bracketing Kurts head... leaning in close as he spoke.

Kurt shrugged, unable to feel as annoyed as he wanted to.. with Blaines lips close to his.. close enough to kiss.. if he so desired.. Not that hed ever be brave enough..

After a palpable silence, Kurt sighed. "Sorry... I just.. I know all your friends are here.. Im just socially awkward.. Ignore me.. Ill just go.." Even as he spoke he desperately wanted Blaine to ask him to stay .. make him stay, beg him to stay, even. Maybe if he just stopped with the bitchy behaviour..

Blaine didnt look put off though, instead looking Kurt right in the eye. "If youre trying to scare me off, Kurt Hummel, its not gonna work. If you want to go home.. thats fine - Ill take you, but theres going to be karaoke soon.. and I was hoping you might sing with me."

Kurt took a shaky breath, wondering yet again how he got lucky enough to count Blaine as a friend. "Ill stay.. Id like to stay."

"Good." Blaine picked up the sodas again, offering one to Kurt. "Drink up, Ive already told Wes to put our names on the list."


"Im going to have to insist you join Glee club.." Blaine panted, breathless with the euphoria of the duet theyd just sung together. "And I wont take no for an answer.

Kurt smiled broadly. He loved it when he surprised people with how well he could sing. Loved seeing the shock on their faces when they didnt expect his voice. Thered been a few loud cheers as Kurt had hit some of the high notes in their duet.. and the way Blaine was looking at him with nothing short of admiration was something he could get used to.

"Im serious, Kurt. A voice like yours shouldnt be hidden away." At that moment, another of Blaines friends, Nick, appeared by their side.. offering them a cup of punch each.

"Congrats guys," he smiled. "The Warblers are going to be in serious trouble if thats an example of how good New Directions are these days.."

"The Warblers are Dalton Academys glee club," Blaine explained, seeing the confused look on Kurts face. "And theyre really good.. One of our main competitors in fact.."

"Oh." Kurt screwed up his face as he took a sip of his drink.

"Thats alcoholic by the way.. Youre allowed one drink after your karaoke performance.. Thats the rules. No more." Blaine looked at Kurt who was trying to decide whether to have another taste of his punch.

"What the hells in this stuff anyway?"

"Secret recipe.. Maybe its as well you dont like it too much.. If I take you home drunk, your father wont let me take you out again."

Kurt snorted loudly in the middle of trying to take his next taste of drink. "Dont want you to sully your reputation, Mr Anderson..."

"Dont knock it, Colfer. Your dad seems to trust me at the moment."

"He trusts me too... most of the time at least. Youre lucky, he just trusts you to look after me.. not to lead me astray... but maybe he doesnt really know you," Kurt teased.

"True.." Blaine smirked, "in fact I may have to hold you hostage until you agree to join New Directions. Now Ive heard you sing.. you were just amazing.. and you cant deny how good our voices sounded together."

Kurt blushed. He knew he could sing, but he never dreamt hed have Blaine Anderson gushing over his singing. "I dont know.." Kurt hesitated, "performance.. thats big.. and not everyone likes my voice.."

"Anyone who says that, doesnt know what theyre talking about." Blaine reached forward, lightly brushing Kurts cheek for a brief moment, grabbing his attention. "Your voice is to be celebrated, not hidden away.... and.." he gave a sly grin, "have I mentioned that were through to Nationals.. which are being held in New York."

"New York!" Kurt became very interested in what Blaine was saying all of a sudden. "Oh.. Thats where I want to go to college."

Blaine gave a small sigh of satisfaction. "I thought that might do the trick... you seem like a New York kind of guy."

"Oh! Really? Why do you think that?" Kurt was biding his time here in Lima... and he knew that once he was in college he would truly be able to be himself. No judgement from small minded people like he had here... people who thought being gay was a lifestyle choice. Maybe Blaine felt the same way as he did.

"Oh I dont know," Blaine smiled, "you just seem like youre waiting for your chance to shine. Not something Lima is ready for, I fear." Blaine gave Kurts outfit an appraising look as he spoke; skin tight jeans tucked into knee high boots with a brocade patterned vest on top, worn over a crisp white button down. Most guys in Lima only owned plaid shirts and baggy t-shirts. "I mean, even your clothes.. You dress with an individual style that just cant be taught. Its part of who you are."

A few sips of alcohol apparently made Kurt brave. "I like the way you dress too," he admitted to Blaine. "It suits you."

"I do have a certain addiction.. to certain types of clothing.." Blaine laughed, tweaking the bow tie around his neck. "Im glad you approve."


Before Kurt knew it he now had glee club two nights a week.. as well as his after school coffee dates with Blaine.. and on top of that there was just hanging out at the weekend, often at each others houses.. or shopping trips.. and Kurt couldnt imagine how dull his life must have been before Blaine Anderson became his friend.

A friend who he was falling in love with a little more each day, no matter how much he tried to deny it. And... Kurt blushed just thinking about it.. someone who he often did naughty, sexy things with in his dreams causing him to wake up hard and aching in the middle of the night. Often jerking himself off to completion before he was awake enough to realise what he was doing.

It was at one of his regular sleepovers with Rachel and Mercedes that the topic of Blaine came up again. "So does Blaine know how you feel about him?" Mercedes nudged Kurt gently, bored with the movie they were watching. "Ive seen the way you look at him."

Kurt thought about denying it for a moment. He sighed. "Im hardly going to tell him... Im pretty sure he doesnt feel the same way about me."

Rachel perked up on hearing the conversation. "I had to take the initiative with Finn," she began. "I mean, as soon as we all joined Glee club, I knew we had a special connection... But hed never have made the first move." She smiled wistfully.

Kurt had persuaded Rachel and Mercedes to join glee when he did, and now it seemed Rachel was unable to have a conversation without mentioning Finns name at least a hundred times. "I like having him as a friend," Kurt admitted, "and Id rather just have that than freak him out by admitting Id like us to be something more.."

"Maybe hes waiting for you to make the first move," Mercedes said softly. "Youre both so cute with each other when youre together.. and those rumours about a girlfriend are probably just that.. rumours."

Kurt shook his head. "He doesnt have a girlfriend.." He wasnt about to tell his friends that Blaine probably never would have a girlfriend.. that was for Blaine to tell, plus he really couldnt face how their excitement would be off the scale if they knew. and just because Blaine preferred boys didnt mean he necessarily thought of Kurt that way...

"Kurt!" Rachel said excitedly, bouncing as she clapped her hands together, "Im sure he likes you.. My gaydars not often out. I do have two gay dads after all. You dont have anything to lose.. you two are perfect together... just like Finn and I."

Kurt was beginning to feel slightly irritated with the way Rachel was going on at him, he just wasnt in the mood. "How about you Mercedes?" Kurt asked, turning to his other friend, desperate to change the subject. "You and Sam seem to be getting very friendly these days."

Mercedes chuckled shyly. "Yes we are.. but youre not using that as an excuse to wriggle out of this conversation."

Damn. Kurt had a feeling this was going to be a long night. He couldnt even leave, as the sleepover was at his own house.

"Ill kill you both if you dare say anything.. " Kurt said rolling his eyes without any real venom behind his words. "Lets get back to this movie before my dad comes down and tells us its time to go to sleep."


Their table was especially crowded one lunchtime when Blaine came over to join them. "Is there room for a little one to squeeze in next to you?" Blaine asked, bending down to speak quietly, close to Kurts ear, one hand resting on his shoulder.

Kurt couldnt help the small squeak that escaped him at Blaines touch, blushing, "Yeah, sure." He shuffled along a little to let Blaine sit on the end of the bench.. Their thighs pressed close together...

"Blaine.." Rachel announced loudly, getting Blaines attention from the other end of the table. "Im having a small get together at my house on Saturday evening if youd like to come."

"Are you?" Kurt asked, surprised, wondering what the hell Rachel was up to. It definitely wasnt something hed heard about. "Since when?"

"Finn and I have just decided it," Rachel smiled, a sly look on her face that Kurt didnt quite trust. "Im inviting all of glee club. Finn and I will be celebrating our one month anniversary and wanted everyone to celebrate with us."

Kurt groaned, "Of course you are.. Everyone celebrates one month anniversaries Im sure." He couldnt help thinking that Finn didnt look quite so enthusiastic about the idea as Rachel did.

"Is there something I should know?" Blaine whispered to Kurt. "You will be going wont you?"

"If I get invited.." Kurt said dryly.

Blaine chuckled at Kurts remark. "Id love to come Rachel.. and Finn," Blaine called down the table, "as long as my friend Kurt is coming.." He threw his arm over Kurts shoulder as he spoke.

"Oh Blaine, Im sure Kurt will come " came Santanas voice. Shed taken to sitting with them regularly now they were all glee club members. "In fact Im sure hell come for you as many times as you want him to.. hell be putty in your hands.. or hand... Im sure hell be begging so prettily."

"Thank you Santana," Kurt snapped, his face reddening... fully intending to lay into her.. until Blaine threaded his fingers softly through the back of his hair, wiping his mind clear of anything hed been going to say. He realised with some embarrassment that even though that was one of Santanas crude jokes, she was probably kind of right. Wasnt that the kind of dream he often woke up to in the middle of the night to, painfully hard and sweating profusely.

Kurt looked up at Santana guiltily... to find her already watching him. A smirk on her face.


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